Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

47 Serra: Who Am I So Worried About? ?

The next day, wait until Illya comes home from school.

Without waiting for Rin to come to the door, Ilya told Sera, then turned and ran to Zhang's house next door. It was really the experience last night that made her feel dazed all day, and she was distracted several times in class. So it was named several times.

Without knowing what was going on, it was impossible for Illya to feel relieved.

Moreover, if there is no transformation wand, what will sister Rin do!? Will those evil forces take advantage of sister Rin’s inability to transform into a magical girl and come out to make trouble!? Then the poor heroine has no magic girl to come out to save people, and Locked in a small black room by people from an evil organization!?

"Alas..." Seeing that she left her schoolbag and ran out, she said she was going to the next door, Ilya, a maid, nanny, housekeeper, cook, and... In short, she was the only Sergeant at home who was working hard. Miss La, her face turned green, and she wanted to hold back her own little lady, so that she would not let her go to the next door to meet that bug, hot chicken, scum, lolicon...

However, by the time Sera chased her out, Ilya had long since disappeared outside the door.

Fujimaru Tachika, who was pushing the bicycle, saw Serra's nervous look, shrugged, "I should know that Rin is back, so let's go find Rin!"

"Don't worry, Sierra, there are so many people watching, there is no way Illya will be fine, or I will go there later, I want to hear Rin's interesting story about "633" in England!? "

Sera rubbed his forehead, "It's not that I'm worried about Mr. Zhang Qing. I still know about that person. We've been neighbors for so many years. If his conduct was bad, we would have cut off contact with him long ago, but I don't know why. , this person is poisonous, and it is easy to attract little girls like Miss Ilya's age. At first, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but...

Sierra stopped talking at this point, and looked helplessly at Fujimaru Tachika who looked at her incomprehensibly. My wife, the adopted daughter, probably hasn't noticed the little thoughts of her best friend, Ms. Sakura who grew up together!?

Sera was just afraid that Illya would follow the same path as Sakura.

How can Miss Ilya, who is so innocent and cute, like a pure white paper, be the opponent of Miss Sakura!? Is it true that Illya is only 10 years old and has a puppy love?

Sera didn't have much of an opinion, after all, she had seen the perverted one with her own eyes, yes, that's right, it was the man Emiya Kiritsugu who became their master.

How old was the lady at that time!?

Don't be fooled by appearance!

Sera could tell that Xiao Sakura was very possessive, and she was afraid that if she really regarded Illya as a rival in love, Illya might not be able to please her.


Fujimaru Tachika looked at Sera who suddenly looked at her and sighed in astonishment, did she have an opinion on herself!? What happened to her!?

When Sera went back with a sad face, she was lying on the sofa in the living room, and Lijie Lite, who was like a seal, glanced at her sister who was worried about this and that teacher, and slowly picked up a piece of potato chips and put it in her mouth , suddenly issued a crisp chewing sound.

Sera looked helplessly and annoyed at her super useless younger sister, they are maids, why does this guy live like the real mistress of this family

No, I am happier and happier than the hostess.

What kind of misfortune did I have to have such a careless and helpless younger sister!?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lijie Lite's huge warm heart covered with potato chip crumbs, and immediately became even more angry, how unfair I am!!!!!!

Lijie Lite noticed that Sera was staring fiercely at her heart, she pulled the clothes that had slipped slightly, the corners of her mouth were slightly bent, and her lifeless eyes quickly swept over Serra's stainless steel frying pan, then retracted it instantly, and re- Focus on the TV, keep your hands still, and continue to dig into the bag of potato chips.

Sera's forehead was sprouting green roots, and she felt that she was ridiculed, pityed and ignored first, and then came again.

"Lijie Lite!" Sera was angry, and pointed to the crumbs of snacks on the ground, "It's fine if you don't clean up, and you add to my workload all day long, have you forgotten your identity!? You're sorry , Have you handed over this home to our wife!?.

Hearing that Sera was going to make a long speech again, Lijie Lite sighed and got up, but for some reason, her dress slipped from her shoulders, and she exposed most of the leftover milk freeze.

"You, you, why are these clothes so indecent, how can I teach Miss Ilya badly!?"

Seeing Sera pointing at her clothes, Lijie Lite pulled up the neckline again, "This one seems to be washed bad..."

"Me!? Impossible, I have never washed it badly!" Sera frowned upon hearing this.

"Well, it was broken when Sera asked me to do laundry last time..." He said and looked at Sera, "What housework do you want me to do this time!?"


Looking at the T-shirt whose collar was washed so big for some reason, and Lijie Lite who seemed to really want to turn over to help with housework, Sera suddenly felt that the whole world was spinning, and she pressed the button with one hand. Holding his forehead, he waved his hand, "Forget it, you should continue to lie down."

She was afraid that she would be pissed off.

