"Yo~! Lolicon!"

"How's Lolicon soon!? Have you been sent in again!?"

When Moyi Zhang Qing came to the misty space again, Zhang Qing from other worlds greeted him very enthusiastically, but Moyi Zhang Qing didn't appreciate it very much, because it was nothing but slander and naked ridicule .

"I am you, if I were a lolicon, none of you would be able to escape!" Moyi Zhang Qing said speechlessly.

Don't you know if I am a Lolicon!?

Yes, it is indeed a lolicon, but a lolicon just likes loli, it doesn't mean that it has to be a crime, just like those who are fans of parents and mothers

These guys are too boring, is it interesting to make fun of yourself!?

"A newcomer here!?"

Rolling his eyes at these boring guys, and letting them experience it for themselves, Mo Yi Zhang Qing also saw a young man in a white navy suit standing there, "Could it be the world of One Piece!? "

Hearing this, the young man in navy uniform shook his head, "No, I'm just an ordinary person!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, motioning for Yi Zhang Qing to bump into him.

"It seems that those guys have explained everything to you!" Moyi Zhang Qing felt like sighing when he saw the other party so passable. He came too late and couldn't play tricks on the newcomer.

Still, he reached out and shook hands.

After parting, Moyi Zhang Qing looked at the smiling young man in navy suit and wanted to say "Fuck"!

"You guys still say that you are an ordinary person, the admiral of the ship girl world is an ordinary person!?"

Bilan Zhang Qing shrugged, "Compared to the navy of One Piece World, am I just an ordinary person!? The admirals in my world are just a bunch of ordinary people who can win the favor of the ship girl and sign a contract with her , the only thing that can be said to be special, that is, the spiritual network that can connect himself with the ship's mother.

The world of Azur Zhang Qing is somewhat similar to the mobile game "Azur Lane" that I played in my previous life, especially the ship girl in it, but the background of the whole world is a shattered doomsday background, and the human side is just dying That's all, the sea has sunk, the technological fault has retreated, and there are still monsters living on resentment in the sea.

Yes, the enemy of humans and the ship girl is not the deep sea or the sirens. I don’t know if there are any sirens, but the deep sea does exist, and that is the existence that the ship girl degenerated due to despair. I don't know where the resentment came from, said to be corroded and corrupted.

The existence of the admiral is actually the special existence of the ship girl who is the spiritual sustenance and purification of the ship girl who returned from the battle.

Yes, the admirals of the world where Bilan Zhang Qing lives have the special power to purify resentment, and this power appears based on their special spiritual power, a bit like the magical girl in the world of a certain schoolgirl who turned around.

Of course, no matter what group there is, there are ranks, and the profession of admiral is of course the same. Some guys with extraordinary talents will have some special talent to help the Qu family's ship mother.

Unfortunately, Zhang Qing didn't become a genius, he was just an ordinary wild admiral who suddenly became an admiral, and was trained by a college or family, so there was no so-called subsidy, everything was self-supporting Self-sufficiency, because it is the end of the world, no one will trouble this kind of wild admirals, but if you don't join them, they will not provide you with logistical support. At most, when you are in danger, they just help out of humanitarianism, and The consumption in this process is the reward you should pay.

An ordinary admiral like Bilan Zhang Qing who has no special talent for awakening, even if he recommends himself, he may not be happy to accept it. After all, this is a burden, and he has to allocate work and pay wages. It's not an easy task. People have their own special places to train newcomers, such as colleges. How can Zhang Qing's wild way of becoming a monk like Zhang Qing be appreciated.

Not to mention that the admiral of the world, Azur Zhang Qing, builds a ship girl that is compatible. Zhang Qing can only build a ship girl belonging to Donghuang. You must know that the ship girls of Azur Lane are basically from before World War II, and belong to Donghuang. It is also synonymous with the weak, and it is conceivable that Bilan Zhang Qing is basically unable to catch the eyes of those people.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can’t contract war girls from other camps. After all, there are wandering war girls and wild war girls, and there are also some abandoned war girls, etc. But with Bilan Zhang Qing’s poor and white background, the war girls are not real. As long as the relationship does not seek material things, how can I jump into the fire pit!?

Not to mention that Bilan Zhang Qing is not handsome and looks very ordinary. Is it true that being a ship girl has no desires?!? They are pure and kind, but they are not mentally handicapped or brain-dead! Apart from being built by the admiral himself, they are naturally There are ship girls who have a good impression bonus, and those ship girls who are outside are very picky.

