Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 460: The King Of Swords Is Pursuing!

"Ahahaha, cool! This is the battle, this is the battle I want, ahahaha..."

The blond young man, covered in blood and dressed in a beggar's attire, stood in the ruins and laughed heartily, his embarrassment couldn't dampen his interest at all.

And in front of him is a deep moat that seems to be split by a huge sword, spreading beyond the sight of ordinary people, becoming a spectacle.

"Shut up, didn't you agree to lead it to a farther place before doing it, you idiot!"

There was a sound of "Bang Bang" metal boots colliding with the ground from far to near, and a young man dressed in armor similar to that of a medieval knight stepped forward to question him angrily.

It is Andre Rivera, who has recently become famous and has [The Deacon of the King], the assistant of the King of Swords Salvatore Toni, one of the Seven Campiones, and his trusted Grand Knight.

This knight, who was Tony's best friend and comrade-in-arms before he became a godslayer, is gradually being discovered because of Tony, a wayward idiot, with a hidden ability to deal with affairs, commonly known as "troubleshooting expert" .

"Ah, so it's you, my best friend! I'm sorry, but it's not my fault. You know, it's hard to suppress the passionate impulse in my heart when I meet this kind of opponent." Tony looked at it with some embarrassment at first. Andre ran over with an angry face, and then started his sophistry.

"You, you, don't I know you!? Once there is a fight, I forget everything." Andre looked at such a tragic disaster scene around him, and was a little speechless. At this time, he blamed this lunatic for not With ~, can only sigh.

"Don't be such a man, be happy! I succeeded in killing a very powerful God of Disobedience again. I think you should be happy, haha..."

Andre, who was hooked on the shoulders by the King of Swords Tony, rolled his eyes when he heard this, how could he be happy, there were few people who supported them, and even if there were, they still held a wait-and-see attitude, but Tony, an idiot, once or twice I'm telling everyone with the facts that he is the kind of lunatic who only pursues a happy fight-, are you happy!?

Although they didn't fight directly in crowded places in the city, they didn't stay away completely. Andre felt that unless those people were crazy, it was impossible for them to support Tony, the new king.

I am afraid that if he is lucky enough to win the duel with the Incompetent King in the end, he will probably only get an empty shell. Compared with the Incompetent King who has been controlling the God of Disobedience in no man's land and fighting in no man's land, Tony, the new king, is better called "The King of Swords", but I am afraid that many people agree with him as "Sword Crazy" in their hearts.

Andri was bitter in his heart, and he was busy going around, but the person involved kept dragging his feet, which was fine.

"It's not like you Andre with a crying face, just smile, okay, okay, I will try my best to cooperate next time, but in fact I have no obsession with becoming the king of YDL, I just want to be with you The strong are just fighting, Andre, do you understand what I mean!?" Tony scratched his head and said.

Andre looked at the idiot Tony tiredly, and said, "I understand what's the use!? If you continue like this, it will be very difficult for us to rule. Do you really want to go to Antarctica? !?"

Although in terms of the dominance of the godslayer, any dissatisfied voice is just a voice, and there is nothing to fear at all, but if it is unpopular, Tony, the godslayer, is probably just like the old Marquis of Vauban. The king above is actually a feared monster, and none of his subordinates can be trusted and reused. This is why the Marquis of Vauban, the wolf king, has always done everything by himself.

Of course, in fact, most of the godslayers are also living a similar life, and have no intention of actively cultivating their own power at all. Even Luo Hao's Five Prisons Sacred Church was actually founded by Mu Qiang, who actively followed him, saying it was a sect It's more like a fan support club. Of course, it was like this at the beginning, but now it's really discovered that it has become a big force, but Luo Hao has no interest in taking charge of it. It has always been a nominal leader, commonly known as "mascot".

However, normal godslayers, even if they don't have their own forces and manpower, will still be willing to run for them if they are ordered to bind the country. Unpopular people like the Marquis of Vauban are the only ones.

Well, in fact, according to the development of the original book, there will be another wonderful person, that's right, Kusanagi Godou, a chess piece who is not this one, but that puppet from the beginning to the end, except for the fact that he opened a harem, which is commendable In addition, it is the lowest level, pushing the entire Godslayer team down, saying that it is approachable, more like a pug's Godslayer for a day.

If the master-slave relationship of normal godslayers is that they are kings and the country is a subject, this strange godslayer is the other way around, becoming a servant of the country.

Of course, it is impossible for Tony, the king of swords, to become the second Kusanagi Godou, but if he continues like this, he will probably become the second Marquis of Vauban. This is why in the original book, Liliana would rather choose Vauban The Marquis didn't choose Tony either, and it was the reason why he ran to follow Kusanagi Godou in the end. The same was true for Erica, who even took refuge in Kusanagi Godou with her natal family, the Red Copper Black Cross.

