"Is this really okay, Rin!?"

When Fujimaru Tachika took Illya's little hand to leave, he drove people out of the house and turned back, Rin Tosaka and Aoi Tosaka with tired faces, oh, no, they should change their surnames to Zhang Kui now.

Aoi looked at her eldest daughter with concern.

"I can't help it, as long as I can lie, I can't really tell Illya about the magic world!? Without the consent of her parents, she revealed this kind of thing that she deliberately concealed , is the worst!"

Rin Tohsaka took a weird look at Zhang Qing who was still kneeling on the keyboard. He didn't know what they were playing, but he didn't really want to ask, so he sat down beside Sakura with his feet up

After picking up a cup of black tea and taking a sip, he sighed.

She is not the Tohsaka Rin who knows nothing about Illya's family in the original plot, how could she really tell Illya everything, this is a white lie, a white lie

No need to feel guilty.

"This kind of thing, let's analyze it yourself after Mr. Emiya and Irisviel come back, but I think at that time, I should have already recovered the job card, and the agreement with Illya will also be completed." It's over, and when the time comes, Illya will naturally be able to live a normal life as a primary school student again..."

"Just treat it as a short, dreamy dream."

At that time, she would have to return to the British Clock Tower again. As the master's disciple, without her, a senior magical girl who cannot transform for the time being, Illya, the generation of magical girls, would be able to retire. , Treat all this as a dream, although it is absurd, but it is wonderful, isn’t it!?

Alice 20 Sifeier and the others can continue to hide the truth that they deliberately concealed, perfect!

Tohsaka Rin thought so.

Yes, she made up a false past to make the false profession of magical girl real, at least for Illya, who is not deeply involved in the world.

And Rin Tohsaka's identity is the incarnation of justice and love who silently guards the world from being destroyed by evil organizations or alien invaders all over the world-Magical Girl

For this reason, Tohsaka Rin also lied that she had an organization composed of magical girls. She suddenly lost the ability to transform into a magical girl, and suddenly involved an innocent little girl who didn't know anything. Once she was discovered, she would be questioned. Responsibility and the like, so Illya is also required to keep it secret.

God knows how many hairs Tohsaka Rin lost last night in order to come up with such a logical lie!?

However, all of this was caused by the wayward behavior of the Ruby guy, Tohsaka Rin vowed that one day she would melt that guy with her own hands.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." Seeing her eldest daughter's confident appearance of "everything is under her own control", Kui couldn't feel at ease at all, because she always felt that this scene seemed to have been seen many years ago. Woolen cloth!?

I can't remember it.

(Tohsaka Tokiomi: The winner of this Holy Grail War must be me, the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family, this time will be fulfilled in the hands of Tohsaka Tokiomi, hahaha.....Death!)

"But can Illya really do it, sister!?" Seeing Tohsaka Rin sitting down, Sakura also put away a trace of black air and asked.

She also saw it last night. Although after transforming into a magical girl, Ilya crossed the boundary from ordinary people to magicians in an instant. Liya can't help it, after all, it's the magic dress made by the jeweler, and it's a very special one.

This is because Illya has no combat experience, and was just an ordinary elementary school student before. If she were someone who had been fighting for many years, she might reach the Dian or Lust status.

The ranks of magicians from low to high are: the last son, the eldest son, the opening position, the sacrificial position, the allotment position, the color position, and the highest crown position.

The magician is an extraterrestrial existence outside of this, and it has already touched the "law", not the "skill" used by the magician, so it is not included in this list.

What Sakura sees more is that Illya's immaturity is just like a child holding a gun. This kind of strength is actually imaginary. Once she faces an experienced and powerful adult, there is actually no difference whether the gun is there or not. Big, at most it's just a little troublesome, which is why Rin Tohsaka was able to stun Illya so easily last night without hurting her.

Don't talk about becoming a hunter, Illya can't even be a qualified prey, so let her go to recycle the job card, isn't this really a joke!?

They have also experienced the Fourth Holy Grail War. Although they did not participate in it personally, or even watched it directly, but these are not secrets, especially their identities, it is not a secret at all. The description of the card is so similar to the original Heroic Spirit Summoning, I feel that there are many connections here.

In the face of heroic spirits from the past, future or fictional heroes, even Tohsaka Rin can't handle it, let alone Ilya, a little girl who was a real ordinary elementary school student before.

So Sakura is not optimistic, it is not something difficult to understand.

