Once again, Yiziqing, who came to the foggy space as usual, was dragged mysteriously by Luo Tianyi who was guarding here as soon as he went online, and then went aside to whisper.

Yiziqing is also a little confused. After all, no matter as a newcomer who entered the foggy space relatively late, or because of the difference in gender, female individuals like Luo Tianyi seldom talk to newcomers like them. To the point where you can be called a friend.

Although it is very likely that they were the same person before reincarnation, they are relatively independent individuals now, and it is impossible to say that everyone is friends from the beginning, which is impossible for anyone to believe.

Maybe after a long time and more contacts, we will naturally get acquainted, just like integrating into a new class. It is impossible for every classmate to say in person, can I be friends with you!? Neptune also does Not to this point, usually after getting along for a relatively long time, and then the relationship changes naturally and unknowingly, people are such strange creatures, they are obviously the same, but at that time, even if everyone said a word before I haven't said it, but I can chat naturally and don't think there is any problem.

The same is true for foggy spaces.

Of course, if someone is willing to take the initiative to talk to you, it will undoubtedly speed up the process.

"Because the avatar is in a different world, the transmission of the memory of the main body will be delayed, I forgot to tell you last time, is Luo Hao from your world gone!?" Luo Tianyi didn't beat around the bush, and straight to the point.

Yiziqing was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "It is indeed gone, I thought...wait, you don't mean..."

"Yes, that's the one that won't be." Luo Tianyi nodded to confirm Yiziqing's conjecture.

Yiziqing frowned, "In this case, I have to change my plan......"

Before Yiziqing thought that 187 Luo Hao really had to go out in a hurry, and he was delayed, and he didn't have the time to report safety here, but now he found that this was not the case, but Luo Hao's people were simply Not in the Godslayer world, but crossed over.

"When will Luo Hao come back!?" Yiziqing asked.

Luo Tianyi shrugged, "Who knew!? Mine is a clone, and I didn't intend to let her come back. As for Xiao Qingqing, she has the ability to go back by herself. As for Luo Hao, we have no ability to send her back. go back."

Unless Luo Hao has mastered the ability of time and space, it will be too difficult for outsiders to help her.

"However, according to Xiao Qingqing and I's conjecture, the world consciousness should be messed up. Maybe it will take the initiative to send people back after a while, but it's not sure when it will be."

Yi Ziqing sighed, "In this case, there is nothing I can do, but if Luo Hao's disappearance is discovered, something big will definitely happen in my world."

Although there is still him, the godslayer, in the state of Xia, after all, the state of Xia belongs to Luo Hao, the godslayer, in name, and there might be conspiracy theories that he killed Luo Hao and tried to usurp the throne.

Moreover, the current situation in the world of Godslayer has become a little strange, perhaps because there are more existences like him that are not in the original book, not to mention that the plot in it is showing signs of rampage, and the pattern of the world has become a bit stormy want to come.

How should I describe it!? It's like a harbinger of the impending outbreak of World War III.

"If it doesn't work, why don't you try to make a clone and change into Luo Hao's appearance, and hide it for a while!?" Luo Tianyi suggested.

Looking at Luo Tianyi, who was enthusiastically proposing this suggestion, with green characters and black lines, he said, "Let's not say (caaj) whether other people are blind or not, and if you can't see that it's not Luo Hao at all, you If you look forward to my appearance in women's clothing, it is impossible for me to agree to such absurd suggestion, give up."

The other selves in this foggy space really can't be completely trusted, maybe they will cheat you harmlessly somewhere at any time.

Everything is because I have no bad intentions, and I don’t lie to myself. If anyone believes such nonsense, he will be a villain.

Can Luo Hao's temperament and wonderful brain circuit be imitated by someone who has only been in contact with her for two days!? Not to mention that the world of Godslayers might have powers, spells, and so on. The person himself, will be dismantled at that time, and it will be even more difficult to explain.

"If you want to say that, I can't help it." Luo Tianyi said with a very disappointed look.

The corner of Yiziqing’s mouth twitched, why are you disappointed!? Is it because my proposal was not accepted, or I don’t dress up as a woman!?

"Forget it, you can continue to hide it for a while, after all, Luo Hao also said before that he would retreat for a while." Yiziqing said helplessly.

If it wasn't for this justifiable reason, and Luo Hao was withdrawn and difficult to get along with by nature, someone would have discovered Luo Hao's disappearance long ago.

Even if they are found out at that time, and they say that Luo Hao has gone out on something very important, he can continue to delay for a while.

Yiziqing can only pray that Luo Hao will come back soon.

