Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

514 Meglia: I Didn't Expect That We Hit Each Other So Well Because Of This!

It has been 4 months since the crusade against the owl bear.

Mora's hot spring hotel was completely completed under the condition of slow work and meticulous work. Of course, this complete completion is a bit inaccurate. As long as it is Mora, he just randomly circled a piece of land, and then started construction.

As for the hot spring he promised, he had never seen it before. Only Ganz and his carpenters had never seen hot spring water. After finishing the work, they all showed strange expressions, and accepted the payment from Mora with some anxiety.

The half-elf carpenter Gonz and his human brother-in-law Mido, who are the main force, looked at Mora who was very happy looking at the hotel with some anxiety, and finally couldn't help asking, "Is it really all right?"

Of course Mora knew what they were worrying about. After all, they were all from a small town. Although it was an employer-employee relationship, but Zoltan looked up and looked down. Ganz and the others were probably just a decoration for building this one. It's normal to be restless at a hotel.

Even if they are not wrong, but as neighbors, they feel somewhat uneasy. If Mora hadn't come to appease these workers every two or three days, it might just be because of a bad heart.

Please resign.

If you want to say why!? One is because Zoltan does not have the conditions to open a hot spring hotel at all, because there has never been a hot spring found in this place. The second is that Meglia's eyes are too terrifying. When they meet each other every day, the way the other party looks at them really makes people shudder.

"No problem, don't worry, I will dig through it myself later."

Seeing Mo La's very confident appearance, the brother-in-law and brother-in-law looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt in each other's eyes, and finally Ganz said, "If that's the case, we'll leave, and the money and goods will be cleared!? "

"Okay, I'm very satisfied!" Mo La nodded and confirmed.

"Hehe, then we'll leave. If you find any problems later, you can come to us at any time. Of course, you still have to pay for it." Ganz said something more responsibly, and then dragged his sister away to 253 leave.

Mora didn't care about the behavior of the two fleeing, and looked at the hot spring hotel that spent most of his savings to build. Although it was indeed a bit heartbreaking, it was worth it. Ganz and the others are worthy of being the best in Zoltan's place. The best craftsman was able to perfectly meet his requirements, not to mention, he also completed his drawings and built this hot spring hotel with an oriental atmosphere.

The only pity is that it is almost impossible for this hotel to have a day when it is open.

After all, there is no underground hot spring in Zoltan at all. If you dig through the center of the earth, it may still be possible. After all, there is a large wetland near Zoltan, and any fool knows that there is no hot spring in this terrain.

But what Mora wanted was impossible, otherwise he wouldn't have done it!

Thinking about it, he looked at the shovel and walked towards it.

On the other side, inside the Zoltan Adventurer's Guild.

After a while, the hero Lite, one of the few B-level adventurers in Zoltan, a beautiful girl, finally returned, which surprised many adventurers. They thought Lite would never return from the beginning. !

After all, it is normal for people to go to high places and water to flow to low places.

Lite came directly to the reception desk, and while submitting the task, she looked curiously at the sad-faced Meglia, and asked, "What's the matter, you rarely show such an expression, did you meet What's the problem!?"

Lite doesn't care how the people behind her whisper about her. As a lone wolf, she doesn't want to form a team with others. Naturally, she doesn't care about the views of other adventurers. She is more curious and hasn't seen her for a few months. Mother why there is no smile on her face.

Seeing that it was Lite who came back, Meglia managed to squeeze out a smile, and after saying "Welcome back", she also showed a wry smile, and she couldn't help but reveal all her troubles.

"It's not that guy Mo La, who doesn't listen to any persuasion, and spends most of his savings on building a hot spring hotel, that idiot is absolutely crazy..."

After listening to Meglia's grievances, Lite was also a little surprised. Of course she knew Mora. On the wine table, it's strange if you don't know each other!

To be honest, Lite also had some disbelief that the other party would be a B-rank adventurer like herself, but the first impression was too bad.

As a princess of a kingdom, she used to deal with high-class people. Even when she was an adventurer outside, of course, she encountered worse people, but generally she had no contact with them. The only exception was the people of the brave team.

To be honest, Mora was quite shocked and unbelievable that such an alcoholic would be a B-rank adventurer.

If she hadn't known what Meglia was like, Lite would have suspected that Mora had become a B-rank adventurer through the back door.

Unexpectedly, she had only been away for a few months, and when she came back to deal with some housework, the alcoholic would no longer appear in the adventurer's guild (drinking), but went to open some hot spring hotel in a whimsical way.

"You don't have to be too pessimistic, there may be a miracle..." Lite comforted Meglia with words that she didn't even believe.

