Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

408 Goji Berry Soaked In Water, Long Life!

If it's an S-rank girl like Ni Yuehua, she might have a choice, even a golden-haired guy like Zhao Gao also has a choice.

But students like Zhang Qing whose awakening talent level is only C-level, unless they have a relationship, can basically only go to the Heavenly Sword Awakened University.

Yes, there is only one Awakened University in every state. One reason is that this kind of university is larger than ordinary universities, and it is even a city itself. After all, Awakened is basically a little superman

If you stay in an ordinary school, you may have to rebuild it every three days or so.

The second is that the number of awakened people cannot be many, just like there are not many people with spiritual roots in Xiuxian novels. Of course, if there are E-levels, the number of people may increase, but the reason why there is no E-level talent is because that kind of talent cannot be cultivated normally. If it is forced, it may be life-threatening. It's better to be an ordinary person.

So it is not to say that all the people who failed to awaken are ordinary people through and through, but they have to be ordinary people. Of course, these countries will not say it, otherwise it will cause social turmoil. There will always be idiots who refuse to accept their fate. It's normal, but it's not good for the whole society. Naturally, these inside stories will not be told to the public.

There is no doubt that Zhang Qing will have to go to Tianjian Academy to study in the future. Yes, the full name of this awakened university is called Tianjian Academy.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qing filled out his registration information on his mobile phone. By the way, he inquired about the information about Tianjian Academy. Because he never thought that he would become an awakened person, Zhang Qing didn't know much about it. It's probably just something I've heard about, but I don't know if it's true or not. Now that I'm going, I have to be prepared.

As for Yinyin, after receiving Zhang Qing's guarantee, she was happily humming a melody that she didn't know where she heard it, and was cleaning with a broom.

However, what she didn't know was that Zhang Qing was looking up the accommodation issues of Tianjian Academy students at this time. What made Zhang Qing look bad was that such a large campus was still a collective dormitory. Fortunately, it was a four-person room, and Not a room for eight.

Of course, there are also individual dormitories, or individual single-family houses with a small garden. Compared with collective dormitories, they are simply luxurious villas.

However, it is not possible to move in with money at all. There are no requirements, the only requirement is strength, and there is only one chance. For freshmen, if they succeed in the challenge, they can move in, and if they fail, they will have no chance again.

This is simply impossible for Zhang Qing, who has only a "c" level of talent, and his ability is not related to combat.

It's not that C-level is not as good as A-level, but that it is C-level in terms of comprehensiveness, which means that there must be something that is holding back, so it is rated as C-level instead of A-level. Almost perfect.

As for the SS level, it usually has a buff effect. In other words, it comes with an official plug-in. As for the legendary SSS level, since it is a legend, it is unknown. It may be just a theoretical level. Of course, some people say that if such a level really exists, it must not be human beings. They think that humans cannot have it at all. .

Zhang Qing regretted how he had promised so readily before, it was obviously just a mere self-discipline robot that was about to be scrapped, and he didn't need to care about his feelings at all.

He Zhang Qing also does not need friends and companions.

There is still a month to start school, even if they are all awakened at about the same time, it is reasonable to say that the gap will not be too big, but that is only logical, because there are various talents and abilities, and some people's physical fitness will even change in an instant. He was greatly elevated, so even if Zhang Qing worked hard for a month to practice physical skills, it would be useless, not to mention that other people's natural abilities can also improve combat effectiveness.

Some people may ask, what about those who have awakened the innate ability of the auxiliary system!? Take the nanny as an example, who has a fart fighting power!?

Very good, I asked a good question, there is no fairness in this world, and since it is an auxiliary department, you should learn to get along with other people, so is it wrong to live in a dormitory!? Of course, if you choose to follow a certain If you are an evildoer, you can also live in the other party's single-family apartment.

As an auxiliary department, the admission conditions are relatively simple. The only difficult part is how to impress the other party.

However, it's a pity that Zhang Qing doesn't have any friends, and he doesn't know how to lick people. In addition, the awakened talent is a bit strange, and probably no fool will let him stay.

So Zhang Qing can only rely on himself to earn, but the specific content of the challenge is not disclosed on the Internet, so Zhang Qing can't make targeted preparations at all, which is very Muggle.

