Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

470 Irena: It Must Be Because The Black History Was Seen, It Must Be!

"Is it a remnant of history again...!?"

In the end, Zhang Qing couldn't restrain his curiosity, so he took an umbrella and walked to the outer barrier to check. The road in the forest was not smooth, and even because of the heavy rain, there were many muddy water beaches. Zhang Qing's robe was 10 centimeters above the ground, floating past.

The rain was a bit heavy, and the effect of the umbrella was actually not very good. In fact, Zhang Qing was covered with a layer of transparent cover to resist the rainwater falling on him. With a black umbrella and a black magic robe, I feel very elegant.

After getting close to the outer barrier, Zhang Qing finally knew what was able to get in close contact with the illusory barrier on the outer layer. The reason why he couldn't see it no matter how hard he tried before was not just because of the heavy rain It obstructs the line of sight, or it may not be clear from a distance, but the little thing is a little small, about the size of a palm, and has wings like a butterfly or dragonfly, small and exquisite.

Because Zhang Qing is interested in magic, he has been collecting some old books, many of which are records of the previous generation. In that ignorant and barbaric era, too many things happened. People in this era seem to be Incredible, bloody and dark story again.

Among them is the War of Hundred Clans, witch hunting is also a product of that era, as mentioned before, a long time ago, in the eyes of ordinary people, witches were not as glamorous and beautiful as they are now, and they could not even appear under the sun in a fair manner , is the third synonym for evil.

Speaking of that era, it was more like the orthodox Western Fantasy Land setting, but now this situation is a bit...well...a bit unreal.

The little guy has short green hair, the length of the hair is over the ears, not the kind of short hair with a cut head, and the clothes are quite satisfactory, not woven with leaves as imagined

However, the clothes are the kind of humanoid miniature clothes that are put on the little Barbie doll. It is not the skirt of the flower fairy, but a pair of a little fat pants, which look like foamed fat bread after being wet by rain.

He has pointed ears and a pretty face, but Zhang Qing can't tell whether the little guy is male or female. After all, fairies, elves and other races known for their beauty are said to be indistinguishable from male to female. Or to be more precise, the males in the clan basically have a beautiful face that can overwhelm the country and the city, and when they wear women's clothes, they are more feminine than women~.

Looking at the little guy who was lying on the ground covered in mud, Zhang Qing knelt down, rubbed his chin, and thought whether to pretend he didn't see it and turn around, or turn around and leave like he didn't see it!?

You say it's all the same, no, you don't understand the charm and profoundness of language.

"As humans, they are super evil..." Zhang Qing smiled wryly in his heart. Other races are fine. Fairies and elves have a very long life. Maybe humans have forgotten that period of history and thought it was just a story It's made up, but in the eyes of those longevity, I'm afraid it's just passed.

Of course, in that ancient era, the race of goblins, although there were many stories about them, they were not mentioned much. I am afraid that in that era, they were elusive, or rarely appeared in front of people. They can be regarded as one of the races that did not participate in the war. Yes, but this does not mean that these races have a friendly attitude towards human beings. The main reason is that there are too many bad people in human beings, and often a good person will instantly turn into a bad person because of greed.

If it weren't for the impression of the little orc girl's story, Zhang Qing wouldn't have dared to agree to Estelle's request, because Zhang Qing wasn't sure if he could heal a person with a wound in his heart, and he wasn't a psychiatrist.

"Forget it, take it back, otherwise, if you leave it here, even a goblin might get sick..."

In the end, Zhang Qing put the little guy in his palm helplessly, and headed back to his home, but before that, he carefully observed his surroundings, wondering where this little fairy came from. coming!?

He has not settled here for a day or two, and he has never seen such legendary creatures in this forest. Although the goblins are good at hiding from outsiders, there is no reason why he can't find any traces. After all, these neighbors are not bad. Fairies who need food are not silicone dolls without wisdom and can't play around. In fact, they are very lively and active, and a little naughty.

In many records, the appearance of goblins is accompanied by the follow-up of a certain unlucky guy being teased.

However, when human beings have completely become the overlord of the current era, the appearance of goblins has become less and less, so rare that no human beings have ever existed.

Just like Irena's mother, the former Gray Witch's travel notes "Nicole's Great Adventure" did not record these interesting creatures, so one can imagine why they are considered fictional. You must know that Irene Na's mother is a great witch, and she is also a traveling witch, there are basically few places she hasn't set foot on.

