After Ni Yuehua, many people have awakened their talents, but most of them are C-level and D-level, and there are very few B-level ones. At present, there is only one person. It can be regarded as the happiest besides Ni Yuehua, the charming girl of heaven. The guy was already insanely happy. If he hadn't been kicked out of the stage by the school leaders, he might still want to stay on the stage and be looked up to by everyone.

"That's Zhao Gao, from the third class next door. I didn't expect him to become a B-level talent awakener." Zhuge Gou, the small class leader with a very magical name, saw Zhang Qing looking at the golden-haired boy on the stage, and said in a low voice. Introduced.

"The guy who dyed his hair and no one cares about it!"

In the end, Zhuge Gou added something, as if he couldn't accept this matter.

Zhang Qing sneezed, then took out a tissue to wipe his nose, and finally crumpled up the dirty tissue, because it was some distance away from the trash can, he could only hold it in his hand

Zhuge Gou looked disgusted when he saw this, especially when he saw Zhang Qing was still sniffing his nose, he couldn't wait to move a hundred steps away.

"Seeing this, Zhang Qing looked innocent, didn't he just have a little cold!? What's the matter with such a ridiculous look!?


The team was not moving fast but not slow. After about 40 minutes, it was Zhang Qing's turn.

He held the paper towel tightly with one hand, put the other hand in front of his mouth and yawned, and walked onto the stage weakly. Under the glare of the teacher in charge, he came to the stone tablet of awakening, and stretched out his own spittle that seemed to be covered with a lot of spit. Looking at the palm, it seemed that when he was about to wipe it off, he heard the cough reminder from the head teacher, Old Wu.

Only then did Zhang Qing put his palm on the obelisk, and suddenly the colorful lights lit up, well, it was a dream, and a white light with the same brightness as a large 80-watt light bulb lit up, illuminating Zhang Qing's The pale face, more like a layer of foundation, is a little scary.

Zhang Qing was a little surprised. It turned out that he could really achieve 300 points in awakening!? He has been unlucky all his life, after all, his luck in his previous life was not so good.

"Class C!" The officer sent by the military to preside over the ceremony shouted after glancing at the obelisk.

Then he signaled Zhang Qing to go to the other side to register what kind of talent he had awakened. Of course, he could also fill in a fake information, but if he was found out later, he would have to bear the consequences of the decline in credit, and most people would not care about it. It's a secret, because it's not necessary. When the university or the military trains you, it has to be adjusted according to your talent level and specific abilities. If you apply for a fake one, you will only be delayed by yourself. Maybe even go to court-martial for wasting national resources, the loss outweighs the gain.

It was rare for Zhang Qing to see the smile of the head teacher, Old Wu, which was similar to a chrysanthemum, so ugly.

When Zhang Qing got off the stage and came to the other side, the stage was illuminated with white light again, and the officer shouted the word "C-Class" again.

Old Wu's face was even more joyful. Although it was not as good as the class 3 next door with a B grade, but at least he got two good starts in his class. Even if the rest of the class failed, it was still a good result.

After Zhuge Gou thanked the head teacher and the school for leading them, he trotted up to Zhang Qing, with a bewildered expression on his face.

After finally her breathing calmed down, she said excitedly, "I actually succeeded in awakening, this is not a dream..."


"What are you doing!?" Zhuge Gou covered his reddened left forehead, gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Qing who retracted his hand, with a bit of disbelief and strong murderous intent.

Zhang Qing coughed and said, "Didn't I want you to know that it's not a dream now!?"

"Thank you so much......" Zhuge Gou was furious. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she would want to fight Zhang Qing for 300 rounds now!

Hitting people without slapping them in the face, but even hitting girls, is almost as big a feud as cutting off a girl's hair.

Sitting under the temporary shed, the female officer in charge of the level awakened ones also looked at Zhang Qing with contempt at this time, as if looking at some large incombustible garbage.

Although in the military, others don’t care if you are a man or a woman during the sparring, but girls outside have some privileges, otherwise, which girl would want to marry a jerk man who beats her mercilessly all day long!? It’s not possible What special hobby.

"Okay, hurry up and register, there are still people waiting behind!"

The tone was quite indifferent, and after pushing a form in front of Zhang Qing, he indicated that Zhang Qing could fill it out.

Zhang Qing looked at it and found that it was some simple information, such as name, place of household registration, gender, contact number, home address, etc. The only thing that was left out was the column of natural ability level and specific ability.

Zhang Qing filled in those contents without even thinking about it, and there was nothing to think about about the level of talent and ability, so he could just fill in the "C" level, but the specific ability column made Zhang Qing a little tricky.

