Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

487 Bazzett: I Really Want To Punch You In The Face!

Luvia, who left the Zhang family early in the morning, found her housekeeper, August, and asked him to find the current front-line combatant of the association, Bazzett Fraga Mark Remys, who was designated by the seal to execute where the person is.

Originally, Luvia didn't really want to find the other party. Although she was taught a lesson by the other party, she was considered a blessing in disguise and moved into Zhang's house, allowing Luvia to get a chance first, so Luvia was actually very grateful in her heart. Bazzett is a man.

Of course, I am grateful in my heart, but it is impossible for the other party to make me so embarrassed, and Luvia can't express it at all. After all, Luvia represents the face of Edfelt. Weiya didn't express it at all, so Edelfelt was underestimated.

So Luvia used her relationship to skip the repair fee of her mansion and go directly to Bazzett to pay the money. Jieka can't do it without leaving Fuyuki City, and even life has become a problem.

It can be said that although Luvia is not Bazzett's opponent, she knows what to do to make the place suffer.

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches isn't it!?

In fact, Luvia has long lost the intention of completing the task of appreciating a teacher. She didn't have to worship the master as a teacher, but because of Rin Tosaka, she deliberately fought for it.

In fact, both the ancestors of the Edelfelt family and the Tohsaka family were students who had studied with the second magician Kishua Zellich Schubinau, but this student was not the 20th student of the other. , It's just the kind of anonymous disciples, even people don't remember that there are students like them.

Luvia, who is very self-aware, actually never thought that she could become a disciple of Gemstone Weng from the very beginning. After all, she has never heard of the other party accepting disciples for so many years, and Gemstone Weng's character, she must not really think about it. Accept disciples.

But I know it well, but thanks to this reason, Luvia will not be forced to marry an old man in exchange for the succession and prosperity of the family, but now she has a better goal, Of course, Luvia will not continue to waste time on the so-called "assessment tasks".

It's just that before Zhang Qing, the wealthy son-in-law, is completely settled, she still has to use that reason to stay in Fuyuki City. An unreasonable operation to snatch back some class cards.

However, the sudden change now has to make her act. Unlike Bazzett's snatching game, the appearance of the eighth class card means that the peace of Fuyuki City has changed. Regardless, it is very likely that other people's eyes will be drawn to Fuyuki City, and Luvia's plans will really come to naught by then, and this is the real reason for her anxiety.

Other magicians or members of the association are not big sisters like Bazett who are fierce on the surface but soft on the inside. To be honest, Bazett is not at all different from other magicians except for her strength. Like a magician.

If it were any other magician, they wouldn't hold back their hands at that time, maybe they would kill them directly. Luvia is very clear about this.

Because of this, she doesn't actually have much ill feeling towards Bazzett.

"Master, the person has been found." Just as Luvia was thinking about some bad things that might happen, the old housekeeper Augustus came back.

Fuyuki City Park.

"I never expected that the well-known and designated executor of the association's seal would be so desperate." After getting out of the car, Luvia walked to a bench in the city park and looked at the man covered with paper as a quilt. Bazzett said condescendingly.

Bazzett suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Luvia who suddenly appeared in front of her,

Seeing Bazzett's silent and not at all embarrassing appearance, Luvia's eyes twitched, she really wasn't very good at dealing with this kind of guy.

"I have something to do with you."

Bazzett lifted the paper on his body, revealing the neatly dressed women's suit underneath, sat up, stared at Luvia for a while, and said, "If you plan to collect debts, there is no need, you should compare Everyone knows that I can't pay my debts at all at present.

When the word "debt" was mentioned, Bazzett bit his voice seriously, because Luvia and Rin Tohsaka blew up the mansion, but they dumped the blame on her and froze her money one step ahead of time. account, preventing her from accessing the accumulated funds.

If it wasn't for worrying about punching Luvia's pretty face, maybe he might have to bear an astronomical amount of medical bills, Bazett wouldn't mind punching this vicious woman in the face.

You must know that Bazzett didn't plan to do anything when he came here at first, she just wanted to get back the job that originally belonged to her, but for Gemstone Weng to hand over such a dangerous matter to two underage girls in a nonsensical manner , regardless of the safety of hundreds of thousands of people in Fuyuki City, Bazete is quite dissatisfied, so Bazete just wants to make Tohsaka Rin and the others give up the mission through conversation.

