"these are....……

"Director, you have also seen that the corpses of these mysterious people are too abnormal. I seriously doubt that they are not human beings, no, they should not be creatures on the planet Earth." 1

An old man in a white coat spoke excitedly with a hint of fear to the old man in the tunic suit who was staring at the scene inside the transparent window glass.

"You want to talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, aliens!?" The old man in the tunic suit called the governor frowned and turned to look at the old man in the white coat next to him, "Are you sure!?"

"I am not sure."

"Then what a fart!"

"I don't understand. I just said this with a rigorous idea. If it weren't for the existence of the other world, I might be 100% sure that these guys are aliens. Do you understand!?" The old man in the white coat said nothing. He went back angrily, "I've been a medical student and a biological researcher for most of my life, but you guys supplemented me with the common sense of the world, who's to blame!?"

The old man in the Chinese tunic suit was also a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "It's not, isn't it, do you always say that the end of science is theology!? I don't think it's much difference, it's not much difference..."

"It's so bad! Look at the doctors inside, how broken the expressions on each face are!? The three views are all shattered, and I have to bite the bullet, but I saw those monsters, and now people are stupid... ..." The old man in a white coat pointed at the situation in the operating room through the glass window, one by one with their backs against the wall, their legs shaking non-stop, looking in horror at the strange situation of tentacle-like granulation sprouting from the incision of the corpse's chest cavity Guys, your fingers are shaking.

I was suddenly brought here to say that I want to dissect a prisoner. I was very confused. After all, it is a matter of forensic medicine. It has nothing to do with researchers in the medical field, but it is definitely not their job. I can also dissect some animals, but although I have learned how to dissect the human body, I definitely don't have much experience.

So at that time, the old man in the white coat was extremely confused.

As a result, before they could go to the operating room, or explain to the big leaders what it means to be professionally inappropriate, they were thrown into a small dark room to receive more than 20 hours of basic common sense knowledge in the world, and the three perspectives were reorganized. Once, no, this is not, because the old man and others just think that the big leaders are all crazy, and put aside feudal superstition.

He also said that their Xia Kingdom may still be regarded as an imperial system at present, but it is rather special.

The whole world is divided into seven parts by the seven devil kings. The land without belonging belongs to the land of war, that is to say, it is a place that is protected by the God of Disobedience and will be conquered by the devil king sooner or later, or where no one dislikes it. of no man's land.

However, when these people began to dissect a corpse with a sad face, they thought it was nothing, and there were all the corpses that a normal person should have in it, but when they noticed that the cut flesh was wriggling, these people were all Don’t calm down anymore, what the hell, isn’t it a corpse!? Could it be that some parasites are squirming in the wound!?

Before these doctors could figure it out, they were horrified to find that the wriggling granulation protruded from the chest like the tentacles of an octopus, waving like vipers under the shadowless lamp.

Instead, there is such a scene now.

What kind of mysterious creatures are these!?

The old man in the white coat was a little uneasy, he felt that his three views were shattered on the spot.

While comforting the irritable old man in the white coat, the old man in the tunic suit explained, "Okay, okay, I know, I know everything, please record your findings, I will find some experts in this field to discuss with you Yes, if it is really aliens, we have to prepare for the worst......"

In the end, the old man in the Chinese tunic suit had a very serious tone. After all, although countries all over the world invest a lot of money in the aviation field every day, as long as the focus is on the interior of the earth and stars, after all, this world is different from the ordinary world. It is in the realm of mystery and science. The weird balance of coexistence inside.

And it can also be said to be a state of semi-mythical recovery.

In other words, the degree of mystery of the entire planet Earth has been raised infinitely. If it is said that the Blue Star in the ordinary world has been explored by humans to a very high level in the 21st century, then this world will be destroyed because of the God of Disobedience and the God Killer. It can be said that human beings' understanding of this planet is really not the tip of the iceberg.

At this time, running out of the protective circle of motherhood, running outside to explore the basics is undoubtedly courting death.

It is impossible for them to live in the BOSS level, and the outside is the Novice Village!? This is unreasonable, so anyone with a little brain will not think so, they will only think that the outside world is more dangerous by the earth star, maybe There are as many disobedient gods as dogs, and there may be godslayers running all over the place.

It's just out of some considerations, for example, if one day the Earth Star is destroyed by the God Killer and the God of Disobedience, they can still move to another place and continue to live, so they are committed to researching aviation technology, exploring the Milky Way, and finding a star. habitable planet.

