Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

489 One Or Two Things About The Matou Family!

In fact, the people in the Jiantong family didn't know that Zhang Qing's death was the reason for the death of Zouyan. After all, anyone who came to Xingyue World would kill Matou Zouken unless he didn't have the strength.

It's also because Matou Zouken didn't know good and bad. On the issue of Sakura's adoption, Tohsaka Tokiomi of this time and space was more optimistic about Zhang Qing, so he adopted Sakura to Zhang Qing. As a result, Matou Zouken was a step behind But he didn't intend to give up, and he wanted to wait for the opportunity to take Sakura away. After all, this body with excellent magic talent is rare. If he missed Sakura, he couldn't find a better one.

After all, it is very difficult for ordinary people to have a special case of extraordinary talent, and those who have talents, which one has a connection with the world of magicians? Yes, if you really dare to appear in front of other magicians, as long as you are not a newcomer, you will be able to perceive his problems. I am afraid that when the time comes, you will directly usher in the designated executor of the association's seal.

Therefore, it is impossible for Matou Zouyan to give up on Sakura. This is also related to Zhang Qing, a magician who came from Xia Kingdom. An extremely xenophobic and closed country, that's why Matou Zouken never thought of giving up.

Otherwise, if someone else gets the guardianship of Sakura, Matou Zouken will just give up and look for other targets.

Originally, Matou Zouken thought that he would have to wait for a long time. After all, his cowardly young son Kariya refused to come back, so he didn't even want to find a slightly useful job. Son He didn't say anything.

However, Matou Zouken didn’t do nothing while waiting for the opportunity. Perhaps it was the actions of the Holy Grail participant Emiya Kiritsugu who represented one of the Einzbern family, one of the three royal families, inspired him. After Miya Kiritsugu adopted a child with magic talent from the orphanage, Matou Zouken also came to his senses, so he could do this.

(In fact, when Emiya Kiritsugu initiated the destruction of the Holy Grail, Matou Zouken noticed this man, and it can be said that he was very concerned about him, especially his wife and children, which are not too sweet, but because it is Einz Zouken Matou gave up on the behemoth Beren.)

Although Fujimaru Tachika's aptitude is very poor in his opinion, there are not many children with magic talents. In line with the idea that having it is better than not having one, Matou Zouken also adopted a child. Unexpectedly, the small Fuyuki City In the orphanage, besides the little girl who was taken away by Emiya Kiritsugu, there was actually a little boy with magic talent.

However, because Matou Shirou's aptitude is not as good as Tohsaka Sakura's, Matou Zouken did not waste the engraving worms on him, but instead used a more reliable and normal transformation method, maybe this is the protagonist's halo!?

However, during the unhurried transformation process, a sudden incident occurred. Of course, Tosaka Tokiomi, who was not willing to end the Holy Grail War that he had planned so hard, would not do nothing. When his disciple Kotomine Kirei was about to do something, he was stabbed in the back by his disciple from the Holy Church.

This made Matou Zouken shocked and pleasantly surprised. Tohsaka Sakura is no longer important, because once Tohsaka Tokiomi died, Tohsaka Aoi and Tohsaka Rin became helpless orphans and widows

Isn't this God helping him!?

In fact, Matou Zouken has taken a fancy to Tohsaka Aoi since a long time ago, no, at that time it should be called Chancheng Aoi, a girl who has lost her magic inheritance, but wants to return to the family of magicians again, This is a rare girl with magic talent. If she hadn't been born in the Chancheng family, she would probably be able to become a magician.

If it wasn't for that time, Matou Zouyan was trying to let Matou Kariya and the other party develop freely, and tricked him back, as long as he gave birth to a child, there would be a steady stream of offspring for him to use

Zouyan Matou would never do nothing, but he was not in a hurry at that time, because Zouyan Matou could tell that Chancheng Aoi approached Kariya with a purpose.

However, he didn't expect that what he waited for was his son's betrayal. He would rather push his beloved woman to Tosaka Tokiomi than to go further with Chancheng Aoi, and never bring her home.

Moreover, Chancheng Aoi was protected by the Tohsaka family, which made Matou Zouken extremely angry and helpless. Sure enough, he is my good son [I really saw my weakness hall.

At that time, Tosaka Tokiomi's father was still alive, so Matou Zouken certainly didn't dare to show up, and Tosaka's house was still a magic workshop, and he couldn't please himself after entering it, even after Tosaka Tokiomi's father passed away. , he didn't dare to do anything, after all Tosaka Tokiomi was not without connections, it was really a big trouble, I'm afraid that Matou Zouken would be wanted, and any bad wishes would be delusions.

But now, Tohsaka Aoi and Tohsaka Rin have nothing left, no, there is also a disciple who backstabbed his teacher, haha, isn’t this the best time!? Don’t have to think hard about how to get Zhang Qing The outsider snatched Tohsaka Sakura from his hands.

