Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

453 Yiziqing's Preparation Trial!

"Wang, Xia Guo officials have informed that the wolf king may have brought people into Xia Guo's territory."

Erica worriedly told Yi Ziqing, who was playing backgammon with two little maids, about the notice from Xia Guo's official side. As smart as Erica, of course she could decipher the huge information from this simple message. The amount of information.

I'm afraid that some external force is helping the Marquis of Vauban, but I don't know whether the person behind Xiang is dealing with Xia Guo, or the martial arts king, or their master!?

[God's Invitation] This ceremony is not important. In fact, being able to summon the God of Disobedience is an unknown, just like some card-drawing games. Maybe there is no blue sky and white clouds in Shilian once, it's all dog food.

In reality, of course, there is no dog food or debris, but thank you for your patronage.

Therefore, the function of the [God's Invitation] ritual is not to 100% summon the God of Disobedience, but to increase the probability of summoning the God of Disobedience. , It’s just that the Marquis of Vauban, who has been around for more than a year, got what he wanted. Others would not be able to do it even if they sacrificed more witches.

Of course, even if it is 100% possible to summon the God of Disobedience, I am afraid that no one is willing to do so except a lunatic. After all, the coming of the God of Disobedience is basically accompanied by various disasters. Being passive is a catastrophe for ordinary people.

Moreover, the God of Disobedience may not be grateful to you as the summoner after descending, and may feel insulted and kill you directly, so this so-called [God's Invitation] has been used for thousands of years, and no one wants to use it in the past.

It's not that Erica is cold-blooded and doesn't pay attention to the ceremony of summoning the disobedient god itself, but that even if the ceremony is successful, it's just an extra soul from the sword of the godslayer, which doesn't exist for Yiziqing and the others Threatening.

But since this is the case, there are still people who bothered to accumulate money to help the Marquis of Vauban hold this ceremony. In order to be successful, they even exposed some of their hidden chess pieces. It is conceivable that there will be no purpose and benefits.

It is unrealistic to rely on one extraction of the energy of the earth's veins to make Xia country fall into a slump. At most, it will be a small disaster in a few years. It can be said that doing so will only cause chaos in Xia country for a while, and annoy Xia country. Maybe they will be hit more fiercely later, and the gains outweigh the losses.

However, there are currently two god-slaying kings in Xia Kingdom. How can the disobedient god survive for a second!? Therefore, disasters brought about by the disobedient god are even more impossible, unless There is a second godslayer to block it, otherwise the Marquis of Vauban would not be able to do it!? As for the God of Disobedience and the Marquis of Vauban teaming up, no fool would know that the Marquis of Vauban would never do that!? The Marquis of Vauban is famous for hunting down gods who disobey him when he sees them. If he joins forces with the prey this time, he may not have to mess around in the future. Tangtang, who claims to be the strongest godslayer, actually needs to join hands with the prey to deal with his compatriots , isn't it ridiculous!?

An old guy like the Marquis of Vauban, who is very concerned about face, is absolutely intolerable. It is impossible for the God of Disobedience to join forces with the Marquis of Vauban. Even if the Marquis of Vauban is willing, it is one thing whether the proud god is willing.

So no matter how you look at it, the key point is not the [God's Invitation] ceremony. The reason why the people behind it worked so hard to cooperate with the Marquis of Vauban must be to use the Marquis of Vauban himself, not to use his hands to hold the summoning ceremony. The divine ceremony, or maybe [God's Invitation] is also part of the opponent's plan, but it is unknown whether it is important or not.

Maximizing the benefits, or the result that all forces in this world hope to see the most, is actually Xia Guo loses a god-slaying king. Yes, Xia Guo, a giant dragon with two god-slayers, has already touched some things. People's sensitive nerves, and they haven't even fought yet, and they don't like each other, how can other forces feel at ease!?

Of course, Erica guessed that the person behind it had targeted Yiziqing or Luo Hao.

Coupled with Luo Hao's sudden disappearance, she couldn't help thinking of some bad things, that's why she was so flustered, and she lost her usual calmness.

Hearing the words, Erica shook her head in her heart when she looked at the somewhat groggy Erica: She is still a child, and with him, her strength is much better than that of her girlhood in the original book, but she lost psychologically. For one thing, you must know that in the original book, Erica dared to face the God of Disobedience and raised her sword at the beginning.

Of course, he sold his mother's family for his lover later on, which is indeed a bit speechless, but the harem man, even Luo Hao was able to let go of his world feud and prejudice to fall in love with a man from a small country, which shows how outrageous it is.

What kind of outstanding man has I not seen for more than two hundred years!? And the queen who may be hostile to men, will really fall in love with a young man!? It’s really like looking for a man long ago, maybe you can see a man The harem, but since there is no such thing, it means that the ambition is not here.

