"did you find it!?"

A young woman wearing an ancient red flying fish suit in the sky above Shangou Middle School asked a young man also wearing a flying fish suit flying from the school below.

The faces of the two of them were a little abnormally pale, without the healthy blood of a living person, as if they were covered with a thick layer of foundation, but they were not ugly, but had a sickly beauty. There was a black sign hanging around their waists. I don't know what material it was made of, but it exuded a strange golden light.

There is a big "Yin" character on the sign, which is very conspicuous.

The young man shook his head, "I didn't find it, I don't know where it is hidden!?"

The woman frowned upon hearing this, and asked, "Is there no Yin Qi remaining!?"

The man smiled wryly and shook his head, "We came too late, even if there is, we can't find it now, who made the underworld just recover, and there are not many bad things!? The dead souls all over the world

That’s something we can capture!?”

"Correct me, we are not human anymore." The woman looked down at the dark valley middle school under the night and said lightly.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, "Okay, my master is dead, really, I never thought that it would be wrong to call myself a person one day."

"That means you have never seen a dog licking, by the way, did you have a girlfriend before you were alive!?" The woman asked with her head turned.

"No need to say any more, I know what you mean, yes, I am a single dog, are you satisfied!" the man said angrily.

The woman rolled her eyes, "You think I'm telling you this."

"Okay, the single dog dead ghost can't catch it, what about the identity of the other party, you have to investigate something, right!?"

The man looked at the bewildered and angry young lady strangely, and then said, "Although the book of life and death in the underworld is not working properly, don't forget what era it is now, as long as you search the Internet, you can basically find it." To get useful information, especially when there is such a big incident here, it is not surprising that someone broke the news on the Internet, even if Yangjian officials are blocking it, it is useless."

"Let's talk about the result directly, don't talk about that, finish get off work earlier, really, can't these guys come to your door directly!? You have to play peek-a-boo every time, and we are not here to kill them." The woman complained road.

The man smiled wryly and shook his head, "Don't talk about them, we were not the same back then, how did we know that the current hell is completely different from what we knew before we were alive!? They don't care whether you killed someone after death, they only look at whether you killed someone before you were alive. If you have done evil things, you will be punished if you are guilty, and you will be thrown as a civil servant if you are not guilty. You will not be given a chance to choose at all, but these should only be temporary. would be so easily let go.

"By the way, I heard that Xiao Qing killed you, how about it, do you still hate her now!?"

When the woman heard the name "Xiao Qing", she didn't wrinkle, and then let go, "I don't know, but when I lost control after my death, I also killed many innocent people. If I hate her, I feel that I There is no position, this world is really..."

The man looked up at the sky, and it was still the same starry sky as before, but looking at it now, he found that he had a different mood, and he said quietly, "It's all the same, who can imagine that if the soul stays in the world after death, If it takes too long, it will gradually lose control and turn into an evil spirit who only knows how to kill. No wonder there were people from the underworld who came to seduce the soul after someone died.. Collect

"It's a pity that my mother died too early, and now she doesn't even have the chance to become a ghost. Otherwise, if she sees that her son can become a civil servant, she will be so happy that she can't sleep. By the way, have you gone back to see it?" Your parents!?"

The woman was fascinated by the man's side face, and was startled when he turned his head and asked, she turned her face and stammered, "No... I haven't been back... I'm afraid I won't want to leave, no Dare to see it, and people and ghosts go different ways, even if we are in a bad situation now, staying by the side of strangers for a long time is not a good thing for strangers, and if you get sick, you will lose your lifespan."

The woman couldn't help but feel a little sad when she said that, thinking about her father who was both a father and a mother and raised her hard, but in the end she passed away before graduating from university, leaving him alone. It's so easy, I knew that I should have persuaded him to remarry at the beginning, and I don't need to be like this now.

In fact, the woman lied. When she returned to Yangjian for the first time, she went to see her father, but she dared not go there, for fear of harming him.

And if my father finds out that my good daughter killed so many people, I'm afraid I can't accept it. After all, she was educated by her father since she was a child, so even if she can't be a good person, she can't harm others. He is dead, and has harmed many people. If he hadn't been discovered by that adult early and thrown into the underworld, he might have become an evil spirit that has harmed countless people.

This kind of cognition makes the woman very afraid of seeing her father, fearing that if he knows all this, the image of a perfect daughter in her heart will be destroyed.

"Well, I've forgotten this, it's okay, in a few years, you will be able to reunite in the underworld, it's better than me, I can't even see it.

"Your words really make people want to beat you up, what do you mean reunion in the underworld after a few years!?"

"Is not it!?"

