Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

501 Magician: Are You Interested In Becoming The Son Of Heaven? ?

"Dead again!? How many times this month!?"

"It's strange if you say it's strange. In the past, I couldn't see the police car or ambulance a few times a year, but now I can see it on the street from time to time. It's really disturbing..."

Seeing the policemen in black clothes busy in the cordon, and some medical staff in white coats came down from the ambulance, many people outside the yellow cordon could not help but stop and watch, and whispered.

"Yeah, do you know the old Li's family that sells sesame seed cakes on Dongtou Street? Didn't his family have a daughter who was admitted to Kyoto University!? She was smart and filial since she was a child, and she was also pretty. Promising, Old Li would cheerfully show off his daughter in different ways when he saw people, but it made many people who have children in their families envious, but you know, come and let me tell you, don’t be with her. Others said, it’s not like too many people know about this..."

"Don't worry, old aunt of the Wu family, I have the strictest mouth."

"Hmm, let me tell you, the daughter of Old Li's family died. I heard that she disappeared in the dormitory of the school. All four girls in the dormitory disappeared. I heard that they were all naked when they were found. What's even more bizarre is that the doors and windows are locked from the inside. Do you think it's strange!? I also heard about it when the police came to the old "May 10" Li Tou's house before. , Poor old Li has worked so hard to raise the girl for most of his life, and the girl is also a filial son, but in the end, alas..."

"Wait, the old aunt of the Wu family is completely naked. Could it be that one!? But isn't the current school all separate dormitories for men and women? I heard that there are dormitory guards guarding the gate!? Men can go in without making a sound!? And four Girl, don’t you have any resistance at all, are the people in the next bedroom all deaf!?”

"Don't worry, the policeman can't find these problems!? You are smart!? That's why I just said this is strange!? Otherwise, why did the policeman come all the way here to ask Old Li!? And let me tell you, I heard that there were no traces of fighting at the scene, and the four female dolls, including the one from Lao Litou's house, but two female dolls are perfect, and they have not been raped by that, so they are not QJ."

"There is such a thing!?"

"That's not it, look at this house now, do you know what's going on!?"

"What's the matter, old baby of the Wu family, you also say this!?"

"Of course, there's nothing around here that I don't know. Hey, why am I telling you this? Do you still want to hear it!?"

"Ahem, it's okay for me to eat some and go back to cook. Aunt Wu's family, tell me, please tell me."

"This time the accident happened to a young man. I heard that it was a live broadcast on the Internet. I don't understand it, but I heard that there are many fans and so on. They are similar to big stars. I have seen that kid before. At night, I squatted on the side of the road with my mobile phone and burned paper money, and I was still knocking on a bowl, muttering something strange, and the young people nowadays don’t know why

I don't know the etiquette, didn't the adults in the family teach you not to disturb ghosts and gods before!? I said a few words to him, but he laughed and said to me, this is a live broadcast, just for fun

And let me not worry, I should believe in science...."

"Don't make such an expression, this kind of thing would rather believe it or not, you know!? Don't take it seriously, I think it's because he didn't take it seriously that the accident happened


This kind of thing, this kind of dialogue, happened in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and it has even begun to spread to farther places. From the beginning, after a large number of bizarre deaths occurred in the southeast province, gradually the same happened in the surrounding cities. Bizarre cases that cannot be solved, behind every dirty incident, there are bloody lives.

Even if the yamen wants to block the wind, there are too many of them, and there is no useful clue at all, just like a large number of vicious criminals who have mastered superb killing skills suddenly appeared, and they also have super strong countermeasures. Reconnaissance ability, killing can be done without leakage, not even a hair will fall on the scene.

The popularity of the incident in Southeast Province on the Internet has indeed declined, but the distraction of attention in this way makes people feel even more unhappy.

There is even a saying on the Internet that "when a country is about to be in chaos, evildoers will come out to make chaos".

As for who the evildoer is, it is self-evident. It is not a day or two since the Wu family in the southeast province covered the sky with one hand, especially after some people saw people from the investigation team visit the Wu family. There are more, of course, evildoers refer not only to the two brothers of the Wu family, but also to more corrupt officials.

Now that there are chaos all over the country, it can only show that the whole country itself has reached the point where the disease is dying, and the summer is about to fall.

Although more and more people say that "dirty things" are causing the trouble, more people think that this is a sign that this land is in chaos again. After all, this ancient land has never lacked uprisings and dynasties, but no one can. Imagine that the thriving Dragon Congress is so short, only a little bit longer than the Qin Dynasty.

