Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

51 Zhang Qing: I Don't Like Partners Of Justice! Please Go Away, Thank You!

There is a good saying.

Often the people who know you best are not your relatives, not your friends, not even yourself, but your enemies.

Sure enough, after Tohsaka Rin had breakfast and went out with Sakura, he met the person he least wanted to see.

Luvia Celenta Edelfelt, the super annoying~ghost who has been haunting her all this time!

"Hehehe... Rin, is this your home, it really is..."

"It's so exquisite!"

Rin Tohsaka looked a little weirdly at Luvia who suddenly put away that annoying aristocratic style, changed her style of painting, and turned into a lady. Then she turned her head and saw that her "good father" was indeed Standing behind himself and Sakura.

“This……………… Tsk…………………”

Tohsaka Rin doesn't understand why Luvia changed her appearance, isn't it because outsiders and parents are there!? It's not like I haven't met the parents of other students before, although my "new father" is a crown magic Teachers, but it doesn't need to be like this, they can be regarded as the second magician reserve students anyway.

And you blushed with a bubble teapot!?

This guy won't fall in love with his stepfather too!? No way!

With the precedent of Sakura, now Rin Tohsaka feels that something is wrong. He turned his head and looked at Fujimaru Tachika who was pushing a bicycle next door. Very good, this guy was normal from the beginning to the end, and he should not have a sudden illness. On the love brain.


However, Rin, who was just relieved, noticed Ilya who was following Fujimaru Tachika. This little girl was blushing, staring at Luvia who was also wearing private tassels without blinking. The school uniform of the original elementary school and the little black-haired girl carrying a schoolbag.

The corners of her mouth twitched, these two are of the same sex, so it must be because she was overthinking, I remember Xiao Ying said that before she came back, Ilya sent a love letter to her stepfather, it really was because she was overthinking Bar!

But this black-haired loli...isn't she the magical girl who followed Luvia last night!?

Luvia, did you bring people with you!?

"Yo~! Long time no see, Luvia! I heard that you came to Fuyuki City with Rin this time, but I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you still used to being in Fuyuki City!?" Zhang smiled He greeted the girl with blond curly hair, of course he didn't come to join in the fun when he went out.

In fact, Sera from Ilya's house next door told Aoi this morning that she wanted to have a good chat with him. Doesn't Zhang Qing plan to go to see Serra when the children are at school and plan to chat with him? what.

Although Zhang Qing probably guessed it, after all, even the ruby ​​​​has not been found, but in fact, only Illya and Fujimaru Tachika are real ordinary people in Illya's family, and Sera and Lijie Lite are Einzbe Lun's artificial man must have an understanding of the unknown magic world, and the two of them also know magic, and the magic circuit is excellent.

How could they not notice Illya's abnormality at all? If Ruby first appeared to induce Illya to sign a contract with her to become a magical girl, the two of them didn't notice it because of the miniature barrier that Ruby had arranged in advance. Then because of the misjudgment that this family was an ordinary family, Ruby didn't have such a young queen.

This exposure is already inevitable, and Rin just returned to Fuyuki City during this time, as long as Sera and the others are not fools, they can basically guess that this must have something to do with Rin, so I want to have a good talk with Zhang Qing , which is not surprising.

It is even very possible that Irisviel, the real head of the family, will return to Fuyuki City in a short time, and have a good chat with him about life. It's also a bit unreasonable to involve someone else's daughter in the vortex of the magic world.

I'm afraid that the relationship between the two families is not bad, so Irisviel has already dropped the matter at hand and rushed back.

"Gui'an! Mr. Zhang, it's an honor to see you again!" Luvia hurriedly pushed Rin Tohsaka out of the way to say hello to Zhang Qing.

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Rin Tosaka who had already clenched his fists, smiled and said hello, and then asked, "This is the "friend you met in England!?"

Fujimaru Tachika is very smart, except that she is relatively slow about emotional matters, she quickly realized who this blond foreign girl is. Yesterday Tohsaka Rin also mentioned some things about the UK to Fujimaru Tachika Some, two of the first three sentences are complaining against Luvia, saying how annoying this person is, and why he can't get rid of him.

"Ahem, it's all over, girls! It's getting late, shouldn't you go to school now!?" Seeing that these people wanted to continue chatting here, Zhang Qing couldn't help reminding her aloud.

Didn’t you see that there was no smile in Sakura’s smile? If you go on, I’m afraid that Sakura and Rin will single out Luvia.

Tohsaka Rin looked at his watch, "Let's go all the way, let's talk all the way!"

Rin Tohsaka and Sakura do not have the habit of riding a bicycle or taking a car to school. One is that the school is not far from here, and the other is that Zhang Qing has taught them a long time ago. A powerful magician does not only need to be able to use magic. It must also have an excellent physical body. Even if a weak person can cast magic, it is very likely that the person will die after casting it, or be brought down by a stick when fighting with others.