It is not difficult to see how unpopular Salvatore Tony, the god-killing king of YDL in name, is.

And Andre Rivera is worried about this. He has already realized that if Tony does not get rid of his bad habits, no matter which power he rules in the future, the final result will be empty air, the best result It will only be raised up like the queen of a certain country and used as a mascot. In fact, any orders will be ignored and treated perfunctorily.

"Forget it, you won't listen no matter how much you say, but Tony, you have to hurry up. When the Incompetent King returns from Xia Kingdom, we can't delay any longer. Hey, did you listen to me? Don't you Will you also want to join in the fun of Xia Guo!? I tell you that if you dare to go, I will suspend suicide now." Andre was preaching, and suddenly noticed that the fool beside him was unusually quiet, and couldn't help but turn a little strangely. Looking over, he found that the other party had an excited look on his face, and he immediately gritted his teeth.

After many years of companionship, Andre can be said to be the person who knows Tony best in the world. He can tell whether it's shit or pee when he straightens his ass.

Xia Guo is the territory of that martial arts king, if you really dare to go there, you will definitely beat your shit out, if the incompetent king just became a godslayer earlier than Tony, the king of swords, there is still the possibility of catching up If so, then the martial arts king who came to the king more than a hundred years earlier and is still recognized as one of the strongest is not at all comparable to Tony, who is a godslayer who has not been a hundred years old.

Not to mention anything else, but with the magic power in his body, Luo Hao is like the sea, and Tony is like a small pond. If they really fought, they would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Not to mention that now that the incompetent king and the martial arts king are together, it is not impossible to have a two-on-one match.

Although the Incompetent King is titled "Incompetent", everyone knows that he killed the most disobedient gods among all the godslayers, and naturally possessed the largest number of powers, so it is really regarded as having no powers. A muscular fighter who can only fight hand to hand is probably a real fool.

0 for flowers...

"I know, I know, I really don't mean to join in the fun, and Andre quickly put down the sword." Tony saw that Andre really drew the sword in front of his neck, and immediately put away the eagerness in his heart, He hurried forward to appease him.

Andre, who was snatched by Tony with the sword in his hand, didn't continue. He was just trying to scare the lunatic before. Seeing that Tony had put away his thoughts, he naturally stopped.

Andre straightened his clothes and said, "Don't look disappointed. Although I'm not a godslayer, it doesn't mean I don't know anything about godslayers. Don't look at the fact that the wolf king is making a lot of trouble now. He looks big, but I can assure you that he must be the one who left in the end with his tail between his legs."

Tony was a little surprised when he heard the words. He knew that his friend had a good mind and seldom uttered big words, but it really surprised him when he came out suddenly, "Why do you think so!? Although I am very upset That old man, but he is the oldest godslayer and one of the most recognized strongest, so it shouldn't be the head of a silver gun candle!?"

Andre turned his eyes to the direction of the ancient eastern country, and said quietly, "If this is the case, that martial arts king would not have become one of the strongest a long time ago. Become stronger, otherwise why is that wolf king so impatient!?"

More than a hundred years ago, an unexpected fight ended in a tie. The Marquis of Vauban had nothing to do with a junior, and he lost all face of the only god-killing king in the world. Now that a hundred years have passed, who knows how strong Luo Hao has become!?

If one day in the end Luo Hao pushed him to the ground and beat him to the ground, and if he was completely abused, the Marquis of Vauban might really die.

So he was impatient, and it was precisely because of this impatience that he became so crazy in recent years, completely becoming a tyrannical and bloodthirsty wolf, "kidnapping" a large number of witches and constantly performing the [God's Call] ceremony, Look, it's not been two years since I want to come here for the second time, it's obvious.

So Andre felt that if Tony went there, he might be facing a situation where Luo Hao was held back by the Marquis of Vauban, and he could fight alone with Yiziqing, "but would evolve into a situation where Luo Hao was held back by the two godslayers." Poor little gang fights.

And even if that wasn't the case, Andre wouldn't suggest that Tony join in the fun. After all, the duel between Tony and the Incompetent King would have been better. In terms of the amount of power in his hand, it is really unlikely that he will be the opponent of the Incompetent King.

So no matter when the time comes, the martial arts king Luo Hao will deal with the wolf king, the Marquis of Woban first, and then gang up on the king of swords, Tony, or the incompetent king will kill Tony in seconds, and besiege the Marquis of Woban, it will not be a good thing.

And if you get together with someone like the Marquis of Vauban, your reputation will become more and more stinky, which is the biggest loss.

"Oh!? Is that old man scared!?" Tony smiled playfully when he heard the words, "If this is the case, I should work hard..."

When it comes to hating the Marquis of Vauban, people in these European countries are actually pretty much the same. Over the past few hundred years, the Marquis of Vauban has done too much to be a human being. He will definitely be happy to see the other party deflated, even Tony is the same .

"You know it's a good knife."

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