Chen Dong is an ordinary unemployed young man who was unemployed right after graduating from university. He is currently struggling to support himself by doing odd jobs. After all, college students are the most worthless in this era, especially college graduates in China.

The recruitment requirements of those companies are different from one another. Let’s take the point that you have relevant industry experience. Normal people can’t meet the requirements at all. If you don’t recruit people to work, how can you get work experience!? If you want Looking for someone with rich experience, why are you recruiting graduates again!? Isn’t this just playing with people!?

Oh, the internship in the third and fourth grades!? Hehe, you thought it was easy to find!? And most of them are for you to do odd jobs in the past. You have experience in related industries. If the salary of interns is not high, they may not be hired Woolen cloth.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that most college students have high eyesight and low hands.

Chen Dong was dumped after finishing his internship, and then wanted to find a job, and he was not wanted there, because there were too many college students, and even if you took the initiative to lower the requirements, they would not want you. At the beginning, they said that college students can’t bear hardships, This is not suitable for you, what can Chen Dong do!?

Fortunately, in this era, as long as you are not really lazy, you will never starve yourself to death. There are too many ways to get money, such as cutting short videos, such as being an errand boy, such as online game leveling, that's it Chen Dongmian stayed in Yicheng.

This day, Chen Dong was delivering the last order of takeaway on a small electric donkey. While waiting for the green light at the intersection, he took a look at the income in the background and found that there was no 20. He was relieved to receive a bad review, and then laughed and cried again and again.

At this time, a government car parked on his left, also waiting for the green light.

The flickering red and blue lights made Chen Dong's eyes a little uncomfortable. Chen Dong squinted his eyes and glanced sideways at the yamen cart beside him. It was really just an unconscious glance. After all, yamen carts often appear on the road. It's nothing strange, Chen Dong has never committed a crime, let alone being afraid of the police.

However, it was this unconscious gesture that made him stunned.

Because there was a tall, thin man dressed as a Taoist sitting in the car, "ten big fat monks with clasped hands and lowered brows muttering something, and a fat monk who could only see and see people, it was very uncomfortable. old woman.

Chen Dong blinked, then looked in the direction of the driver's seat, and saw that there was indeed a policeman wearing a black police uniform, he calmed down, and then thought, "This is to catch a liar!? But the Taoist priest It's a miracle that the monks caught it together, by the way, take a picture, and wait for the content of the short video today..."

Thinking of this, Chen Dong secretly turned on the camera of his mobile phone, and carefully pointed at the government car next to him to record the video.

At this time, the policeman on the driver's seat in the government car noticed Chen Dong's actions through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't stop in the end, instead pretending that he didn't see anything.

After 35 seconds, the green light came on, and the Ya car started instantly.

Chen Dong hastily put away his cell phone, glanced at the away government cart, twisted the handle, and rode a small electric donkey towards home.

Soon a short video of Taoist priests and monks sitting in a row in a row on the Internet was circulated on the Internet, but it was only a little splash. In the past few months, there have been too many more eye-catching shocking news.

Zhaocheng zombies biting incident, I heard that even the military was dispatched.

The Wu family mansion in the southeast province was destroyed, and he died a miserable death. I heard that the house was turned into a small pond, full of blood, and the whole family, even the newborn baby, was twisted into a ball of flesh The mud frightened many people. Hearing that the forensic doctor also vomited afterwards, he was so timid that he even cried out.

In Shangou Middle School, several students drowned when their heads were stuffed into the toilet. It made people wonder how such a big head could be stuffed in without destroying the toilet.

In addition to the above, there are many, many appalling incidents. During this period of panic, many big bosses and rich people are so frightened that they hire bodyguards for 24-hour protection, because they are the ones who die the most, and it seems that they are a gang Those who hated the rich made them hunting targets.

However, only the officials know that these things may be supernatural events. After all, it is impossible for the police to handle the case quickly without calling the relevant monitoring on the scene. Of course, only when something serious happens, these surveillance systems will not just break down.

Now in the official archives, a lot of surveillance videos of the scene of the murder have been included, which has broken many people who firmly believe in science. Just like the scene Chen Dong saw at the beginning, it was actually not only the Hengcheng just appeared, and it didn't just appear once. Batch after batch of so-called "masters" were summoned, and then changed batches.

It's a pity that the official hasn't found a real master so far, all TMs are liars.

