Zhang Qing, who had no idea that Estelle and Irena would meet by such a chance, came to the city of dolls again at this moment, the place where Irena's hair was once cut off.

Although Zhang Qing did ask Estelle to tell Irena that her diary is with him if she sees Irena when she wrote back, but in fact Zhang Qing is not sure whether Estelle Can meet Irena.

After all, the timeline of "The Witch's Journey" is actually very vague. After all, this has a lot to do with the fact that this type of work does not have any main line. Just like this book, there is actually no main line. .

Although it is indeed mentioned in the manga that after more than a month after the death of the younger sister Milina among the orc sisters, the elder sister Ai Lijie will meet Irena, but in reality there are too many interfering accidental factors, just For example, Zhang Qing's own existence is actually a strong source of interference. As far as Estelle is concerned, her fate has actually been changed, not to mention the fate of other people.

Although the original book did not mention the situation after Estelle, but it is only decadence or self-liberation, it is impossible to really forget the pain, if the price is really paid, without that memory and emotion, she At that time, you won't be like a living dead, which cannot be fooled.

And Estelle's changes will also affect more other people. When Estelle feels that she is traveling with Estelle and Lena, the influence will continue to expand.

Not to mention that Irena herself got acquainted with Zhang Qing early on. It is impossible to say that she is not at all different from the original book, so Irena probably won't go to the Kingdom of Winter , no one can say for sure.

Of course, the greater possibility is to go earlier or later.

It is impossible to skip a certain place inexplicably, leave your own traces and take away the memories of 153 without stopping, because if that is the case, you will not be a traveling witch

So in fact, Zhang Qing didn't hold much hope. He just thought that maybe one day in the future, Estelle would meet Irena again, so he just mentioned it casually.

In fact, if it hadn't been for a long time recently, he seemed to be different from meeting Irena from time to time, and instead started to stagger again, Zhang Qing would not have specifically asked Estelle

After all, the last time Zhang Qing found the atmosphere between Estelle and Irena a bit awkward and uncomfortable when he was in the city of Liberty, Clozeli.

Perhaps it was because of the unpleasant experience in Rostorf, the hometown of watches and clocks, that the two could not get along happily when they met.

The appearance of Aisi and Reina can only be said to be a self-deceiving comfort, not a cure. The dead have passed away after all, and the memories of the past can only be memories after all. redeemed.

Serena is the heart knot between the two, how could the wound healed be so easy to heal!?

Zhang Qing could only hope that time would heal that wound.

When I came to the city of dolls again, I felt that there was not much difference from the last time. Except for the lack of urban legends made by a certain crazy witch, everyone here still carries a doll with them.

The doll shop of the lady witch who likes to cut off her human hair and put it on the doll's head has also been transferred out. I don't know what sexual interest the new owner has, but he still runs the doll shop. In the business of selling dolls.

It's a pity that Zhang Qing didn't enter the store. After looking at the outside window for a while, he resolutely (cafb) turned and left.

There's no way, what the customer wants is not this kind of doll that a little girl can hold and play with, but a high-end product that has a special purpose and appeared in the last underground auction.

Well, to be honest, Zhang Qing also can’t figure out why a nobleman who has power and money is obsessed with this!? But as long as the money is not vague, he won’t say anything about it, isn’t he obsessed with freedom? !?,

"If you're here, you can come out to get some air. As long as you don't speak, or get up on your own initiative, others will only think you're a small doll." Zhang Qing felt that Miss Goblin was secretly watching outside again. Yes, he said in a low voice.

Ellie refused when she heard the words, "I'm not that kind of thing!"

She still seemed very angry.

Well, when she was talking to that client before, she probably heard it too, so she seemed to have a wrong understanding of dolls.

In fact, Zhang Qing really wanted to tell the woman that the master behind the housekeeper is actually a lady, not some disgusting man, but it is immoral to reveal the customer's information without authorization, Zhang Qing finally refused Tell Ellie this information.