"Okay, let's not talk about that, that evil ghost was named Qin Zi when she was alive, let's go to her home and see, I hope she didn't lose control completely, otherwise she will definitely regret it, now those guys in the underworld who were psychiatrists, Can be very busy.

"Yeah, we have to hurry up..." Hearing what the man said, the woman also showed an anxious look, and compared her heart to her heart. If she lost control and returned home, and then killed her relatives, she might wake up in the underworld. will also crash later.

They do know that, except for those times when they were dazzled by enmity in life and focused on revenge, most of them became murderous ghosts only because they stayed in the world for too long and lost their minds.

But even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that all ghosts can accept it, especially those who kill their relatives, lovers, and friends. It is impossible not to break their hearts. , but they can't pass the test in their hearts.

The woman is someone who has experienced it, so she naturally understands this.



In the imaginary space, Zhang Qing sits high in the main hall, looking at the ever-changing city in the distance, and can't help but sigh, indeed, where there are people, it is full of vitality.

Even if those are no longer human beings.

Zhang Qing recalled his own proposal from Moyi World at that time, and he never thought that opening up an imaginary space can really be used as a nether world, and it can also escape the rules of the world, and the soul will not suffer from loss of control. This is simply a genius creativity.

However, even so, at that time Mo Yi himself did not dare to guarantee that it would be feasible, especially when he brought his second self, the Herrscher of the Void. After all, Zhang Qing was already unstable in the real world, and if he added a person's power, he might lose control completely, not to mention an inhuman Herrscher like Xilin, who might directly GG.

As for whether the Honkai Energy is harmful or not, the world is almost over, and one more Honkai Energy is nothing to worry about, and because the Honkai Energy exists based on Zhang Qing, it is actually not as good as in other worlds. It's so scary in the collapsed world.

In other worlds, Zhang Qing is equivalent to the will of the Houkai, but because people's thoughts are too complicated, maybe at any time an uncontrollable thought will lead to disaster, so everyone will use the Houkai energy so cautiously, this thing It's too dangerous, especially the omnipotence it exhibits. It can be said that it is the "one" of all things in the world. If one is not handled properly, it is really likely to usher in the destruction of the world.

However, because of the particularity of the Honkai energy, it has become a feasible prerequisite to use it to create a netherworld that accommodates ghosts. In addition to its corrosiveness, it is possible to make the Yinshi with the brand can always be consistent with imaginary numbers. The space is connected, so it is not affected by the law of the yang world and loses its reason.

The only problem is that when Zhang Qing is able to return to reality, he has opened up a feasible imaginary number space unprecedentedly, and this imaginary number space can really escape the influence of the rules of reality as Moyi Zhang Qing guessed, otherwise everything will be ruined , A super evil spirit with power above the Herrscher level does not need to wait for the birth of a spiritual disaster, he alone is enough to destroy human civilization.

This is exactly what everyone is worried about, but this is the only way at present. Zhang Qing in the world of spiritual disasters can't afford to wait, because with the passage of time, the world he lives in has more and more frequent supernatural events, and the undead will be a disaster. If he doesn't lose control, the humans in that world will have to finish the game, so it's impossible for him to refuse.

Fortunately, they are all betting right, this method is feasible.

As for the gods such as the book of life and death, as long as Sirin gets more powers from other herrschers, there will be no problem, such as the ruler of the herrscher, the herrscher of knowledge, the herrscher of reason, etc. .

It's not that Zhang Qing and the others are playing tricks, but if they don't do this, they will have no authority. If Zhang Qing says that this is not a hell, but a personal space opened up by him, then no one can rest assured, and suspicions will arise (Zhao Nuohao). It is very likely that someone will ask why Zhang Qing has this ability.

The underworld represents the official organization of the underworld in Chinese legends. Naturally, no one will doubt its authenticity. If you can't do this stupid question, you can't do it, because you can't even maintain your sanity if you leave this underworld.

However, it is a troublesome task to manage ghosts and prevent ghosts from endangering the world. We can't rely on Zhang Qing alone to catch ghosts all over the world!?

And it is also for the convenience of talking with strangers or officials in Yangjian in the future. At this time, the orthodox position is very popular, which is not comparable to small wild organizations, and it is enough to deter some people who are interested.

The only headache is that there is no way to solve the problem of reincarnation at present. People used to dissipate and return to heaven and earth after death, but now people turn into ghosts after death.

If things go on like this, there will be fewer newborns of human beings. No, not only human beings, but also other creatures will be born stillborn.

Because if the guess is correct, in this kind of world, there must be a soul to participate in order for a newborn to appear, but the soul factor is getting less and less. After a while, the underworld is full of ghosts, and the underworld is full of old people. Not at all, the world is actually not long away from the end.

So Zhang Qing went to the misty space whenever he had time, planning to find someone to discuss and play. .

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