He doesn't know martial arts, he doesn't know how to use hot weapons, the only thing he can rely on now is this natural ability.

Zhang Qing, who just expected this ability to let him sleep before, had to raise the requirement a little bit, hoping that this ability is not as useless as imagined.

Yinyin's babysitter, who didn't know anything about it, was packing up the takeaway boxes on the table at the moment. During the process, she knocked over Zhang Qing's tea cup, but she caught it in the end, preventing the ceramic cup from becoming took one of the trash.

Seeing that Zhang Qing didn't notice, Yinyin breathed a sigh of relief, then secretly wiped off the water stains on the table, and tiptoedly refilled the tea. After doing this, she rubbed the impossible sweat on her forehead.

Hehe, if the robot can sweat, then check whether it is leaking.

For this, Zhang Qing sneered inwardly.

On the other end, Zhuge Gou, who also returned home, briefly explained to his parents, then went back to his room and locked the door.

From under the bed, he took out a huge pig-head puppet that was as tall as a person, and a note with someone's name was pasted on it.

Zhuge Gou held the puppet by the back of its neck, showing a cold smile.

Pressing it against the wall, he kept shaking his fist at the pig's head, and soon there was a muffled sound of "bang bang bang——" and the house seemed to be shaking.

Zhuge Gou's parents outside felt the vibration of the ground, and couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

"Why is this child more lively today than before!?"

Zhuge Gou's father, Zhuge Wen, thought for a long time before he found a suitable word to describe his precious daughter. 0

However, Su Rong, Zhuge Gou's mother, rolled her eyes, "Is this lively!? Really, if you don't change this habit, how will you get married in the future!?"

Su Rong, who was already worried because of her daughter's stunted growth and she looked like a primary school student at the age of eighteen, was even more worried now. Although Zhuge Gou always locked the door when doing these things, as parents I already knew what Zhuge Gou was doing in the room.

After all, when cleaning, it is impossible not to find the pig-head puppet hidden under the bed.

Su Rong has to worry about that little classmate named "Zhang Qing" every day, because she is afraid that the other party will be beaten to death by her violent daughter one day. Maybe in the future, I don’t need to worry about my daughter going to jail for beating a classmate to death.

However, what Su Rong didn't know was that that poor classmate named "Zhang Qing" would most likely have to be her daughter's classmate for a few more years, and what she really hated was "her daughter's violence index and force value." All updated.

Zhuge Wen watched his teacup being dusted and floating on the brown tea, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice, "Tell your daughter later, if you want to practice boxing, go outside later, our family The house is not strong."

Originally, the two were happy that their daughter could become an awakened person, but now they couldn't laugh at all.

Probably only one word "sorrow" can be used to describe it.

Su Rong also nodded, "I'll tell her."

"Be tactful and try not to let us know what she is doing." Zhuge Wen reminded.

Su Rong rolled her eyes again, "I know you father and daughter are playing, and you know it too, but you just pretend you don't know!?"

"Okay, okay, I'll be more tactful, I'll just say that the neighbor complained that our house is too noisy, so let her play the music down..."

However, before Su Rong finished speaking, she heard some creepy laughter coming from her daughter's room, which stopped Su Rong's words.

Zhuge Wen even got goosebumps.


The camera turns back to Zhuge Gou's room.

At this moment, Zhuge Gou held the detached pig's head from the corpse, showing a terrible smile, and the cotton inside was scattered all over the ground.

After laughing a few times, Zhuge Gou realized that his baby puppet was broken, and he froze for a moment, then lay down on the dead body and cried.

It seems to be sad for how today, with just a few punches, the puppet that has been treasured for many years to relieve stress is gone.

The pig's head rolled down on the ground, the somewhat deformed face could no longer be seen as a pig, and the big round eyes stared at Zhuge Gou with unconsolable eyes, as if to say, "Why are you crying, you are about to fall!" The dead body of the Lord is sewn up, cotton must not be less!"

At the same time, Zhang Qing returned to his room and lay on the bed trying to make himself fall asleep. At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little cold all over, and even sneezed a lot.

He muttered a little irritably, "The damn cold hasn't healed yet..."

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