Fortunately, although Bilan Zhang Qing didn't get off to a very good start, the location of his tutelary mansion is not a dangerous area, and it is considered a relatively safe place.

Yes, because it is the end of the world, many places need to be conquered by these admirals. Naturally, there are more uninhabited lands, even small islands. In theory, as long as you have the ability, you can Build your own tutelary fort anywhere.

As long as you don't build the tutelary mansion in a place separated by a wall from other people's tutelary mansions, no one cares about you at all. Anyway, how to manage it is your own ability, and the residents will support the tutelary mansion. Of course, the more dense it is, the safer it is.

You have to build the tutelary mansion in a safe area, of course they are very welcome, but it may be difficult for your ship girls to get the opportunity to exercise and grow, it depends on how you choose.

As for the admiral endangering human society, it is impossible, because becoming an admiral is not just because you have the qualifications, you must be recognized by the ship's mother, and the ship's mother will not follow a person with bad conduct , no matter how much you like it, it will not work. If the ship girl does not choose to leave such an admiral, she will only degenerate into a deep sea ship girl in the end, and will be eliminated by other admirals and ship girls.

Therefore, anyone who can become an admiral will be respected by everyone, at least it proves that you are a person of qualified character, and you can rest assured that you can give your wealth and life to you.

Having said so much, in fact, the Blue Navy is just an ordinary person regardless of the ship's mother. The abilities of those gifted awakeners will only take effect on the ship's mother, so it is really incomparable with the navy of Pirate World.

Moyi Zhang Qing agrees, although it is said that she can be with all kinds of beautiful ship girls every day, even if they have a harem, those ship girls will not have any objections, but it is the end of the world, and people who can really enjoy it with peace of mind, I am afraid You can't even become an admiral.

And these admirals who are defending the last territory for mankind, how can they have the mood to have fun with their own ship girls!? No one knows if they will be alive tomorrow, they will only tremble and work hard for every day live.

Especially thinking about a weak town guard like Bilan Zhang Qing, who doesn't have a strong ship girl, how dare you relax!?

`But now, you can relax a little~||!" Moyi Zhang Qing said with a smile, even if Bilan Zhang Qing didn't make a move by himself, there are so many of their superimposed powers, but in terms of mental power, Bilan Zhang Qing It's monster level.

With such a huge amount of mental power, no matter how many ship girls can sign contracts, they can even provide bonuses to ship girls in turn.

You must know that every additional ship girl for other admirals is a burden on their own spiritual network, and human beings themselves are not particularly powerful creatures, so in fact, after the contract ship girl signed a contract with the admiral, she still got a part of her own spirit. To maintain and contribute to this spiritual network.

So in fact, after contracting with humans, the ship girl has become weaker to some extent.

After all, ship girls are not warships, they have self-awareness, and they don't need humans to manipulate them at all.

As for those wandering ship girls and wild ship girls!? They don't have an admiral.

In fact, this is not a secret or doubt in everyone's mind, because there are transactions in the world, and those ship girls can also give money and resources in exchange for the purification service of the admiral

Not to mention that many old and retired admirals can no longer continue to work as admirals, so it is not surprising to go to (Zhao's Zhao) as a purifier

I have worked with these girls all my life, how can I say that I can give up when I get old!?

Bilan Zhang Qing certainly knows that as a person in that world, he understands how powerful he is at this moment better than anyone else, and also brings more benefits.

So he smiled very easily and sincerely, "In this way, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. You don't know how nervous I am every time I watch my girls go out to sea. I'm afraid that I will lose them one day. Yes, although in the eyes of others, they are all weak ship girls who are not worth cultivating, but I have already regarded them as my family...

As for getting back to the safety zone safely, Zhang Qing never thought about it, because that would be tantamount to denying the meaning of the existence of these ship girls in this family.

This is a selfish and irresponsible idea, even the admiral who is afraid of death will not do it.

"Then here's wishing you and your girls to make the Town Guard Mansion bigger and bigger, and live better and better!"

"Will do!"

The two talked and laughed, and the other Zhang Qing also had smiles on their faces. Although not every Zhang Qing's life after reincarnation is happy, but at least they have a glimmer of hope after they get here, don't they? ?.

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