At the entrance of the alleyway, a government car was parked there. Two young policemen entered the alleyway to check the murder scene. An older policeman took out a pen and paper and looked in front of him, holding a skinny The black cat lowered its head, and Wang Xi, who looked like a brat who had made a mistake, asked:

"Okay, tell me, what happened!?"

Wang Xi was extremely bitter, especially when he saw the two young policemen coming back with the bag of things he threw out earlier, the expressions on their faces were even more bitter.

"Well... when I went home, I heard a man inside shouting 'I'm going to kill you', and there was a fight, so I called the police, and when I was waiting for you to come over , I heard the commotion inside getting bigger and bigger. I was worried that the victim would be killed before you arrived, so I went inside to delay the time. I am a big man who is 1.8 meters tall. If it is a warehouse, it should be able to hold on for a while..."

The middle-aged policeman put down his pen when he heard the words, and looked at Wang Xi helplessly, "We do publicity and education every year, why do we always meet people like you!?"

"It's not that it's not good to be brave, but you have to find a way. It's right for you to call the police. It proves that you have listened to the class well. Why is Shi Le's "407" ambition later!? You should believe it at a time like this Let's catch up fast, instead of being a hero by ourselves, originally only one person will die, but in the end, one will kill two of you..."

"Actually, at this time, the most important thing to do is to make noise in front of the entrance of the alleyway to let the people inside know that someone is there. The murderer will naturally know that he is afraid to leave. If he doesn't leave, then he is not an ordinary murderer. Now, do you think you can handle it!?"

After educating Wang Xi, the middle-aged policeman looked at the two young policemen and asked, "Did you find anything inside!?"

The two young police officers looked at each other and said, "Boss, there is nothing. We also asked the residents inside, and they all said that they didn't hear anything, except that this bag fell on the ground."

Speaking of which, one of the young policemen lifted the bag of junk food in his hand and looked at Wang Xi with an embarrassed face, the meaning was obvious.

Seeing this, the middle-aged police officer couldn't help but glared at Wang Xi. He didn't say anything, but his meaning became more obvious: "How dare you report a false police report!?"

Wang Xi's face is very exciting, especially when he sees Ouyang Yan who is standing beside him with his hands folded on his chest, you can see the other's face, I will say that you are so proud of being thrown into a mental hospital The appearance is becoming more and more ugly.

No matter how stupid he was, Wang Xi realized early in the morning that these police officers could no longer see the victim beside him.

That's why when he was questioned just now, he picked out some words to say, instead of telling the whole story of what he saw and heard. He was sure that if he really told the three arresters what he had seen and heard, he would be afraid. It is true that he will be sent to the nearest mental hospital.

The middle-aged policeman thought Wang Xi's reaction was a normal reaction after he reported a false alarm and was found out, secretly shook his head, then put away the pen and paper, and said, "Forget it this time, if there is a next time, you have to Now in prison, I hope you remember that you should understand how wasting police force will affect society.

"Okay, close the team, let's go back!"

After saying hello to the two young policemen and getting into the car, the middle-aged policeman suddenly thought of something, turned around and looked at Wang Xi, who was distracted, and said, "Boy, go home early. It's very dangerous to be outside in this world. Don't worry about it." Don't take it seriously.

"Oh, I'll go home now, I'll go home now, don't worry. Wang Xi didn't care about staring at Ouyang Yan at this time, and looked back at the middle-aged policeman and quickly nodded. I almost patted my chest to promise.

After the middle-aged policeman took a deep look at him, he didn't say any more, and after getting into the government car, he ordered that he could go back.

Wang Xi breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the arresters leave. Then he turned his head to look at Ouyang Yan, who was reaching out to caress the black cat he was holding, and asked, "So you... are really that kind of thing!?"

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes, "What is that kind of thing, Miss Ben is a errand."

"Isn't that also a ghost!?" Wang Xi muttered softly, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. After all, he had seen how Ouyang Yan killed the big cat demon before, and put it in a martial arts novel. Maybe it's a master at the level of a grand master, or even a land god.

Ouyang Yan rolled her eyes again, how could she not hear Wang Xi's words, but she didn't take it seriously, after all, she is indeed a ghost now, if she was still alive, if she saw a ghost now, she would have He screamed, how could he be as indifferent as the kid in front of him, what a weirdo.

"Okay, I still have work to do, and you have to go home, hurry up!"

Hearing Ouyang Yan's urging, Wang Xi nodded helplessly, "Understood, I was going home, isn't it..."

