Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

375 Dumbledore: Why Doesn't It Look Like Lily At All! But It Must Be James' Child!

"Look! That's Lockhart, how did he get to sit at the long table in the teacher's bench!?"

"Could it be that Lockhart is the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year!? Great, I can guarantee that he will be the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in so many years!"

"AH!!!! He smiled at me!!!!!"

Qing Zhang and the other boys soon had no time to worry about why Snape left with a sullen face. They felt pain in their eardrums from the screams of the little witches around them. There were girls at the long tables in the four colleges pressing down. The sound of exclamation and whoops.

It feels like there are a bunch of little fans around during the concert.

Qing Zhang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw Lockhart, who was wearing a water-green robe at the end of the professor's seat, showing his neat eight teeth.

Justin whispered, "I bought a whole seven sets of his books. My mother thinks Hogwarts is too expensive to go to school, and she is puzzled by my textbooks. If I am not sure that I can perform magic, she may I feel like I've been lied to."

Several young Muggle-born wizards also nodded with bitter faces. Obviously, this year's textbooks have troubled them all.

"However, the good news is that during the vacation, I previewed all the textbooks of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. What I want to say is that it is really wonderful as a bedtime story.

Justin said again.

"Then I hope this year's exam questions will have the above content!" Qing Zhang shrugged and sent a "good" congratulatory message.

"Unless the school is crazy!" Ernie rants.


The whispering among the students didn't last long, and Professor McGonagall, who had been going back and forth, led a group of little radishheads who entered the auditorium with anxiety and came back. Oh, these are all Freshmen this year, forgive them!

The sorting ceremony went very smoothly, and this year still no one can make the dirty and worn-out old hat that increases the number of patches every year happily shout "Azkaban"!

As she said, Luna was assigned to Ravenclaw. At this moment, those Ravenclaw students who warmly welcome this little witch to join the big family may not have imagined that this girl would be the most independent and approachable to Lanzi in the past. s student.

And the bright red hair of Ginny, the little sister of the Weasley family, is also very familiar. This is another Weasley, or another Gryffindor. In fact, she is indeed wearing the sorting hat. The moment she was assigned to Gryffindor, she sat down with her brothers.

Qing Zhang's gaze stayed on the other party for a moment. This was because the other party would be an important role in this school year. Who asked Ginny to be Tom's trainer this year! That was Harry Potter The mythical beast of the world is the noseless Tom cat.

Cough cough, the mistake is Fudimo, bah, it is Comrade Voldemort!

In fact, it's not that Qing Zhang didn't think about sneaking away the diary that Malfoy stuffed into Ginny's cauldron that day. Unfortunately, because Ron hated Hermione, Qing Zhang was also hated by the house and black in disguise. Being hated, there is no chance to go forward.

Just like Hermione called Ron and Harry "bad boys", maybe Ron secretly called them "the kids from the next door". .

Of course, the main reason was not that they couldn't get close to the Weasleys, but that Malfoy and his son didn't go far at all, they just stared secretly not far away, probably because they wanted to see Ginny take the diary back smoothly, otherwise If it is discovered, it will be a lot of trouble, and it may attract the Ministry of Magic or Dumbledore to investigate.

Obviously Lucius Malfoy didn't want that, and he might even regret the impulsive handling of the diary just now.

At this time, no matter what Qing Zhang plans to do, he may be discovered, and naturally he will not be enthusiastic to help. Anyway, in Qing Zhang's opinion, he can dispose of the diary at any time at Hogwarts. , and the harm caused by the other party is not too great, so there is no rush.

As for how to hack into the Gryffindor girls' dormitory at Hogwarts!?

In fact, there is no need to sneak in at all, just take the diary away while Ginny is being controlled to kill chickens.

It's not that Qing Zhang is so kind, but this time is different from last year. It was just a game of the savior team. As long as no one goes to the fourth floor to tease the hell three-headed dog, there is no life crisis at all, and This year is different. A basilisk that can swim through the Hogwarts pipelines may disappear the moment it makes eye contact with the other party. Qingzhang doesn't want a few classmates to die in his peaceful college life. troublesome.

After all, in a school that will kill people, there are not many parents who are serious enough to continue to let their children go to school.

It’s not that Qing Zhang has nostalgia for Hogwarts, but if you don’t want a noseless Tom cat to revive one day and cause trouble, or let yourself run around looking for Horcruxes scattered everywhere, Hogwarts is the best Don't close the school.

Just as Qing Zhang was thinking about this, the sorting ceremony ended.

The new students are mixed with the old students and enjoy the sumptuous meal provided by Hogwarts together.

