As a cat, I may not feel deeply.

But if an ordinary person obtains the power of a cat, then apart from being inferior to Spider-Man in strength, other aspects are definitely far superior to ordinary people. After all, it is not a genetic mutation, but just possessing various abilities of cats.

Seeing a group of people lying on the ground imitating cats trying to scratch their heads with their hind feet, Daju sighed in grief and indignation.

These guys are too inappropriate for human beings, can’t they comfort and comfort its weak and fragile heart? You must know that it has not only been a cat for two years, especially it was a weak and helpless stray cat at the beginning , was later picked up and taken home as a house cat, but it doesn't mean that it can really sleep peacefully.

Just a few days ago, its mistress wanted to take it for a "minor operation", but it just escaped.

So it is better to be a house cat in the city than to be a house cat in the countryside! At least there is absolutely no rural person who wants to sterilize his cat.

As a human cat in her previous life, Daju felt that she did not yell at her mother cat in heat at night, but these ignorant human beings in big cities have to do it to their pet cats and dogs for some reason. Sterilization!? What does Daju think, maybe his head was caught by a door when he was a child, either serious or minor illnesses, commonly known as "brain damage"!

So unfortunately, Daju has once again become a member of the stray cats in the city.

Sadly tearing apart a ham sausage from a human store with its sharp claws, sighing and eating the emperor-level delicacy that other stray cats cannot enjoy, Daju thinks, this day is really a sad dead cat Now, look at it is now a lot thinner.

"Mom, cat, what a big cat..." A little girl in the distance held her mother's hand and said excitedly, pointing at Daju who was squatting on the wall and flicking her tail.

"So fat!" her mother whispered.

Of course Daju heard the voice of the mother and daughter, it didn't bother to pay attention to these two ignorant and stupid human beings, is it fat!? It's all muscles!

After sending the "king's contempt" to the two ignorant humans, Daju turned around, pointed his ass at the two humans, and continued to feel sad.

"Perhaps, you can consider continuing to show off your cuteness and find a new home, but you have to observe it carefully, otherwise it is another owner who wants to perform minor surgery on his cute kitty, that would be too miserable......

Daqiao didn't think that if he could escape the first time, he could escape the second time......

Compared to human beings, cats are too weak and pitiful and helpless.

Even a child can harm a cat, let alone an adult. If you really want to lock up a cat and prevent it from escaping, there is absolutely no way for the cat to do it. Not everyone wants to do what the owner on the bridge does stupid.

Of course, Daju didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about the previous owner. As long as it is a cat itself, there is no system. The monster practice and inheritance has long accepted its fate. Maybe it did something evil in the previous life. Reincarnated as a cat, it can be regarded as falling into the animal realm.

Although Dafu sometimes complains that Granny Meng's soup has expired, otherwise why when the memory is erased, only the memory in the underworld will be erased!? But Daju will not complain, anyway, he picked up the cheap one Only myself, a silly cat will complain!

It’s not that Daju doesn’t have ambitions or something, and has to be a pet house cat, but that it has to consider its own old life. Apart from being plump, it is also young and strong, and with human wisdom, it can live a long life. It is quite comfortable, freedom is good, but as a cat, its lifespan is far less than that of humans, that is to say, within a few years, it will not feel as energetic as it is now.

As a cat, there is no such thing as "retirement." When it comes to life, especially for stray cats, once they become weak, they are basically not far from death, so it's not that Daju has to be a pet, but wants to To survive, it must be like this.

But it is not easy to be a pet. As a former human being, I naturally know very well what kind of situation human beings are.

The reason why I followed that little beauty last time was because I fell in love with her living alone, and there were no bear children at home, but I didn't expect that after the other party found a boyfriend, he didn't know which muscle was wrong, so he had to give it to her. Neuter your own cat!

Daju is sure it must be that pig's idea. If there is a chance, he will definitely retaliate. Its previous owner is such a stupid and cute little girl. How could he suddenly have such cruel and bad thoughts? It is definitely a lie Her boar's fault.

If I had known earlier, I would have done some damage to prevent them from doing it! Daju was very regretful, but of course it also understood that it was just a cat. In a big city, you can’t go wherever you want, follow The hostess went back to the school, which is not realistic at all.

So you can't do it if you want to destroy it.

It's just to comfort myself.

"Mom, why is the cat sighing...!?"

Daying is a little upset, what's the matter!? You human cub hasn't left yet!? Is this king so attractive!? Go, go, go, don't bother me, you are upset when you see children .........

