Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

505 Wang Xi's Strange Encounter!

"Ah~~~~~~ It's been another day, go buy some food reserves, and then fight tonight!"

Wang Xi stretched his waist and walked on the way home. As a freshman in Jiangcheng University, he had a very happy life, especially after he rented a room off-campus. Waking up to smell the smell of big feet every day, and being able to play games all night without anyone talking about you, this is simply not too happy.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, at night, every house is closed now, which is even more outrageous than the ancient curfew. If you don’t buy what you need during the day, it’s useless to think about it at night. Those 24-hour convenience stores in the past , Now it closes on time at seven o'clock, and when it gets dark, people don't do business even with the lights on.

Wang Xi complained about this very much, his night life lost a lot of happiness because of this, and sometimes he couldn't even buy a bottle of happy water from the abandoned house.

As for those "ghosts or ghosts" on the Internet, Wang Xi doesn't believe it at all, because he has never seen a ghost since he was so old. In what age, there are still people who believe such nonsense. He really should read more books.

As for those murders, didn't the yamen tell them all about it? It was man-made, and the murderers were all caught.

After coming out of the convenience store, Wang Xi was carrying a bag of things in his hand, and half of a bucket of instant noodles came out, and it was obvious what was in it.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, Wang Xi yawned and speeded up a little bit. Although he didn't believe those nagging, if he was really allowed to go alone On the road, it's still a bit hairy.

However, when passing by an alley, Wang Xi couldn't help being taken aback. In the somewhat dark alley, a man and a woman's voice came. The male voice was a bit like the eunuch's duck voice in TV dramas, it was so unpleasant to hear.

"It can't be some shady deal, right? Eh, wait, kill, kill...!?"

Suddenly hearing that ugly male voice shouting something like "Shousi, I'm going to kill you", Wang Xi couldn't help swallowing, hesitating whether to call 001 to call the Yamen over

But the sound of fighting inside became louder and louder, and there was a lot of movement. Wang Xi was also a little worried that the woman would be killed before the arresters came, and he hesitated in his heart, although he thought he was not a hero. , but let him see such a bad incident in front of him, ignore it, and leave directly, he will feel uneasy.

After making a phone call and informing the police to come, Wang Xi bravely walked inside cautiously, praying in his heart that the woman would not give up so quickly, while walking as hard as she could without making too much noise. movement.

My heart is beating very hard, damn it, I should use those self-defense weapons, even a wooden stick.

However, it is too late to go back and look for props at this moment. I hope the bag of food reserves in my hand can play a role in self-defense. I don’t know if a bag is dropped, it can stun the opponent!?

Then he walked forward slowly for a distance, the noise became louder and louder, Wang Xi vomited in his heart, and made such a noise, "Are all the residents on both sides deaf!?

But it’s okay to complain, but Wang Xi also knows that the people of the country are afraid of trouble, and there are very few people who will come up to stop crimes. Not many people will even notify the yamen because they are afraid of trouble. If they are not imprisoned, or after being imprisoned, the other party still has brothers outside, the righteous person who notified the police will have to taste the retaliation of the other party. For the protection of these enthusiastic people, the officials of Longguo have always been unwilling. How did you care.

Even the reason why the criminals know who the people who reported on them is also related to the corruption in the officialdom of the Dragon Kingdom, there is a sieve inside, there is no secret at all

Thinking about it this way, Wang Xi suddenly regretted even more. He shouldn't have used his mobile phone to call the police.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you..." The man seemed very angry, and kept repeating this sentence.

"Heh." The woman's disdainful voice responded to him.

With a bit of cool taste, Wang Xi touched his neck, feeling that the voice was a bit too cold, even the air became cold, this could not be a cold beauty!?

While continuing to complain silently, Wang Xi touched it, but at the corner, when he carefully poked his head inside to check, Wang Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked in horror at a big black cat inside. It was as big as a big truck, and I don't know how such a big cat could squeeze in the alley.

No, there shouldn't be such a big cat in this world.

Tremblingly, Wang Xi picked up his three views that had been shattered all over the place, and looked again, and found that the figure of the cold female voice host was indeed a beauty. Probably what an ugly girl should have.

It's just that this beautiful woman is wearing an ancient red flying fish suit at this time, and she moves lightly from side to side in the alleyway, as if teasing or showing off skills, like a swallow avoiding the big black cat's claws with its hands behind its back, once Another dangerous avoidance, there is a sense of déjà vu like watching a big-budget fighting movie.

"It's so handsome....... Oops!"

After he couldn't help but let out an admiration, Wang Xi realized that he had done something stupid.

Sure enough, the person and the black cat all looked over at the same time, especially the black cat's eyes shining in the darkness, which made Wang Xi break out in cold sweat, and his legs trembled even more.

