The magical girl Illya world line can be said to be a singularity of all the Fuyuki Holy Grail world lines in the moon world, because it is really the only independent one among countless tragedies and regrets.

And all of this can be based on a man's accidental choice to rewrite his own destiny.

He jumped out of the vicious circle known as Emiya Kiritsugu's Messenger of Justice.

And how could this be allowed? The Magic World is like a special case of bugs in countless world lines, so in order to regain the world line, when Emiya Kiritsugu already had a happy family and family, he inexplicably accepted He came to an orphanage or orphanage under some kind of guidance that he didn't even realize.

He had the idea of ​​adopting a child, very suddenly, for no particular reason, he just had such an idea suddenly, and then he came to the orphanage.

At the same time, an inner voice told him, go ahead and adopt the boy with the orange hair.

However, when the man with the bug was about to make a decision, he suddenly woke up again, or suddenly had a vape again.

He noticed another little girl who also had orange hair.

He once again violated his inner voice, he chose the option that should not appear.

The owner of that voice, that will, went mad with anger, and then this man who was one of his most loyal dogs was miserable.

One time can be said to be an accident, but the second time can only be said to be intentional. This man has a virus, so now it is not to treat him, but to completely eliminate the "650".

So the man named Emiya Kiritsugu in the Magic Line can only live in OP and memories, he is even worse than himself in the original plot line, because this time he really angered a certain existence.

Speaking of this, I have to say that it is amazing that Emiya Shirou can still appear in the orphanage. In the main line, he lost his family because of the fire in the Fourth Holy Grail War and became the only survivor. He was adopted by Emiya Kiritsugu. But this kind of disaster never happened on the Moi Line, but he still became an orphan, waiting for a man named Emiya Kiritsugu to take him away. If this is fate, it would be too terrifying.

And his own parents are really miserable, a bit like his own son always tends to recognize other people as his father, and then kill himself.

Zhang Qing sat on the sofa in the living room of Wei Gong's house, that's right, it was the couch that Lijie Lite had been lying on.

As for Lijie Lite, she sat with Sera and sat down opposite Zhang Qing, but it seemed a bit like she was wandering away.

"I'm sorry for making you come here suddenly, but please forgive me for my prudence as a lady who asked me to take care of this family and Miss Yilia's nanny before I left home. I think the owner of the Zhang family should have guessed me The reason why I specially invited you here this time..."

"Recently, Miss Ilya has something that we don't want her to touch. You know what it is. We just want Miss Ilya to live as an ordinary person as much as possible. I hope you can understand!"

Zhang Qing looked at Sierra, who was serious with a small face, and then at Lijie Lite, who was dressed casually and didn't pay attention to this conversation at all, and nodded seriously, "For this, I just I can say I'm sorry, because it was an accident. The second magician at the clock tower gave Rin the assessment assistance props. Because of her self-awareness, she canceled the contract with Rin without authorization, and then set her eyes on the huge The magic Illya, this matter is our fault after all, so we will deal with it.

"Deal with it!? Forgive me, but it is impossible for us to tamper with Miss Illya's memory." Sera looked at Zhang Qing with a bad expression and said word by word.

It is a big taboo in the magic world to modify and delete other people's memories without authorization. Of course, this is only established when both parties are equal magicians. If one party is an ordinary person, sorry, I can only say that the weak have no right to choose.

Seeing that both Sera and Lijielit showed hostility at the same time, Zhang Qing couldn't help but quickly explained, "I think you guys misunderstood, really, we have been neighbors for so many years, don't you know who I am!?"

"Listen to me first, and then decide whether you should be angry..."

Selah and Lijielit looked at each other, but slowly put away their hostility, Selah bit her lower lip and said, "You say."

"Presumably you don't know yet, Fuyuki City experienced a change not long ago. The Holy Grail system, which was destroyed by us ten years ago, has been revived again. No, it can't be said to be revived, but in a different form. It's in front of us, and Rin and the others came back to Fuyuki City to deal with this mutation, but they probably don't know the true face of this mutation, which is the Holy Grail War."

"Wait!? How is it possible!? Didn't we all confirm it back then!? That thing was destroyed. Although in order not to cause a catastrophe, we did not completely destroy everything, but the terminal sky inside. The cup was destroyed, but how could that thing appear again!?"

Find a container to replace the original Sky Cup!? Huh!? It’s really that easy. Einzbern has already fulfilled the long-cherished wish of the third law. The Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City was originally designed by the ancestors of the Yusanjia for themselves, and it is exclusive It's very normal, and the ancestors of the three families are not real saints. Compared with leaving the benefits to future generations, of course they are their own priority, so the cup of heaven can only belong to one person from the beginning to the end, and it is all made for one person Just the Holy Grail War.

Where can I find a replacement now!? And it just happens to be compatible!?

If Sera hadn’t known that the man sitting across from him was one of the top ranks in the current magic world, he couldn’t help but want to spit on him. Do you know how absurd your words are!?

At the same time, I was a little worried, because if what the other party said was true, then Irisviel, who was a man-made little holy grail, and the more special Ilyafiel, whether there was Rin's carelessness or accident, would definitely be Will be involved in this fate.