Meglia rested her chin on one hand, and drew circles on the reception desk with the other, she leaned on the reception desk with her weight shifted, and sighed, "You're not good at comforting people, but thank you anyway Comforting, by the way, Lite, how long do you plan to stay after you come back this time!?"

Lite smiled and said, "Well, it depends on the situation."

"By the way, help me fill out the report after completing the commission!"

"Sorry, I almost forgot, I'll prepare some written materials for you, wait a moment." Meglia then remembered her responsibilities, took out a form from below, and picked up the quill pen beside her to start writing stand up.

Lite said indifferently, "It's okay, I dragged you to chat first, anyway, I don't have anything to do right now.․․Huh?"

Halfway through, the door of the Adventurer's Guild was pushed open from the outside, and suddenly a smell of herbs came to her face, which attracted Lite's attention. After she turned her head in doubt, she happened to come in with the medicine basket on her back. Reid came to a frontal kill, and he was stunned immediately.

(caah) "ji...ji... woo..."

"Who are you!?" Meglia opened her mouth involuntarily when she saw Red suddenly step forward and cover Lite's mouth.

The other adventurers showed glaring expressions one after another. It was unforgivable for this guy to blaspheme the goddess in their hearts in broad daylight.

Red didn't answer Meglia's question right away. He lowered his head, looked at Lite who was covering his mouth, and looked at him with wide eyes, and asked in a low voice, "My name is Red now.

Don’t call me by my previous name, do you understand!? Please, Lite, I’ll understand later. "

After seeing Lite blinking her eyes in understanding, Red let go of his hand, looked at Meglia and said, "Well, we knew each other before, if it's related, um, right, we'll be with Meglia Miss Ya, you are like Mr. Moura, hehe..."

Meglia's gaze at Red became more and more weird when she heard this. No, to be precise, she was looking at Lite. After seeing Lite froze for a moment, she nodded cooperatively and sighed.

"No wonder we hit it off so well......"

It is estimated that Meglia felt sorry for Lite, a poor person in her heart. As a person who has experienced it, she knows very well how hard it is to have such a childhood sweetheart.

The corners of Lite's mouth twitched, and she wanted to say, it's not what you think, Red is much better than your Mora, but she feels that she can't say it, it's too easy to offend people, and she doesn't know that Red What's going on guys now!?

But seeing Red again, and still here [this is fate!?

Thinking of this, Lite couldn't help but secretly looked at Red, and her girlish heart couldn't help being agitated.

After hearing Red's explanation, the others forgot to teach Red, the bastard who is a frivolous goddess, all of them showed wonderful expressions on their faces. Mora is a celebrity in Zoltan, but of course it doesn't have a good reputation. kind of.

And Red, the newcomer, who was dubbed as "the duo who doesn't seek to make progress" or "the duo who waits to die" with the other party, was exposed at this moment, and he was not at all like that guy Mo La Two points of imagination, but it looks like more than 70%, this kind of sound is very weird no matter how you look.

Is there such a coincidence!?

Of course, rather than wondering whether Mora and Reid are related by blood, these people are more curious about whether the useless guy is more popular with girls now!? Otherwise, why do they like the two famous beautiful girls before and after Zuo Youtan? This type of guy!?

God, are you blind!?

"The water is coming out, the water is coming out, everyone, take a look, the water is really coming out from Mo La's side!"

Just when the atmosphere in the adventurer's guild fell into a weird silence, someone suddenly shouted excitedly outside, which also cleared the silent BUFF in the adventurer's guild.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, Meglia opened her mouth wide, "Well, are they shouting that there is water coming out of Mora!?"

Reid scratched the back of his head and replied, "If you heard me right, that's indeed the case."

His eyes were a little dazed at the moment, because Reid also believed that Moura had drunk too much and her brain was broken, so she wanted to dig a hot spring here in Zoltan. Unexpectedly, she was actually done by him It's done.

Suddenly the mood is very complicated.

Especially since I haven't collected enough money to open a pharmacy, the other party's hot spring hotel seems to be getting on the right track.

Of course, if he knew that because of Mora's existence and interference, he had lost a chance to get rich, because he had eliminated the owl bear early, and Albert hadn't set fire to the mountain, which would have cost him a chance to fight for a job. This is a great opportunity to save lives, and if there is no way to open a pharmacy at this time, it will probably be more complicated.

But no one else was to blame. When Albert invited him to be a tour guide, he was the one who refused.

To be honest, there is no conflict between becoming a C-level adventurer and opening a pharmacy, and there is no need to attract attention. After all, there should not be too many C-level adventurers. Yes, it is actually very difficult for people to understand Reid's actions.

Probably a bit of cat cake in my brain!.

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