Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

478 Ais And Reina: These Useless Adults...

Walking in the forest, the mist and white gauze float in the air softly.

The trees stood quietly under the blue sky, with open arms to welcome the sun. The sunlight is like strands of golden sand, shining in through the overlapping branches and leaves, and falling on the grass in mottled patterns. The grass glistened with dew and smelled of grass, flowers and moist earth. All kinds of countless small flowers raced out of the soil, white, red, and yellow, like stars twinkling, making the earth in the forest shine with colorful vitality.

In the fragrant jungle, sucking the fragrance of flowers and plants, enjoying the sunshine, and reveling in this infatuated dream.

Because of the presence of two sisters, Elise and Milina, on the return journey, Estelle did not choose the flying broom or the "11" bus, but hired a carriage, no, perhaps it was Bought a carriage.

Under the half-gift and half-gift of the townspeople in the Kingdom of Winter.

After leaving the winter country where there has been snow for many years, and the most common color you can see every day is white, you can obviously feel the difference. The first thing that bears the brunt is the temperature. It starts to warm up, and then you can see the green leaves. There are trees and jungles, as well as colorful flowers.

These are things that cannot be seen in the country that is covered with snow all the year round.

Ai Lijie and Milina, the orc sisters, were even more amazed, lying on the car window, looking at this very ordinary country road for many people, many things were very novel to them, even a small bug Flying by, they can make them stare at it for a long time.

Since there was no time for breakfast, Estelle simply stopped the carriage, a group of people got out of the carriage, and started a fire in the forest on the spot to make a simple breakfast.

By the way, let the two sisters, Ai Lijie, enjoy the breath of nature and walk in the forest.

Perhaps it is because the rising smoke and the smell of breakfast can always attract some hungry people. Just as Estelle put the ingredients into the pot, a silver-gray show flew down from the sky. Hairy Miss Witch.

She was sitting sideways on the broom, biting the bread in small bites, but she seemed to be enjoying some delicacies from mountains and seas, making people look appetizing.

"Hello... erm, Miss Estelle!?"

Miss Gray Witch just wanted to open her mouth to say hello, but when she approached, she found that the purple-haired girl squatting on the ground who was cooking was very familiar to her. After taking a closer look, she suddenly froze and called her name uncomfortably.

The remorseful expression on his face seemed to be very regretful.

In fact, it is indeed the case. If it is said that the person Irena does not want to see the most at this moment, Zhang Qing must be the first, and Estelle is the second. As for the third person, I will not know for the time being disclose.

To be honest, Irena doesn't know why, she feels guilty and uncomfortable when she sees Estelle, obviously she hasn't done anything to be sorry for her, if she has anything to say, It was Estelle who was right. After all, the trip through time and space in Rostorf, the hometown of watches and clocks, was a terrible trip. It even became a knot in Irena's heart for a time, and she almost couldn't continue the trip.

And all of this is actually because of Estelle's request.

So the wrong person is obviously Estelle. Last time in the city of Liberty, Cloz didn't blame the other party, but now she is inexplicably "feared" by the other party. Irena feels that she may be a little sick light.

But now that she has thrown herself into the trap, Irena can't pretend not to see anyone, she turns and runs away, and can only fall to the ground in embarrassment, trying her best to pretend to be very natural.

"......." Seeing Irena appearing suddenly, Estelle was taken aback for a moment, then the corners of her mouth twitched, and her heart became even more frantic. Did I really meet her? Ah Qingna Did the guy secretly cast some terrible tracking magic on Irena!?

"Ahaha, long time no see, Irena..." After covering the pot, Estelle stood up and responded to Irena's greetings unnaturally.

In fact, just like Irena didn't want to see her, Estelle didn't want to see each other either.

Part of the reason is the time-traveling experience of Lostov, the hometown of watches and clocks, but more of it is that the sudden change from a relationship of sympathy and genius to a "rival in love" is somewhat awkward.

The most important thing is that when they met in the city of Liberty Klose last time, Estelle clearly saw that Irene hadn't enlightened yet, and she had no illusions about the relationship between men and women, so it can be said that the so-called "rival in love" is The label Estelle unilaterally put on, this cognition made Estelle really not want to see Irena.

