No matter which world, which era, there are people who are close to the truth, but they are not recognized by the general public at all.

Perhaps this is why, some people always say that "the truth is only in the hands of a few people"!?

There is one thing that is very good for the general public in modern times, that is, they can obtain all kinds of information from all over the world with only one mobile phone, no matter whether it is true or not, and whether it is useful or not, because this is an era of information explosion.

As the incident unfolded, the authorities did not come up with a statement that was reasonable enough for everyone to shut up, and the trend on the Internet gradually became: "Is there any powerful person blocking the investigation of this incident! ? The so-called investigation team sent by the top is just a feigned show. In fact, the investigation team does exist, but they just come to Baishi City to eat, drink and have fun, and then submit a so-called investigation report to prove that everything is correct. Just an accident!?"

After all, there was such a publicity report from the Baishi City Yamen that made people laugh out loud, and the official credibility really made people have to put a question mark on the back.

Perhaps it is because of the empathy of the people at the bottom, because they have no choice and no sense of security, so this time, basically all the people who heard about the incident were extremely angry and concerned about the following incident, which also led to dissatisfaction among the masses. When I trusted the official, a round of human flesh searches began on the Internet, "Who in Yufu City has such great energy?


Or maybe who in the entire southeast province can treat the anger of the masses as if it doesn't exist, and even limit the streaming on major online platforms, delete comment videos and other discussions about this incident!?

Yes, any voices related to this incident no longer exist. After the repeaters that insulted the IQ of the people are dead, there will be no voices, and they will be deleted in seconds after they are released. This will aggravate the suspicion and anger of the people.

However, at this time when everyone is sarcastically nostalgic for the old leaders of the old era and saying that the national anthem is really good, suddenly there is another voice on the Internet, first appeared in a small-scale discussion in a supernatural forum~ .

I don't know why it suddenly got out of the circle, and someone took a screenshot and posted it on other communication platforms as a joke, which immediately attracted a lot of people to watch.

What is terribly frightening is that after reading it, many people think about it and find out that this is really a little bit right. After changing the angle and not looking at this incident with conspiracy theory, they will find out Indeed, it can match up with those horror and ghost stories.

However, except for a small number of people who take it seriously, most people just laugh it off after reading these remarks. After all, it has long been proven that there are no ghosts in this world. Everyone has been educated to believe in science since childhood, and not to trust any feudalism Superstitious bad habits and bad thoughts.

Especially in Longguo, any movie or TV series that mentions "ghosts and gods" cannot pass the review. Those that can be seen by the audience, if you study carefully, you will find that although it is a supernatural horror TV series or movie, all the monsters and monsters in it Whether it is "human" or "man-made", the classification is not an exaggeration in science fiction.

In particular, there is a movie that makes everyone understand how to pass the trial, that is, the last scene turns to the hospital, the psychiatric department, and falls on the heroine who escaped from death. At this time, you will be told the previous The thrilling scenes are all the fantasies of the heroine, the patient.

After watching the movie, I can sum up one sentence: everything is just a ridiculous fantasy or a ridiculous dream.

Because of this, when most people hear this kind of statement and suspect that it is the work of ghosts, they just laugh and ignore it. It is better to believe that someone wants to confuse people in this way than to believe that there are ghosts in this world. Audio-visual, deliberately deviate from the rhythm, divert attention, and let this turmoil be downplayed.

This has deepened the public's anger and attention to this incident, and it has completely aroused the hidden contradictions between the people at the bottom and the G side, and their voices have become louder and louder.

A tidal wave called "distrust" is surging against the entire regime.

In addition, some old and inflexible members at the bottom only know "one size fits all", requiring major platforms to ban and delete any "false" remarks, and to prevent the public from speaking out, which has deepened this contradiction.

With the development of society and the rapid changes, many problems have been buried, especially the emergence of the gap between the rich and the poor, and the oppression of young people by capitalists, the chaos of bricks, etc. Class conflicts have long since sprouted seeds In addition, Longguo's usual way of dealing with problems is not to solve the root problem, but to "one size fits all", not to dredge but to plug the gap, and to let the seeds germinate and grow.

In fact, the reason why this incident attracted the attention of so many people was not because of other things. Most of the people had nothing to do with the deceased themselves, but they would be angry and would keep an eye on any follow-up news, entirely because this incident was "" In the conflict between the public and some so-called upper classes, the victims are ordinary people, while the suspects on the other side are some dignitaries. It would be fine if an explanation is given early and the real culprits will be arrested, but the Baishi City Yamen made a fortune. Notification, completely ignited the powder keg.