"Oh!" Lijie Lite heard the words, and lay back again, her long white and smooth legs were stretched out on the sofa, her whole body was like a mermaid, oh no, it was a stinky seal


But I was thinking in my heart: It’s so strange, didn’t that girl Rin go to the British Clock Tower to study!? Why did she come back so soon!? Could she be driven back? It’s also because of her personality, indeed It is very likely that she offended someone, maybe it was the second generation ancestor who disliked her and made her unable to stay in the clock tower any longer!

But these have nothing to do with her.

On Fujimaru Tachika's side, after putting the bicycle away, she didn't change her clothes, she just wore the school uniform of the high school of the private Hokunhara Academy, and went to the next door to find Rin and Xiaomao.

When I was in school, I wanted to have a good chat with Rin. After all, Rin was in the same class as me, but I didn’t expect that the students in my class were too enthusiastic. This day, after class, they would surround Rin, so Lixiang couldn’t find her at all. Take the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

Alas, Rin is still so popular! Even after leaving for more than a year.

As a girl, I was somewhat envious of this, but Fujimaru Tachika soon realized that she didn't really like this feeling much, because Rin was indeed a little tired of coping with everyone's enthusiasm, and the smile on her face Almost stiff.

It's not a good thing to feel too popular, at least Tatsuka Fujimaru thinks she can't stand it.

"excuse me!"

After Fujimaru Tachika came to Zhang's house next door, she didn't see Rin and Illya, but Sakura sat on the sofa in the lobby without saying a word, and her whole body exuded a sense of depression.

As the male host, Zhang Qing was kneeling on a keyboard. When he saw Fujimaru Tachika coming in, he opened his mouth as if to say something. It's useless for the blind to see.

"Sister Aoi!" Intuition told Tatsuka Fujimaru that it's better not to join in the fun, so Tatsuka Fujimaru directly passed the two over there, looked at Aoi Tohsaka who was busy in the kitchen, and said hello.

Then, he asked, "Where are Rin and Illya!?"

Aoi Tohsaka looked at Lixiang who came over, and said with a smile, "It's been a long time since I came to be a guest, Lixiang, do you want to stay for dinner tonight!?"

"No! Serra should already be doing it. If I don't go back, I'm afraid I will be angry!" Fujimaru Tachika is not blind, the atmosphere over there is so weird, a fool will stay, maybe he will become Pond fish..0

"That's a pity. Speaking of which, after Rin left, you didn't come here much. You thought you could have a good meal together... Oh, did I talk too much? If you were looking for Rin and the others, just now Rin I took Illya to her room..."

"Thank you Sister Aoi, I'll look for Rin and the others first, and we'll talk later, goodbye..." Fujimaru Tachika always felt that Aunt Aoi was a little weird today, but Fujimaru Tatsuka's sixth sense told her She, it's best not to get into it, otherwise, something terrible and terrible will happen.

So Fujimaru Tatsuka simply made an excuse to find Rin and the others in a hurry.

After reaching the second floor, Fujimaru Tatsuka breathed a sigh of relief. What happened down there!? It was so weird and depressing.

At this time, Fujimaru Tachika also remembered why she didn't come to visit Rin again after Rin left the country. Obviously Sakura was also one of her childhood playmates.

It's because every time I come here, I always feel that the atmosphere is weird, especially Sakura's inquisitive eyes, as if scanning people from head to toe, from outside to inside.

Not quite like looking at a living person.

And when Zhang Qing appeared, he began to completely ignore himself, and felt very uncomfortable even as a living person.

Fujimaru Tachika sometimes thinks that if she writes her own experiences and feelings into a book, it might become a best-selling suspense novel, even her writer

I don't even know what's going on with all of this!?

Maybe Sakura's character is so weird!?

After all, when I was a child, I was given away by my parents. It is normal to have some mental problems. As an orphan, now I am adopted, but the surname has not changed with the adoptive parents. Fujimaru Tachika can understand this feeling very well. , some characters are even weirder than Sakura, for this little sister, Lixiang is still 2.1, most of which is heartache.

But when Rin was not around, she didn't have the courage to come to the door, alas, suddenly I felt so bad!

With this complicated mood, Fujimaru Tateka came to Rin's room door and knocked on the door.

Immediately inside, came a Rin's voice, "哐!?"

"It's me! Tachika!" Fujimaru Tatsuka replied, "Can I come in then!?"

Then there was a brief silence.

But not long after, Fujimaru Tachika saw Tohsaka Rin open the door from the inside, Fujimaru Tachika also saw her sister Ilya who was sitting on Rin's bed with a pillow in her arms, but Ilya had a weird expression, Seems to be very tangled.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lixiang, are you here to tell me to go back and finish the meal!?" Ilya seemed to have recovered after seeing Fujimaru Tachika entering the room, and looked at Fujimaru Tachika apologetically. Laughing and apologizing.

Li Xiang waved his hand, "No, I also want to talk to Rin, isn't Ilya also curious about Rin's experience in foreign countries!?"

"This....." Ilya felt that her three views were shattered, so she cared about this!? If she didn't have the experience of last night, she might still be a little interested!?


Thinking of the ruby ​​that she left at home and hid in her schoolbag, Illya felt so annoyed!.

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