Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

469 The \"Monster\" In The Rain!

The world has always been cruel and realistic.

Excess kindness is often defeated by reality, but those who are capable of helping others may not be willing to give a cheap kindness.

In this world, no matter how noble the witch is now, no one would be afraid of her, but if it were an earlier past, at a certain period of time, the witch was a symbol that everyone shouted and feared. This is recorded in history, not What a nonsense lie.

But if there was a change in one of the choices at the beginning, maybe the world may not become what it is today, and there will be no witches who mainly travel and travel. People seem to study evil.

Disobedient children will even be threatened by their parents, "If you make more noise, the old witch will come and catch you and eat you up!"

However, witches are powerful existences who have mastered extraordinary abilities, so if they really want to change, they can do it very easily as long as they work hard. In fact, the current situation is the result of a group of women uniting.

However, there are still some problems left over from history. For example, the orcs, these humanoid races with some characteristics of beasts in their bodies, are the products left over from that ancient era.

Unfortunately, in today's era, the entire world has been dominated by humans. The living space of other races has been greatly reduced, and they have been driven to very remote areas with harsh environments. It has become a problem, and it has become a rare "animal" that is on the verge of extinction.

This is also the reason why some people are greedy, and it is also the reason why those townspeople clearly sympathize with the pair of orc sisters, but they are unwilling to let those rich and powerful people take them away.

As for the hatred between races, after thousands of years, no one can remember 747 anymore, let alone human beings who are the hegemony of the world in this era, why should they hate a foreign race with a population of less than 10,000, or even 1,000! ?

Facing requests from the townspeople and officials, Estelle wanted to take her in, and it was very embarrassing. As a witch, with her protection, she really didn’t need to worry about being peeped by "wishers". However, now Estelle said she was a traveling witch, In fact, she is a homeless wandering witch.

The looks of the two artificial loli, Aisi and Reina, are so recognizable. Even if a hundred years have passed, people in the hometown of clocks and watches will have an impression. This is definitely not a sentence that can be fooled by similarities. Yes, not to mention that it is still taboo in this world to create man unnaturally. Once they are found, Estelle and Zhang Qing may become wanted criminals.

This is also the reason why Estelle does not stay in one place for too long, and she must stay as far away from the hometown of clocks and watches as possible.

But when Aisi and Lena grow up in the future, there is no need to worry too much. Estelle can say that they are her own daughters, and no one will doubt them. When the older generation gets old or passes away, unless someone finds out the newspapers of that year, it may be difficult to remember.

To be honest, it is not convenient for Estelle to take them with her, and it is taboo to teach alien magic without authorization. In this case, Estelle's travel will be even more burdensome

Instead, Estelle seemed to ask Zhang Qing if she could take him in for a while, and when she had plans to settle somewhere in the future, she would go back and take care of her.

Zhang Qing naturally has no objection, although (cacj) once he is intoxicated with the experiment, he even forgets to eat, but the other party is not a three-year-old child, so he should not die of starvation.

The main reason for his frowning is that this experience seems familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere before, but his memory is not deep, maybe he glanced at it before and didn't pay attention, now he only has a vague impression.

But thinking about it, the reason why it feels familiar is probably because of a plot related to Irena.

It's just that this time the protagonist is replaced by Estelle, does this count as the supporting role stealing the protagonist's role!?

With this strange question, Zhang Qing began to write back to Estelle, and at the same time asked if Estelle had met that girl Irena. There is a diary left here, yes, it is the diary renamed "The Witch's Journey".

Although Zhang Qing was curious about the contents, he didn't open it without authorization. He wanted to return it to Irena, but he never met her again for a long time, which made Zhang Qing's plan come to nothing.

To be honest, the last time I saw those Irenas in that strange place, Zhang Qing has always had a question, whether those Irenas really came from other parallel time and space, or were they born because of Irena's inner demons individual!?

