The blue doomsday world.

"Commander, Commander, if you sleep again, you will be spanked..."

Early in the morning, just after dawn, Ping Hai's energetic voice rang in his ears, feeling the weight on his body, Zhang Qing opened his eyes helplessly, and saw Ping Hai sitting It's like a big moving alarm clock on my stomach.


"Okay, wake me up in a normal way in the future." Zhang Qing sat up suddenly, causing Ping Hai to roll off him and land on the floor, watching the half-grown girl rubbing her ass. The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth curled up slightly as he cried out in pain.

Yes, he did it on purpose.

Who let these little guys take turns disturbing his sweet dreams, and earlier and earlier.

Touching the position next to him, feeling the remaining warmth on it, Zhang Qing felt hard for Yixian, and had to leave early every day before these little guys came, which was heartbreaking and helpless.

Of course, most of them are helpless, after all, the normal relationship between the admiral and the secretary ship is so sneaky!?

Yixian is too shy, and these little guys are too bad, Zhang Qing can't believe that these lolis have not noticed the relationship between him and Yixian at all, since these little guys came to wake up earlier and earlier It can be seen that these little guys are probably just trying to catch Yixian.

Perhaps this has been regarded as a fun game.

A game of peek-a-boo between Yat-sen and the destroyer.

(Ping Hai and Ning Hai: We are not destroyers, you hateful commanders!)

Of course, these little guys are not just as simple as catching ghosts, especially Ping Hai, who loves to play and play, and the way of waking Zhang Qing up is not the same every day, such as the heavy pendant in Wuheqin, such as scratching My feet are itchy, like sitting on my belly this morning and playing with a rocking car...  …

In short, when it was this little guy's turn, Zhang Qing was at his most helpless.

When Zhang Qing took out the admiral's uniform from the closet to change into it, he found that Ping Hai was still in his room, still looking for something, so he couldn't help but ask, what are you doing!?"

Ping Hai didn't hide anything, she lay on the ground, looking at the bottom of the bed, "I just want to see where Sister Yixian leaves from every time, Commander, do you have any secret passage here!? "

Zhang Qing rolled his eyes, "Didn't the new tutelary mansion be built under your supervision!? I remember that you also contributed. You asked me if I had secret channels. Don't you know this kind of thing better than me! ?”

Please, this is the third floor, how to make a secret passage, it is not realistic at all, okay!?

And is it necessary for him to create a secret road!? If Yixian didn't agree to make the relationship public now, they would both be married.

Of course, Zhang Qing also knows a little bit about Yixian's thoughts. Not only is she shy, but Yixian probably doesn't want to be an ordinary person, because if she becomes an ordinary person, she will not be able to protect Zhang Qing, and may not be able to stay with Zhang Qing all the time. When she is by her side, there will be a new wife to take her place. This is the sadness of being an admiral's wife.

At the same time, Yixian was also worried that if Zhang Qing had his own human wife in the future, if the other party knew about his relationship with Zhang Qing, he might go crazy. As a woman, Yixian also has empathy for Zhang Qing's future wives. The other's sorrow is not his own sorrow!

That's why, they have been stealing the truth all the time.

Even if Zhang Qing promises that he won't have a human wife, it's useless, because as a ship's mother, he can't have offspring with humans, unless he is not a ship's wife, so no matter what considerations, Yixian can't agree.

Maybe one day, when the world returns to peace and Jian Niang is no longer needed, her troubles will disappear.

But Zhang Qing actually didn't want that day to happen, otherwise with his current strength, he would be able to do it (maybe). As a human being, he is well aware of the inferiority of human beings. Once there is no common enemy between humans and ship mothers, there may be a break between humans and ship mothers. This is unavoidable, after all, admirals are only a minority.

After the brave defeated the devil to save the world, the brave became the new big devil.

It's not that the brave man really wants to be the devil, but people regard him as the new devil. Human beings are despicable because they are weak. Of course, even if humans are strong, they will not become perfect. After all, human beings are imperfect creatures.

"Impossible, Commander, there must be some secret channel in your room, otherwise, how could Sister Yixian disappear before I open the door every time! 々~?" Rubbing his little butt, he searched for something under the bed, as if he was looking for some mechanism.

Zhang Qing didn't intend to take care of this blah little girl any more. She dressed herself, opened the door, turned her head and said, "I'm leaving. If you leave again, I'll take you alone." People left behind."

"Hey! Wait! Seriously, I will definitely find it next time." Although Ping Hai wanted to find the secret channel of the mechanism, she would not be willing to be left behind.

Although it is not a destroyer, Ping Hai is still very attached to his own commander. Perhaps it has something to do with his size, which affects his mental maturity.

The summary is: don't grow up.