The incident has risen to the point that the general public has distrust and suspicion of the entire G market in Longguo, whether it has been corrupted from top to bottom, this is the real reason for the people's panic and anger.

It's just that those big figures who have been sitting in that position for a long time don't seem to think so. At this time, they feel that foreign forces must take the opportunity to make troubles, want to make the Dragon Kingdom mess up, and focus on catching the so-called "spies". All online platforms are required to be strictly reviewed, and certain people and certain rumors must not be allowed to appear.

As for the people's request to investigate some important person in the southeast province, they ignored it, and even thought it was absurd. If it is just a loud voice on the Internet, a G member can be investigated!? The second-in-command, who has no one on top, how many people are really involved in the investigation!? Naturally, no one will investigate

Most of the greedy people who can be seen on the Internet who have been arrested are either because the evidence is solid and cannot be washed, or they are abandoned children who were pushed out, or poor people who lost the party in the faction dispute.

So the contradiction has long existed, but it has not been ignited. .

However, although they misunderstood the source of the public's anger, the higher-ups still put pressure on the investigation team sent to Baishi City, asking them to give a satisfactory answer as soon as possible. "False speech" spies, and they caught more and more, which made the big bosses feel a little bad.

At this time, they probably already had a kind of idea: it seems that things are really serious.

The more people are arrested, the more angry the public will be, and the louder the voice of the online appeal will be, and there are already signs of turbulence, so that those big bosses who are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai cannot have to pay attention to it, and even feel uneasy a feeling of.

0 looking for flowers......

However, when the bosses were uneasy, it was also distressing to be asked by them to give an investigation team with the truth that could calm the anger of the people as soon as possible.

Because no matter how much they investigate, they can't get an answer that can explain everything. When investigating whether there was someone behind the truck driver, they did find many people with problems, but every time they investigated new suspects People, when they follow the line to arrest, they will find that the relevant personnel died strangely and tragically one step ahead.

It is precisely because the suspects died one by one, which made their investigation more difficult, that they did not make much progress for such a long time, and it was precisely because of the deaths of these important clues that the whole incident seemed more confusing and full of doubts. Being able to transparently disclose these developments, the only way to keep silent is to create more suspicion on the Internet, suspecting that they are covering up and covering up the truth.

But if you don't do this, you will really publish the clues you have so far, not to mention whether you will startle the snake, wake up the real culprit behind the scenes, and do some finishing work. Take the death of those related personnel as an example. Netizens will only suspect that there is a problem behind this incident. Then the entire government and institutions in Southeast Province will not be trusted by the people, and may be paralyzed and unable to operate normally. After all, an order is just a piece of waste paper if no one executes and obeys it.


"What's the problem? Now more and more people are dying, and it's almost impossible to cover what the murderer wants to do!?" The top ten youths who were hackers in the investigation team said a little madly.

The people above are putting pressure on them, but they are at a loss. If they find out, they will die. Now the investigation team has begun to suspect each other. They all wonder if there are two or five children here, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence!?

Especially after checking that there are no cameras and radio equipment around, it is only possible that something went wrong inside. Is there any invisible "person" there!?


After complaining, seeing that no one else spoke, the young man asked, "What should I do next!? Do you want to dig deeper!?"

The young man was thinking in his heart, whether he and others are the real version of the god of death, and if one is found after investigation, one will die. It is simply not too fantasy.

"No need!" After the silent atmosphere in the conference room lasted for a while, the old prisoner suddenly thumped the table, stood up, gritted his molars and said, "Let's go directly to Wu's house, there is nothing to investigate .”

Looking at the angry old prisoner, the others were silent. In fact, the clues from the previous investigation were enough to show that there was something wrong with Wu Quande, the leader of Baishi City, but behind Wu Quande was his brother, Wu Tianyi, the leader of Southeast Province. Everyone in the investigation team has to be cautious, because if this matter is really related to the Wu family, then the matter will be serious.

Once people know about their investigation of Wu's family, then those baseless suspicions on the Internet may be regarded as being confirmed. It will be useless to give any "truth" at that time, and the public will only believe one The answer is that there is a problem with the Wu family, and it is impossible to quell public anger if the nine clans are not destroyed.

This is also the reason why they haven't taken the next step for a long time. If it's just a small G member, it's fine. Not to mention the big people like the Wu family are involved in a lot, and the position is high enough, so they don't want to move when they want.

But now the continuous pressure from above has also pushed the investigation team to a dead end.

"Does it really have to be like this!?"

"Yes, Xi.".

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