The next day, upon waking up, Qing Zhang and his party, who had not participated in the Dueling Club, found that the sky seemed to have changed outside!

Before, Harry, who was faintly admired by everyone, seemed to have once again become an existence that everyone avoided.

Yes, even if Harry and Ron have done a lot of "bad" things, but because they only stay within the scope of the school, and the concept of Westerners is different from that of Easterners, of course they will feel it at first. Not so good, but when the first one pats Harry on the shoulder and says it's cool and well done, then there will be a second and a third...choose to forgive and let go of the previous attitude , think it's nothing.

Even adults are the same, after all, Harry and Ron are children, say a few words, and then deduct points if they should, and put them in confinement if they should, and then let it go.

This is not the case of individuals, but most people are like this, even Hermione is the same, if Harry and Ron have not been very repulsive to her, maybe she will just criticize a few words in the past, and then teach them what to do Do, finally forgive them.

After all, it’s not murder and arson, so there’s no need to go online, right?!

Coupled with the title of the savior, Harry can always be easily forgiven. This is the celebrity effect, and Dumbledore has done very well these years.

However, this time is different. During the Dueling Club last night, Harry exposed that he was a Parseltongue. In addition, there were already two victims, especially when Mrs. Norris had an accident. It was discovered that the first person who appeared on the scene was the first suspect, but Dumbledore suppressed him because of his guarantee.

Now, once Parseltongue comes out, Harry's suspicion will naturally be infinitely magnified, especially as many people know that Sarah Slytherin, one of the four founders, is most famous for being a Parseltongue too. One point, so if there are any requirements or characteristics for his heir, there is no doubt that Parseltongue must be possessed.

So thinking about it this way, Harry is probably the murderer who opened the Chamber of Secrets and attacked Mrs. Norris and Colin.

You said that Colin did not offend Harry, but admired Harry very much, because Harry would treat his people!?

Hehe, many people didn't take it seriously before, but Harry has shown that he doesn't like Colin taking pictures of him many times. Maybe it's because of Colin's disobedience that he suddenly became murderous!? If this is not enough , Another point is that Colin is a Muggle wizard, that is to say, his parents are Muggles, so he is naturally one of the purged ones, that's right.

Didn't you see that Harry has always only been friends with pure-blood wizards!? Neither Neville, Ron nor the rest of the Quidditch team were Muggle-born.

(Note: Muggle-born means that you have never touched a broomstick before, and because a broomstick is relatively expensive, it is unrealistic to buy it privately, so it is impossible to practice on your own at ordinary times. When you are in the second or third grade, you will find out that it is fundamental. Those who have improved the team are too far behind children from wizarding families, so there are very few Muggle-borns on the Quidditch team! Unless they are really talented.)

So, after recovering, you will find that in the original book, among the people who have a good relationship with Harry, except for Hermione, they all come from wizarding families, oh, and Colin, but they are basically reduced to passersby.

In this way, Harry became the childhood of the third generation of the Dark Lord whom everyone dreaded overnight!

Now except for the students in Slytherin who support him, and even said that if Harry nods, they will jointly write a letter to get Dumbledore to agree to Harry's transfer to Slytherin, the students in the other three houses all avoid Harry. If it's too late, I'm afraid that I will accidentally annoy the third generation, and then follow in Colin's footsteps.

You said that there are pure bloods in other colleges too!? Hehe, but you don’t agree with Slytherin’s theory of pure blood supremacy, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to enter Slytherin House and be assigned to three other houses. Knowing this, some Gryffindor students who usually had a good relationship with Harry did not dare to approach Harry.

These are just the changes of the students. Filch, whose cat is still lying down, has been staring fiercely at Harry's back with his red eyes. If he didn't know what he was doing to Harry now, he wouldn't have Simply losing his job and possibly not being able to get his cat treated, Filch had rushed to tear Harry apart.

And the professors kept telling everyone not to speculate maliciously one by one, and said that the investigation would have results soon, and don't doubt any good people and so on, but it had no effect at all.

"Is it really Harry..." Hermione asked in confusion after taking a small bite of the bread.

She had ruled out the possibility of Harry before, and Hermione didn't think Harry would do such a thing. Although she kept saying that he was a "bad boy", in fact, it was only to the extent of violating school rules. In other words, Harry’s Muggle relatives have died hundreds of years ago, and they have been abused for so long. In terms of resentment, Mrs. Norris and Colin can’t even lift their shoes.

Looking at the auditorium, at the other end of the Gryffindor table, there were only a few sporadic people cooking, and the others were crowded in front of the tables in the other two colleges, not daring to get close to Harry, Hermione felt that this The scene was absurd no matter how you looked at it, but Harry was always surrounded by a large group of people.

