Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

373 Qing Zhang: I'm Going To Buy An Orange!

The summer vacation ended quickly, even for a good student like Hermione, but her vacation was very fulfilling, compared to other students who only cared about having fun.

Because the relationship between Hermione and Qing Zhang is relatively good, and they have traveled abroad together during the summer vacation, so the relationship between the Zhang family and the Granger family is also very good. The only downside is that the distance between the two families is somewhat Far, not very convenient to contact feelings.

But fortunately, the transportation is relatively developed in this era, and it only takes an hour or two to take a taxi or a bus. In addition, Hermione is also a little wizard. Although magic is not allowed outside the school, it does not mean that little wizards have no Once you have a wand, you really have no power to protect yourself.

Although it has not yet been able to cast spells without a wand, it is still possible to simply mobilize the magic power in the body to strengthen the body, so the Granger family can rest assured that Hermione will find Qing Zhang to play alone in the car.

Well, Hermione has no concept of playing at all, and she usually comes to Qing Zhang to review together or go to the library. Girls will never get tired of it, and even wish to keep their hands on the book all day long.

It doesn't matter to Qing Zhang, anyway, he doesn't have any friends, and he hasn't experienced any games in his life, so he's already tired of it. It's also good to study with the little girl "Qi Qi San", so it's time to relive the youthful years.

But Hermione's frequent visits are not without benefits. At least Qing Zhang's younger sister Jasmine in this life doesn't seem to reject Qing Zhang anymore. Sure enough, girls still like to play with girls, even for a little girl like Jasmine. the same.

As a man, he is a man whose soul is an adult. Qing Zhang really doesn't know how to get along with the little girl. Originally, if he can get along with him for a longer time, the strangeness will be reduced, but Hogwarts can do it all year round. The number of times they go home is not much at all, and it belongs to the kind of all-boarding school, which is hard for Qing Zhang, who wants to take time to build up his brother-sister relationship.

This is also my own fault in Moyi World. If it wasn’t for the other party, Qing Zhang would not have gone to the mental hospital at a young age. I have never realized that this world is Harry Potter's world, otherwise, I must have been mentally prepared early, and I would not be almost turned into a fool by the sudden outbreak of magic riots.

On the first day of school, the two families arrived at King's Cross Station early, of course they still arrived early, after all, no one wanted to lose a good seat because they arrived too late.

It was still Station Nine and Three Quarters, and the employee of the Ministry of Magic who pretended to be reading a newspaper in front of the passage, but the two families ignored each other's existence and passed through the wall directly.

After waving goodbye to their parents, the two carried their respective suitcases and boarded the Hogwarts train. Because they arrived early, they could choose between private rooms in the carriage.

"Let's go in the middle. If it's too far ahead, there might be unnecessary conflicts with the seniors." Qing Zhang said, leading Hermione to the middle part of the train, not moving forward or backward, very inconspicuous.

Hermione had no problem with sitting there, and walked along beside Qing Zhang.

After entering the box to put away the luggage and sit down, Hermione noticed that there were many new faces on the platform outside, and suddenly sighed, "We have become old seniors before we know it, and those should be the freshmen this year!"

Noticing some adults over there with their children standing in front of the platform in a daze and uneasiness, Hermione also recalled her own situation at the beginning of school last year

Almost exactly the same.

Qing Zhang also looked sideways out of the window, not as sentimental as Hermione, because only one image flashed in Qing Zhang's mind at the moment, "Wait here, I'll buy you an orange!" That back view.


"By the way, I brought oranges, do you want to eat them!?" After withdrawing her thoughts, Qing Zhang turned to Hermione and said.

"Hermione took the orange that Qing Zhang Qiang stuffed into her hand with an inexplicable expression, and always felt that Qing Zhang's eyes were a little weird at the moment, but

....... What does it mean when you can’t tell.

Sniffing the sour, sweet but pungent taste of fruit in her hands, Hermione couldn't help peeling the skin to reveal the tender flesh inside. She pinched a piece and put it in her mouth, asking curiously. Said, "Why did you suddenly think of bringing this with you!?"

Of course, Qing Zhang would not say that he was taking advantage of the other party, and he became a father for a while before he knew it.

He smiled and said, "I'm going to dry some orange peels and use them. After all, there are no orange peels in Hogwarts."

Hermione was speechless, "I remember there are ready-made ones for sale, your home is still in Chinatown!"

Qing Zhang shrugged, "I prefer fresh ones."

"Well, you are always overly persistent in inexplicable places." Hermione was just talking, it's none of her business whether Qing Zhang's love is fresh or ready-made, as long as she doesn't forget her share when the time comes up.

The two of them chatted one after another, ate some snacks from time to time, or took out a book to pass the time, and soon it was time for the train to leave.