"For this kind of thing, you can just ask Yixian directly." Zhang Qing walked towards the bathroom and said without looking back.

Ping Hai, who was following behind, pouted, "No, I don't want it! Sister Yixian will kill me!"

Zhang Qing:."


It's good to know, why do you want to provoke! Isn't it good to live!? This brat

Sure enough, junior high school students are no better than primary school students.

"Why are you still following me!?" When Zhang Qing came to the bathroom, he found that Ping Hai was still following him, and was immediately depressed.

Ping Hai scratched the back of his head, and said with some embarrassment, "I came to find the commander as soon as I got up, so I didn't wash up..."

Zhang Qing has a black line on his forehead, how much you want to catch Yixian, you are not afraid that the cook will poison you while cooking!?

Well, Jian Niang is really not afraid, there are really not many poisons in this world that can make Jian Niang get sick and die, but if you cook in the dark, it will still scare Jian Niang.

When one person and one ship girl finished washing and went downstairs, they saw many ship girls in action. Unknowingly, Crescent Island is not the same as it was at first, with only a few ship girls. Of course, those who can join here are basically only It's elementary school students, and it's thanks to the presence of Javelin and the others that other elementary school students are willing to join.

As for the types of ships other than destroyers, even if it is a white board in the game, no admiral will dislike it, so there are very few ship girls other than destroyers who become wandering ship girls. Of course it is rare, but in fact they are not count less.

After all, the characters of the ship girls are all kinds of strange, and there are also many ship girls who don't want to be bound by the tutelary mansion, or have other plans and don't join the tutelary mansion.

For this reason, Zhang Qing also specially built an amusement park, where you can see the figures of these elementary school students every day, as well as the sound of laughter.

"Commander," Tian Hou, who was carrying a small basket at this time, blushed when she saw Zhang Qing, and yelled in a low voice.

Seeing the strawberries in her basket, Zhang Qing nodded and said, "Are any strawberries ripe at this time!?"

Tianhou nodded, "Yes, I'm afraid it will be broken if I don't take it off again, so I took it off today, Commander, do you want to try it!?"

Let's make it dessert after breakfast. I'm going to do morning exercises now, so I won't eat anything. "Zhang Qing thought about it and refused. Seeing Tianhou was a little disappointed, he patted her little head, and continued, "If there is any leftover, let's make strawberry pie together!"

"Hmm..." Tianhou finally cheered up.

Seeing Tianhou leaving with a basket, Zhang Qing looked up at the ship's mother's dormitory, and sighed in a certain room with the curtains drawn, "That guy from Long Island...forget about her 3... .."

As the only Qinghang in the town guard's mansion, she turned out to be a house girl, living a life of sleeping until she wakes up naturally every day, eating and drinking, enviable happiness, ahem, decadent life, really gave Zhang Qing a headache.

I was really worried, no one knew that I starved to death in the room that day.

Let's mention it to Yixian later, and let her think of a way.

While thinking this way, Zhang Qing started running slowly on the island. It wasn't that he wanted to exercise by jogging. These simple exercises were useless to him, but Yixian and the others were worried about Zhang Qing's health. The tough attitude made Zhang Qing keep walking at least a few kilometers every day.

Although there are not many admirals in this world who died of sub-health, there are also many, so no ship mother will get used to her admiral and make the admiral a useless person. Even the mother of the aircraft carrier will harden her heart and let her My admiral has a certain amount of exercise every day.

"Actually, this kind of life is already pretty good......"

Thinking (Qian Haohao) of the official establishment of the Mist Council last night, Zhang Qing was in a very good mood. To be honest, he was also worried about whether he would be invaded by himself from other worlds. After all, compared to those who traversed , The threat of self in other worlds is actually greater, because of sharing a plug-in, Zhang Qing and even the destructive power of these "selves" is astonishing.

Moreover, there is still a ship girl in this world, maybe someone from another world wants to come and play as an admiral, this is not impossible.

So now that everyone has unanimously decided to customize [Restraint], Zhang Qing is very happy. In this way, he basically only needs to face the things in this world, and does not have to worry about when he will be backstabbed.

However, Zhang Qing did not let down his vigilance after the other threats were gone. He looked at the sky, as if he wanted to see the outside world, "The outsiders are also a threat, I hope they won't appear too early... ..."

This kind of existence that can affect other worlds by its own ability must be at a higher level than Zhang Qing at present, at least he can't do this kind of thing, so although he was somewhat in a mood because of the consensus reached by other people in the foggy space last night Relaxed, but not completely relaxed.

Perhaps it is unfounded worry, but Zhang Qing does not want to regret because of his negligence in the future.

"You have to continue to develop, and the girls have to acquire enough self-protection ability..."

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