However, the pleasant atmosphere didn't last long, the black robe billowed like an evil black cloud, Snape went back and forth, his face was dark and dark, he seemed to have said something to Professor McGonagall, and then Everyone noticed that Professor McGonagall's face became extremely ugly, and he left with Snape who suddenly smiled.

Hannah and other students wondered what happened.

At this moment, the sound of the owl flapping its wings was heard, and many experienced students covered the dinner plate with their hands, for fear that the feathers would fall into the food.

It was an owl holding two newspapers in its talons.

Qing Zhang raised his eyebrows, because only he and Hermione subscribed to the "Daily Prophet" in the entire academy. Qing Zhang was not surprised why there was a new issue of "Daily Prophet" at this time, Hermione It was because of surprise.

After receiving the newspaper from the owl, Qing Zhang gave the owl some small rewards, and at the same time took away Hermione's share. Obviously the owl didn't want to go to find Hermione, it seems that this is also the summer vacation. One of Hermione's victim birds.

When Qing Zhang delivered the newspaper to Hermione, Hermione was very depressed and said: "Why is the owl so vengeful, I didn't mean it, and I apologized

"Forget it, but why is the "Daily Prophet" here at this time!? I remember that there was a copy this morning!?"

Qing Zhang explained, "Maybe there is something urgent that needs to be expanded!"

Hermione nodded in agreement, and while opening the newspaper, a big headline appeared in front of her eyes: Ford Anglia can fly, Muggles are amazed!

Hermione was a little startled, it seemed that Hermione's expression made many little wizards beside her curious, so they all came up together, wanting to see what Hermione saw to be so shocked.

Lavender Brown also looked at it, and read the contents of the newspaper in a low voice, saying: "Two Muggles in London are convinced that they saw an old car flying over the post office building... noon in Norfolk, while Mrs. Hetty Bayliss was drying her clothes.....Mr. Angus Fleet of Peebles reported to JC...a total of six or seven melon……………"

As Lavender read, the expression on Lavender's face also turned into shock. Percy Weasley, who was enjoying the dinner silently while maintaining the majesty of the prefect, suddenly sprayed the pumpkin juice in his mouth. came out with a loud coughing sound.

His face was also a little pale, and even the Weasley twin brothers, who were talking and laughing just now, fell silent at this time, and their expressions kept changing.

After Hermione handed over the newspapers in her hands to a few little witches who came up curiously, she exchanged a glance with Qing Zhang and said, "It can't be...

Obviously, Hermione was aware of the abnormality of the Weasley children, and the sudden absence of Harry and Ron, this matter was probably related to those two "bad" boys.

Hermione's face suddenly wrinkled as if she was constipated. She grabbed her hair and shouted in pain, "Oh my god, do you have to deduct points at the beginning of the semester? What kind of hell is this difficult start!!!"

Hermione even began to wonder if it was because during the seven years she had been in school, Gryffindor School had never had a chance to win the House Cup.

"Can you show me!?" It seemed that the weirdness on Gryffindor's side caught Dumbledore's attention. He also walked over at this time, and his eyes fell on Lavender who was holding the newspaper in his hand. Miss.

Lavender was taken aback, and wanted to pass the newspaper over, but soon remembered something, and looked at Hermione, who was whispering to Qing Zhang.

Hermione nodded upon seeing this, and Lavender handed over the newspaper. After Dumbledore took it, he said, (OK) "Thank you!"

Then a few people saw that Dumbledore's expression changed, and after handing the newspaper back to Hermione, they left in a hurry.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Qing Zhang is very sympathetic to this old man. To be honest, although Dumbledore is not kind in many places, it cannot be denied that many people can live safely because of him. The only problem is that this guy wants to cultivate a savior but chose Gryffindor .

How unreliable are Gryffindors!? Qing Zhang can guarantee that when he gets old, he will never miss having a Gryffindor grandson at home, and he is afraid that he will be tossed into the coffin as soon as possible.

After comforting Hermione for a while, Qing Zhang returned to the Hufflepuff dining table. Justin and the others were aroused to gossip, and came over to ask about the situation, even the little eagles on one side pricked up their ears.

Qing Zhang shook her head, didn't intend to say anything, and handed over the newspaper in her hand for them to read by themselves.

Soon the little wizards figured out what was going on!

Susan Bones, who has a relative who works in the Ministry of Magic, even said in disbelief, "Impossible, how dare they do this, they will really be expelled from school!"

Even if Harry doesn’t understand this, what about Ron!? Susan knows that Ron’s father works in the office that prohibits the misuse of Muggle items [as a son, there is no reason not to know this BPP......

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