Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

46 Sakura: My Head Is Suddenly Heavy! Rin: Sakura, Your Hair Is Green!

"It's too much, Rin!"

After returning home, Zhang Qing rubbed the dark circles of his eyes, and condemned the behavior of the two girls who followed behind him. Unexpectedly, the two sisters directly punched him in the eyes.

He obviously didn't do anything!

"Pervert! How old is Illya!? You can actually stare at someone's holy light body!? Bad!" Tohsaka Rin folded his arms and said unkindly in a tone of "you deserve it".

Although she was also a little surprised, that child Ilya would actually transform in a vacuum state. Tohsaka Rin never thought about this kind of thing, because it would mean that if the transformation was suddenly canceled while fighting, Isn't that the same as being naked!?

Normal people can't do that!?

And she wanted to get Ilya out of the transformation state and let her get out of Ruby's control temporarily, but she could only knock her out, but she didn't expect such an unexpected situation to happen.

At that time, he managed so much that he punched the only male present in the face.

And noticing that someone was staring unblinkingly at Illya, who had dispelled the magic girl's transformation and fell, Rin Tohsaka simply aimed at the right eye.

As a real sister, Sakura had a tacit understanding, and also raised her pink fist, aiming at the other eye for a critical blow.

"Ahem, I'm obviously just studying the principle of that magical girl's transformation, thinking so dirty!

Of course Zhang Qing would not admit that he was seduced by that white flower at that time, just like all dragon kings would never admit that they are dragon kings.

"Hehe..." The two sisters Tohsaka Rin only responded with the word Zhang Qing and two pairs of blank eyes.

Perhaps it was because of the relationship between Tohsaka Rin and Illya who knew each other early in this life, so I didn't rush to explain to Illya, but just let Illya rest well, if there is anything, I will talk about it tomorrow, and then the two sisters will drag it together Zhang Qing, who was dressed dead, left.

Zhang Qing also had no choice. At that time, if he kept his eyes open and didn't pretend to be dizzy, Illya might be so shy that she wanted to die. Of course, Zhang Qing pretended to be dizzy very cleverly.

"Sister, is it really okay to leave that cane behind!? Illya's parents don't seem to want Illya to touch things related to magic..." Sakura still likes Illya more, although The other party is my rival in love, but who would take the love of a 10-year-old child seriously!?

Sakura obviously forgot what she thought when she was 10 years old!

"What can I do!? It's impossible to be hard, right? You have seen how soft and hard that Ruby is!?" Tohsaka Rin sat on the couch and picked up a yellow chicken pillow to hug In his arms, the person collapsed on the sofa and explained helplessly.

Seeing that Zhang Qing had sat down, even sitting at his feet, Rin stretched out her black silk-wrapped foot and kicked it angrily, "Don't sit next to me, pervert! Hmph!"

Zhang Qing was a little speechless, there was only a couch in the living room, he didn't sit here, could he sit on the floor!? Although the floor was covered with carpets, there was no reason why he had to sit on the floor when there were chairs!?

Xiaoying walked over with tea, put it on the tea table, saw that Zhang Qing was still there, and said, "Teacher, you can go back, now is the time for girls to talk..."

Sakura will not give this perverted teacher who seems to have a crush on her sister a chance to spend more time with Rin Tohsaka, not to mention that the next topic is still related to Illya, so she cannot be allowed to participate.

It would be easy for Zhang Qing to like older ones, but if he likes little lolitas, Sakura can't help it, she can't go back in time, right?!

So, lolicon or something, I hate it the most!

Zhang Qing was driven away by the two sisters, and he was speechless. Isn't he one of the parties!?

"Okay, okay... I'm going to rest, don't stay up all night, I have to take Rin to go through the admission procedures tomorrow

"This kind of thing, I can do it myself!" Tohsaka Rin heard this, and refused without thinking about it. She is such an old person, so she doesn't need her parents to accompany her, and what she brought with her was a girl who looked only A guy who is not a few years older than himself, but the analysis will be troublesome enough.

Xiao Ying also said, "Teacher, it's fine for me to accompany my sister, it's not so troublesome to do this here."

"Okay then..." Zhang Qing immediately deeply understood the feelings of those old fathers who are very independent and dislike themselves for getting in the way.

Sure enough, when I grow up, I won't be cute...

Obviously when I was young, I was still clinging to myself!

Years, this is a ruthless butcher's knife, the knife is deadly.

When Zhang Qing went up to the second floor, he saw Aoi Tosaka open the door and stick his head out. Seeing Zhang Qing coming up, he waved and took out a bottle of medicinal wine as a signal.

