"Is there still no change at the Wolf King's side!?"

Just when a young man was sitting in front of a huge instrument engraved with golden runes and watching the monitoring screen on the instrument, a voice of an older man full of spirit sounded behind him, startling him Big jump.

After the young man turned his head and realized that it was his leader, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Report, Director! The Wolf King has discovered our surveillance, but there has been no change. Stay where you are, not move."

The middle-aged man, that is, the director of the Supervision Department, did not feel better when he heard the words. Instead, he frowned and muttered, "This doesn't look like that person. How could he be able to endure it for such a long time!?"

The director, who didn't think of the answer to the question, put aside his thoughts for the time being, turned his head and said directly to the young man, "Continue to monitor, don't relax, and report to me as soon as there is any situation... By the way, why is this here?" You're the only one left, I remember at least three watchers on standby.

The little young man scratched his head and explained, "Director, they went to cook food. It's lunch time now. Our work is more important, so we don't trust others to deliver food, so we usually go to cook food by ourselves. , just to prevent being tampered with, this is stated in the entry rules..."

As he spoke, he looked at his boss with vigilant eyes, suspecting that the other party was a fake.

The director looked at the other party's appearance, and patted the other party's head angrily, "Of course I know, but I don't feel relieved if you are here alone. Okay, keep working, keep an eye on it, and don't let anyone go. Do you know any clues!?"

Only then did the young man breathe a sigh of relief, "I know 20, don't worry, director, I will work hard, promise!"

The director nodded in satisfaction and walked out of the monitoring room.

However, after leaving the door, his expression changed and became extremely ugly, but he still tried his best to maintain his heart rate and footsteps in the usual state, and even the expression on his face returned to normal, with a relaxed and normal appearance. Go to your office.

However, the hand behind his back tapped on the back without being noticed. After a certain mechanism was triggered, he tapped on it with a certain rhythm, sending a series of encrypted messages.

It didn't take long for Xia Guo's upper echelon to receive a secret report from the director.

Suddenly, many people couldn't calm down for a long time.

"It was replaced, and it is impossible to confirm how many people in the Supervision Department have been replaced!? How is it possible!? How did Wu Haofeng become the director, and why did he find out now!?" A middle-aged man with gloomy eyes He thumped the tabletop angrily and cursed.

"Xiao Wu! Calm down, you should change your temper. Now is not the time to pursue Wu Haofeng, and at most he is only ineffective in supervision and has little responsibility. Not to mention that he can find out the problem, which already shows his work. The ability is outstanding, we can't blame the enemy's cunning on other comrades, otherwise who would want to do things!?" In front of the long conference table, an old man in a tunic suit raised his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked seriously at Xiang Yinchu is middle-aged.

To be honest, these old guys have said this many times, but this Wu Changjin just continues to go his own way, and is often evaluated as mean and ungrateful by the people below. Commander of the Punishment Department, there is nothing wrong with this kind of personality. He has seen too much darkness under the light, and it is actually quite commendable that he does not have to fall into the darkness.

The opponent has also been in the position of the commander of the Penalty Department for the longest time so far, instead of turning into the leader of the super criminals detained inside.

At this time, another old woman said with great concern: "It is not easy to pass our seven-fold identity verification by some means without anyone noticing, and also replaced the original supervisory department personnel. Ah, fortunately, the other party also knows that the director cannot be touched. After all, the director of the first division is not only strong enough, but also has a unique secret pattern engraved on his body, which cannot be copied or covered up, otherwise it will not be left to Xiao Wu discovered the time."

After the old lady finished speaking, a woman with heavy makeup and coquettish clothes took a mouthful of a cigarette as if there was no one there, and slowly exhaled, saying, "It seems that we have too many little mice inside us. Otherwise, it is impossible to be infiltrated so quickly. I have said long ago that it is time to conduct a major inspection from top to bottom. You have always said that you disagree. Now it’s all right, something happened!?”

Seeing the coquettish woman laughing, the old man and the old woman's expressions were a bit ugly, mainly because of embarrassment.

The two of them were the ones who didn't agree to do this at the beginning, so the attitude was tough. It's not that they have a problem, but that they didn't plan to eliminate those spies out of consideration. After all, spies that can be discovered are not terrible, and they can be used as tools. Even if there is any psychological burden to squeeze, the other party will definitely work hard to complete the task. Where can I find such a good employee!?

Most of these spies are outstanding talents who have been cultivated with great effort and financial resources abroad. Is it good to use them!? The old man said that all those who have used them are good.

The coquettish woman sneered when she saw the expressions of the two of them, "It's a big loss for being greedy for petty gains."

