Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

374 Urinary Urgency, Frequent Urination, Bifurcation! Do You Think That's A Good Reason, Profes

Simply ignore the idiot Qing Zhang, and turned to Luna who was quietly reading a book and asked, "By the way, Luna, have you ever thought about which academy to enter!?"

Luna looked away from the book, raised her eyes to look at Hermione, and said slowly, "My mother is from Raquel, so I will also go to Raquel."

After speaking, Luna returned her attention to the book.

Hermione suddenly didn't know how to continue the chat, she was very embarrassed, how could this first-year student not be nervous about the upcoming branch!?

And it's Laquenlaw again, this really brought up Hermione's sad story, she actually regretted going to Gryffindor a little bit, but it's too late to say anything now, now seeing someone with such a clear goal Hermione's mood was extraordinarily complicated when she chose Raquel.

"Luna, your book is upside down!" Hermione reminded her when she accidentally noticed that the book in Luna's hand seemed to be upside down when she was looking for a topic again.

I also feel a little strange in my heart, didn't Luna realize at all that the content she was watching was wrong!?

Luna: "No, it's The Quibbler! Do you want to see it!?"

"Can you!?" Hermione was still very curious about the books she hadn't read.

"En!" Luna handed the book to Hermione, then turned to Qing Zhang and said, "Sorry, I only brought one."

Qing Zhang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, the journey is long anyway, I can wait and see, maybe you can lend it to me after you arrive at school.

Lu Shina nodded and didn't speak any more.

Seeing this, Qing Zhang handed over an orange, "Try it, it's very sweet!"

Luna didn't take it immediately, but looked directly into Qing Zhang's eyes and said, "You are taking advantage of me, that's what Liang Jingjing told me.

Qing Zhang looked at Luna with some embarrassment, she was indeed a very sensitive girl.

"What war is cheap!?" Hermione looked at the two of them strangely and asked.

Qing Zhang coughed and said, "No, trust me!"

Seeing that Qing Zhang was going to take back her hand, Luna bent her eyes, put on a shallow smile, stretched out her hand to take the orange in Qing Zhang's hand, and said, "But it's okay, you are a good person!"

Qing Zhang saw that his hand was empty, and the orange was already in the hands of the girl opposite, and after hearing what the other said, he suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded, he was issued a "good person card" by someone!?

But he didn't care, saying, "I've always been a good person!"

Hermione gave Qing Zhang a blank look when she heard the words, thinking that if you were a good person, those Slytherin students would not avoid you.

Time passed quickly, and the train arrived at the station before we knew it.

However, except for the first grade, students of other grades got off the bus early and came to another path to enter Hogwarts.

Qing Zhang and Hermione followed the other students onto a rough and muddy road. There were at least a hundred carriages waiting for the rest of the students. Each cart was pulled by an invisible horse. When the door is closed, it will automatically drive.

But the road is a bit too broken, sitting on it will hurt your butt, and there is a faint musty and straw smell in the carriage.

Hermione pinched her nose and said, "Can you see what is pulling the cart!?"

Qing Zhang nodded, "Thestrals!"

"Thestrals!? You can actually see this!?" Hermione was stunned for a moment, and then realized what kind of creature Qing Zhang was talking about, and looked at Qing Zhang in great surprise.

Because thestrals are magical creatures that can only be seen by those who have experienced death, or only those who have witnessed death.

It's hard for Hermione to believe that Qing Zhang has witnessed death. The witnesses of death here are not those of cats, cats and dogs. They must be people who can arouse strong emotions for themselves, so they generally refer to relatives, and a small part of them are For friends and strangers, the situation is relatively rare. After all, not everyone will have emotional fluctuations because of the death of a stranger. Otherwise, in the modern situation, there are countless deaths in the news and newspapers every day, so it doesn’t mean everyone Can everyone see thestrals!?

In fact, there is no, so it is not enough for you to see someone die in front of you or be known by yourself, it must cause emotional fluctuations, and it is best to be a very strong one.

Qing Zhang shrugged, "It's a good thing if you can't see it. How many people hope that they won't be able to see the true face of thestrals in their life. It's not just because they don't look very righteous."

"You're always right." Hermione curled her lips and said, because that's impossible. In this world, it's impossible to avoid life, old age, sickness, death, joys and sorrows.

When getting out of the car, many people covered their soft PP, and Hermione was no exception. She said with a little emotion, "I strongly suggest that the school repair this section of the road.