Unexpectedly, Tohsaka Rin and the two didn't give her a chance at all, and treated her as an enemy directly, which led to the following things.

If she hadn't kept her hand, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia would have been beaten to death by her long ago.

In fact, the reason why Bazet became more and more aggressive later on was that he was really angry when he saw the children like Illya. I didn't expect that the old urchin of Gem Weng was unreliable, and Rin Tohsaka was even more outrageous. To implicate children and throw the dangerous job of collecting rank cards to three elementary school students, is this human!?

If Bazzett hadn't been moved by the determination Meiyu and the others showed later, she wouldn't have let them go so easily, and she wouldn't have left 3 class cards behind.

In her opinion, as long as Tohsaka Rin and the others fail to collect all seven rank cards, they will definitely find her to take them back. At that time, she can teach them more lessons, and let the three little girls understand the importance of the magician's world by the way. How dangerous it is, the danger inside cannot be underestimated just by relying on a ridiculous magic dress.

But I didn't expect that I just left [Luvia, the contemporary head of the Edfelt family, made such a move for her.

What made Bazzett even more speechless was that neither Rin Tohsaka nor Luvia seemed to intend to take back the four class cards that were taken from her.

Luvia closed her fan, looked at Bazzett with a cold face, and said, "I didn't come to you because of such a trivial matter, but because we discovered the existence of the eighth class card, I think you understand that this means What is it!?"

"According to the judgment of Rin Tohsaka, who is the manager of the local spiritual veins, the eighth class card is unprecedentedly powerful. The two of us are not rivals at all, let alone Sapphire and the others will not cooperate with Tohsaka and me, so it is not us at all." For those two who want those children to participate in such dangerous things, I treat Miyu as my own sister, do you understand what I mean!?"

Hearing this, Bazzett stared into Luvia's eyes, and didn't see any guilt or hypocrisy, and the coldness on his face subsided a little, and said, "Maybe it's true, but I still don't agree with your actions, I can even tell you with certainty that even if you really complete the mission, Gemstone Weng will not accept you as disciples, and there is no magician who has accepted disciples at all, which is well known in the world."

Luvia was not surprised or puzzled by this, because she knew these things from the beginning, even Tohsaka Rin knew, "Muran, why do they keep fighting!? Isn't it just because they didn't see this matter?" How heavy is it!?

In fact, if they were not suddenly told that they had the opportunity to become the master's disciple, they would never have had the idea of ​​apprenticeship in the past!?

"Of course we know this. In fact, we let those children 683 participate under the condition of ensuring safety. Although it was because of the loss of the magic wand at the beginning, with our family background, we are fully capable of obtaining a large number of children." Gems, the previous seven class cards can still be solved, but now the eighth class card is obviously beyond our ability, so I came to you."

After hearing this, Bazzett finally turned serious, "Are you sure!?"

"Sure, the total amount of magic power of the eighth class card has exceeded the sum of the previous seven cards. I'm not even sure you can solve it, so I think we have to cooperate. You probably don't want to attract other people to this matter, do you?" , You should be very clear about how special those children are. As the designated executor of the seal, you know better than anyone how the association will deal with those children, don’t you? It is with obvious disgust.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's worry about Sakura's situation is definitely not unique. In fact, Tohsaka Tokiomi's choice is not wrong. Sakura can only survive if he adopts to another magic family. But his mistake is that he chose the Matou family. It's just this magic cave.

In fact, it is impossible for many famous magic families to have only one child in each generation. At this time, if they don’t want to be designated by the association to take them back as specimens, they can only destroy the magic circuits of the children in the family with their own hands. It can become an ordinary person, or become a slave, imprint some kind of magic brand on his body, and become a person who is not a human being.

In the modern age where mystery is declining, what is the best magic material that can be compared to someone with magic aptitude!? After all, the treasures of heaven and earth that existed in the age of gods have disappeared in the long river of history, and most of the mysterious races also do not exist. up.

Bazzett fell silent when she heard the words, of course she knew, otherwise she wouldn't be so angry with Tohsaka Rin and the others for putting those children in danger. The rank card is not scary, but the scary thing is people.

"What are you going to do!?".

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