Hermione and Qing Zhang, who didn't realize that they were seen by their acquaintances, soon came to Lihen Bookstore. The door was crowded with people, and they couldn't get in at all.

A large banner was pulled out in front of the upstairs window:

Gilderoy Lockhart

autobiography for sale

"I Can Magic"


Hermione and Qing Zhang looked at each other, and Hermione said in disbelief, "This is... an autograph session!?"

Because of Qing Zhang's relationship, Hermione didn't go hungry and bought all kinds of books to read. Apart from those useful books, as Qing Zhang said, she usually spared some time to read books in the Muggle world. Subscribe to the newspaper of the wizarding world and read it, and you should know about the wizarding world.

So different from the original book, Hermione at this time doesn't even know who Gilderoy Lockhart is!? She looks a little dazed.

Qing Zhang looked at those older women who were screaming frantically, and nodded, "I think it's what you think - that's right!"

"What should I do!? I can't get in at all." Hermione bit her lower lip and said in distress. She was very suspicious. Even if the two of them squeezed in, she might not be able to get out later. She didn't see people outside going all the way. Is it crowded inside!? And the people inside only went in, no one came out.

Hermione could imagine what terrible things would happen after she squeezed in.

Qing Zhang also didn't want to be crushed into lunch meat in sandwiches by those aunts, "I should be happy that the wizarding world doesn't have as many Muggle populations, otherwise..."

"Stop talking about that, what are we going to do!?" Hermione asked with wide eyes.

Qing Zhang spread his hands, "What else can I do, or wait for another day, or wait until there are fewer people before going!"

"By the way! We can actually go to the second-hand store to look. These books should be there too. Does Hermione use second-hand old books!?"

Hermione shook her head, "It doesn't matter, but are you sure you can find it there!?"

"Probably, but it's better than standing here and wasting away! What do you think!?" Qing Zhang thinks that his family is rich, but his own money is not blown by the wind. If he spends a lot of money to buy new books, if it is true It's fine if it's useful for learning, but these are obviously novels, and you can't learn anything when you buy them back, so they can only be used to pass the time.

Qing Zhang didn't want to buy it at all, he admitted that Lockhart was very talented and talented in writing, but these are two different things!

Of course, Hermione has no objections. In fact, when she saw that she needed to buy such a set of books again this year, she also had a headache, because Gringotts would not exchange Muggle currency for wizard currency for her indefinitely. At that time, because I bought too many books, life was very tight afterwards, and even the money for ordering newspapers was borrowed from Qing Zhang.

This is also the reason why Hermione didn't go to Diagon Alley to buy books, but actually went to the Muggle library to find books to read, because she was full of money.

The two people who visited the junk shop again found the books they needed after a search. They even found "Standard Spells, Level 2". Min and Qing Zhang bought it when they were in first grade.

Hermione is even more familiar.

What really surprised the two of them was that they found an ancient book that could never appear in a scrap shop. The two of them were no longer the noobs before, not only because they went to school for a year, but also because they were in Hogwarts. Because of the long-term soaking in the library, and the exchange in Xiaguo during the previous holidays, the two of them already knew the wizarding world very well.

This kind of book should be kept in the treasury of those wizard families, and it is absolutely impossible to wander outside, and it is still in a scrap shop.

"This..... Is this going to be a problem!?" Hermione finally regained her senses after leaving the junk shop with the book in her arms, and asked with a little restless hand.

Although she sandwiched the book among other books, and the owner of the scrap shop took the money without even checking it, Hermione was still very scared. This book was so precious that it made Hermione a little uneasy.

Qing Zhang shook his head and comforted, "It's okay, it should be that when those family members were handling it, they accidentally mixed in some old books and sold them as scraps. It's useless even if the other party reacts. There are too many people, there are even wizards from other countries, it is impossible to find us!"

"Of course, in order to prevent any magic that can be traced in this book, I suggest that you give it to the owl and send it to the Hogwarts dormitory later, where it is very safe!"

Hermione nodded, "That's a good idea!"

"However, how do you know that it was handled by people from those families, and they were left behind because of other accidents!?"

Qing Zhang smiled and said, "Have you forgotten what was in the newspaper before!? The Ministry of Magic has made a big move, and those families have to deal with some troubles in a hurry, otherwise it will be difficult to explain .”

"So this book, you'd better not let other people see it. There is also a part of the above content about black magic. Don't read it yet. Black magic is very dangerous. It's not too late to get in touch with it after a few years. After all, the other part is about The content of alchemy is enough for you to study for a long time.