So whether it is Tohsaka Rin or Sakura, they insist on physical exercise. If they are deceived by their gender and delicate appearance, they will definitely die a miserable death. These two are masters of physical fitness .

As for why Fujimaru Tachika rides a bicycle, it’s because Fujimaru Tachika doesn’t want Rin and Sakura. She actually participated in clubs at school, and often comes home late, so she specially prepared a bicycle Bike, and unlike Rin and the others, she is really an ordinary person now, and she doesn't know how to use magic to drive, so I have to understand.

Speaking of clubs, Sakura herself actually participated in the archery club, but it seemed that because it would take up her time, she quit the club and transferred to the literature club.

Seeing what Zhang Qing said, Luvia also looked at the time, seeing that it was really late, she couldn't help apologizing, and planned to leave, feeling a little reluctant.

Zhang Qing is also a bit baffled, shouldn’t Luvia and Rin like boys like Emiya Shiro!? And I haven’t met Luvia too many times, because Tohsaka Rin and Luvia don’t deal with each other Many times when Zhang Qing brought Aoi and the others to England to visit Rin, Rin sent Luvia away on purpose.

So we only met once.

As for whether Rin will still fall in love with Emiya Shirou, oh, he should be called Matou Shirou now, Zhang Qing is not worried, not to mention that Rin's current past has been rewritten, and he can't have that kind of touched state of mind at all, just Now that Rin only wants to strengthen the Tohsaka family and restore its glory, he will not consider an ordinary person, let alone the Matou family. Now that the Matou family is mentioned, Tohsaka Rin may have a psychological shadow .

0 looking for flowers......

Yes, Zhang Qing doesn't like Emiya Shirou, not because of his possessiveness towards Rin, but because when he watched the show in his previous life, he felt that the existence of this person was very problematic, it was too subversive of common sense, it seemed like a coincidence Behind it, how much is some existing arrangement, I don't know at all.

Moreover, Emiya Shirou also inherited the concept of Emiya Kiritsugu, the appearance of Red A is a proof, he is a failure, and the distorted concept of justice really does not meet the acceptance standard of a Xia country person.

It can be seen from the fact that Red A did not save Sakura from the beginning to the end, his justice is actually not justice, because it is the justice that can sit back and watch relatives and friends encounter misfortune and turn a blind eye. I know, the history is similar, since there is Rin, then wouldn’t Rin’s younger sister not exist in Red A’s original world line!? Could it be that the relationship between the two is not as good as Emiya Shiro and Matou Sakura!?

He didn't even choose to tell Rin the truth, which shows the true nature of this person.


You said that the Emiya hero over Miyu is good!? But the reason why he took care of Miyu from the beginning was because he knew Miyu's identity. If it wasn't for the Holy Grail, would he and Emiya Kiritsugu adopt each other? !? This kindness has a purpose.

Maybe he did a lot later and protected Meiyou, but can he erase the original desire to take advantage!?

What kind of person Emiya Kiritsugu is, there will be no one who doesn't know!? When he saw Miyu and knew what her existence represented, wouldn't he think about wishing for world peace and the like! ? He wants to be the hero who saves the world and wants to go crazy.

On the contrary, Emiya Kiritsugu in the world of Magical Girl Illya is a different kind!

So how could Zhang Qing make Tohsaka Rin or Sakura like such a person!? That kind of hypocrisy made Zhang Qing feel sick.

Moreover, the existence of Emiya Shirou is very strange. As far as the magical girl Illya is concerned, there is no normal person in this world who would choose to adopt a son who is older than his own daughter, unless it is the orphan of a comrade-in-arms or a close relative. My child, is it Emiya Shirou!?

If you want to find an heir, you will find someone with bad magic talent!? Emiya Kiritsuguo!?

Unless he likes little boys and doesn't like women, he can't analyze it at all!

There are two nanny maids in the family, Sierra, why can’t I take good care of Illya, and I have to find a big boy to go home and open a harem!? Find a child husband for Illya!? Sell it and give it away Three, put on the cuckold yourself!?

There are so many orphans in the world, why did they find Shirou Emiya!?

This is a bug in itself, but combined with Red A's identity, you can basically guess what's going on, and I'm afraid even the controller behind the scenes has guessed it.

It is not a good thing to be targeted by superior forces, it is destined to be a tragedy.

I'm afraid that the current Emiya Kiritsugu hasn't come back for so many years, maybe there are already problems with his body. After all, what he has done is really equivalent to saying "NO" to the highest god in the world. Isn't it true that there is no punishment? possible.

And he probably thought it was caused by destroying the Holy Grail.

So Emiya Shirou, if you can turn a blind eye, it's best to turn a blind eye. It's not good to have a relationship. .

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