"Hongyan, you......" The old woman's expression became a little uneasy, and she glared at the alluring woman.

"Huh!" The alluring woman named Hongyan snorted coldly, and did not continue to make things difficult for the two of them.

Seeing this, other people at the long table smiled wryly. The mother and daughter have been like this for many years, and they don't know what kind of enmity they have.

It's really hard to recite every family's scriptures.

"Ahem, okay, okay, let's talk about what to do now!? And the identities of those people should be checked carefully, otherwise the safety of our people's lives will not be guaranteed in the future, and the loopholes should be filled. OK." The old man said with a serious face.

Hongyan shook her head when she heard the words, "It's not urgent now, the other party can think of attacking the monitoring room only because they need to do so, otherwise why would they attack an unimportant department that is usually dispensable? If you eat too much, it may only be because the Supervision Department is currently monitoring that wolf king..."

"you mean....!?"

Seeing that everyone's faces changed drastically, Hong Yan nodded and put away her cynical attitude and said seriously, "I'm afraid it's just to prevent us from finding out that the Wolf King has changed. What we should do now is not how to clean up internal problems, but Send someone to inform the Wuxia King and the Incompetent King about this matter, the godslayer can only be solved by the godslayer."

After the voice fell, the atmosphere in the conference room instantly became extremely dignified.

Even Wu Changjin, who has always looked like a villain with a gloomy face, cursed secretly at this moment, "Damn", then stood up and said, "I agree with Hong Yan, governor! I'm afraid that the witches in those small days have also The safe passage has entered the country, and we must hurry.

Yes, the wolf king is not scary, or the problem of the wolf king has never been resolved by the people here from the very beginning, just like what Hongyan said, the problem of the godslayer can only be solved by the godslayer, they These mortals have nothing to do with these terrible monsters that can hunt gods.

Therefore, if the wolf king, the Marquis of Vauban, really wants to enter the country, "it can't be stopped at all.

Their goal at the beginning was just the witches in that boat. The [God's Invitation] ceremony was actually not well-known at first, and very few people even knew about it. After all, it was too crazy, and it was too difficult to guarantee a success rate. So it has always been treated as a ridiculous joke by the world, but more than a year ago, a person changed the stubborn impression of the world.

That's right! It was the Marquis of Vauban, the oldest godslayer, who summoned the God of Disobedience after successfully sacrificing a large number of witches.

That is to say, from that moment on, all major forces in the world knew that they could still play like this, so those women in Xia Kingdom who were able to communicate with psychics and were born with spirituality were strictly controlled if they wanted to go abroad, because no one could guarantee them After all, the sacrifice a godslayer wants, even if he doesn't ask, someone will deliver it to his door.

It is not uncommon for Xiaoriziguo to obediently send their maidens there, but they are all small countries, but Xiaoriziguo is the most shameless among them. They send women there without any bottom line. Ask if the previous sentence is enough, and if it is not enough, add more.

Therefore, many countries hate Xiaori Country behind their backs. What they lost was the maiden, but what other countries lost was the energy of the earth's veins. If the energy of the earth's veins is too low, the entire country may suffer from natural disasters, and even food production will be affected.

Xiaoritian Kingdom's practice of harming itself and others is really irritating. If the Marquis of Vauban hadn't been behind the escort, it would have been wiped out by people.

Yes, the Marquis of Vauban can be regarded as the backer of the Little Living Kingdom. When Luo Hao wanted to teach the Little Living Kingdom, it was the Marquis of Vauban who stopped him. The face of the country!?

This is also the reason why Luo Hao and the Marquis of Vauban couldn't see each other for an instant.

The officials of the Xia Kingdom planned to bomb the cruise ship directly when the Marquis of Vauban left the cruise ship. As for the life and death of the witch inside, they didn't care about it, and they were not citizens of their own country, and they almost killed the people of their own country. How could they be willing to waste time and effort to save people!? You must know that if they want to save people under the eyes of the Marquis of Vauban, they may have to spend a lot of lives to do it.

It’s fine if the person being rescued is a compatriot from his own country, but if it’s a person from the little country next door who has been at odds with him, who is willing to trade his life for his life!? Are you born to be cheap!?

Therefore, it is enough to kill him directly, so as to ensure that the [God's Invitation] ceremony of Marquis Vauban cannot continue, and it only costs a few missiles, which is cost-effective.

As a result, now, when I was told that someone had secretly opened a green channel for these people to enter, it would be strange for everyone present to have a good face. If it was later, would it be when they drew up the magic circle that they would not find out!?

"Go, tell the king about this, and send people to check the locations of the nodes in the network. If anyone stays, they will be expelled directly. If they don't, they will be killed on the spot as treason.


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