Zhang Qing thought that the other party saw his purple eye circles and wanted to wipe the medicinal wine for himself, so he passed without thinking.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I approached, I was pulled by Aoi Tohsaka and led into the room. Aoi Tohsaka was still wearing a tulle pajamas. The beautiful figure and faint skin color are really a high-quality gauze.

On the other end, Luvia, who is also in a mess, does not have the convenience of Tohsaka Rin. She does not have a place to live in Fuyuki City, so give her a bath and put on clean clothes.

Fortunately, August, her housekeeper, also followed her this time. After August's housekeeper found her, Luvia could go to the hotel to tidy up her appearance.

"I didn't expect that Sapphire would do the same..."

This is what Luvia didn't expect. After all, compared with Tohsaka Rin's ruby, her sapphire wand has always been serious and obedient, and it is different from the ruby ​​with a bad personality and a strange Xp.

However, both wands left them behind, which Fuvita never expected.


Soaking in the bathtub, Luvia couldn't help but sneezed, feeling terrible, God knows how she swam ashore!?

That sea is cold...

Although she wanted to soak in hot water for a while, Luvia, who was thinking about the sapphire "running away from home" like Rin Tohsaka, left her comfort zone, picked up a towel and planned to wipe the water droplets on her body.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, she was fully dressed and became a decent young lady again, so the housekeeper August drove her to look for sapphires.

Obviously, Luvia's luck is very good, or she is the kind of person who is born with strong luck, otherwise she would not have become the head of the Edfelt family at a young age. Because the father died inexplicably, picking up the cheap ones is different.

0 looking for flowers......

Of course, after meeting Rin Tohsaka, Luvia was always deflated. The two were born at odds, probably because they were very similar in every aspect.

Before Luvia was in a hurry, she sensed a wave of magic power coming from a public park. This is a small park with facilities such as sand pools and slides for children, and the greening is also well done.

It is lined with trees, but if you come here alone at night, you will always feel intrusive.

After getting off the car at the gate of the park, Luvia walked in alone. She is a magician, and she is a 17-year-old magician. Would she be afraid of ghosts!?

Yes, she was afraid! But how could there be so many ghosts, if there were any, they would have been cleaned up by the managers here long ago!

Of course, Luvia has forgotten that one of the managers here is the Tohsaka family, and the current head of the house is Rin Tohsaka, who has a problem with her. Rin Tohsaka was studying at the clock tower like her before, and Fuyuki City is equal to the bright side There is no supervision by managers.

As for the Matong family, based on the evidence submitted by Zhang Qing, once the old insect died, the Matong family would be expelled, and there would be no heir anyway.


In another generation or two, it will become like the Chancheng family.

Although many magicians, even the magicians in the association, have done more or less outrageous things, as long as the crime is not discovered, it is not a crime. If Matou Zouken is exposed, naturally he can only be severely punished , but seeing that he has been put to death, he has no intention of harming his family. He just took away all the seals of all his magic-related literature and books, and deprived him of the identity of the magician family.

Therefore, ten years ago, the two major magician families that ruled Fuyuki City together became the only family dominated by the Tohsaka family.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see the current situation of the Yuansaka family, but with Zhang Qing, the young crown magician sitting in charge, no one dares to say anything.

Anyone who knows who the crown magician is can understand, such as Canozaki Chengzi.

Magicians, dead disciples, and heroes can't wait, and the crown magician is currently the strongest in the world! And like Cang Qi Chengzi, those mentioned above may not really be able to easily defeat the opponent.

Therefore, if there is no sufficient reason, no force will fight to the death with a person of this level. Of course, if they know that this crown is still in the near future, it will be even more headache.

After Luvia entered the park, she saw a little girl with black hair and wearing a purple-themed magical girl costume, holding the sapphire wand she was looking for in her hand.

"Master Luvia, can you listen to this child's request!?" Sapphire saw that Luvia did not attack personally like Ruby, but said calmly.

Seeing this situation, Luvia also knew that Sapphire had re-selected Master. Perhaps because Sapphire was more reliable, Luvia did not get angry because of this or directly went forward to ask the little girl to exchange wands.

She raised her eyebrows and said calmly, "Yes."

She didn't seem to expect Luvia to be so eloquent. The little girl was taken aback for a moment, then bent down to thank her, raised her head, and said while holding the sapphire cane tightly, "I already know everything, and I will be responsible for recycling all the cards. Before that……………”

"In exchange, please provide me with a shelter!".

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