Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

407 Broken Nanny-Type Autonomous Robot!

Zhang Qing's home is in Nancheng District, not a villa area where rich people live, but an ordinary residential area.

Zhang Qing's parents are ordinary working class, relying on both of them going out to work, the family's living standard is not bad, but it all ended four years ago, because of an invasion of dyed beasts, the incident happened to be Zhang Qing Where his parents lived, Zhang Qing became an orphan.

The old house is full of traces of time, and the moss always seems to be able to evoke the faint bits.

Zhang Qing took out the key, opened the door, and heaved a sigh when he heard the sound of "ping pong clatter" coming from inside.

When he closed the door, a little girl about 1.2 meters tall, wearing a long-sleeved long skirt and two braids, ran over in a panic. Black smudges stuck to clothes and face.

Master...Master, you are back..."

Seeing the guilty look in the other party's tone, Zhang Qing nodded without saying a word, but his eyes fell on the little girl's somewhat uncoordinated arms.

Noticing Zhang Qing's gaze, the little girl shrank her hands, as if she wanted to hide her hands behind her back, but it was obviously unrealistic, and there was an unpleasant "click" sound when her arms moved.

Zhang Qing didn't immediately go to the kitchen where the little girl was just now, but went upstairs to his room, took a toolbox, and said to the little girl who was a little sad and lowered her head, "Extend your hand."


"Come one by one." Zhang Qing looked at the two arms and reminded.

"Ah, oh!"

Sitting on the sofa, Zhang Qing held the outstretched arm of the little girl sitting beside him, and pulled up her sleeve. Inside was a section of white and tender skin, but the fly in the ointment was that there were obvious joints on it. The joints on the top of the puppet.

After Zhang Qing opened the toolbox, he took out the tool to find the keyhole at the joint position, and opened it to reveal the densely packed various precision parts inside. During the process, the little girl's eyes were wet, and she bit her lower lip in fear, pitiful Yes, as if he didn't dare to look at it.

However, Zhang Qing has no sense of comforting the other party. Do self-disciplined robots still need anesthesia injections!? Don't be kidding.

Just looking at the old parts that had malfunctioned again inside, Zhang brows could not help but wrinkle.

"Have you reached the limit......"

Zhang Qing already has the answer in his heart, but Yinyin, the self-discipline robot, was bought by Zhang Qing’s parents more than ten years ago to take care of the young Zhang Qing. In the past, the self-discipline robot does not know how many generations have been updated and eliminated, and many parts of the self-discipline robot like Yinyin have become antiques that are no longer produced.

Before that, Zhang Qing had tried his best to buy these obsolete second-hand goods in the market, but unfortunately it was still difficult to withstand the erosion of time.

If you can't find new parts to replace, there will be a day when Yinyin will completely crash.

In fact, Yinyin has already had a problem. She has lost her previous memories. She can’t remember that she used to take care of Zhang Qing as a nanny robot or sister when she was a child. I am a clumsy and useless little robot who always troubles the master.

Zhang Qing looked at the old parts inside and fell silent.

Even if new replacement parts are found, the core of the self-discipline robot cannot be replaced at all. If there is a problem with the moving parts on the body, it is actually a trivial matter, but the heart as the core of the mind has a problem. It can be said that the self-discipline The robot is completely hopeless.

There is no way to transfer it, because Yinyin, an ancient self-discipline robot, does not have an interface for transferring data, and the production company has never thought of needing this function. I probably think that no one will have feelings for the robot, or for money. , If it breaks, replace it with another one, it's all the same.

Because of this bottomless concept, the company went bankrupt ten years ago, and the nanny-type self-discipline robots like Yinyin became out of print.

"Master..." Yinyin reminded Zhang Qing weakly when she saw that Zhang Qing was motionless.

Zhang Qing's eyes deepened, and he picked up the tool and concentrated on repairing the problematic parts inside, without paying attention to Yinyin.


Seeing the endless sounds, Zhang Qing tightened the maintenance tool in his hand, and said flatly, "I'll go and clean it myself later, it's so dirty."

"Woo...." Yinyin responded weakly with her head lowered, like a child who has made a mistake.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Qing felt very complicated. If she had been taken care of by such a clumsy nanny sister earlier, Zhang Qing might not have lived to such an old age. However, looking at the image of the gentle, intellectual and capable big sister in the early years, and the current childish personality, Zhang didn't know what to say for a while.

If it's just human beings with amnesia, it can still be treated, but for autonomous robots......