Or allow us to fly over on broomsticks. "

Yes, students were allowed to bring broomsticks in the second grade, but for Hermione of the chocobo, she didn't want to waste money buying that thing at all, so like many classmates, she didn't bring a broom.

"Your words have been said a long time ago." Qiu Zhang, who just passed by, covered his mouth and smiled after hearing Hermione's complaints.

The other senior sister of Lakvenlaw beside her also smiled and winked at Hermione and Qing Zhang, and said, "Choo Zhang also said that before, in fact, basically everyone who rides thestrals for the first time The students of the carriage have all had this idea, but you know, up to now, this section of road is still as bad as ever!"

Qing Zhang sighed, he actually thought the carriage was even worse, the carriage that was about to fall apart was really frightening to sit in.

"Okay, let's go this way, be careful, it rained yesterday, this road is a bit slippery." The senior sister pointed to the uphill road ahead.

At this time, Hannah and the others also came over with strange steps, rubbing PP, with distressed faces.

Obviously the previous carriage experience was not pleasant.

The end was to avoid the front door, so they didn't meet the first-year freshmen. A group of people came to the auditorium, walked to the dining table of their own college, and then sat down.

In front of it was the tattered sorting hat that hadn't been seen that year, which was just placed on a chair and remained motionless.

"So the seniors and sisters felt this way before!?" Hannah and Justin felt very fresh after they sat down. The last time they were surrounded by people as freshmen, now it's their turn Watching other people.

Suddenly there is a feeling that I have grown up, which is amazing.

"Don't look around, or the new students will laugh at us later." Qing Zhang reminded several people.

Immediately, several people blushed. Seeing other senior Hufflepuff students smiling at them, they knew that they had just made a joke.

At the professor's table, Hufflepuff's dean, Pomona Sprout, also smiled knowingly, as if she had long been familiar with it.

But Hannah and the others soon stopped being shy, because there seemed to be a small commotion in Gryffindor.

After Ernie poked his head and ate the melon for a while, he lowered his voice in surprise, "It seems that Harry and Ron didn't come, the Weasley twins said they passed through the wall of platform nine and three quarters of King's Cross Station After that, Harry and Ron disappeared, and their mother went to find them..."

The others looked at each other in dismay. On the one hand, they were amazed that Ernie's ears were so good that he could hear the voices at the Gryffindor table from such a distance, and they obviously spoke in a low voice. On the other hand, when they heard the names of Harry and Ron, everyone almost subconsciously felt like a pig.

To be honest, Harry and Ron had a lot of trouble, and everyone had a deep understanding of it in the previous year.

Almost every day is either on the way of violating school rules, or on the way of being punished for violating school rules. 340

Especially every time her college got her points deducted, Hermione cried many times and went crazy many times, and everyone remembered it very deeply.

In short, in the eyes of Hannah and the others, Harry and Ron are too lively little lions.

It didn't take long for Professor McGonagall to walk into the auditorium. When she glanced around, she also frowned. It was obvious that Professor McGonagall also found that there were two students missing. In fact, the two of them made a very deep impression on her last semester, and they were one of the students on the list that Professor McGonagall had to focus on. That's why they found out that they were missing so quickly.

But now it was the sorting ceremony for freshmen, even though Professor McGonagall wanted to find Harry and Ron, he could only give up for the time being, praying in his heart that they would not do anything earth-shattering.

Professor McGonagall was already a little scared.

Originally, she thought that the Weasley twins were the most difficult students she had ever met in her teaching career, but she didn't expect that there would be another mountain, and she was tired and wanted to retire!

Justin whispered at this time, "Professor McGonagall's expression is very scary, I think she must be very angry now."

The other people rolled their eyes, do you need to look at it, you are so angry, okay! Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

"Wait, Professor Snape, why did he stand up, where is he going!?"

At this moment, everyone also noticed the face of the head of Slytherin, Snape Shen, stood up without saying a word, and left the auditorium in a hurry, and they all became curious.

Qing Zhang knew that Snape must have gone to look for Harry. After all, Voldemort had appeared last semester, and Snape was more worried about Harry's safety than anyone else. He was such an arrogant man.

In fact, if Harry had become Harry, maybe Snape wouldn't have specifically targeted him.

Boys are not popular here.

"Urgent urination, frequent urination, urine bifurcation!"


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