Hermione nodded, "I'll be careful! By the way, do you see!?"

"Of course! When we got back to school, we found a place to watch together. I found a very hidden and magical room opposite the tapestry of Barnabas on the eighth floor of the castle. I was going to tell you about it later. It’s a surprise for you, but it seems to be useful now!”

What Qing Zhang was talking about was naturally the Room of Requirement. As someone who has read the original book, he certainly knew about this place from the beginning, but in order not to make people suspicious, he didn’t go there when he was in the first grade. After all, Hogwarts Zizi's paintings are alive, better than surveillance cameras.

Maybe the guys in those paintings slipped up at some point and caught Dumbledore's attention.

After all, Qing Zhang was born in a Muggle family. Even if his ancestors had been born wizards, they couldn't be students in Hogwarts. He knows too much that he shouldn't know, and he can't explain clearly. Maybe someone else will make up a reasonable one. explained.

Most likely, you're the new underling for some noseless Tom! That's big trouble.

As long as you stay quietly in Hogwarts for a year or more, then there is basically no suspicion. People will make up their minds at that time. You know it through the mouths of other seniors, so there is no doubt, because There are too many restless students in Hogwarts.

The Room of Requirement is no secret either.

"Surprise!?" Hermione looked at Qing Zhang in amazement. With Qing Zhang's personality, he could say something surprising, so it must not be an ordinary room.

0 for flowers...

"Yes! Surprise, you will know when it arrives, I won't say much now!" Qing Zhang said with a smile.

"Well, I'll be very much looking forward to it!" Hermione laughed too.

"By the way, let's send some souvenirs from Xia Guo to Sally and the others later, they should like it very much!"

"But I'm worried that the owl over there will be unhappy when they see me..."

Hermione was talking squeaky, apparently in a good mood, but when it came to owls, she felt a little guilty. To be honest, the owls who finally escaped from her devil yesterday, I'm afraid I don't want to see them in the near future. Hers, thought Hermione.

"Buy some snacks and apologize to them." Qing Zhang said.

"That's the only way." Hermione smiled wryly.

"By the way, Professor Quirrell can no longer continue to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Who do you think will be our professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this semester!? With Hogwarts consuming one every year, I'm afraid No one dares to come!?" Hermione changed the subject.

Qing Zhang Wenyan pointed to the pile of books in Hermione's hand, "Look!"



"Wait, you mean, this is Gilderoy Lockhart!?" Hermione was really surprised this time, but she soon thought why Qing Zhang thought so, "Indeed

very possible!"

"But... what can he teach us, writing!?"

Obviously Hermione at the moment thought the other party was a writer rather than a powerful wizard.

Qing Zhang shrugged, "I think so, after all, writers are very popular both in the wizarding world and the Muggle world, and you have to say that his writing is really wonderful!"

When looking for the book before, the two of them simply browsed through the contents, and to be honest, it was very well written!

Hermione had a black line, "Don't be kidding, Dumbledore will definitely not allow it, maybe he is some powerful wizard.

Obviously Hermione is very convinced of Dumbledore, maybe this is authority!

However, Qing Zhang felt that maybe Dumbledore simply found someone to deal with, otherwise how could he find such an unreliable person? Just think about who he found in the original book, and you will know that the students are basically Self-taught.

In the third grade, Lu Ping fulfilled his responsibilities to attend classes well. For the others, one can only say that one is worse than the other, not to mention Quirrell. With this stuttering and the source of biological and chemical weapons, which student can stand it!?

"Hey! Don't be silent! You don't really think so!?" Hermione complained.

Qing Zhang motioned Hermione to stop talking, raised his chin, and said, "Look over there, it's Ron and Harry, what else seems to be happening!?"

Hermione turned her head when she heard the words, and couldn't help opening her mouth, "And Draco, that should be his father, why did they fight!? Oh my god! Hagrid is here too!"

"what are you laughing at!?"

Qing Zhang put away his smile and shook his head, "I didn't smile! You read it wrong! You are laughing yourself!"

"Huh!? You read it wrong too!" Hermione put away her smile in embarrassment.

There's no way the way the two of them are pulling their hair and tearing their clothes is very similar to the two aunts they met in Xia Guo when they were fighting, it's too substituting.

"Well, none of us are laughing!" Stomach shrugged in agreement. .

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