But the government can't just give up on it. All the officials in the whole system in the southeast province died. It's not like what was rumored outside. .

Instead, they were revenged by evil spirits and killed them all.

As for who the evil spirit is, the official knows very well, but there is nothing he can do about it. He was an orphan before he was alive, and he is not afraid of threats from you if he has no relatives or reasons. Contact, how many G members have died in the southeast province!? How to solve the vacancies for so many people, because anyone with a good ear knows that the southeast province is the place where the first supernatural outbreak occurred, and it is fierce there. For G Not very friendly to staff.

Who said that being an official is not afraid of death!?

The only good thing is that even though the spirit has recovered, there are still no large-scale deaths. Except for the one in the southeast province, there is currently no second spiritual incident with a death toll exceeding double digits.

This allowed the authorities to suppress these incidents a little bit, so as not to panic the public. After all, in today's age of advocating science, it is suddenly said that there are ghosts in this world. This not only slaps the authorities in the face, but also shakes science. This is less than three hundred years of foundation.

What's even more frightening is that because of the vigorous crackdown on feudal superstitions before, the current monks and priests, even if they have certificates, are just fakes. It is impossible to ask them to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits.

So once the existence of ghosts is publicly known on the Internet, it is destined to be a disaster, because all the methods known so far do not have the ability to take effect on the invisible existence of the other party, even if you take Carrying a knife and carrying a wooden warehouse is useless. The gang of big shots in Southeast Province have already demonstrated to everyone that none of these will work. Instead, they will become one of the props used by the other party to kill you.

This kind of situation made the thumbs at the Supreme Conference feel so worried that their hair fell out. Fortunately, the super evil spirit in the southeast province did not take any further actions after killing all the people related to his death. Otherwise, these thumbs would be even more bald.

However, it is undoubtedly impossible to pin hope on the evil ghost who has killed people and hope that the other party will not continue to commit crimes. Moreover, there have been large and small supernatural events all over the country, even if a ghost is still a good ghost. , then ten, one hundred!? You can’t expect every ghost to be reasonable and only kill those who have hatred against you!?

In the archives, there are many records of ghosts killing irrelevant people. The only thing I don’t know is why they didn’t appear again. But like a cat who sang meat, how could it stop stealing Fishy!? It is simply unrealistic to expect these evil spirits to stop here.

And what worries the thumbs above is that they know too little about ghosts, and they don't know whether they will continue to become stronger.

At present, the Dragon Kingdom is really in chaos. The only good news is that those guys from abroad have no time to come to their country to make troubles, because the surrounding countries have also started to cause spiritual disasters.

And compared to the relatively stable Dragon Kingdom, those countries are simply in chaos.

If it weren't for the Dragon Kingdom officials making preparations long ago and blocking the news outside 360 ​​in the country, the people of the Dragon Kingdom would probably know the current situation.

Apparently the world is looking like the end of the world now.

However, although the Dragon Kingdom gloats over misfortune, it is also full of worries, because no one can be sure whether those foreign ghosts will attack the Dragon Kingdom. It is not necessarily like the ghosts born in the Dragon Kingdom who are kind to their own people. Maybe they will kill people when they see them. This is what the officials are worried about.

Because they don't have the ability to catch ghosts at all, the Dragon Kingdom officials naturally can't put ghosts on the test bench, and then study what can work on these non-existent "friends". This is basically an endless loop.

If there is no means to deal with them, it is impossible to grasp and research the means to target them, and then there is no way to deal with them. It's a bit of a mouthful, but that's how it is at the moment.

They even tried the bull's-eye drip. It's not like the rumors that you can see ghosts when dripped on the eyes. On the contrary, quite a few people who dripped the bull's-eye drip on their eyes are now being treated in the hospital because their eyeballs are infected. treat.

Oh, I forgot to mention that at present, all hospitals in China, no matter how big or small, are closed after nightfall, and there is not even a person on duty. In fact, not only hospitals, but also many companies and factories, can be said to have ushered in workers. Gospel, think 996 impossible.

It is also because there are no shops open at night, so there is no need to worry about people wandering on the street. Most people stay at home and use their mobile phones. If you leave, you can only ask for blessings. Anyway, there is no manpower on the official side to protect it.

In fact, many smart people have already guessed the tricks in it, but they couldn't speak out on the Internet at all, and even received invitations from above to drink tea, so the society didn't really get up. .

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