Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

432 The Invisible Battlefield! Dusty Taboo!

Poseidon's indifferent eyes changed, feeling the deep and sea-like Wia, as if the glorious heavenly power descended, he was very surprised, even a little unbelievable.

No matter how you look at it, even if this human girl is wearing the so-called "Dragon Robe", she can't hide her frail nature. However, this power is pressing on him like a tsunami.

Poseidon's hand holding the Neptune's trident was instantly frozen on the spot, unable to move further.

Just like that, a scene that surprised all the audience appeared. On the ring, the two duelists representing both sides looked at each other from a distance, standing still in place, staring at each other blankly, motionless.

It seems to be playing a childish game where the eyes are big and the eyes are small, and whoever blinks first loses.

There was no other way, only Poseidon was able to face the might of the emperor head-on, and even the third person on the ring, Heimdall as a supporter, didn't feel half of it.

"Why are you standing like this!?"

"Stop fighting!?"

Instead, the audience was commotion, they didn't understand what happened, or what the two duelists were doing!?

Especially after watching the hand-to-hand combat between Zeus and Adam just now, I feel that the current scene is very weird.

"Interesting, interesting, so that's how it is. That's really interesting. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen..." Compared to other people or gods who didn't know why, Hermer was dressed as a butler and in a tuxedo. Si, on the other hand, seemed to have discovered something, and muttered to himself with a pleasant smile.

Ares, the god of war sitting next to him, looked at him puzzled, not knowing what he was talking about!?

"Momentum, they are now engaged in a contest between momentum, huh!? Didn't you, the God of War, notice it!?"

"Yes....Really...!? No, that, that, that kind of thing I knew from the beginning!!! That's right, that's it, I just don't say it, you Know me, I'm not the pushy type."

Ares tried his best to argue, but his heart was also full of turbulent waves, and he couldn't calm down. Someone was able to confront the tyrant of the raging sea, which made Ares, the god of war, very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Ares realizes that he is the God of War, but why is it like no one can beat him!?

What's even more sad is that he found that he couldn't even beat a single person on the field.

Seeing that Zhang Qing, the Empress of Dalan, was not instantly killed as soon as she came up, and now she seems to be competing with the fierce sea king Poseidon on a different level, Brunhilde's cold heart, Finally, there is such a little bit of temperature.

Looking at the unknown, Gray, who was very puzzled by the situation on the ring, explained in a rare good mood, "Not all battles have to be fought with fists and weapons. On the battlefield that you can't see Maybe the two of you have gone back and forth for hundreds of times..."

In fact, Brunhilde has only heard about this kind of contest, but has not experienced it personally.

After all, the West is used to going straight, and the power is shocked. If you can't stand it, you just lie down and resist it. Then there will be a life-and-death battle. There is a mysterious spiritual level contest in the East!?

"The invisible battlefield!?" Gray became even more confused.

Luo Tianyi looked at Brunhilde in surprise, she didn't expect that she would understand this, and she was right, there was indeed an invisible confrontation going on in the arena.

It comes from the contest between the emperor and the king on the power they have cultivated.

There has been such a saying since ancient times, "When the arrogance of the king and domineering comes out, the people will kneel down in disorder, officials and thieves",

In fact, it is about the aura of the emperor. Why is it that many emperors in ancient times were mortals themselves, but they were still able to frighten the ministers underneath and make them terrified? Because of this, it is like Zhu Yuanzhang, who is a proper tyrant in the eyes of the ministers. But he didn't dare to conspire against him during his lifetime, even if it was a thousand-year-old family. Why!? Isn't it because of the invisible emperor's prestige!?

Perhaps in the eyes of modern people, it is completely psychological, but it still exists.

Brunhilde didn't analyze too much, or she herself didn't delve into it too deeply, she turned to say, "I was wrong, I didn't expect Horeste to be the most sober person... ………”

Thinking about how she directly skipped over this Empress Da Lan before, and felt that the other party's book breath was too strong to be suitable for this kind of battlefield, Brunhilde felt blushing.

But being able to face off with a great god who has long been fierce in the outside world is not something that can be underestimated. I am afraid that the emperors of most dynasties will not be able to do it, because what they need to face is no longer People, but gods, or the best of gods.

"Then, then can we win!?" Although she didn't understand it very well, Gray somehow understood that Zhang Qing didn't seem to be the kind who had no chance of winning, so she immediately asked with hope.

However, Brunhilde, who was still marveling at Zhang Qing before, shook his head, "No, Master Poseidon is not so easy to defeat, he can be said to be the most terrifying among the [Twelve Gods of Olympus] God of..."

