
There was the sound of the key being inserted into the door lock and turning, and then the door was opened from the outside, and a beautiful woman in formal attire walked in with a tired face.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came through the room. A teenage girl with a sweet appearance and a woman who looked seven to eight times like a woman trotted forward, with a sweet smile on her face, and said, "Sister, welcome back, Bao Give it to me, and I'll get it for you."

Bai Shuya watched her younger sister Bai Huiting twitch her lips, showing a forced smile, and let her snatch the bag from her hand, and said, "Huiting, go back, my sister can't take care of you if you stay here... ..."

"Then I can take care of my sister. Really, since my brother-in-law left, you have been worrying. You don't even eat well, and you work all day. If your brother-in-law is here, you will definitely feel very sad. "Bai Huiting interrupted her sister Bai Shuya, and blamed Bai Shuya for not taking care of herself.

Bai Shuya shook her head, thinking in her heart: You don't know how to cook, isn't it the same!?

It's just because this is her own younger sister, Bai Shuya has a little more affection for Bai Huiting than her parents, probably because Bai Huiting satisfied her longing for her family.

Followed into the dining room, looking at the dinner set on the dining table inside, Bai Shuya went to wash her hands and also went to the dining table, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the dishes, and said, "It's not that my sister wants to drive you away, but But you have to go to school, and my sister has to work during the day, and she can’t come back on time at night, so it’s actually better if you go home.”

Although Bai Shuya is not very satisfied with her parents, the conditions of the Bai family will not let her sister be wronged, and Bai Huiting staying with her also makes her worry, not because she is worried that Bai Huiting, a junior high school student, will do something wrong. What happened, but worried about the security here.

She has learned Sanda by herself, which is nothing, but if a delicate girl like Bai Huiting encounters bad guys, she will really be doomed. Bai Shuya has devoted part of her energy to learning Sanda since the kidnapping incident. It is precisely because she has experienced the most helpless moment that she feels that she should master the power of self-protection. None of them are her opponents. In a country like Long Country where wooden warehouses are banned, as long as you don't encounter a team committing a crime, you don't have to be afraid at all.

Of course, she will not let herself appear in dangerous places, so she will not go to some exciting and unsafe places to have fun, just between three points and one line, generally there will be no big

As for why she lives in this kind of community with a low security level, because this was originally her boyfriend's residence, she just moved in later, and she plans to change to a better home one day after the company gets better, or when she gets married ,result……

"Sister, you are sighing, really, you can't do this." Bai Huiting sighed when she saw Bai Shuya for no reason, and said with concern.

Bai Shuya waved her hand, "It's okay, you should consider what my sister said before, I will be fine in a while."

Bai Huiting stopped talking when she heard the words, her lowered eyes were icy cold, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved as if she was smiling, but Bai Shuya was eating silently without noticing it.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rice, Bai Shuya, whose stomach finally felt better, took out her mobile phone to pay attention to the follow-up of her boyfriend's incident. In fact, she has been paying attention to him since his death, but there is no news at all. The answer given by the yamen is "under further investigation, please wait patiently (cadj)".

During the day, Bai Shuya had to be busy with the company's affairs, and at the same time had to deal with the lobbyists who came at home at any time. The relatives of the seven aunts and eight aunts came to persuade her, which made Bai Shuya very irritable and made her When working, it was very difficult, because the rhythm was disrupted, and there was a backlog of various pressures in my heart.

It was also at this time that Bai Shuya experienced for herself how difficult it was for her boyfriend back then, because her boyfriend has also faced all kinds of troubles and pressures she has faced now, and compared to her good words and persuasion, the boyfriend's side I am afraid that humiliation and derogation must be added.

It was only at this time that Bai Shuya regretted a little, not because she regretted falling in love with Zhang Qing, but because she regretted bringing so much trouble to the other party's life, and she would only make the other party believe that their love can overcome all difficulties behind her back.

Maybe I should have let go in the first place.

Just when Bai Shuya was thinking about these things in her heart, a piece of news suddenly caught her attention, which was the notification from the Baishi City Yamen.

Looking at this absurd announcement at this moment, Bai Shuya's mind was cold, and then angry.

Another sentence is "fatigue driving", and the other sentence is just "accident".

Is this the result of my long wait!?

Isn't there even a fair person!?

Fingers are flying in the mobile phone, there are not too many videos on the major platforms, especially the short video platforms, where the big V celebrities have all kinds of repeating machine behaviors, and the videos that will conclude the whole matter. No one who doubts this can see it.

