Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

431 Brunhild: Can Your Friend Fight! ?

"What are you thinking, do you think there are good things at different prices in this world!?"

Brunhilde gave her younger sister a white look, and said bluntly, "Didn't you ask, why didn't Randy Grace and the others turn into normal weapons!? This is because the forging of artifacts requires Valkyrie and the use of If the user has the same mind, which weapon the user thinks is the most suitable for her, what weapon will be transformed into the divine weapon forging......

"And you want to communicate with each other, but you have to hand over your own soul to the user. Only when you become a part of the other party can you have this speciality. Otherwise, do you think the sacrifice I said was a joke!?"

If she could leave at any time, Regis Lev would not die with Adam, because once this relationship is achieved, it will be permanent, and it is an unequal symbiotic relationship.

Yes, in fact, only the Valkyrie paid for it, otherwise, which idiot in the world would dare to use this special artifact!?

Take Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd in the original book as an example. At that time, Landi Grace was already seriously injured and dying, but Lu Bu was still alive and kicking. In the end, Lu Bu's death became the last moment. The weight of a straw made Randy Grace die so hard that she couldn't die anymore.

After all, the weapons forged by the forging of divine weapons are essentially the souls of the Valkyries. Because the Valkyries are also considered part of the heavens, their souls have become extraordinary existences, so they can be compared to the divine weapons.

Because of this characteristic, the Valkyrie's status in this heaven is not high, not much better than servants, because in the eyes of the gods, they are just a knife, a tool, and if they are gone, they will find new ones, and if they are broken, they will be replaced. Replace it with a new one.

It's just that there is no big war in the advanced heavens, otherwise Brunhilde would not be able to live for such a long time. Because of peace, they survived, but because of peace, the number of them did not increase.

Grey's heart was very heavy when he heard that, doesn't that mean that if he wins, it's impossible for all the sisters to come back!?

Gray was suddenly very sad.

I also feel that I am useless and can't help at all.

Brunhilde sighed when she saw this, and didn't say any more. She was not sad, but it was necessary to pay for defeating the gods, and what she didn't tell Gray was that no matter what the final result was, the final decision Whether the game is won or lost, it is up to her elder sister to play.

As for Gray, Brunhilde will try not to let her die at such a young age, and will not let this girl play until all the official Valkyries are dead.

So Brunhilde hopes to have more victories. In this way, her sisters don't have to die, but just continue to live in a different form, which is much better than not even leaving scum.

"Please treat Randy Grace well..."

Luo Tianyi nodded, isn't it the legend of the weapon race!? She wanted it a long time ago, and it is more fragrant than Tiantian.

Since they didn't intend to go back, Luo Tianyi accepted it unceremoniously.

"By the way, can it really be turned into a big killer like the book of life and death!?" Luo Tianyi stopped worrying about this matter, and changed the subject.

Brunhilde was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Luo Tianyi was asking, then shook his head with a wry smile, "How is it possible, the weapon made by forging the divine weapon inherits the characteristics of the Valkyrie, so there is no existence beyond In terms of ability range, take the microphone (cadg) in your hand as an example, it inherits Landy Grace's 'Broken Shield' and has a special attack effect on defense..."

In the end, Brunhilde couldn't continue. After all, normal people would not consider fighting with a microphone, let alone be crazy enough to hit a shield with a microphone, but ordinary people can't do this Kind of good!?

"What effect do the books and pens have!?" Luo Tianyi didn't care about this, because she was the kind of guy who could knock people's heads with a microphone, let alone knock other people's armor. There are plenty of people who hit people on the head, what's so strange!?

Brunhilde didn't hide it either, and said, "As you can see, it has become two artifacts. As for the effects, Horeste has two "exciters" and "roarers". Name, so it has the function of motivating and inspiring..."

Having said that, Brunhilde is also a little speechless, that is to say, Horeste's characteristics do not provide any bonus to the artifact, so that the user who holds the artifact will not give up. For warriors, the spirit of going forward and never giving up is of course very valuable, but what Horest transformed is not a weapon at all, but the second of the four treasures of the study that has nothing to do with combat, how can this be fought!?

"Luo Tianyi, how strong is your friend!?"