Why do we have to make a smaller Holy Grail when we have the Great Holy Grail? After all, the Little Holy Grail is just a scapegoat, which is why we chose artificial humans, because it is easy to control, otherwise it would be like Tohsaka Sakura or Matou Sakura. As a condition of the Lesser Holy Grail, but would a normal person agree to sacrifice voluntarily!?

The key point is the word "small". The "big" of the Greater Holy Grail is not only because it is really big, but also to show that the Little Holy Grail has no way to turn back. The Holy Grail, why do we need to divide the size!?

As the Little Holy Grail, there is no human rights. At the end of the Holy Grail War, it is not up to you whether you will or not. This is why Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu have been lobbying abroad for these years.

Because no matter who wants to reproduce the Holy Grail War, their family will have no choice but to fall into it until they die.

Similarly, Illya wants to be an ordinary person. It’s not enough for the couple to seal their memories or hide them. People who are born with magical talents, no matter whether you consciously pursue magic or not, will spontaneously attract these existences to your side. This is also the reason why Tosaka Tokiomi insisted on giving away Sakura when the two daughters were obviously talented enough when a family could only have one heir, because sometimes it is too good to be an ordinary person of.

Wild magicians will stare at you, some demons and goblins will stare at you, and even the axiomatic Magic Association will stare at you. At that time, you are a big piece of fat, and everyone wants to take a bite.

So Irisviel and the others' job is to prevent these people from attacking Illya, and they are also warning some people and wooing some people.

Now that you have done so much, someone suddenly tells you that you have done it for nothing, can you be willing, can you believe it!?

Sera and the others didn't want to believe it.

"Of course, if it's this world, it's really impossible under normal circumstances, but if it's not this world!?" Zhang Qing looked at the two of them pointedly.

"Another world!? No, the only thing that can meet the requirements is a parallel world..." Sera quickly figured out where the problem lies. Only similar worlds can have this impossible change. It is possible, of course, it is impossible for two similar leaves to appear in the same world, but in parallel worlds, it can be infinitely close..0

Sera took a deep breath, "Jewel Man, the second method, so that's the case, no wonder..."

She said why Tohsaka Rin's assessment task was arranged in a small rural place like Fuyuki City, and why it was related to the existence of that alarmed person. If it was related to the parallel world, then everything would make sense.

This cannot be blamed on Tohsaka Rin and Zhang Qing. On the contrary, if they hadn't told them all this in advance, it would be too late when they found out that Illya was involved in the Holy Grail War in the parallel world. If the human Illya didn't have the special magic dress of ruby, she might not survive a day.

Sierra, who had already figured it out, pulled Lijie Lite to stand up together, and solemnly bowed to Zhang Qing to thank her.

At the same time, I also apologize for my previous faux pas.

"We will tell Madam and them about this, and we will confirm the truth and falsehood ourselves. It's not that we don't believe you, but this matter is of great importance, so please forgive our carelessness if it offends us."

Zhang Qing didn't care too much from time to time, because it was impossible for him to be trusted 100% by others in a few words. After all, they were just neighbors. Although the relationship had always been harmonious, they were not relatives after all.

Sera and the others are now thinking that Illya really has some inseparable relationship with each other. After all, the other party is a crown magician. The Einzbern family has no chance of winning such an existence. If they were to escort Illya, there would be no need for Madam and the others to run outside so hard, let alone a Holy Grail War in a parallel world.

Don't you even care if you don't see the jewel man!? In the eyes of some magicians who are above all sentient beings, the heroic spirits are not invincible, let alone the Holy Grail War that they think they created.

It's a pity that Ilya was too young back then, no matter how abnormal she was, it was impossible for a newborn baby to marry.

Sera was even thinking at this time, how about she and Lijie Lite instead!?

No, no, Sera, how can you have such a mind of another owner! Even for Miss Illya and the others, you can’t do it!? Besides, the inferior artificial maid with flaws, why do you think people will Willing to help!?

Zhang Qing was a little confused, so he looked at Sera who suddenly fell into deep thought, and Lijie Lite who took out snacks and ate it by himself. Seeing that the other party seemed to be thinking about something, he couldn't help reminding the other party that he was a guest. Still, "That.....what are you thinking!?"

"I am willing! Cough cough... No... Sorry, I was just thinking about how to solve this matter 3.1." After Sara regained her senses, she realized what she said and what she did just now I couldn't help but blushed for something stupid, and quickly argued.

Lijie Lite took a strange look at her elder sister, and then said to Zhang Qing, "I'm just thinking about how I can get you to help!?"

Lijie Lite is very clear that even if Irisviel and the others come back, they may not be able to solve this incident. This is beyond their ability.

force range.

Seeing that Lijielit was so straightforward, Zhang Qing stopped turning and said, "Yes, I want your Einzbern artificial human technology.

If it weren't for the impure purpose at the beginning and going astray, Einzbern's artificial human technology is not inferior to Aozaki Orange's doll technology. Just look at Misaka sister in the forbidden world.

Got it, it's far worse than Einzbern's android.

"'s not up to us to decide. It can only be decided after the Patriarch comes back and discusses it. I'm sorry!"

Reluctantly said.

But he was also relieved, at least being able to trade, it shows that the other party is willing to help his side.

But Sierra still felt a little lost in her heart, but she herself said that she had ignored it.

"It's okay, I can wait, and there may not be anything wrong with Illya, after all, since it is a parallel world, there must be an existence on it that is equal to Illya

of. " Zhang Qing said in relief.


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