In fact, as long as it is Zhang Qing, I can't understand why a noble lady would buy this kind of doll. As for what the other party said this time, she bought it on behalf of a friend. , In fact, it doesn't need to be said, after all, if she didn't say that, Zhang Qing wouldn't feel anything, but he felt that the impression of the noble lady in his mind collapsed and reorganized again.

"Well well, you're not, you're not."

"But I think if you feel lonely, I can also buy a 1:1 doll for your company."

"I-don't-need-need-!" Ellie gritted her teeth word by word.

It is necessary for her to forget how to get back after she left the home where her tribe lived, but it does not mean that she needs such a strange playmate.

"If you say this again, I'll bite you!"

Hearing the sound of grinding teeth above his head, Zhang Qing had to stop teasing the other party, as long as he was afraid that the other party's teeth would collapse, and then he had to fill the other party's teeth. It was too troublesome, and he had never filled such a small tooth.

"By the way, Ellie, I haven't asked you before. As a long-lived fairy, have you ever heard of the magical plant 'Scorching Sun'!?"

While Zhang Qing was asking when the underground auction would open, he kept chatting with Ellie, but after chatting for a while, he remembered the problem at home

This time there was no outsider around, so he felt relieved to communicate with Ellie.

Human beings are a short-lived race, even if they become a witch, they may not be immortal. Of course, the reason is the direction of specialization. In this era, few witches will study how to prolong their lifespan, but there is a huge amount of magic in their bodies. In fact, life expectancy is much longer than the average person.

But compared with long-lived races, such as goblins, it can only be said that there is no comparison.

As a long-lived species, it is natural that there will be no situations like human beings who forget certain deeds or history is distorted and changed after thousands or hundreds of years have passed.

If it is true that there was a special magic plant that existed in the long river of time, even if the human beings have forgotten it, there should be records in the goblins, and maybe the people who have seen it are still alive.

"Ah!? You said that!? How could you have heard that your human names might be different from ours!?" Ellie was stunned for a while, then shook her head to express that she had no memory at all.

"Is there no one that can match!? Then the name will be different, but the characteristics should not be the same!" Zhang Qing asked unwillingly.

Ellie didn't immediately veto it this time, but after thinking about it for a while, probably after searching for memories in her mind, she still shook her head in the end, "No, it stands to reason that there should be records in our clan, but maybe it's because I don't know Because I love reading this type of books so much, I have no impression."

"Wait! Why do you sound like you have doubts about this!? You suspect it's fake!? But isn't that a local legend!?"

Changing Zhang Qing shook his head this time, "I don't know, but I do know that the national emblems of the two countries on both sides of the forest are not flowers. Since there are such legends, it stands to reason that some people will use the family emblems, national emblems, totems, etc. This kind of flower is used as an image, but I haven’t seen it from the beginning to the end, isn’t it unreasonable!?”

This is the legendary magical flower, what could be more noble and symbolic than it!?

If Mina hadn't told him that she had asked many local residents before and learned from them that the legend was true, Zhang Qing would have thought she had been scammed.

As long as it is not something evil, this strange situation should not appear.

"There is indeed some truth to what you said..." Ellie didn't know how to refute, after all, according to common sense, this situation really shouldn't have happened.

It can also be heard from the story that the "Sunflower" is undoubtedly sacred, but now it does not receive the treatment it deserves, which is very strange.

"When you go back, you should inquire about it. The human girl probably didn't think so much."

Zhang Qing nodded, "I will."

It is true that Mina missed the key points in many aspects due to her lack of experience. After all, she is so old. If she can really cover everything, Zhang will wonder if she is some old monster pretending to be!?

"Actually, in the final analysis, it's your human fault. I don't know what to think about canceling the entrustment at such a time. Could it be possible to sleep peacefully without finding out the truth!? What an idiot." Ellie complained about Mina. client.

Zhang Qing could only smile wryly. There was no excuse for this. Indeed, most people would be like this. As long as they didn't see the coffin, they would be lucky and value money more than anything else.

"The auction will be held a day later, I hope Estelle won't come so soon..."

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