As he said that, he rolled his eyes at Ouyang Yan, and complained in his heart: Who knew I would run into you, a dead ghost!?

"Then hurry up, didn't you hear what the policeman said just now, don't stay outside at this time." Ouyang Yan glared at Wang Xi who meant something and said.

Wang Xi carried the bag of grain reserves that he didn't know how many things were still in good condition, and started to walk, "I see, I'm not stupid, but will there be no ghosts when I get home!?

Ouyang Yan followed Wang Xi at a leisurely pace. After hearing his question, she thought for a while and said, "No, those who should come in will come in. Staying at home will at least make your death more peaceful.

"......." The corner of Wang Xi's mouth twitched, feeling the same as going home or not going home.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk, Wang Xi and Ouyang Yan said again, "Why worry about this? Aren't you living a good life now? Don't worry, there will be fewer and fewer evil spirits outside with us. , will soon be able to return to the previous situation.”

"And what are you afraid of!? People will always die. After you die, you are still a ghost!? When you are alive, do you feel scared when you see other people?!? So after you die, you will not I feel scared, even if the soul is swallowed by evil spirits, as long as we come quickly and eliminate each other before you are completely digested, you will be fine, so relax and be a little bit younger.

Wang Xi doesn't really want to pay attention to the other party, is this comforting people!? Are you sure you didn't stab yourself in the chest again!?

The two were walking, when they suddenly saw a person who was also wearing a red flying fish suit walking on the street, they were both taken aback.

When that person saw the strange combination of Ouyang Yan and Wang Xi, he was also taken aback, "Is this a living person...!?"

Seeing the other party's unsure look, Wang Xi suddenly had a black line. I'm sorry, but I'm really a living person! Brother, you should be more confident.

When Ouyang Yan saw the startled look of the other party, she also helplessly supported her forehead, "Yes, he is a big living person, I think this kid must have yin and yang eyes, otherwise he wouldn't see us..0

The errand looked enlightened in vain when he heard the words, and then looked at the silent Wang Xi with great sympathy, "Boy, listen to my brother's persuasion, study your acting skills after you go back, especially manage your facial expressions. , The aspect of the eyes is particularly important, don't just look there when you see people, you will die miserably."

Not all people become ghosts after death, they will immediately turn into evil spirits, under normal circumstances, there is still a period of time of reason, if there is an unlucky ghost who keeps staring at this new creature at this time, you What do you think the other party will do, especially when the rationality of these new creatures is being worn away little by little, what do you think they will do!?

So if you don't want to be entangled, and then wait for the other party to completely lose their minds and kill you, it is better not to look at the other party in the crowd.

Ouyang Yan nodded, "That's the reason. I heard that no one in Yangjian can master the method of the other party's Yinling. If you really messed with it, you can only ask for luck. We are not like Yamen in Yangjian. It can also give you a way to report..."

"Uh, did I say something I shouldn't have said!?"

Ouyang Yan looked at Wang Xi whose face was getting darker, and couldn't help but asked her colleague.

The errand brother shook his head, "No, what you're telling is the truth."

E: "......."

The two of you, Qiuqiu, can you comfort him, you know he just picked it up again after being broken, and it hasn't been glued firmly yet!?

You look like I'm dying soon, are you really okay!?

Oh, forget it, you can do whatever you like!?

On the other side, the middle-aged policeman was sitting in the yamen car and was about to go back to the bureau. It is true that all businesses have to be closed during this time period, but the yamen is not good, and there are still people on duty 24 hours a day. The most dangerous occupation, because the matter 1.4 that the southeast provincial yamen was slaughtered by evil spirits is an open secret internally.

This proves that official institutions are no threat to evil spirits, and there is no such thing as righteousness that can keep ghosts from approaching.

So up to now, those who are still willing to continue to be police officers have left their jobs early, and those who have left behind have already prepared their suicide notes.

This is really life with a head hanging from your waist.

The government car was driving on the deserted street, and it was so quiet everywhere, which made people very disturbed.

The middle-aged policeman was going to take out his cigarette to take a puff, but suddenly thought of something and frowned, and then said suddenly, "Wait! Stop the car, let's turn around!"

"What's the matter!?" The two young police officers asked suspiciously.

"It's not right, that kid just now is not right, no, it's not right." The middle-aged policeman recalled that everything inside was very wrong. There was a bag of things left there. He just glanced at it just now, and found that there was that kind of canned carbonated soda. This kind of thing fell on the ground. In this environment, no one really noticed. !?

This is the first doubt.

And the second one is………….

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