Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

488 Matou Shiro: Is There Anything Wrong With My Blue Hair! ?

"Really, you guy, you never forget to show off your financial power wherever you go.

Rin Tosaka, who was wearing a red swimsuit, glanced at the deserted beach on the coast of Fuyuki City, and vomited.

Luvia, who was wearing a blue swimsuit at the side, raised her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and puffed out her chest proudly, "Don't forget our purpose, and I'm not just doing this to show off financial power, but to protect our wealth." Let ordinary people be implicated, and the external excuse is to build a big project here."

Speaking of that, Luvia pointed to the construction team over there, signaling Tohsaka Rin not to pretend to be blind, there are still people here.

"Hey, I won't say much. It's your money anyway. If you think it's okay, you can do whatever you want." Tohsaka Rin soon gave up her daily routine to go to Luvia, in fact, if it wasn't for Luvia's appointment , She really doesn't want to come to this beach, after all, it's summer vacation now, and Fuyuki City itself is a coastal city, every year at this time, there are countless men and women who come to the beach for vacation and swimming.

It's not that Tohsaka Rin suddenly suffered from social phobia, but that most of the people who will come here to play are residents of Fuyuki City, that is, there are more acquaintances.

In school, Tohsaka Rin has worked very hard to prevent his classmates from discovering the messy things in his house. If others see his "father", mother and sister, and even Luvia and Xiaoluo Tohsaka Rin felt that she would die of embarrassment if she had a relationship with Li.

Looking at Zhang Qing surrounded by a bunch of beauties over there, Rin Tohsaka felt that it was too difficult for him. Fortunately, he never let this "stepdad" go to the parent meeting since he was a child, otherwise Rin Tohsaka felt that he could not hide it at all. .

Are you embarrassed to invite friends from your class without seeing her!?

"Don't worry, I didn't cover the entire coastline. That would cause public outrage. It's just the small area in front of me." Luvia folded her hands across her chest and looked at the people below who were fighting vigorously. A group of elementary school students, especially Miyu inside, couldn't help but curl their mouths slightly.

She really regarded the little girl who was full of mystery in Miyu as her own sister, so when she saw Miyu who was full of repulsion to the outside world and exuded loneliness and sadness all the time, she blended in so well, and Apart from her own friends, the "sister" of Luvia is quite tall.

In fact, Luvia is very envious of Tohsaka Rin. She has her own parents, has a younger sister, and can even live an ordinary life and go to school normally. These are very far away for Luvia, who was born in a famous magic family. The world of magicians It is a closed and distorted world, and there is almost only gray in it. Even Luvia has done many evil things in the eyes of ordinary people before. In the world of magicians, she can't help herself. Doing evil in the name of your own good.

Well, in the minds of other magicians, they probably didn't do evil, but just did something that should be done.

"By the way, today is the birthday of the three of Ilya and the others, forget about Ilya and Chloe, it's even the same day if they don't, what a coincidence, do you have any presents prepared!

"Tohsaka Rin suddenly remembered that Fujimaru Tateka had told her to prepare a birthday present, and scratched her head and asked.

Luvia opened the fan with a "snap" and blocked the lower half of her face, so that people couldn't really see her full face and expression at the moment, and a slightly proud voice came from inside, saying, "Of course How could I forget my precious little sister’s birthday!? You’ve been neighbors with Ilya for so many years, and you still let my sister remind me, Tohsaka, you’re so useless.”

"Hmph! What's the matter? This kind of thing is done every year. It's too troublesome. I don't celebrate my birthday very much!?" Tohsaka Rin said nonchalantly. I don’t know how to remember my own birthday, let alone other people’s. In Tohsaka Rin’s view, doing this kind of thing is a waste of time and effort. If you really want to treat someone well, you don’t need to use a special day to deal with it of.

"Tsk, what a boy than a boy..." Luvia looked at Tohsaka Rin with disgust, and he was indeed a violent gorilla who could only speak with muscles. Zhang pretty face, I don't know how shocked those little boys in the school were when they knew what the goddess in their eyes looked like.

Tohsaka Rin ignored her, and after giving her a blank look, she walked towards Aoi who beckoned her to go.

Luvia didn't go to join in the fun, she had to keep an eye on the situation of the construction team over there to prevent accidents, although those construction team members started the construction according to her plan, it should be impossible to directly touch the abnormal point, But she was afraid of everything, so she still had to watch to feel at ease.

And Luvia doesn't want Zhang Qing to think that she is the kind of girl who is not serious and sloppy in doing things, otherwise if something really happens, she will be ashamed to see Zhang Qing, let alone become Tohsaka Rin's little mother , So Luvia forcibly endured the idea of ​​being intimate with her "lover" in the past, and tried to wake herself up to do what a supervisor should do.