Seeing Gray's puzzled expression, Brunhilde didn't give a shit, and continued directly, "Taking this opportunity, let me tell you an untold secret of the heavens. In fact, it can also be said to be a secret. It's just because of the fear of Poseidon's fierce power, no god dares to mention it in private..."

"The main god of Olympus used to be the same as us Valkyrie, there were thirteen."

"Hey, hey!? Are there thirteen gods!? What's going on!?" Gray was shocked. She had never heard of such a thing, after all, she became the thirteenth Valkyrie (trainee) ), the common sense in the heavenly world was that there were only twelve main gods in Olympus, and the existence of thirteen gods had never been heard of.

After all, the number "13" has a different meaning in the West, and most of them are regarded as "unknown", so latecomers will not think there is anything wrong with only twelve main gods.

Not to mention Grey, the new Valkyrie, even Luo Tianyi, who only cares about eating and drinking, is very interested. Although she hasn't studied Western mythology much, but because she also experienced the craze of "Saint Seiya" in her previous life , so I still have a little understanding of Greek mythology.

It seems that I have never heard of the saying that there are thirteen main gods.

Could it be that there are actually five of them the same as the Four Heavenly Kings!?

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because it's a taboo. At that time, one of the 13 gods of Olympus was killed by Lord Poseidon, and after Lord Poseidon killed the main god, he Immediately make a final conclusion, change the original thirteen seats to twelve seats, and erase the traces of the existence of the main god...

"What, what!? The god killed the god!? This... This is the first time I heard it, who was killed!?" Gray was even more confused, the main god The existence of the level was killed, it was not such a trivial thing as the death of a kitten and a puppy, why did not leave any rumors, she was young, but she was not ignorant.

0 looking for flowers……………

Brunhilde solemnly spit out the real name of the slain god word by word, "His name is [Adomasu]..."

When Brunhilde pronounced this taboo name, all the audience on the gods' side below turned their heads to look at her, all in unison, which shocked Gray.

"Why such a big reaction!? Is He such a famous god!? And isn't this name the name of Lord Zeus's ultimate form before? I didn't see such a big reaction from them back then!?" Gray immediately hid in Luo Tianyi Behind him, he asked tremblingly.

As for that name, I dare not say it directly.

But Luo Tianyi was just smiling, and when those gods faced Luo Tianyi's smile, they turned their heads back one after another. It was hard for these gods. It felt like there was a tiger in front and a glutton in the back. In the middle, inside and outside are not people.

Brunhilde also thought it was a little funny, but he still explained, "Nowadays, no one dares to say the name because of fear. In the second battle before, you saw all the old men except Zeus Besides, is there a second god who dares to call out that name directly!?"

"This..." Gray thought for a while, and found that there really wasn't one, and everyone seemed to be only concerned about Zeus's disgusting and perverted third transformation.

"He is one of the gods who inherited the blood of Cronus, who once ruled the entire universe. Adomosu is one of the elder brothers of Zeus and Poseidon. He was dissatisfied with Zeus, the youngest brother, who became the supreme god. Rebelling directly, he liberated the Titans and giants who were sealed in the abyss of death and darkness, and subdued Typhon, who was known as the most ferocious monster in the heavens, took them all under his command, and began to march! There are even rumors that, At that time, among the 13 gods of Olympus, many main gods defected to him, but..."

.......When he was winning Poseidon, the younger brother, at the moment when he met his eyes for the first time in his life, Atuo Moxu ushered in the end of his life, just a simple blow, Atuo Moxu The powerful Lord God was killed, which is why the gods are so afraid of Poseidon. "

"Because it was too simple to kill, Poseidon directly defined Atuo Moxu as a guy who mixed with the thirteen gods and was not a god, that is, from that moment on, history was changed, and Olympus had always only had twelve god."

As Brunhilde recounted this dusty past, the atmosphere in the auditorium of the gods below became more dignified and weird, and Gray couldn't help but swallowed, feeling very uneasy.

Although Poseidon didn't admit it, it was Zeus and his elder brother, who were also gods at the level of the main god. You must know that not everyone in the heavens is qualified to be called the main god. So Brunhild looked at Zhang Qing, who seemed to be in a stalemate with the Poseidon Chamber on the small ring below, and his eyes were full of amazement.

After all, Atomasu, who was once famous and even thought he did not belong to Zeus, the father of the gods, was killed by Poseidon with one blow. Now a mere human being can confront Poseidon What an unbelievable thing that he was not defeated and killed in an instant!

On the other side of the Greek God, Ares also rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, "Speaking of... Speaking of which, there seemed to be a traitor among the twelve main gods back then...

"Ah, if that's the case, it's me." Hermes said proudly.

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