And the woman in the flying fish suit frowned slightly, looked at Wang Xi, and cursed in a low voice, "Why the hell is there a living person breaking in at this time!?"

However, she didn't stay in a daze for too long, and hurriedly flew in front of Wang Xi, pulled out the Xiuchun knife from her waist, and happened to block the claw attack of the big black cat that diverted hatred and rushed towards Wang Xi, a living person.

After all, ghosts are naturally malicious to living people, this is the law of the world.

"You...Are you alright!?" Wang Xi looked at the woman standing in front of him with a horizontal knife, and seeing her struggling, he couldn't help asking worriedly.

The woman bit her lower lip, resisting the huge force of the heavy paw, and replied without turning her head, "It's okay, if you didn't show up, I will be able to find a chance to kill you if you swim for a while longer." This bastard has taken over the cat's body."

After she finished speaking, the woman suddenly realized that something was wrong, she turned her head suddenly, and looked at Wang Xi who was looking at her with guilt and worry, "You..."

"Die, die, all die..."

However, before the woman could ask any questions, the blood-colored light on the black cat became more and more dazzling. While baring its teeth and spitting out a stench, it intensified the force on its claws, and the sharp nails on it were exposed, and Yiping wanted to tear it off. Shattering the appearance of the two people in front of him.

The woman's body was shortened by the sudden increase in strength, "Is it possible that my mother can still be bullied by a kitten!? Fuck! (a kind of plant)"

The corner of Wang Xi's mouth twitched, he glanced at the "little cat", and said badly, "That's not small..."

0 for flowers 00

"Hold on, I've already called the police, and the police will be here soon."

The woman listened to Wang Xi's consolation, her hair blackened, "Don't worry about yourself, when the arrest comes soon, you will have to go to a mental hospital for a long-term stay, trust me.

After complaining, the woman stopped talking to Wang Xi, turned her eyes to the big cat, and felt a little helpless, who knew that evil ghost would be so unconventional, not being a good person, and occupying the place where the stray cat has always been. The body, and I don't know how to do it, it has become so big, it is not scientific at all.

The woman suddenly regretted that she had been entrusted to be a lone ranger. She felt that it was nothing but irrational evil spirits. Who would have thought that these evil spirits could really become stronger. They obviously lost their brains. Why are they so cunning? !?

"What mental hospital!?" Wang Xi didn't quite understand the meaning of the woman's words, but seeing that the woman seemed to be unable to hold on, Wang Xi gritted his teeth, rounded his arms, and pointed the bag in his hand towards the The big cat threw it over.


A bag of junk food just hit the big cat's eyes, and the big cat on the opposite side let out a painful scream, and the strength in his hand couldn't help but loosen.


The woman took the opportunity to wave back the cat's claw, and then fell on the big claw with a knife, cutting off the claw, but there was no blood flowing out of it, but black thick liquid or gas flowing out, with a frown the stench.

Immediately, the big cat, which was already in pain because of being attacked, was screaming in pain at this moment. Because of the loss of a leg, its entire huge body fell to the ground directly.

"One shot into the soul!"

The woman didn't stop there, holding the knife, her whole body turned into a rotating drill bit, piercing the big cat's body, revealing a big hole.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xi couldn't help but grow his mouth, isn't this a fairy!? Can human martial arts be able to achieve this level!?

After the woman's body fell to the ground again, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the big cat that had finally reached the bottom, then took off the black sign around her waist, went to the big cat's body, and stuck it on it. As if being sucked by some kind of suction, the qi went towards the black sign, and was absorbed in a short time.

Wang Xi even saw a phantom in the shape of a human being sucked in, and he didn't know if it was because of vertigo.

When the woman put away the sign again and hung it on her waist, there was only the little black cat left unconscious on the ground, but it seemed to have healthy limbs.

After looking at the black cat, the woman frowned, then looked at Wang Xi, and said, "Take it to the veterinarian later."

Wang Xi nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head after realizing the reaction. Seeing that the goddess suddenly turned fierce and looked at him unkindly, Wang Xi hurriedly explained, it's not that I don't want to, but at this time, where Is there a veterinary hospital open!?"

"Oh, that's it, then you can take it home and take care of it for one night. Don't be afraid, it won't transform." The woman said with her brows loosened.

Wang Xi smiled wryly, "I've never had a pet, it's better if you take it home, I'm afraid I'll kill him."

The woman put her hands on her hips, glared at Wang Xi and said, "I'll let you go, so you go, why are there so many nonsense!"

Doesn't she want to take care of herself, she has to be able to do it!?

However, the woman looked at Wang Xi with a bit of surprise at this time. She never thought that this human being could really see her. Could this be the legendary yin and yang eyes! Zero?

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