The female officer didn't urge her either, because this is a very normal situation. Although when you wake up, you know what your ability is and what its use is, but you need to name your ability yourself, so there are countless people.

For example, you are obviously only a clairvoyant, but you fill in the ability name [God's Eye], and others can't say that you are wrong, so there are steps that need to describe your ability in detail later, just to avoid a wave. Feng Shuimen is a headache-inducing talent.

Of course, because the awakening ceremony has existed for many years, in the national database, most people can actually find the ability corresponding to their awakening, but when they first awakened, because they were vague about their personal abilities, they hesitated uncertain situation.

As for abilities that haven't appeared in the database!? There are, but very few, and unless they reach the S-level start, they are useless.

The specific rating of an ability is not how powerful the ability is. Even if you awaken the ability to control gravity or elementalization, it may be C-level or D-level. The specific rating is determined according to the six-dimensional attributes, namely accuracy, Range degree, damage degree, potential development (cafj) degree, negative energy degree and adaptation (affinity) degree.

Among them, the negative energy refers to the negative impact brought by the awakening ability. Not all abilities have positive effects, just like flames. How can the human body withstand high temperatures? Even awakened people cannot completely ignore the high temperature damage. This side effect naturally also affects the rating of the awakening ability.

Compatibility or affinity refers to the suitability of abilities and individuals. Not all abilities are suitable for the awakened person. For example, if someone is a straight man, but he awakens the ability to seduce men, the other party must have the desire to die. Alright.

So if there is a hexagonal warrior, it must be a piece of super non-burnable garbage, commonly known as waste wood.

At the same time, among those who failed to awaken, it is also possible that they have awakened their abilities, but their own fitness and negative energy exceeds the standard, so they are considered to have failed to awaken.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Qing filled in the four characters "Sleepwalking in Wonderland" on it, and then wrote on the back, the introduction of the ability, as follows: able to manipulate dreams, or enter other people's dreams.

After receiving the form Zhang Qing handed back, the female officer glanced at it habitually, raised her eyebrows, looked at Zhang Qing with panda eyes, and nodded, "You should get more sleep, okay, Next."

Zhang Qing scratched the back of his head and moved out of the way. Seeing that the cold-faced female officer changed into a smiling face, he was speechless. Did he offend her!? Women are really troublesome..

"Forget it, let's go home first. In the afternoon, the school will send you the qualification certificate for filling out the application form. You can do it yourself online..."

Zhang Qing put his hands in his pockets, yawned, and walked towards the outside of the school gate in a sleepy manner. Those watching the excitement outside the gate, seeing Zhang Qing's lifeless and powerless appearance, all sympathetically moved out of the way. Make way for this loser.

This is the case for people who fail to awaken every year. After all, there is no one who is clearly awakened but has a mournful face. Naturally, he did not expect such a strange thing.

Naturally, Zhang Qing would not explain to these strangers. He dragged his feet and yawned, and headed slowly towards a certain direction. The incident of a real S-class awakened girl from the heavens has not stopped all the way.

"A dream........."

Zhang Qing was a little surprised when he thought about his awakened innate ability. Did God want him to sleep well!? But since reincarnated into this world, Zhang Qing discovered that he was suffering from congenital insomnia. Didn't get any sleep.

So can this ability allow me to sleep well!?

Compared with how to develop abilities and the excitement of becoming an awakened person, Zhang Qing wants to know more if he can relive the happy time of sleeping in his previous life.

His greatest wish in this life is to sleep until he wakes up naturally, but unfortunately he has not achieved it so far.

Now that he has awakened a natural ability that can only be used while sleeping, Zhang Qing thinks this is really a coincidence!

On the other side, after Zhuge Gou finished filling out the form, he was even more angry when he saw that Zhang Qing ran away without waiting for her.

"You bastard, you run so fast!" Zhuge Gou gritted his teeth and muttered dissatisfiedly.

What she awakened was a C-level [King Kong Body], which would definitely make Zhang Qing a pretty boy. In the future, whoever dares to call her a short winter melon, she would jump up and punch the opponent's knee.

What Zhuge Gou didn't know was that the few students behind her all saw the name of the ability she filled out, and they all walked a few steps away from her in fear.

This is a very famous innate ability in the database. The reason why it is rated as "C" is entirely because its negative energy is too high. The body of a diamond is not a good thing, especially for women. Not a good ability.

Especially for a stunted girl like Zhuge Gou, although she is eighteen years old, it is very likely that she will not have a second development, but after awakening the [King Kong Body], it is impossible for her to develop a second time in this life , even if you go for surgery, the scalpel may not be able to cut through the flesh, it is conceivable.

If the wife has this talent, then as a husband, it is impossible to have domestic violence in this life, because you can't beat the other party. .

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