Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

515 Mora: This Is Impossible, How Could It Come True! ?

Mo La dropped the shovel and looked up at the hot water column rising into the sky. She was in a bad mood, "No, it's impossible, how could this happen!? Obviously..."

At this moment, he also had a question mark on his forehead, and he only dug down about 10 meters, and the result was like digging through a water pipe.

I'm afraid it's really a hot spring.

This shocked Mora for a hundred years. To be honest, he never thought about this~ There is really a hot spring in this place.


"Haha... Great, so you are not lying to me, tell me how you are sure that Zoltan has a hot spring here, how did I never know that you have such a thing!?"

The others were just watching the fun outside, but Meglia didn't have any worries, and walked in panting directly, grabbed Mora's arm as soon as she came in, and chattered excitedly.

There was a blush on his face, and the brows were full of joy, obviously he was very happy.


I also want to know why!? And you remember correctly, I never really mastered this skill.

"When, of course, when did I ever lie to you!?"

I thought so, but Mora put a smug smile on her mouth, but her eyes were a little wandering, and she didn't dare to look at Meglia.

"You lied to me a lot. When I was young, you lied to me that girls would have children as long as they hold hands with boys. This made me dare not play with other boys at all. Have you forgotten!?" Meg Li Ya glared at Mo La and was very angry. Obviously, she believed that she was really a dark history.

You must know that because of this incident, she has been laughed at by many adults, and those guys are also very annoying. They clearly know that they have been cheated, but no one told her the truth, they just kept laughing behind their backs, which is too bad.

Mo La blinked, and said confidently, "It's not my fault, I thought so at the time, and that guy Ganz lied to me."

As a half-elf, Ganz has a longer lifespan than humans. Although not as long as real elves, he still lives longer than humans, so don't look at the appearance of Ganz and Mora. In fact, Mora's childhood This is what it looks like now.

Speaking of which, his sister actually found a human husband, which was a sensation at the time, but everyone was also moved by Ona's courage. You must know that when your lover grows old and dies in front of you, and you still Still young, that would be such a painful thing.

Because of the existence of this situation, the general long-lived species would not consider marrying humans. Of course, those races without the concept of loyalty will be ignored, and they will no longer be in this ranks.

It is precisely because Ganz is a half-elf that Mora dared to blame him. Who made Ganz be a bachelor at such an age? You must know that Ganz's sister Ona got married and had a child first.

"Don't keep wronging Gonz, last time Ona almost didn't recognize him as a brother, it's all because of your hard work behind the scenes." Meglia rolled her eyes when she heard that, Gonz was really murderous , Is it so interesting to save Mora and bully Ganz!?

Mo La sneered in her heart, of course it was interesting, who told that guy Ganz to bully him when he was young, and insisted on pulling him to be smaller than a bird!? He also laughed at him for being smaller than a bird!?

An unscrupulous adult who can even kill five or six-year-old children, what if he takes revenge a little bit!?

Seeing Mo La's reluctance, Meglia didn't bother to say anything, these men are like this, sometimes they are like children, they have to compete in inexplicable places, but they usually have a good relationship.

After the momentum of the water column subsided, Meglia also followed Mora to the room, looking at the slowly filling hot spring pools, feeling very good.

"By the way, Lite is back. You must not know that Lite and Reid are old acquaintances, and they have a similar relationship with us."

After changing her clothes, Mora was lying on the floor in a delicate mood, looking at the sky outside, and was taken aback when she heard Meglia's words, "Is there such a thing!?"

Lite was very famous when she was in Zoltan, not talking about strength, but simply talking about her beauty, which also allowed the other party to accumulate a lot of popularity in Zoltan. Of course, Mora also knew about the other party. In the adventurer's guild, I have seen it a few times.

For other people, Lite doesn't want to talk and laugh like Meglia, anyway, she always has a cold face when facing others, with an expression of refusal to be thousands of miles away.

