Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

379 Hermione's Deduction One Two!

The attack also had an effect on Hermione. Hermione usually spends a lot of time reading, but now she does almost nothing all day long.

Of course, this is the opinion of the Gryffindor students. In fact, Qing Zhang and the others who can play with Hermione know that Hermione has spent this time on matters related to history class, especially focusing on Hogger. The history of Woz, the best is about the "chamber of secrets",

So she was basically talking to Professor Binns, and she was messing around in the library.

As a result, she really gained a lot.

When everyone else was concerned about who the murderer was, only this little girl found another way to investigate in a different direction. Yes, no matter who the murderer was, they couldn't do without the secret room, which couldn't be avoided.

Compared with the library, because all the "Hogwarts: A School History" were borrowed, she was annoyed that there was nothing to check. "The urine market Boss gave her a surprise.

"So, the so-called Chamber of Secrets is a secret room established by Slytherin, one of the four founders, in the castle, and it can only be opened when the real inheritor arrives. Who do you think is qualified to be the successor!?" Hermione said in Hu Bian asked a few friends, and by the way, he repeated what Professor Binns said in class.

"Wait, let's not talk about the heir or not. Anyway, it can only be a student of Slytherin. There is no reason to be a student of the other three colleges. What needs to be more concerned now is not the horror released after the Chamber of Secrets is opened." Something!?" Justin raised his hand speechlessly and rushed to answer.

Others are also not very good, because according to the standard of more than a thousand years ago, those so-called people who are not worthy of learning magic were eliminated, except for a few ancient and inflexible families, and now even most of Slytherin Students are definitely not true "pure blood". For the smooth inheritance of the family, they have been married to Muggles more or less, so they have long been impure.

If there were monsters, no one in the entire wizarding world would be spared.

Hannah and Ernie, a few young wizards from the wizarding world, also turned pale with fright, and their lips trembled.

Especially thinking of Mrs. Norris' tragic situation at that time, several people couldn't calm down.

If it was really the work of a monster, what would it be!?

The unknown often brings people the most fear, and Salazar Slytherin is still a very famous legendary wizard. Although more people call him a lunatic, I have to say that this guy was at the time, not so far. A powerful existence that no one can surpass.

At the same time, his ideas and madness are indeed very criticized, maybe it is not a rumor, um, it is about killing all non-pure blood wizards.

"It's still not confirmed whether the Chamber of Secrets really exists." Hermione said upon seeing this, but the effect of consolation was not great. "And if it is assumed that it really exists, then there is no doubt that the suspicion of Slytherin's students is very high, but at that time Harry and Ron were the only ones who had time to commit crimes. Although I didn’t pay attention to the personnel of the banquet at that time, no one should have left halfway, except for Ron and Harry..."

"No, there's Malfoy!" Lavender Brown couldn't help interrupting when she saw that Hermione had put the suspicion on Ron again.

Seeing that everyone was staring at her suddenly, she explained nervously, "I noticed that Malfoy left before the end of the banquet, really, I'm not lying..."

Qing Zhang and Hermione glanced at each other, and they could see the strange look in each other's eyes. Lavender didn't know if he had heard the words of those rotten girls in Lakvenlaw, and now Draco Malfoy is regarded as a rival in love, for fear that the other party really has some improper relationship with Ron.

So the other party said that seeing Malfoy's advance position is not false,

"Although Malfoy is very annoying, his suspicion is the least." Hermione said helplessly.

Seeing everyone looking at her in confusion, Hermione had no choice but to explain: "Think about it, what kind of character is Malfoy!? If he really did it, his behavior would not be like this."

That's the "Dad Monster", and the three sentences in his mouth are "what's wrong with my dad" or "I want to tell my dad" and so on.

This kind of person is a child who will not grow up. If he really opens the secret room, he will only arrogantly announce that he has become the successor of Slytherin, and it is impossible to bear it.

"Of course, these are not the most powerful evidence, but one thing that makes me have to rule out Malfoy's suspicion is that he was too clean at the time!"

“Too clean!?”

"We don't understand your words, Hermione!" Susan and the others frowned and looked at Hermione in confusion.

Hermione raised her index finger and said, "Yes! It's too clean, don't ignore it, it's a secret room, that is to say, it was hidden for many years before it was opened, and no one will clean it for sure. Otherwise, it can't be called the Chamber of Secrets. In this case, maybe an adult wizard can make himself spotless, but Malfoy can't, and this is the biggest doubt."

Speaking of this, Hermione also looked a little weird, "So Harry, who was disheveled and dirty at the time, was really more suspicious. Of course, I know that the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets cannot be destroyed by Gryffindor students." opened!"

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, if it was really opened and inherited by students from one, no, two rival schools, the students of Slytherin would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.