Generally speaking, it is indeed related to the negative emotions accumulated during the journey, otherwise it would not be possible to clear the level and leave after unraveling the knot of blackened Irena

So Zhang Qing has some doubts, does this diary come from the parallel world blackening Irena, or is it the Irena of this world!?

Soon, Zhang Qing's reply letter was written, but in fact it didn't have much content. Compared with Estelle's long three-page letter that was written slowly, Zhang Qing's Chinese letter could be said to have very few words.

Zhang Qing would like to write more, so as not to appear so perfunctory. The problem is that he has been staying at home, and there is no Internet in this world. He has no interesting stories to share at all, so he can’t bother writing joke stories!? Fortunately, Estelle She didn't seem to blame him either.

After putting the written letter into the envelope and sealing it, Zhang Qing activated the magic to let the letter automatically find its way to Estelle's location. This kind of magic can only be used between relatives and close friends , Not to mention that you will expose your position, and you will be disturbed. Few magicians are willing to establish this kind of communication channel with other magicians. As long as it is convenient, it has many shortcomings. As for the shortcomings, It can be seen from the resistance of those magicians, so I won't mention it here, and I will mention it later when I talk about it.

Just when Zhang Qing was about to go back to the desk and continue to sort out his notes, he suddenly felt that something had touched the barrier arranged outside the house, and he couldn't help but be taken aback, looking outside in surprise.

You must know that this enchantment is not only invisible, but also has other functions. After all, it was specially created in order not to be found by Miss Irena who "chased" him. I'm used to it, and it's very easy to use.

It stands to reason that even if any small animal accidentally bumps into the place where the barrier is, it will only pass through, enter a mezzanine, and then return to the outside world after leaving. It is a simulated false space, which fills Zhang as much as possible. In other words, the area where the Qing room is located is actually using a real small-scale environment to make people unaware that they have entered the environment.

So the outermost layer actually does not have the ability to block people, it is like a very thin layer of bubble film, even when passing through, you can't feel the strangeness, but for some senior witches, it may be more or less It will be perceived, but if you are not careful or have no preparations in advance, you will ignore the past.

And now there is something colliding with the outer film, Zhang Qing is a little hard to believe, and then he is curious.

However, it was raining heavily outside. Zhang Qing was standing inside and looking outside, and his vision was also blocked. He couldn't see what kind of magical thing was there. Of course, it might be because that thing was not so easy to be observed by the naked eye. .

Zhang Qing didn't intend to go out right away. He quietly observed the outside, and suddenly felt like he was in a horror movie, but a terrible "monster" came outside.

Of course, it's just a bit similar, not to mention that the glowing slime on the wall over there dispels this feeling, and with Zhang Qing's strength, he doesn't need to be afraid of any "monsters". As a researcher, he actually welcomes "New friend", just take slime as an example, he has dissected it no less than ten times, if slime can speak, he probably has to wait for the eighteenth generation of his ancestors I.

The reason why the number of anatomical studies is so small is not that Zhang Qing suddenly found out with conscience, but because Shamat has done more than him, and he just doesn't want to waste time.

Sure enough, not only human beings are cruel to human beings, but slimes are also the same. Infighting in the nest is often the main theme among the same race.

"What could it be....!?" Zhang Qing narrowed his eyes and stared at a certain direction without blinking.

But still didn't see anything, as long as the rain was too in the way.

Zhang Qing looked at the still dark sky, and muttered, "How long will it take, I haven't heard of such a long rainy season in this area before...

Moreover, Zhang Qing estimated that judging from the five consecutive days of heavy rain, it may be enough to cause floods and other problems.

I have been obsessed with experiments before, but I have overlooked this point, but...

Zhang Qing moved his eyes to the lake near his wooden house, and found that there was not a big increase, which was very strange and a bit out of common sense.

What often challenges common sense is related to magic.

Zhang Qing had to think about whether he had offended someone recently, or how could he have made such a big Q here!?

But rainy days are really annoying. Whenever it rains, he can't help but think of that woman, saying don't bother the dead anymore, it's really selfish......

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