Bai Shuya tried to make a rebuttal comment, but after a second or two, it was deleted instantly, and she immediately knew why this situation happened.

It undoubtedly made her even more angry.

No wonder the employees in the company are so weird from top to bottom today. Everyone must have seen it, but I still don't know anything about it.

"Who, who is interfering in all of this!?" Bai Shuya had no intention of eating, she stood up holding her mobile phone, looked at her startled younger sister Bai Huiting, felt a little guilty, but still said, " Hui Ting, sister has something to go out, so you just stay at home obediently and don't go out, remember to lock the doors and windows, don't open the door to strangers at will, you understand!?"

Saying that, Bai Shuya picked up her handbag again, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

Bai Huiting, who was thrown at the dining table, held her chopsticks in her mouth, looked at her sister's back, and did not speak. After Bai Shuya closed the door and left, she stood up and poured all the food on the table into the toilet.

Then he opened the drawer, saw that there was only a small half of the medicine bottle left in it, and murmured in a low voice, "It's one less meal, I have to get another one..."

Bai Shuya drove the car towards the Baishi City Yamen, thinking about how to deal with it when she got there, and what she could do.

Of course, it is best to obtain some useful evidence, and then sue the Yamen of Baishi City in a higher court. Touched the recording pen and pinhole camera that I had on my body

Bai Ya let go of her heart a little bit.

She was indeed very angry at the beginning, but in the process of going downstairs, she realized that this might also be a rare opportunity. Since the yamen would make such a move, it would prove that her original suspicion was not wrong, and her boyfriend Death is not that simple.

All of this now proves that there are a pair of big hands behind it.

The opponent's ability to get the yamen of Baishi City to cooperate proved that the opponent's power was overwhelming, and he was not a small fish or shrimp, which undoubtedly narrowed the scope a lot.

There was madness and killing intent hidden in Bai Shuya's eyes, but she was suppressed by reason in the end.

"Ah Qing, I will definitely not let you die in an unexplainable manner. I will definitely let all those who participated in it receive the punishment they deserve. I will definitely... 11

Speeding like lightning, the car soon arrived at the Yamen of Baishi City.

Bai Shuya stopped the car slowly, looking at the brightly lit, yet exceptionally quiet Baishi City Yamen, she always felt that something was wrong, and she didn't know if it was a psychological effect, she felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at her.

After getting off the car, Bai Shuya frowned and found that the guards were sleeping on both sides.

She didn't even respond when she approached, Bai Shuya suddenly felt that she was a bit silly to expect this kind of guy to support justice.

"Hey! Did you hear that? Wake up, don't sleep and go in."

Bai Shuya yelled at the two guards standing guard. To be honest, she didn't understand why the gate was closed suddenly. You must know that although there are gates in Longguo's yamen, they are generally not allowed to close unless there are special circumstances. It is to allow people to come to seek help 24 hours a day.

Is it because there are many people like her who came to find the explanation today, so they simply closed the door!?

Thinking of this, Bai Shuya couldn't help showing a trace of contempt on her face. If you had the guts to do this, but you didn't have the guts to face the angry crowd, you really deserve it.

Seeing that the two could not be woken, Bai Shuya stretched out her hand to push, but the moment her hand touched the person, the person fell down, and the sound of the collision with the ground was not small at all, a normal person would be injured if they fell like this. It was serious, and Bai Shuya was taken aback.

What puzzled her was that the fallen person hadn't woken up and screamed for pain, just lying on the ground in a strange posture, motionless, like a dead man.

Wait! Corpse!?

Bai Shuya was startled by her sudden thought, she looked at the person on the ground, then at another person leaning against the wall, and swallowed.

"Couldn't they all be dead...!?"

Just when Bai Shuya was about to confirm further, a bell suddenly sounded in the silent environment, which made her startled again.

After recovering, I found that the voice was coming from inside the yamen, but it turned out that the landline kept ringing, but no one connected at all.

Bai Shuya looked into the yamen, it was very quiet at the moment, except for the ringing of the phone, some voices could not be heard, it was so strange.

"Couldn't everyone be dead, right?!" Bai Shuya thought jokingly, although she also wished that all these heartless people would die, but she was just thinking about it. Let her carry out, still can't do it.

Of course, or when despair reaches the extreme, she will lose her mind and kill people, but when her mind is still there, Bai Shuya is just a king of mouth.

Bai Shuya, who realized something was wrong at this moment, stood in front of the yamen gate and became a little at a loss. .

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