So Yiziqing didn't completely take those plots as true at all, but just used them as a reference.

Perhaps in the original book, Erica was not brave at that time, but because there were other companions in places that were invisible to the screen. Thinking about it, I know that it was impossible for Erica to be the only underage girl at that time when such a catastrophe occurred In response, unless the red copper and black cross people are dead.

Of course, the god of disobedience appeared at that time, and it was a very strange thing that the king of swords did not come. So if you really take that plot as the truth, you will only die inexplicably and stupidly.

"Calm down, Erica! Do you think someone can plot against me!~.?"

Yiziqing said indifferently with an attitude of contempt for the world, like an arrogant and arrogant fool.

However, this kind of greenness made Erica's flustered heart slowly calm down. She knelt down on one knee in panic, lowered her head and said, "No! King, of course you are the strongest person in the world, and you are also the strongest person in the world. He is the strongest god-slaying demon king, a cockroach and a mouse who dare not even walk in the light, of course they are not to be feared."

Yiziqing stood up, disrupted the chess game by the way, and said, "Since that's the case, what are you afraid of!?"

Yi Ziqing looked into the distance with his hands behind his back, and said, "Get up, since someone dares to hit me with ideas, let them see the consequences of doing so, Erica, do you know what to do!?"

"Yes, I know!" Erica looked up at the tall, cold and arrogant man who looked like a god, her eyes gradually became brighter, and she responded firmly.

"Then go, let me see your skills, don't let me down!"


At this time, Liliana, who came out of the room when she heard the commotion outside, looked at Erica, who had a face full of patience and left, feeling a little confused. She looked at Yi Ziqing, who was looking at the scenery down the mountain with her hands behind her back, and opened her mouth. I wanted to ask something, but in the end I didn't ask anything.

As for the two little maids, Arianna Hayama Ali Arudy and Karen Jankolowski, they couldn't help puffing up their faces when they saw the chaotic black and white children. They were about to win just now, they were about to win! right...

Feeling the resentful gaze behind him, Yiziqing pretended not to feel it at all. His gaze fell to the direction of the foot of the mountain. Erica's little red figure was galloping there, like a wild monkey, and he couldn't help but hook it. hook lips.

What an easy-to-satisfy little girl.

But you can't really leave it all to Erica. After all, this matter involves the existence of the Marquis of Vauban, the God Slayer or the God of Disobedience, and it is not something that Erica and the others can handle. It's just to appease Erica and let her focus on work, not really to send her to die, so Yiziqing is also thinking at this time, how to limit the combat power of the higher level [Let Ellie Cards can play well.

Yes, rather than worrying about it, Yiziqing has already regarded this so-called conspiracy as a "trial". As for the Marquis of Vauban's [God's Call], it is impossible to complete it. Don't forget the little broken ball in the fog space The existence of the planet, it is the consciousness of the planet, although it looks unreliable, but the rank and existence itself are very special, even if its power is not used, but the control of the planet is still in his hands, which means that The moment he stands on the earth, the entire planet is for his use, unless the planet itself has a will, otherwise it can only cooperate and be dominated by him.

If the Marquis of Vauban wants to draw the energy of the earth veins, he must be able to draw it!

However, because Yiziqing has not incarnated the consciousness of the planet, so his authority is not high, and he has no way to know everything on the planet. things like that.

But once you incarnate the consciousness of the planet, it is bound to the planet itself (Li Hao Zhao). They all know how miserable the little broken ball is, so naturally they don't want to be like it

At least until they find a way to be free, they are unwilling to become planetary consciousness.

However, even so, Yiziqing and the others are like "sons of the earth mother", so one can imagine how miserable it would be to deal with them on earth.

Now he wants to turn this disaster into a trial, and no one can stop him.

Unless an outsider makes a move, but the other party really dares to reach in, Yiziqing doesn't mind cutting off his tentacles, so that the world can be fed, he has this confidence.

Liliana looked at the green side face in a daze, her face turned red slowly, she was imagining some bloody plot again, just when her eyes were about to become obsessed, little maid Karen coughed Let out a sound, remind yourself, miss, pay attention to the occasion, this is not their own territory, if people see it, their reputation will be ruined.

Although Karen has always taken pleasure in teasing Liliana, it doesn't mean she doesn't like Liliana, and sometimes a very capable and reliable maid comes.

After Liliana was awakened, she also realized that she had lost her composure, covered her face with her hands, and hurried back to the house to hide.

Yiziqing sighed: Didn’t there be any cooperation that allowed him to finish installing B!? He was so embarrassed that he turned around and went back, without any vision at all. .

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