Luo Tianyi smiled when she heard the words, "It's not that good, Xiao Qingqing is the kind of very lazy person, and she has never fought with anyone since she was a child, she is the kind of very typical lady of the family, but very The unlucky one was pushed up to become the emperor, alas, why are you covering your chest, your face is still so pale!?"

In the ring, Poseidon of course would not pay attention to Zhang Qing, who was an ant in his eyes, but as the host, Heimdall loudly announced the official start of the third battle.

This is what he said.

"The contestants for the third battle between gods and humans have already taken their positions, so now I announce that the third battle of the final battle will be between the god Fang Poseidon and the human empress Fang Dalan, and it will begin now——!"

Therefore, Zhang Zhu won the name of Poseidon without much effort.

"Oh, so it's called Poseidon, the one who got caught by Yaya and Yaya!? Well, I've finished writing it. Can I do it if I don't know Chinese!?"

"It doesn't work, can't you learn some Chinese!?"

In this way, Heimdall and Poseidon watched Zhang Qing anxiously, writing and drawing on his own as if there was no one else around. In the end, they no longer used words, and simply drew portraits on the spot.

"Is it still not working..." Zhang Jing was somewhat disappointed when she glanced and found that Poseidon was still alive and well.

After hearing her complaining and dissatisfied murmurs, many viewers of the Xia Kingdom on the human side complained in their hearts, especially those ancient emperors. You must know that if there is such an artifact, they would also want it. Only the emperor's people know how troublesome it is to make troublesome people. The mortal emperor is also a mortal body. He will not die. If a person is killed, he will die. But they can't practice martial arts because they don't have the time and energy. Even practicing martial arts is useless, there are many ways to assassinate.

At the same time, the emperor said that he is the most powerful person in the world, but only the emperor knows that they have no willful capital, and they are always worried that someone will conspire to rebel, otherwise they will not have merit. The literati ruled the world together and suppressed the military generals. One can imagine that if the emperor had the book of life and death in his hands, they would need to be afraid of someone rebelling!? Who would dare!?

Not to mention that humans are speechless here, and many gods are also extremely speechless. If there is such a terrifying artifact, how can it be allowed to be used by humans? Isn’t it afraid of killing all the gods!? It’s impossible to think about it.

"This human being is really whimsical. I'm afraid he is a fool. It's a pity that he looks so good-looking..."

"Hahaha, it really is a very interesting human being!" Loki in the auditorium was smiling very happily at the moment, especially when he saw Poseidon, who always had a dead face, now his face was dark, He laughed even louder.

Although it is true that many gods are afraid of Poseidon, there are also many gods who feel uncomfortable because of Po Handong's defiant attitude.

Ares, the Greek god of war, didn't care what Loki was laughing at. He looked at the weapon in Zhang Qing's hand and shook his head.

On the contrary, Hermes said with a playful smile, "Don't say that, I think that human girl is not simple......"

Ares curled his lips, "You think, you tell me how to use that weapon to fight!?"

Hermes spread his hands, "I don't know either, but I don't think the Valkyries would send incompetent people to fight. Let's recall the last two duels. Lord Zeus could only win miserably. Knowing that Lord Poseidon is the elder brother of Lord Zeus, he didn't pay much attention..."

"You have to know something like morale, but it can't stand being worn down time and time again..."

Ares also put away the indifference on his face when he heard the words. To be honest, except for the first stop, he was a little confused. The second battle between his father and Adam made Ares feel uncomfortable. Don't admit that human beings are very strong, and Ares is not Adam's opponent at all.

Who would have thought that as long as human beings are given an artifact, they will really have the ability to compete with the gods. In the past, Ares would not believe anything, but the reality has proved that human beings who are underestimated by them, Not weak.

"To be honest, I really don't like fighting and killing, how about we change the way!?" Zhang Qing also gave up the unrealistic action of writing the other party to death after a lot of tossing, put away this After "weapon", she looked up to Poseidon and suggested.

However, what responded to her was Poseidon's silence and ignorance, as well as a little bit of impatience.

Because Poseidon has already clenched his Neptune Trident and pointed at Zhang Qing, and the next attack is coming, Poseidon has lost only a little patience left.

Seeing this, Zhang Qing put away the smile on his face, "I hate being pointed at with weapons, and of course fingers.

Her gaze was slightly cold, and only at this moment did she have the aura of an emperor who would lay down millions of corpses in a fit of anger.

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