"Okay! Don't mess around again in the future." After closing the outer simulation shell again, Zhang Qing gave a warning before putting away the toolbox and heading to the kitchen to clean up the mess.

Yinyin moved her flexible arms and fingers, but she didn't look happy at all. She sat quietly on the sofa, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhang Qing had already arrived at the kitchen at this time, and saw that the pots and pans were scattered all over the floor. The most terrible thing was that the faucet was still on. Now it has become a small pond, and there are no big fish or small fish, but But the wooden chopsticks were floating like floating corpses.

"......" Once again, I am glad that the sound was not broken back then, and the nanny robot produced by Kelin Company did not do any new tricks on it, otherwise Zhang Qing would never survive now, even if he The same goes for reincarnators.

Forget about the unreliable Colin Company.

Zhang Qing rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs and rushed into the battlefield. The first step was to turn off the faucet, and then to turn on the water and pick up the "corpses".

After a lot of work, even Zhang Qing, who has become an awakened person, feels a little tired.

After Zhang Qing tidied up, it was already an hour later. After washing his hands, Zhang Qing saw the sound of changing clothes again and standing in front of the kitchen door sullenly. He didn't know how long he stood there without saying a word. Hair a little scary.



Zhang Qing didn't pay attention to the other party. After passing Yinyin, he returned to the hall and lay down on the couch. Then he took out his mobile phone, opened the takeaway call page, and chose takeaway.

I don't want to move anymore today, I can just cook by myself.

Eggs with tomatoes, no, I ate steamed eggs with leeks yesterday, shredded potatoes and fried minced meat…………


Suddenly a shadow fell, Zhang Qing looked away from the phone screen, and saw Yinyin fiddling with her fingers, lowering her head, standing beside her.

Zhang Qing:

0 looking for flowers...


"?????" Zhang Qing looked inexplicably at the robot who was still sick today. Could it be that even the last bit of mind is broken now!?

"That..." Yinyin drew circles on the ground with her toes a little hesitantly, her eyes secretly looked at Zhang Qing from time to time, but she seemed to want to say something.

Zhang Qing sometimes has to marvel at the technology in this world. Ordinary people may not be able to become awakened, but instead concentrate on research and development of technology. Take self-discipline robots as an example. Two.

Sometimes I feel that the black technology here is a bit scary.

However, there may be the threat of infected beasts, but it is difficult to have any nostalgic feelings for robots, dolls, etc., probably because human beings themselves are also facing a precarious life, so they cannot separate out the redundant feelings. on other things.

Of course, people always need sustenance of mood. Not everyone is ruthless, and not everyone can adapt to loneliness, so there are many people who buy this type of self-discipline robot and come back as family members. However, Kelin Company This concept of only being responsible for the production of disposable products, although it has collected a huge amount of wealth in the early stage, but because of complaints from a large number of buyers, it finally ushered in the end.

On the contrary, after the collapse of Kelin Company, many emerging companies that saw the market picked up the bargain and shared the cake.

In order to distinguish these emerging companies from the products of Kelin Company, all product models and configurations are different from the robots produced by Kelin Company. It can only be thrown into the garbage dump.

There is no way to sell it as scrap iron, because the parts inside basically have nothing to do with metal such as iron, but a new type of lightweight material. Otherwise, an autonomous robot of this size can easily crush an ordinary child to death. Can act as a babysitter!?

"If you have nothing to do, go to the side and charge yourself." Zhang Qing turned his eyes back to the phone screen and said.

Once Zhang Qing said that before, Yinyin would leave obediently, but this time she didn't move, "Master..."

"That, that...the school sent you a notice to become an awakened person..."

.." Zhang Qing remained silent.

Yinyin bit her lower lip and continued, "Will you leave with Yinyin!?"

The movements of Zhang Qing's hands couldn't help but pause, he was really silent this time.

Is it necessary to carry a nanny-type self-discipline robot that is about to be scrapped!? If Zhang Qing is still an ordinary person, it may be possible, but after becoming an awakened person, this civilian self-discipline robot is obviously completely useless, and The university doesn't know what's going on, whether they can live with the autonomous robot.

"Little Qingqing...... why don't you go to bed, okay, sister will sing you a lullaby......"

A certain blurry image in memory flashed again, and Zhang Qing couldn't help turning his head to look at the little guy standing beside him who was almost running out of nose.

"Sure's not her..."

"Master, what are you talking about!?" Yinyin looked at Zhang Qing with some fear.

"Can... Can you not leave Yinyin alone here! Bu?".

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