Rin Tohsaka rubbed his forehead, "Although I don't really want to say that, but I who lost the ruby ​​is indeed what Sakura said, but has Sakura forgotten!? There are also people who came to Fuyuki City with me this time. Alone..."

Speaking of this, Rin Tohsaka sighed for a long time, "I'm afraid that this time I will be laughed at by Luvia for a long time, and finally I have to count on her. Thinking about it, I think it might be better to just die like this, it's too embarrassing It's..."

Yes, Tohsaka Rin didn’t count on Illya at all. Her confidence is Luvia, an old enemy. Tohsaka Rin knows it. Compared with Ruby, who has a bad personality and doesn’t listen to persuasion, and has excess self, as a younger sister of the sister series The sapphire is much more obedient and obedient. She was deprived of her Master status, but Luvia's side definitely wouldn't.

Hearing this, Zhang Qing couldn't help but want to turn his head and tell Tohsaka Rin loudly, don't dream, the two of you are half-baked, maybe Luvia is also thinking the same idea as you!

Is it hard to admit that both of you are unreliable!?

"Teacher! Don't move around! Sakura hasn't calmed down yet!" At this time, Sakura saw that Zhang Qing seemed to be moving, so she couldn't help reminding her aloud.

Zhang Qing sighed, how can there be a student who is also a stepdaughter, so treat the teacher and father like that!?

But big men don't care about little women.

As long as he was caught in bed this morning, he would feel embarrassing, thinking about the situation at that time would be embarrassing, and he would feel a little guilty.

"What are you doing......" Tohsaka Rin was also a little speechless, didn't they just talk about Illya and her apprentice mission, why did she suddenly become something she couldn't understand Already!?

After coming back this time, I always feel that the house is weird.

"It's nothing..." Sakura changed her face instantly, and said with a gentle and peaceful smile on her face as always.

"However, sister, is it a little rushed to take Illya on the move tonight? Don't you want to train Illya a little bit!? She was just an ordinary elementary school student before.

Rin Tohsaka shrugged, "Although I did compromise, but ah, I still want that bastard Ruby to know how idiot my choice and willfulness are, as long as Illya is not competent at all, or Therefore, if you are afraid of resistance, no matter how capricious Ruby is, she can only unbind with Illya, that's my intention......"

Seeing that both Sakura and her mother didn't agree very much, Rin Tohsaka added and analyzed again, "Of course there is another important reason, presumably Sakura also feels it, the playground in our high school Ordinary people may not feel the abnormalities around them, but we, as magicians, can still perceive them.”

"I was still annoyed at how I found these cards! I didn't expect that they were by my side, and they would appear in this kind of place. If I let it go..."

There is no need for 500 yuan to break things apart and analyze it in detail. Anyone with a little common sense can't understand what a school is, let alone the private Hokunhara Academy, which covers elementary and junior high schools. And high school large academy.

Almost all the children in Fuyuki City are here, and I am afraid that if there is an accident, it will be a super big deal.

How could Rin Tohsaka not be in a hurry!? Every day of delay is an extra risk.

Sakura recalled it for a while, then nodded, "I thought it was......... Didn't I think it was this!?"

Because the Great Holy Grail in Enzang Mountain was destroyed, the magic power in the leylines no longer flows to the terminal, and there will be disorder from time to time. It is normal to have abnormal magic power fluctuations in Fuyuki City. Now Fuyuki City is like a light bulb. Same on the broken circuit.

The difference is that the power source of magic power does not only flow through that route, and what is destroyed is the cup of heaven, not the source of magic power. Therefore, the magic power has still grown and accumulated over the years, which requires human guidance , don't let it become a bomb.

But counseling is not done every day, or even every year, otherwise the Holy Grail War would not need to be done every 60 years.

It takes time to accumulate, if the mana is so full, then this is not the end of the age, and it is even stronger than the age of gods.

"No, it's because you haven't come into contact with the job card, and even stayed by your side to feel it for a while. I won't admit this feeling from the same source." Tohsaka Rin said confidently.

She was a top student when she was in the clock tower, otherwise she would not have been favored by the master, and she had plans to accept her as a student.

Others didn't even have a chance to test, so they were turned away.

"In short, my sister should protect Illya well. Since my sister has concealed the matter of the magician, then my teacher and I can't show up......

"Don't worry, Sakura! When did I lose the chain!?".

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