Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

449 The Boring Life Of A Scruffy Researcher!

The bloody world on the other side.

Because of the farce of real and fake daughters before, it is almost impossible for Zhang Qing's two cheap younger sisters to continue their studies in Yuncheng.

People's curiosity and gossip are sometimes scarier than knives.

So Zhang Shishi, the real daughter, and the fake daughter who changed her name to Zhang Mengyao can only follow Zhang Qing to Haicheng to go to school. Somewhere in this city, I can take care of the living conditions of the two younger sisters at ordinary times.

It's really sad for the two elders in the family, all the children are gone all of a sudden, and they can only dance square dances and travel in the future, which is really sad.

As for the Leng family in the capital city, because they were warned by the people above, they no longer dare to come again. However, their young son Leng Qiuran, who was said to be seriously ill before, has recovered without any medicine, and there is no need for someone to transplant any bone marrow at all. .

According to the investigation by Chen Jian and others afterwards, the hospital where Leng Qiuran was located was the private hospital of his mother Lin Wan's natal family. As for whether Leng Qiuran was really seriously ill and had to be transplanted with bone marrow, in fact, there was no such thing after investigation. It's just pretending to be sick. As for why they pretend to be sick, outsiders can't know the twists and turns in this wealthy mansion.

Leng Mengyao, no, it should be said that Zhang Mengyao, a fake daughter, most likely accidentally harmed Chi Yu, but because it was revealed that she was not her own, the matter became troublesome. They never thought about dealing with a vase who was destined to only be used as a tool for marriage in the future.

I'm afraid that after the fact, when I found out that Zhang Mengyao was a fake daughter, I was also shocked.

Because the workplace has a high level of secrecy and is an important military location, Zhang Qing was unable to live with his two younger sisters in 020, and usually let a retired female soldier take care of their daily life.

As for living on campus, forget it. These days, the school is a narrow social circle. If you continue to stay in it after class, you are afraid that something will happen sooner or later, and your family has money, so why do you have to live together with other people!? Some people There are rivers and lakes wherever we are, and there is no peace and tranquility in the rivers and lakes. Sooner or later, there will be conflicts. When something happens, you have to regret it to death.

So Zhang Qing took a firm stance on this matter, and did not allow the two younger sisters to live in the school. As a transfer student, he suddenly transferred to the school, and if he still lives in the school, something must happen. Zhang Qing is not a student who does not understand that age. In his mind, he has attended high school twice before and after, and he knows better than anyone how important those high school students are.

Especially when realizing the bloody level of this world, I am even more afraid that Shi Shi and the others will suddenly encounter such bloody things as campus F4 or 6+1=0. The probability of such things happening in this world is very high.

Maybe it's because Zhang Qing was a prodigy since he was a child, so even though there were a lot of bloody things that happened around him before, they didn't affect him, and he didn't know about it. Looking back now, he was really shocked, what? Running with the ball, it happens from time to time that some sons and brothers snatch a girl, not to mention other things, I heard Chen Jian said that a foreign dragon king was caught before next door to Yuncheng, thinking about this world makes me feel terrible.

"Zhang Gong!?" Noticing that Zhang Qing suddenly rubbed his brows and sighed, a female researcher with freckles called out in concern, and then said, "Are you too tired, why don't you take a rest... ..."

"No (cafb), it's just that I suddenly remembered something annoying..." Zhang Qing looked at the intern who had just graduated and was recruited, waved his hands, and said, "Is there anything else you don't understand?" !?"

"Ah, no, no, thank you Zhang Gong for your guidance." Liu Yan thanked hurriedly after being stunned for a moment.

"By the way, has the test report on AYS-5565 come out yet!?" Zhang Qing asked when Liu Yan was about to leave, although Liu Yan was an intern

But it doesn't mean that she has no chance to get in touch with cutting-edge technology projects, unless she wants to be a salted fish, otherwise she has to run around in various laboratories as a thug to accumulate experience.

The AYS-5565 project is a project proposed by Zhang Qing not long ago, combining the knowledge of self-discipline robots in the global awakening world. Of course, it is not to make self-discipline robots. At this stage, the Dragon Kingdom is not ready to welcome new races. preparation.

Yes, to the extent that the mind core of the self-discipline robots in the global awakening world has achieved, the self-discipline robots are already considered a brand new life form, so it is not wrong to say that they are a race other than humans.

