Soon, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was slowly taken away.

During dinner, Hermione sat at the dining table with a tired face, and forgot to continue the cold war with Qing Zhang.

"What happened to her!?" Hannah asked curiously while biting a piece of bread.

"Don't mention it, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon was a disaster!" Parvati Patil and her sister Padma, who were also from Gryffindor, also came over with dinner trays, with smiles on their faces. a little tired.

"What's going on!?" Justin and the others came over curiously and asked.

Parvati shrugged, "What else could be going on, Professor Lockhart not only asked us to do a quiz in class, but also gave us a chance to practice...

When Parvati talked about "practice", his face was hard to express.

"Those Cornish elves were flying around the classroom and wreaking havoc, we managed to get them back."

"This, this...... so terrible!?" Ernie and the others were very surprised, "Is Professor Lockhart so strict!? I thought he was the kind who was easy to talk, humorous and relaxed in class kind of..."

Justin said at this time, "I think maybe "Six Three Three" is more inclined to actual combat training because he is an excellent adventurer. I have heard that in some places people throw away recruits. Entering a cage with wild beasts, you can only come out after living and defeating......"

Qing Zhang listened to the discussion of his friends with black lines, patted Hermione on the shoulder, and said, "Didn't I tell you to sit in the back!?"

Hermione bit her lower lip and looked up, "I just sat in the back, but it's useless!"

This is not Quirrell's strange smell attack. It doesn't matter where those little elves are running around in the classroom and where they sit, they will be affected anyway.

Qing Zhang said disapprovingly, "How can it be useless, at least it feels better psychologically, doesn't it!?"

Seeing that Hermione seemed to be angry, Qing Zhang shrugged, "Well, no kidding, the door at the back is very close, I thought you would choose to escape, who would have thought you would be so honest!? "

Hermione puffed up her cheeks, but she couldn't argue that she really didn't want to leave.

But soon she realized that she frowned and stared at Qing Zhang, "You expected this kind of thing to happen a long time ago!?"

Qing Zhang nodded, "Of course!"

Without waiting for Hermione to continue asking questions, Qing Zhang continued, "In the case of Hogwarts, which consumes a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts every year, it is not because of unbelief that one can still choose to be the professor of this course. A powerful wizard who is full of confidence is someone who is unreliable and comes to gild it, and the later it will prove the power of the curse, so it is basically impossible for any reliable professor to be invited, I thought you would know."

Hermione was speechless immediately, because Qing Zhang's words were too fucking reasonable.

The time came to October unconsciously, and on the eve of Halloween, Hogwarts still held a banquet in the Great Hall.

It is a pity that, apart from a variety of delicious food, Hogwarts does not plan to hold any activities, no song and dance performances, no cross talk, and no magic.

Well, eating and drinking are actually good, especially because of the existence of Qing Zhang, most of the students are very satisfied when there are a lot of Xia Guo’s special delicacies on the Hogwarts table.

However, there are still many people who noticed that "The Boy Who Lived" and "His Follower" did not come. After all, there is a guy named Cohen among this year's freshmen who has been holding a camera. He is very obsessed with Harry. Think of him as an idol, and now he doesn't see his idol, it seems very unhappy.

This made many people, including Professor McGonagall, very, very worried. Of course, they were not worried about Cohen's hunger strike or the like, but worried about what "surprise" Harry and Ron would secretly prepare for them.

Fortunately, someone told Professor McGonagall that Harry and the others were only going to the ghosts' death day party, so she could stay here without leaving.

However, when the banquet was over, something went wrong.

The caretaker Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, with her tail hanging from the torch holder, was motionless, her eyes wide open, as if dead, and hung on the wall.

Harry and Ron, who were so surviving, stood alone in the middle of the corridor, in front of Mrs. Norris' "corpse", surrounded by only them and no one else.

And there was a line of words written on the wall with unknown paint, which looked like it was shining.

"The secret room has been opened, those who are enemies of the heir, beware!"

It seems that someone deliberately wrote it down as a prank, and deliberately killed a cat for it.

The students who went upstairs all of a sudden watched this scene quietly.