Now the tables in the other three colleges are bustling with activity, but the table in Gryffindor is unusually deserted, which is really uncomfortable.

Hermione's words were dragged to Hufflepuff's table by other people, because this Ron still glared at her, saying something unpleasant.

Qing Zhang shrugged, "Who knew!?"

He also picked up a piece of bread, spread jam on it with a knife, looked very serious, and didn't turn his head to care about Harry Potter's thoughts. People can't please.

At this moment, there was a sound of something falling to the ground from the Gryffindor table, which attracted everyone's attention.

It was Harry standing there with a cold face, surrounded by several Slytherin students of the same grade, and what was even more surprising was that Malfoy fell to the ground, and there were pieces of dishes and dishes beside him. Food scraps, a bit embarrassing.

Malfoy was flushing and staring up at Harry.

Ron beside Harry glared at Malfoy with his hands on his hips, and was still cursing.

But before they could fight again, Professor McGonagall came over and successfully stopped a private fight during the day.

At this time, Hermione even heard a lot of people whispering in low voices, which meant, "Malfoy is miserable, he may not survive tonight..."

Many people now feel that Malfoy, who has offended the Third Dark Lord, will not have good fruit to eat.

Qing Zhang Tuoji looked at this a little bored, shook his head in his heart, Professor McGonagall stepped up again, and this couldn't really help Harry at all. To be honest, Hogwarts

There are really big mistakes in the education policy.

It’s fine if there are different colleges for different majors, but if the admissions are the same, there are four colleges and four deans, which are simply designed for the purpose of competition and division.

Sooner or later, there will be big problems. The reason why there are not too many troubles now is because the population of the wizarding world is really very small.

The boring day passed quickly.

Qing Zhang, who was lying on the bed at night, entered the misty space again to see what new news he had from other worlds, or a new self came in.

The result...

I found that the foggy space is really lively, tonight!

I don't know if it's because Tom Cat Tom Cat has been shouting in his heart these days, at this moment, an orange cat really appeared in the misty space.

Being hugged by Luo Tianyi's reincarnated female selves, they took turns masturbating, even Xilin was wandering not far away, as if she wanted to masturbate the cat, but put down her face again, with a cold face, pretending to be He doesn't look interested.

Qing Zhang walked over, pulled Lamoy World's own pants, and asked, "This orange cat, is it..."

"My pants are being pulled, let go, it's going to fall, it's going to fall..." Zhang Qing from Waiyi World reminded the little kid with a black line, lowered his head and stared at Zhang. two

After Qing Zhang let go of his hand, he nodded, "It's just what you thought, this guy was reincarnated in an ordinary everyday world, and turned into an orange cat, oh, yes, it's the kind of rebirth you thought Out of a cat or reincarnated into a cat, hehe...910"

It's a bit gloating to say the least.

Seeing that the other party is so popular with women, Qing Zhang couldn't help but nodded, and also followed "hehe".

Especially seeing the other party being hugged with a loveless look, Qing Zhang felt even more refreshed.

Seeing himself in such a miserable life, he has no troubles at all. Compared with these unlucky selves, to be honest, he is much luckier, right? At least he is still a person.

Zhang Qing from Moyi smiled for a while, and said, "Unfortunately, that kid Mingyuan appeared too early, otherwise he must be worrying about how to change his form now, really, he should be worrying for a while. …”

As long as they entered the foggy space first, they have all gone through the poor and white stage in the early stage. Now, the newcomers who come later are enjoying their success one by one, and open big cheats as soon as they come up. The feeling of being prostituted by others who work part-time.

Qing Zhang asked with some uncertainty, "The ordinary modern world doesn't have aura, can it transform into form!?"

Transformation is more like an acquired person. This requires the witness of heaven and earth. It does not mean that you have energy in your body. In an environment with magic or spiritual power, there is no problem. But in a world without magic, transformation can Is it!? Qing Zhang is a little uncertain.

This is not the Western transformation technique, which becomes weaker after becoming a person. The Eastern transformation is for better cultivation. After turning into a person, the strength becomes stronger, and the Celestial Clan does not. Changeling will be chosen.

Mo Yi Zhang Qing rubbed his chin, "This is a good question, I don't know, but I will know after Big Ju returns to its world."

As a research talent, Moyi Zhang Qing is very interested in this issue.

"By the way, those girls are here now. After they leave, you can go there again. That power is very interesting. If it is in the Marvel world, you might be able to become Catman, similar to Little Spider, and not You need to be bitten by a cat to gain all the abilities that belong to a cat."

Qing Zhang was surprised, then nodded, "Got it."

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