On the other side, a certain ghost that entered the misty space again was panting heavily. Although he no longer needed to breathe, he was still sweating profusely.

A young man wearing a white shirt and black trousers with a braid on the back of his head came over and helped him up, asking, are you okay!?"

Youhun took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "Do you think I'm fine!?"

"Only here can I maintain my sanity. After returning to reality, it becomes more and more difficult for me to control my malice towards strangers. Now I dare not appear near Shu Ya, for fear that I will be uncontrollable and hurt her." ……………”

The young man with braids touched his chin and thought, "It seems that the world you live in has a great influence on the dead, or it is because there is no space for ghosts that makes you such a strange person become a ghost." How about this."

The young man remembered that when the ghost came to the misty space, he looked so happy that his soul flew away. He was afraid that he would dissipate and return to heaven and earth in a short time. world, so this phenomenon occurs.

But now that the existence of ghosts returns to that world, it is equivalent to a bug. The original normal operating procedure is that after a person dies, the consciousness or soul will slowly dissipate and return to heaven and earth. There is no need to go through the hell trial and then reincarnate.

But now a ghost, something impossible to exist, suddenly appeared, which is equivalent to inserting a virus source code into a computer that is running normally.

As the virus itself, it is naturally malicious to the original normal data, because it is fundamentally an opposite relationship, one will ebb and flow, and the other will grow, and the yin will naturally be weakened.

"So there are many existences like you appearing in your world now!?" The young man suddenly asked..0

After being silent for a while, the ghost nodded, "Yes, I need to have enough power to suppress them, or even kill them, but it's useless, these ghosts are like weeds, and they will appear again after a while. A batch comes, and the longer I stay outside, the sanity will gradually lose, it is difficult for me to deal with these ghosts that appear suddenly

"Isn't this just spiritual recovery!?" The young man smiled wryly when he heard the words.

At this time, he was also thankful that the Mist Council was established earlier. If the previous situation of swarming up to exchange abilities, I am afraid that something serious will happen. A super ghost king who has no reason, no, it can be said to be a ghost. For that world, it is the biggest disaster.

"Don't worry, I'll think of a way. It's not at the point of nowhere yet..." Although the young man was complaining in his heart why he was clearly a magician, why he acted as a magician no matter in reality or in the misty space. The job of a doctor is a bit fucked up, but the matter has come to this point, so he admits it.

Anyway, not being a doctor is not a good magician, is it!?

"Please." Ghost also has no choice. He was an ordinary person before, and what he got from the foggy space was power instead of knowledge and experience. It was too difficult for him to think about how to solve his current problems.

"You're welcome, how can we say that we are 'our own people' too!?" The young man smiled and waved his hand to make the other party not to be too polite, and then said, "I have some ideas, but I have to discuss it with others , you wait here, I will come back with other people to tell you, by the way, don’t get in touch with other people, otherwise the stronger you are, the more dangerous you will be to the people around you after you go back , I believe Niubi understands it himself."

"Don't worry, I won't touch other people without authorization. Even if they come to touch me, I will avoid them. I understand the rules." Ghost sighed and promised.

Especially after he had the urge to kill his ex-girlfriend several times, he even felt that his current state was very dangerous, so he kept avoiding appearing too close to his girlfriend, and hiding far away. Just in order not to hurt the other party.

It's not a good thing that people and ghosts go their own way.

The young man smiled when he heard the words, and said, "It's good that you understand, don't worry, if my thinking is okay, there should be a solution to your problem. Before I come back, you can think about it a little bit. If I am the Son of Heaven in the future, what should I do!? Forget about the three thousand in the harem, you don’t still have that kind of demand now, do you!?”

Youhun was taken aback when he heard the words, some didn't understand why the other party said that, but after hearing the last question, the corners of his mouth twitched, "At least I still like women, what do you think!? But I don't dare to open a harem." I'm interested, but it doesn't mean I'm a eunuch.

"Oh, that's it, what an interesting discovery." The young man rubbed his chin and said with a smile, with the researchers' eyes looking at the materials on the test bench, which made Ghost very uncomfortable.

But the young man didn't stay for too long. After looking back, he said, "I'll be back soon, just wait, the palace built by the council here should be in this direction, oh, it should be right..."

Watching the young man finally leave, Ghost breathed a sigh of relief, "Is this really a magician!? Why is it more like a mad scientist!?".

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