As for Zhang Qing's current world, although there is more dog blood, there are no awakened people. Once the self-discipline robot loses control, it may be equivalent to creating an enemy for all human beings. Zhang Qing is not crazy, so how could he go? Doing this kind of thing, what are the three laws of robotics, it is basically useless to real life forms, at most it is to limit artificial intelligence.

This is why the global awakening world only has civilian self-discipline robots on the market, and most of its bodily functions are limited to the same level as ordinary people, in order to prevent self-discipline robots from backlashing the creator.

So as long as Zhang Qing is not crazy, it is impossible to study this.

The so-called AYS-5565 is actually artificial skin. Yes, it is artificial skin. The self-discipline robots or bionics in the world of global awakening are able to be fake to the extent that they are not only because of their minds, but also because of their appearance that is completely indistinguishable from human beings, especially The skin can perform functions similar to the real skin of a human being, so one can imagine how terrifying it is.

The military research institute where Zhang Qing works is not the kind of research institute that studies weapons, but specializes in researching some cutting-edge technologies, including chips, including medical equipment, including batteries, etc. The reason why it is not open to civilian use at present is because the Dragon Kingdom China's tradition is to "produce one generation, research and develop one generation, and reserve one generation". When it can be popularized for civilian use, military use must be at least one generation ahead.

At the same time, it is also used to prevent foreign forces from knowing the real situation of the Dragon Kingdom, making them misjudge the strength of the Dragon Kingdom, and confuse the enemy.

After thinking for a while, Liu Yan said, "AYS-5565 is too difficult to test. Mr. Chen and the others have nothing to do with it. I'm afraid we need to find an expert in biology.


Liu Yan smiled wryly, thinking of how Chen Gong and the others went crazy last night, she shook her head inwardly.

Who would have thought of testing human skin? With the simulation level of AYS-5565, it is said that there is no problem with human skin, but people here have no experience with this kind of thing, and have never thought about it. It is not difficult for everyone. But they haven't tested all the performance, have a comprehensive understanding, and can't do clinical trials, even if this thing is really important for medical treatment, but they can't think of a way for a while, the procedure is so rigid.

Zhang Qing didn't expect it to be like this, "I'll talk to the leader about this matter, I'm afraid someone will remind me soon."

Zhang Qing also had a headache. For some reason, the news leaked out. Now many people are staring at this project like sharks smelling blood, especially those hospitals that have connections with the military. Here it is.

"What about rejection!? There will always be a result!"

Liu Yan nodded, "There is no repellency found in the mice, but the time is still short. I don't know if there will be no side effects all the time, and we need to continue to observe. At present, the conclusion that can be drawn is that the implant can be repelled in a short time. live.

Zhang Qing nodded, "Okay, you can leave."

After hearing what he wanted to hear, Zhang Qing was very satisfied. At least he showed that the world on his side could be manufactured without any mutations. The only thing left now is the test report.

But from this, Zhang Qing also lamented the horror of those ordinary scientific researchers in the global awakening world, who could come up with so many black technologies.

Anything beyond the scope of black technology will increase the overall level of civilization, and that is considered advanced technology.

Relying on the knowledge obtained from other worlds, Zhang Qing's status in this research institute has risen a lot. It is a good thing that he does not need to continue to work for a long time.

Rather than worrying about whether the self in other worlds invaded his own world, Zhang Qing was actually more concerned about whether there were more technical references provided by himself in other worlds. As a rational researcher, he cared more about research.

The reason why I don't worry about people from other worlds coming to make troubles is entirely because this world is an ordinary world, except for a little blood, it is very ordinary, even if I want to come to play, I probably won't be interested The kind, and modern cities, probably in the heavens and myriad worlds, are relatively common, so there is no need to focus on his world at all.

But even if Zhang Qing thought so, he still voted for the establishment of the Mist Parliament last night. After all, living under orderly rules is more reassuring than living in disorderly freedom.

I looked at the time, it was Saturday, and today I was able to go home and rest for a day off.

I promised the two little girls before that I would accompany them to the playground on Sunday, so I can go tomorrow, but I have to buy a suit of clothes first. The two little girls hated him for being sloppy.

Seriously, how can a younger sister care about how her brother dresses!?

On the contrary, the two little girls got along fairly well, which made Zhang Qing heave a sigh of relief, otherwise, I really don't know what to do!? After all, both of them are younger sisters, and it would be a headache to help either one.

[The author has something to say: Yes, let’s mention the situation of some worlds a little bit, I won’t write too much, basically just mention it, so that everyone will not forget, it can also be considered as an account of the current situation of some worlds . 】.

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