Of course, because the inner world is a secret, ordinary people and scholars who have gone on and on have contributed to the subject of astronomy and added a lot of useful knowledge.

It can be regarded as a typical example of inadvertently planting willows and willows.

But now it seems that a group of aliens have been discovered, which makes the old man in the tunic suit cautious.

The family affairs in the earth and stars are not cleared up, and now the aliens appear, it can be said that "the leak in the house happens to rain all night", it is true that bad things follow one after another.

"Why do you look like you are an alien!?" Although it was proposed by yourself, the old man in the white coat still squinted his eyes and looked suspiciously at the old man in the Chinese tunic suit. Does it have nothing to do with those mysterious rules!?"

"I'm not sure, but if it's really an alien species, it would explain why we can avoid our inspection and verification. After all, our methods are all aimed at the existing terrain." Shaking the old man in the tunic suit He shook his head before expressing his conjecture, but he didn't dare to be too full. After all, as mentioned earlier, human beings' exploration of their own motherhood is far from being able to truly understand.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. Anyway, this is something you need to discuss later. Those of us who have just reorganized the three views will not participate." The old man in the white coat rubbed his brows and said a little tiredly.

"No, we still need you to join a project, which is to try our best to develop an instrument that can effectively detect this kind of existence. As you can see, these guys look very human-like, and they can consciously replace someone If it wasn’t for our discovery early and by coincidence, Xia Guo would be in danger.” The old man in the Chinese tunic suit said with a bitter face, although he refused to subjugate the country, after all, there was one or two godslayers escorting him, so it was impossible to get there It's so bad, but by the time the godslayer makes his move, I'm afraid he will have suffered heavy losses. Xia Guoming may have been in a slump for decades before he can recover his current population.

Who can accept this!?

The old man in the white coat also changed his face slightly when he heard the words, "Really, are they as scary as you said...these monsters?"

The old man in the white coat swallowed his saliva, looked at the granulation tentacles in the operating room in disbelief, or rather the corpse, and became suspicious.

Seeing the heavy nod of the old man in the Chinese tunic suit, he scolded the quintessence of the country, this world is really crazy, too crazy, I accept your commission, and I hope to come to 1B..."

Thinking that there might be more monsters out there that can replace people without anyone noticing, the old man in the white coat shuddered, and now he wanted to understand why these people would kill them without warning at this time. Kidnapped.

Because it would be foolish to continue to keep secrets.


"Is it useful to say this now!? Really, I'm an old man, and I've worked so hard." The old man in the white coat glanced at the old man in the Chinese tunic suit, and walked directly into the operating room, "I won't tell you more Now, you should take action as soon as possible, I will give you a suggestion, that is, try to get a blood test, which is of a national nature, and it is somewhat useful."

The old man in the tunic suit smiled wryly when he heard the words, "Of course we have thought of what you can always think of, but it doesn't work. These guys are more terrifying than gangsters. If they are discovered, they might go crazy. When the time comes, they won't kill one or two people." They don't need a wooden barn in their hands."

Everyone knows that the census is the most effective and simplest stupid method. It does not require technical content. It only needs time and manpower. Enough destructive monsters.

In fact, long before looking for ordinary people like the old man in a white coat, they had already done a round of internal anatomy research, and found that the granulation-like spells in the bodies of these (Nuoma's) monsters were helpless, and the effect was very unsatisfactory. The godslayer has a very high resistance to spells.

That's why I thought of asking ordinary people on the scientific side to see if they can find something different.

After all, few people are proficient in conjuration theology and general science.

"Then I can't help it. This is the only thing I can think of now." The old man in the white coat put his hand on the doorknob, looked at the old man in the Chinese tunic suit and said helplessly.

"Forget it, go get busy first, let me think about it later, if it doesn't work, I can only invite that one."

The old man in the Chinese tunic suit sighed. Sure enough, he couldn't get rid of the mountain of the godslayer. In this half-revived world of mythology, the godslayer was both a shackle and a protective umbrella.

It’s not what the old men in Chinese tunic suits think about Luo Hao, but that all godslayers are self-willed and self-willed people. In the feudal dynasty, this kind of existence is a tyrant and a fool. As the actual master of the country, this kind of view of the emperor May I ask that the people are not worried that one day the emperor will have a brain convulsion and make a big event!?

When the interest is up, it is not impossible to set off a big firework for you, but human beings can't stop the godslayer's willful behavior at all, so they can only let it go. It is conceivable that if you can get rid of the godslayer, all countries in the world will be very happy. happy to see.

Unfortunately, it's hard, hard. .

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