In fact, because it is summer vacation, Fuyuki City is very lively at this time, crowded with men and women early in the morning.

"Don't be like this, isn't it normal for the invitation to fail!? That guy Tohsaka has rejected the boy's invitation once or twice. I heard that she is the daughter of a big family. Isn't it normal to look down on ordinary boys like us! !?" Kazusei Yagyu, the president of the student council of Hokuhara High School, the friend of Matou Shiro and the son of the abbot of Ryutoji Temple, really can't understand that such an outstanding person like his friend is not without power in school. The child secretly sent a glance to pursue, but he just focused on Rin Tosaka, the flower of Gaoling.

Even Shinji Matou, the somewhat annoying brother of his friend, seems to have strange thoughts about Rin Tohsaka.

Yagyu Kasunari really couldn't figure out what was so good about Tohsaka Rin, that female fox was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

As Yagyu Issei, who knew Tohsaka Rin earlier than his good friend Toshiro Matoshiro, he knew that this once competed with him for the position of student council president. If he hadn’t gone to study abroad for no reason, maybe there was no victory or defeat between them. The girl who has achieved results so quickly, exudes the word "secret" in her bones, and when she gets along with her classmates, they are all fake, as if she is wearing a mask all day long.

To be honest, Yagyu Kazusei really didn't want his friend to go to the Han military area for this kind of mysterious woman.

..." Matou Shirou grabbed the short blue hair that is unique to the Matou family, his face was a little red and he lowered his head and did not speak.

His gaze was wandering among the crowd on the beach, obviously looking for someone, and he was not listening to his friend Yagyu Kazusei at all.

Yagyu Kazusei shook his head when he saw this, and he didn't know what kind of magical power that Rin Tosaka had, but he was so fascinated by his good friend who had excellent grades and sports as if he was possessed.

"Stop looking around, other people are coming, let's go."

Noticing that all the students in the class he had invited came in swimsuits, Yagyu Kazunari pulled the wood next to him to wake him up, and then greeted the students with a smile.

Matou Shirou, who was pulled back to reality, followed Yagyu Kasunari's eyes to look at those who came. After searching the inside, he didn't see the beautiful figure. He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed on his face, but he still left. Went over and said hello to my classmates.

Mizuru Ayako took her younger brother Mizuru Shinori to follow the classmates in the class. After noticing Matou Shirou's disappointed eyes, she shook her head. She knew that Tohsaka Rin would not come, after all, she He is a rare friend in Rin Tohsaka's class. He wanted to play with Rin during the summer vacation, but Rin said he had important things to do and didn't have time to play, so he apologized to her.

It is obvious that the thoughts of these little boys in the class will come to naught, Mizuru Ayako thought with some evil humor.

But when he looked at his silly younger brother, he sighed helplessly, why did he just like Rin's younger sister Sakura, Ling Zi knew that the other party already had a boyfriend, but his younger brother obviously didn't intend to give up .


But looking at his younger brother staring at Matou Shirou with hatred, he thought it was funny. Mizuki Shiden probably thought that Sakura’s sudden withdrawal from the Kyudo club was caused by Matou Shirou’s joining!? After all, it’s a coincidence, As soon as Shiro Matou joined the club, Sakura quit.

Forget it, she can't control this kind of thing, just keep an eye on her brother and don't do stupid things.

`But what's going on over there!?' Seeing that her younger brother didn't rush forward to punch Matou Shiro in the face, Mizuru Ayako looked around, and soon she noticed a place not far away, It was blocked by yellow belts, and many iron fences were blocked, so that everyone could only squeeze in here.

(Mo Zhao's) If there were no guards, I am afraid that many people would not be able to hide and climb over there. After all, there is nothing there, so there is no need to crowd people.

"I don't know, but it looks like it's under construction, and I don't know what it's doing, so don't let anyone get close to me." As the initiator, Kazusei Yagyu and Mizuru Ayako didn't know each other because of the funding for the department's activities, but he still answered her As for the question, as long as other people seem to be very curious.

"Really, how to arrange it in this season, can't we wait for summer to come!?"

"That's right, I originally wanted to play beach volleyball, but I brought all the balls, alas..."

"I'm not the same, the watermelon is also brought, and now I can't use it at all."

After hearing Yagyu's words, many students complained. Although the beach is very big, it is not suitable for any place. As long as you don't want to walk too much, the crowded appearance here makes everyone very uncomfortable. There are too many people. The more, the hotter it feels.

"How about, let's go to a place farther away. There are fewer people there. The only trouble is that we have to walk a long way when we go back." Liu Sheng Shicheng suggested.

After looking at the situation here, the others nodded helplessly, "That's it..."

It is estimated that Tohsaka Rin did not expect that her classmates really came. To be honest, Luvia's spending a lot of money saved her a lot of trouble. .

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