The above records are more about the customs, interesting things and happy time with the two disciples during the trip, and even so, "Nicole's Adventure" is considered by many people to be a fantasy story by the author, rather than real. For the goblins that have not been mentioned above, it is even more impossible for anyone to think it is true.

But that's good, at least these guys can live in peace and security, looking at what happened to the orc sisters' family, you know that being noticed is not necessarily a good thing

"But this rain is really strange..." Zhang Qing, who didn't find any trace of the little guy's other friends, looked up at the dark cloud-covered sky above, frowning, although he wouldn't delay it for a while If you work, you will starve to death. It's just that you can't continue to research and experiment because of the lack of funds, but it doesn't mean that he likes rainy days

In fact, every time it rains, it makes him feel unhappy, probably because when many unpleasant things happen, it is often on rainy days.

However, Zhang Qing did not directly change the weather, he has this ability, but if this is the normal law and reasonable operation of nature, his intervention and change may be a disaster for people in some areas. Especially after such a heavy rain for such a long time, I am afraid that the impact will be a little big.

Simply ignoring the heavy rain for the time being, Zhang Qing returned to his cabin with the limp little guy in his arms, and placed it on a dry table, with ten pieces of holy soft art in the middle.

"Well, well, coax!" Chanting incantations indiscriminately, Zhang Qing waved the magic wand in his hand twice unambiguously, and then tapped on the little goblin, very lightly and without force, for fear of hurting the other party

However, with this light touch, the water vapor on the little goblin's body was absorbed, and a water ball the size of a glass bead condensed beside him, and the little goblin's body was no longer wet.

0 looking for flowers......

Finally, after covering it with a handkerchief as a quilt, Zhang Qing didn't care about it for the time being, as long as he didn't know whether the medicine used by the goblin was the same as the human standard if he was sick.

Or whether it can be used to treat human beings, so it is better to wait for the other party to wake up, and if he can't wake up, he will give first aid at that time.

After such a long delay, Zhang Qing shook his head looking at the open notebook on the table, intending to continue to complete the unfinished work.

For a moment, under the light of the slime, the room was harmonious and peaceful, except for the almost uninterrupted friction sound of the pen tip and the paper, there was also a faint sound of breathing.

On the other side, Irena, who hasn't appeared on stage for a long time, is walking with her hands behind her back on the straight road covered with red leaves that connects countries.

Her body was dressed as usual, but what was rare was that she did not ride a broom but walked on two feet.

Or the wind was blowing her hair, and the long hair falling from the earlobe couldn't help stroking and kissing her face, and Yi couldn't help stretching out her hand to pin it behind her ear, but when her hand touched the long hair, she couldn't help it. I was taken aback.

She changed from short hair to long hair, and the doll with her beautiful hair was taken back from her blackened self. To be honest, it was a wonderful and absurd experience.

Recalling that experience, Irena couldn't help but think of that annoying guy.

However, at this moment, Irena's eyes are a little swaying, her eyes are wandering, and she doesn't dare to fall in one place.

Her heart was a little confused. In fact, it was not that she had never met Zhang Qing in the following days, but she avoided them all first, and she hid [Irena doesn’t know what she is afraid of? It’s just a little ...I don't know how to face each other!?

Probably because those parallel time-space selves are her black history, so she is like this. After all, such a shameful thing is seen by the other party, and this reaction is normal.....!?

It's a pity that there is no mirror at the moment, otherwise Miss Irena will definitely find that her face is very red at the moment.

Just as Irena was thinking wildly, there was a sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer. When Irena looked back, she saw a gorgeously dressed blond man galloping on a white horse. .

The moment Irena and his eyes met, the other party tightened the reins to stop the white horse, turned over and fell in front of Irena, trying to grab Irena's hands that had no place to rest, but Dodged by Irena.

Prince Charming was not embarrassed either, he said anxiously, "Excuse me, have you ever seen my beauty!?"

Irena took half a step back, avoiding the other party's spitting, and smiled awkwardly, and said, "Is this a new way to strike up a conversation!? But I'm sorry, I'm not your beauty, this A... um, Mister Moron!?"

[The author has something to say: I don’t understand the chronological order. Animations, comics, and novels are all different. 100 million】.

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