"By the way, didn't you say you wanted to find out who was behind your back!? Did you find out!?" Luo Tianyi asked curiously.

Yi Ziqing shook his head, "It's not that easy. I have very few clues. I originally wanted to kill a disobedient god related to the underworld, and use power or artifacts to look at the past and present to find the real culprit, but fate It is impossible for the gods of the series to appear. These guys are very good at urging good luck and avoiding evil, and they have already escaped far away. As for the series of hell, how can I say that the gods of disobedience in Xia Kingdom myths come too rarely, Not to mention specific gods, I'm not in a hurry, so I can wait slowly."

Yiziqing is really not in a hurry, because even if he can't catch these disobedient gods, it doesn't matter. He has a bigger plug-in of the fog space, and maybe an expert in this field will come that day, and the more time he has, the more he will The stronger he becomes, the day when he achieves great feats and feels invincible in the world, it is not impossible to push all the way.

So he was not in a hurry, but the murderer should be in a hurry.

"However, what's the situation on your side!? You and Luo Hao need to be thrown over there!?" Yi Ziqing stopped thinking about the bad things in his own world for the time being. Anyway, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, and now it's on hold. It is useless to worry, but he is also a little curious about what the will of the world is going to do!?

Luo Tianyi tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "I don't know what to do."


"If I don't know, I don't know. How do I know what the world consciousness of my world is going to do? The world consciousness of my world and Xiaoqingqing's world must have sold us for a big price. Consciousness is a bit strange, at first I thought He was going to use our hands to really carry out Ragnarok, oh, it meant to kill all the gods over there..."

"But slowly we found that it didn't seem to be the case, and this is the really strange place."

Luo Tianyi was also jumping at the thought of this. Perhaps because of the different positions and heights, they simply couldn't understand how these world consciousnesses existed and how they thought.

-: "......."

Yiziqing glanced at Luo Tianyi strangely, and then looked at himself again. It seems that the people summoned by the world over there are all women. Is there anything that I can't do that can only be done by Luo Tianyi and the others? It can only be done by a woman who is a woman, otherwise there is no reason to send Luo Hao there instead of her own.

Instead, Yiziqing also shared his discovery with Luo Tianyi.

Luo Tianyi thought about it and found it very reasonable, "That's true. It seems that as long as it is not the existence of the world itself, it is all women. If you don't say it, I really didn't notice it for a while."

After all, Adam and Jack the Ripper are also men who have the same status as duelists. Luo Tianyi and the others didn't think about that at first, so naturally they didn't find out. After all, for the sake of fairness, half men and women should be equal. .

Although all the fighters on the side of the gods are male gods, isn't there a saying that gods have no gender? Maybe these guys just look like men. They are actually genderless.

Turning around now after recovering, it's really strange.

Luo Tianyi weighed his feet, patted Yiziqing's shoulder, and said with an expression of "you are very good, little brother", "I have helped a lot, and I will tell Xiao Qingqing when she is online. Ha ha……"

After thanking her, Luo Tianyi bounced away, looking at the back of the other party and shaking her head, "Thank God for not teasing me twice..."

But Yiziqing didn't put much thought on Luo Tianyi. He came up for a purpose, just to see if there are newcomers joining here. Qualitative leap.

As for one's own strength, of course, the stronger the better, the more the better.

There is no conflict between being strong and wanting to be an ordinary person, so those who say that they want to be an ordinary person and do not want to have any powerful power are basically bragging about Versailles, if someone can deprive them of their power , to ensure that they will run as far as possible.

Be an ordinary person!? Just kidding, the life of an ordinary person is heaven!? I’m afraid there is some misunderstanding of ordinary people!?

Then Yiziqing ran into a big fat orange cat blocking his way.

"Did you see it all!?" Yiziqing asked, looking at Daju who was licking his paw.

"Yeah! I saw it all, you kid actually ran to be Luo Tianyi's younger brother, tsk tsk..." Yinju showed a humanized expression of contempt.

Yiziqing glanced at the guy in front of him who was treated as a pet cat by Xilin and others with contempt, "I think it's weird for you to say this, and I didn't treat her like a little brother."

"Really!? But, that's not what's written on the note pasted behind you, meow~!" Daju was not angry either. After stretching, he said lazily.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked behind him abruptly, and sure enough, he saw a note stuck on his back. After tearing it off, he found that it said "I am Luo Tianyi's most loyal younger brother" in large characters, There was a black line all of a sudden, no wonder Luo Tianyi ran so fast just now.

"Is this guy...………………… Is this how you thank people!?".

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