During this process, a little witch knocked on the door of their box. She seemed to be a first-year student this year. Since the other boxes were almost full, they had to go to the front box to look for them.

There are only two people in the box of Hermione and Qing Zhang, so the two agreed with each other to come in. Anyway, the box is very large, and it is generally no problem to accommodate four people. Of course, because it is an old-fashioned train, the box in Hogwarts In fact, there are not many, usually they come too late and can only be squeezed together with other people. At that time, there were even five or six people sharing a box.

This is why Qing Zhang and the others purposely came ahead of time to take up their seats.

The little girl's complexion is very fair, her eyebrows are very light, and she has dark golden-brown hair and silver eyes. The eyes are slightly protruding, giving people a look that she is surprised. Generally speaking, she is a little beauty.

But to Qing Zhang's surprise, the other party's name: Luna Lovegood, this is one of the important roles, and he didn't expect the other party to find his box.

Of course, what Qing Zhang cared about was that after the other party came in, he kept staring at him.

"What's wrong, is there something on my face!?" Qing Zhang asked strangely.

Hermione was also a little confused, "No!"

Luna also shook her head, and the radish-shaped earrings were also swinging as she shook her head, but compared to the weird earrings, Luna's eyes that seemed to be full of mist were more noticeable, and she looked sleepy. The weak voice said lightly, "No, it's just that you are surrounded by a lot of sparkles. It's the first time I've seen a person who can attract so many sparkles. You must know that they only pursue mystery and have a strong thirst for knowledge. They generally don't stay with a person for too long, and there aren't so many of them.

"Sparkling!?" Hermione and Qing Zhang looked at each other, and they both saw confusion and confusion in each other's eyes.

Even Qing Zhang, who is familiar with Luna's magic, has some doubts about whether this girl is really delusional. After all, he has never seen any strange creature named "Liang Jingjing", but the other party is swearing , seems to really see the general ..0

Hermione kept flipping through the collection of books in the Hall of Memory, especially about magical animals in the wizarding world, but after searching, she found that there was no mention of "Sparkling" at all. Speaking of it, it's like saying that she made an omission in front of her face, what a shame!

Luna nodded, "They sparkle, so I call them sparkling crystals, a bit like fireflies, but their bodies are more like crystals, and they are very small."

"Really!?" Qing Zhang stretched out his hand and scratched around himself, then spread his palm and looked, "Oh! I saw it, it is really beautiful."

Luna tilted her head, "But they have already avoided you when you reached out!"

Hermione let out a "puchi" laugh, and looked teasingly at Qing Zhang who was showing embarrassment, as if to say, "Who told you to pretend, it's better now, it's embarrassing!"

Qing Zhang coughed and said, "I'm just joking, hey, that's Ron's family over there, but why don't you see Ron and Harry?"

Qing Zhang, who was about to change the subject, noticed the Weasley family rushing over from the window. Their fiery red hair was so recognizable that it was hard not to notice it

Hermione looked sideways when she heard the words, but blamed her, "It's almost 11 o'clock, and there is one minute left, why are they always procrastinating like this!?"

Hermione was very dissatisfied with the way Ron and the others had no sense of time, which would cause trouble for others.

But after seeing it clearly, I also noticed that it was exactly as Qing Zhang said, Ron and Harry were missing, and I couldn't help frowning, especially after seeing Mrs. Weasley sending the other children to the train. , found that there were fewer people, turned around and looked for someone in a panic, and said: "Those two are still boys, don't they want to make some big news again!?"

To be honest, after a year of getting along, Hermione's feelings towards Ron and Harry are very ordinary, not only because they always treat her in a strange way, 2.8 speak ill of her behind her back, but also because these two people keep making her feel The Gryffindor House Cup points were deducted, and the mischievous Weasley twins couldn't compare to these two over the years. For Hermione, who valued the House Cup points very much, these two were simply class enemies.

And because of their previous convictions, after a period of silence, these two brats would suddenly come up with some earth-shattering news. Hermione suddenly had a bad premonition, and now she wanted to get out of the car. Find someone for Mrs. Weasley.

However, without waiting for her to take any action at all, the Hogwarts sailed slowly amidst the roar of its siren.

Hermione covered her face and put on a pain mask, looked at Qing Zhang and said, "I suddenly have a bad feeling that Gryffindor points will be deducted when school just starts.

Qing Zhang really wants to say, your guess is so accurate, I want to kill you as a prophet.

However, seeing Hermione's unloved appearance, Qing Zhang still had some conscience to comfort this somewhat noisy classmate and friend, "You can look at it from a different angle, anyway, Gryffindor will definitely be in this school year." If you can't win the Academy Cup, it doesn't matter how many points you deduct."

Hermione rolled her eyes when she heard the words, "You are comforting people, thank you!"

Hermione gritted her teeth a little during the last few words. .

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