"Actually, apart from the chamber of secrets, I've been thinking about what kind of monster can cause that kind of petrified attack, and it can come and go without a trace in Hogwarts, even the professors are not aware of the situation Go down to the corridor on the third floor and kill Mrs. Norris in seconds..." Hermione frowned, as if she still had no clue.

I have found a lot of monsters that can achieve the same effect of turning people into petrification, but other than being able to turn people into petrification, they can't meet the requirements at all. Take how the other party avoids ghosts and portraits in Hogwarts and roams freely. Big problem.

"So now I am very doubtful whether there are any monsters, and there are secret rooms......"

"Maybe it's just a deliberate act, maybe it's a small trick to confuse our sight."

Hannah and the others looked at each other, and asked in a low voice, "So, actually, we don't need to worry at all!?"

Qing Zhang coughed at this time, and when everyone looked at him, he said, "I found that the spiders in Hogwarts are fleeing towards the outside of the castle recently, I think if there is nothing that can threaten their existence , this season, it is impossible for them to move."

"Is there such a thing!?" Hermione frowned, it was the first time she heard such a thing, but Hermione did not suspect that Qing Zhang was lying, because although this guy is sometimes very hateful, but usually More serious.

"If this really happens, then it has been said for a long time that there is indeed something terrifying in Hogwarts."

Hermione didn't expect it to be confirmed so quickly. The existence of monsters also proved that the secret room might really exist, and it was still opened.

"Could it be a freshman!?" Hermione whispered.

Because only freshmen are suspicious. If they were really old students, they would have opened it long ago. There is no need to wait until today. This also removes the suspicion of Malfoy and Harry from the side.

But is there anyone in this year's Slytherin class worth noting!?

Hermione seldom pays attention to the situation of Slytherin House because of the upturned nostrils.

Qing Zhang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Hermione to guess that the problem was this year's first-year freshman, but thinking about it, the only variable is this year's freshman. If it was a senior student, he would have opened the secret room long ago and became the heir up.

It's just that Hermione certainly didn't expect it to be Ron's sister Ginny, the little girl who shyly shy in front of Harry.

As a child from the wizarding world, I should have heard a lot of stories about being cautious about items of unknown origin since I was a child. There are too many examples, which should be enough to make them vigilant, but Ginny was tricked. When you find a problem, hide it.

Being controlled, it’s impossible to be unaware afterwards. Is it because the image of the noseless Tom Cat in his school days is very good at hitting!? Or is it nice to talk!?

Qing Zhang wanted to shake her head. If it were Hermione, she might try to find the owner. If she couldn’t find it, she would hand it over to the professors and ask them for help. Of course, she might open the diary out of curiosity. Then be bewitched, after all, little lions are very reckless, but after being manipulated 580 times, they will realize that something is wrong, instead of continuing to keep them by their side.

In the original book, it took a long time for Ginny to throw away the diary, even after several victims appeared.

After sharing her gains with her friends, when they were disbanding, Hermione secretly pulled Qing Zhang aside, and asked in a low voice, "I remember the surprise you told me before, could it be the secret room? !?"

Because of this kind of thing, Hermione didn't have any free time to read the book she bought back from the summer vacation. Looking back now, she suddenly felt a little uneasy. Hermione didn't want to doubt Qing Zhang, but Qing Zhang was excellent. It's too much, maybe it can be barely recognized by Salazar Slytherin.

In fact, Hermione was more suspicious of Qing Zhang than suspicious of Harry and Ron, and he had a bad relationship with Harry and the others.

But Hermione didn't tell anyone else about this idea.

Qing Zhang looked at the nervous Hermione speechlessly, "I told you it's on the eighth floor, and the principal's office is not far away. Do you think it's a secret room!?"

Hermione was stopped by the question, but she still insisted, "You can't say that, as the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place...well, I was thinking too much...

Hermione originally thought that if it was really Qing Zhang, she would secretly discuss with him how to solve this matter secretly for a long time. It is impossible to surrender herself. As long as there are no new victims, it will be fine to close the secret room before then. , then naturally nothing will happen afterwards.

Qing Zhang rolled his eyes: "Of course you're overthinking it, and if you think about it, you know that even if it's Gryffindor's turn, it's impossible for Hufflepuff to be there, unless Salazar Slytherin is crazy! And What I have prepared for you is a surprise, not a scare, what have you made up in your mind!?"

Although he is an asshole, he is indeed a muggle from a Muggle family. With Slytherin's idea of ​​pure blood supremacy, how could he find an heir like him!?

"Hey, okay, I misunderstood, I apologize!" Hermione was extremely embarrassed, and wanted to share the joys and sorrows as an accomplice to finish the job, but it turned out that she was thinking too much. .

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