The little girl's mother raised her head and saw the contemptuous gaze of the fat orange cat. She always felt that something was wrong, it was too humane. She thought that she might have misunderstood her, so she pulled her daughter who was unwilling to leave, and said, "My daughter is gone." , Maomao is busy, let's see next time!"

"Well..." The little girl seemed a little reluctant, her eyes fell on Daju, but seeing Daqiao ignoring her, she could only nod reluctantly, she was quite obedient, and her mother Lead away.

It was that one step and three turns that made her mother feel helpless and funny.

But big cities are like this, you can’t just keep pets if you want, it’s very troublesome.

Seeing that the two two-legged beasts have finally left, Daju is relieved. As a cat, I am afraid of being a child. I don’t care if she really likes you, but they are absolutely every cat’s. nightmare.

"My lord, it's a treasure you'll never get, huh, meow~!"

Daju licked her paws, combed her hair, and kissed her proudly.

"It's getting dark, I need to find a place to sleep..."

Looking at the sky, it's almost five o'clock in the afternoon. As a cat with a human soul, Daju's life and rest are still more similar to humans.

A lot of things come out of the city, of course not ghosts and ghosts, but stray cats and dogs or some criminals, which is quite unsafe for a cat.

At this time, it is best to stay at home in peace. If there is no home, what should I do, then find a safe place, as a cat, what place can't get in!?

In particular, Daju noticed that there is a small passage in a shop, which is usually blocked by a baffle, but one of the nails may have fallen off due to loosening over time, so you only need to move it by hand. With one click, the entrance to the channel can be opened.

Daju has been sleeping there for the past two days, as long as the shopkeeper closes the door and turns off the lights, it will rule the world. As long as it is a small shop, there is only one camera inside, and it is still facing the side of the door.

Daqiao can also surf the Internet. There is also a computer in the store. The only downside is that it is too difficult for the cat to use the computer to surf the Internet, and the cat is a bit tired.

On this day, Daju logged into its king account, and after successfully getting all his teammates banned, he turned off the computer with a yawn, went back to sleep, and had to find something to eat in the morning after all. Go to bed early and get up early, not overnight.

As a result, during this sleep, I suddenly felt very different from before, like falling from the sky.

When Daju came back to his senses, he found that it appeared in a place surrounded by mist, quite dazed.

Then.....then lay down and curled up into a ball and continued to sleep.

No matter where it is, whether it is a dream or not, this cat just wants to sleep now.

Not long after Daju closed his eyes, he suddenly felt himself being hugged. It seemed to be a very soft body. Daju even felt the soft touch of his conscience.

It is much bigger than its last owner. My last owner was from an airport, and it hurts to hold it.

As for the things that were too much in his mind, Daju ignored them, and he didn't feel any changes in himself.

In a daze, it seemed to see a girl with long silver-white hair hugging itself. It was a girl...but is there really a girl with hair in the world?


Daju thought strangely, then closed his eyes again, it was very sleepy, don't bother it.

It didn't take long for Daju to feel that he was put back on the ground again, and then he felt that there were many, many people around, noisy and noisy.

Daju opened his eyes a little annoyed, wanting to yell at these idiots who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and disturbed Mr. Cat's sleep! As a result, Daju was dumbfounded when he opened his eyes.

A Luo Tianyi squatted in front of it and poked at it with a long strip of unknown object, its eyes were full of curiosity and playfulness.

After seeing Daju (okay Zhao) woke up, he dropped the thing in his hand and hugged him up.

Daqiao is crazy! COSPLAY!?

Midnight cosplay!?

Wait, what's in your head!?

After slowly digesting the things in his mind, Daju was sad and angry, so these people are all himself!? Then why only he became a cat, or a cat that almost became a eunuch cat!?

It turned out that it wasn't that Po Meng made a mistake, but that Po Meng never had soup at all!

Mad cat!

And why did Goldfinger come here at this time!? Do you know how hard it is to be a cat!?

Don't move!" Luo Tianyi said.

Zhang Qing asked curiously, "Can't speak human language!? How strange!?"

Listening to the girl in ancient costume, Daju couldn't help meowing, meaning, "When did you stupid two-legged beast see a cat speak human language[?"

Zhang Qing patted Daju's head, who was staring at her, with a small hand, and said with a smile, "You're quite energetic!"

However, his eyes did not look at the bridge at all, but at Xilin who flew from a distance with her arms folded and her face cold, her smile was quite playful, as if she had discovered something, but she didn't say anything look.

Sirin snorted coldly and didn't respond at all.

Then it went back to the scene at the beginning of this chapter, a few funny ones were learning about cats. .

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