It's a pity that when he did it, he didn't expect to meet Zhang Qing, the mysterious Xia Guofang warlock. Rin, and Tohsaka Sakura who came to visit his mother with Zhang Qing, no one knows where Matou Zouken has gone!?

But what is waiting for Matou Shirou is definitely not a simple change of hair and eye color inexplicably. Matou Shiro has adopted a grandson.

So I have to say that even in the world of Moyi, the aura of the protagonist of a certain bulldozer is still very strong, and it fell into the insect nest, and it was still intact, except that Matou Zouken died inexplicably and too quickly, so he failed to enter In the world of magicians, there is no one who has magical talents, but he can only be an ordinary person, so he has nothing to lose.

It can’t be said that there is no loss, at least in other worlds, his destined wife Tohsaka Rin has a lot of prejudice and disgust towards the Matou family after seeing the true face of Matou Zouken. Matou Shirou felt even more disgusted in his heart.

Not to mention gloomy, problematic personality, except for a face that attracts the opposite sex, Shinji Matou, the head of the seaweed.

Even if Rin Tohsaka was really demented and suddenly fell in love with the children of the Matou family, Aoi would not agree, but it was really a face to see the Matou Zouyan at that time, and realized that the essence of Matou's magic is not water attribute magic , but it is impossible for the people of Worm Magic to not care at all, not to mention that they were still victims at the time, if Zhang Qing appeared a little later

The encounter between the mother and daughter is a tragic theater that can be mosaiced.

So what Mizuru Ayako doesn't know is that although Sakura quit the Kyudo Club because the Kyudo Club made her go home late, the lack of free time is the main reason, but in fact, part of it is because she doesn't want to stay with Matou Shirou and the others. .

In the eyes of Rin and Sakura, Matou Shirou and Matou Shinji's beautiful skins may be a very big ugly bug, just covered in human skin, so whenever I see those little girls in school sending love letters , and when I confess my love, I always look at these things with very strange eyes.

At that time, there was probably only one thought in my mind: WC, it tastes so heavy, I can’t stand it anymore, I want to vomit.

Matou Tsuruno, the eldest son, and Matou Shinji, the eldest grandson, know the existence of the magician world, and even know the identity of Tohsaka Rin, but why tell outsiders Matou Shiro about this!? This is the legacy Competitors, of course they will not be kind enough to tell everything.

If there is no definite information that Matou Zouken is really dead, the father and son might have kicked Matou Shiro out of the house!

In fact, Matou Shinji also harassed Sakura. After all, compared to Tohsaka Rin who has always had a cold face and is not easy to get close to, Sakura's soft and weak appearance makes people feel safer and approachable. The Sakura raised by Zhang Qing is really as weak as her appearance. Even if Rin Tohsaka and Sakura don't use magic, they are still good at fist and foot, so Shinji Matou was severely taught by Sakura, and the whole process Kick people with their feet through their shoes, and even throw away their shoes afterwards.

From then on, Matou Shinji didn't dare to appear in front of Sakura. Although his heart was full of resentment, he could only secretly feel impotent and furious in his heart.

"Don't keep posting it, it's too hot."

"No, Rin is too cold, obviously we are childhood sweethearts."

Seeing Tohsaka Rin and Fujimaru Tachika clinging together, the elders of the two families sitting under the parasol felt secretly amused, Aoi sighed, "That child, Rin, doesn't really like girls, right? What are you talking about to restore the glory of the Tohsaka family, don’t you think about that!?”

As he spoke, he looked at Irisviel, who was sitting aside, wearing a white one-piece swimsuit, and sighed.

Irisviel shrugged, "There's nothing wrong with that, right!? Then we'll kiss each other more. Don't worry, we in Einzbern already have the technology to conceive a child normally. Illya is What came this way is "absolutely not extinct."

Tohsaka Rin smiled bitterly, "I have no complaints about the artificial man, but Rin will have a hard time then, how will the child explain that he has two mothers!?"

Zhang Qing patted the back of Kui's hand, and comforted him, "Let it be, and the two of you may not really have such thoughts, so let's stop thinking about it here.

As for the "kissing and kissing" that Irisviel said, Zhang Qing was very speechless. These people really never gave up on sending him to prison.

He really liked the role of Illya very much before reincarnation, but that doesn't mean he wants to be the dragon king in prison!?

Moreover, Ilya is indeed too young, and her thinking, outlook on the world and outlook on life are not firm. Who knows if the so-called liking is due to the illusion of the lack of fatherly love!?

Three wives and four concubines are fine, and this world also allows it, but you still have to have a bottom line in life.

If you like it, you don't necessarily have to hold it in your hands, and it's not the world of Li Fan. If you really have that kind of relationship, there will be no other relationship. Isn't family and friends enough!?

Alice Feier nodded, "Let it be, yes, let it be..."

She seemed to understand something and feel something from Zhang Qing's words.

Zhang Qing was speechless. .

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