Who made her a bad girl!?

However, fate always likes to play jokes on those who are lucky. Two people who don't want to see each other, two people who almost became good girlfriends (friends), met again without an agreement.

Aisi and Reina, two artificial human loli, looked at the two standing face to face and smiled awkwardly at each other, blinking their eyes.

"Ai Sichan, why isn't there lightning and thunder like in the book, and there is a scene of dragons fighting behind the scenes!?"

"Reina-chan, I don't know either, it feels like mom and the others are trying to find a place to drill down, it's really hard to understand the world of adults!?"

"Are you going to the Land of Winter now!?"

"Are you going back now!?"

After being silent for a long time, Estelle and Irena suddenly asked at the same time, but when they spoke, both of them fell silent again, because everything they said would be nonsense.

"Have you had breakfast, you can come with us if you don't mind."

...." Holding a long loaf of bread with a gap she gnawed on it, Irena suddenly didn't know how to answer the invitation.

After Estelle opened her mouth, she regretted it immediately, because she also saw the long bread in Irena's hand.

The atmosphere became very awkward and stressful again in the long silence.

"The soup is coming out." After a long time, Irena suddenly looked at the lid of the pot that was lifted by the heat due to boiling, and the soup was flowing down the body of the pot, and she suddenly reminded her aloud.


Estelle was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Irena meant by pulling out a firewood immediately to make the fire smaller, but after doing this, she held the firewood and was speechless again.

Irena was not much better either, the two either looked up at the sky, or looked down at the hot pot.

Aisi and Lena looked at the two helplessly, feeling tired for the two of them. The two sisters, Ai Lijie and Milina, also picked some wild fruits at this time, and lifted their skirts to serve as baskets and brought them back. But when the two got closer, they also noticed the weird atmosphere in the camp, and the laughter stopped involuntarily, and they stopped at a loss, not knowing whether they should go or not.

Obviously there is no shouting and shouting, but I always feel very scary.

If Aisi and Lena knew what the two sisters, Ai Lijie, were thinking at the moment, they would probably tell them that they would rather Estelle's mother and the others were tearing up B at the moment than face the situation of the wooden man staring at her. It made them very embarrassed and uncomfortable.

It is better to say that it is the meeting of rivals in love than the scene of a social death where the blind date is an acquaintance.

Sighing, Aisi and Lena didn't care about these two awkward guys anymore, and greeted Ai Lijie and Milina who came back to wash the dishes by the river, afraid to stay, these two guys, even more I don't know how long it's been frozen!?

Just give them some privacy!

Ai Si walked away a little bit, turned her head, and made a cheering gesture to the two of them.

Let's fight, Mama Estelle and Aunt Irena! You can do it! Whoever wins the fight will have XX!"

Lena dragged Aisi, who was still trying to be a monster, away in a hurry, fearing that the two would not fight first, but would grab them and beat them up.

"Is this really... is it okay..." Ai Lijie and the two asked in a low voice, a little worried.

Looking at Irena's gaze, there is a little curiosity, and the little excitement of seeing the legend.

Lena curled her lips and said indifferently, "What's the problem!? You have to face it!?"

"And I don't think they can fight," (Li Dehao) Dad really can't deal with emotional problems on his own, it's really their daughters who should worry about it, alas...

These grown-ups really don't make people feel at ease.

【Two Best Adventures of Cats and Cats】

"A six-year-old girl bravely ran a red light and accelerated in the city, causing a series of serious collisions. She actually got into her father's van secretly"

"Transformers coming to Earth, is it the distortion of human nature or the fall of morality? The 28-year-old boy is self-taught"

"Genius or madman, is he guilty in the end!?"

That night, Daju secretly took out the hidden mobile phone from his secret small base, turned on the phone and turned on "Quick Foot", and saw the short videos full of these eye-catching titles.

To be honest, Daju also felt that the world was a bit crazy, but he joined in the fun today, and saw it with his own eyes.

Touching the cat's whiskers, Daqiao suddenly felt that this kind of plot was a bit familiar, like the plot of a certain type of novel that he had seen in the Ami Donkey Novels in his previous life.

"Did this cat discover the story of the world, meow!?".

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