But Draco Malfoy, who shouldn't be here, squeezed through the crowd at this time, looked at the people in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Those who are enemies of the heir, be careful! The next one will be you, Mudblood!"

When he looked at the still and stiff cat that was hung up, a grin appeared on his face.

Soon, Filch also came, perhaps attracted by Malfoy's shout, or maybe his cat, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, came looking for him.

In short, when he approached, ready-made became even more confused.

"My cat! My cat! What happened to Mrs. Norris!?" he screamed, rushing forward.

Then, noticing the two Harrys who were closest to him, his eyes turned red, and he screamed, "You, it must be you, you killed my cat! You killed it! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to... ………….


Dumbledore also rushed to the scene with his people at this time, followed by many other teachers, including of course the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students who were not supposed to go upstairs, but had already gone downstairs to their dormitories at this time.

Seeing that Qing Zhang and the others came up to watch the excitement, Hermione immediately complained, "I have a hunch that the scores from Gryffindor that came up with great difficulty are gone again, really...

After finishing speaking, she looked at Harry and Ron who were surrounded by a kind of teacher with great sorrow, and she felt that she was too difficult.

This pig teammate is really annoying.

"This is not the time to care about scores..." Ernie grumbled.

Hannah was at a loss and asked, "That's Mrs. Norris, what's wrong with it, it won't really die..."

Justin was also very surprised at this time, "Although Harry and the others were indeed imprisoned at Filch's side recently, they can't take revenge like this!?"

Filch almost raised Mrs. Norris as a daughter. The whole school knows this. If Harry and the others really did it, then it is really too much..0

"I don't know, I'm a little confused now..." Hermione said, "Now I can only watch the professors and the others, I hope it wasn't really Harry and the others who did it, otherwise.

Hermione didn't continue, but everyone knew what the consequences would be.

This plot is too bad, "Perhaps this time Zhong Jin was kicked out of school!

"By the way, what's going on with Malfoy!?" Susan noticed Draco Malfoy standing in front of him looking weird, and asked curiously.

"Who knows, this guy scolded us Mudblood just now! Maybe he also participated this time, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence!?" Hermione said angrily.

In fact, it is true, Slytherin's dormitory is below, it shouldn't come up so fast at all, just look at the other Slytherin students, they came later than the Hufflepuff students, and Draco Malfoy almost appeared with the Gryffindor students, which seemed very suspicious no matter how you looked at it.

"Maybe he has been following Harry and the others before. After all, you all know that where there is Harry, there is Draco Malfoy." Qing Zhang said indifferently. In fact, during the banquet, Qing Zhang It was discovered that Draco sneaked out when he found out that Harry and the others were not there.

Love is too deep to allow the separation of work and time.

Well, Qing Zhang admits that he has listened too much and was influenced by those girls in Lachven Law, and now seeing two men together has a kind of flirtatious taste.

It didn't take long for the professors to take Mrs. Norris and lead Filch and the others away, including the suspects Harry and Ron of course.

Seeing that there was no melon to eat, the students left reluctantly.

Hermione was in a very bad mood, if she was in the first grade, she might have been crying.

Others don't know how to comfort this little girl who attaches great importance to the score in the Academy Cup, because even if they are comforted now, as long as there is Harry and the others in the grid 4.3 Ryffindor, this kind of thing will not happen.

After that, for several days, the students talked about nothing else but the attack on Mrs. Loris. Filch's performance kept everyone from forgetting this event: he often paced up and down the place where Mrs. Norris was killed, as if thinking that the attacker would come again. He also wiped the writing on the wall with Mrs. Skoll's All Purpose Miracle Stain Remover, but in vain, the writing still gleamed so brightly on the stone wall.

When Filch was no longer patrolling the crime scene, he would sneak up in the hallway with his red eyes wide open, and then pounce on the unsuspecting students, trying to find excuses to lock them up, such as they were "breathing too loudly." big" or "hippie smiley face" or something.

A group of students dared not speak out about this, and they had nothing to do with each other.

As for Harry and Ron, they became famous again because of this. Of course, the first-year freshmen, except for Cohen, basically avoided them. Freshmen can't get close at all.

Others secretly looked at the two of them from time to time, as if they were observing whether they really did it. .

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