Of course, Mora will pay attention to the other party, not because of the other party's beauty. In terms of beauty, Meglia is not bad, and her figure is not a bit stronger than Lite.

What Mora is really concerned about is that Lite must be an unusual person. From the subtle behavior, it can be seen that the other party is of high birth, and that temperament cannot be possessed by the people at the bottom.

Maybe it's the princess, after all, it has the same name as that princess, which is very suspicious. Of course, the reason why Mora is surprised now is because Red and the other party are acquaintances, which made Mora, who doubted Red's identity earlier, couldn't help but think more.

Is it really a coincidence that two people with such extraordinary identities came to Zoltan!? Or is there some ulterior secret!?

It can't be Romeo and Juliet running away!?

"What are you thinking!? You don't think about Lite, do you? I can tell you it's impossible, Lite won't like you at all." Meglia said sourly.

Although they are both beauties, when Meglia and Lite stand together, they always feel that they will unknowingly turn into green leaves, and the other party's aura is too strong.

Mora rolled her eyes, "Are you jealous!?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Mo La sat up and said, "Come here, let me tell you if I like her or not."

After Meglia glanced at Mora, she remained silent and ignored her.

Mora could only move closer to Meglia's ear, and said, "I tell you, of course I am..."

Seeing that Meglia pricked up her ears waiting for the next sentence, Mora continued with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Of course, you have fulfilled your promise, my lovely Meglia, I will wait for you to grow long hair


Realizing that she was being teased, Meglia immediately raised her small fist, and looked at Mo La who had fled unhappily. When she was alone in the room, she cursed in a low voice, "Idiot, could it be that Are the words difficult!?"

-0 for flowers 0

On the other side, after leaving the Adventurer's Guild, Lite followed Red back to his temporary residence.

After closing the door, Reid breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lite, "It's been a long time since I saw you, Lite, I didn't expect to meet you here."

At this time, Lite also put away the joyful look on her face because of the reunion with Red, and looked at Red in disbelief, "Gideon, why did you appear here, shouldn't you..."

Before Lite could finish speaking, Reid shook his head, interrupted her, and explained, "In this case, I left by myself because my mission has been completed...

The atmosphere felt a little sad and lonely for a moment.

Lite frowned, "Leave, why!?"

Lite knows Red's position in the brave team, and Lite even thinks that Red is an absolutely indispensable member of the brave team. This is a terrifying power, but with his ability, he can still pull up a powerful team to deal with the Demon King's army.

If it wasn't for Red's reluctance, Lite would have invited him to join her Kingdom Army and become its commander, which shows how strong Red's ability is.

Otherwise, Lite wouldn't fall in love with it.

Reid didn't know what to say to Lite. After being silent for a while, he decided to tell the truth, and directly repeated the advice that Ares, who was a [sage] at the time, gave him.

"Ares is right. If I stay in the team, it will become a drag."

After hearing this, Lite's face was full of disbelief, "Are they crazy!? How could they think so!? Or is it just that guy Ares' idea!?"

Reid smiled wryly, "Whether he meant it alone or not is not important anymore. In fact, I also found that my role has become less and less, and my strength can't keep up with them. Maybe it will be even worse without me." Okay, you should have heard the news about the Brave recently, and the facts have proved that even if I'm not there, Leti and the others still defeated the two Gando's troops, much faster than when I was there."

Lite wanted to refute when she heard the words, but she didn't know what to say.

Of course, she heard the news, and thought that Red was also glowing inside, but she didn't expect that this was the result of the brave team without Red.

Think about it, with the terrifying strength of Letty, the contemporary [hero], Lite wants to say in her heart that the other party doesn't need any partners at all. Rather than saying that Red is a drag, don't the others!?

Lite, who had witnessed Letty's strength with her own eyes, was very aware of the horror of that brave man. If she didn't have teammates, she didn't have to think too much, just kill him directly, tactics, logistics, etc. , there is no need to consider it at all.

Reid saw that Lite's mouth opened and closed again, closed and opened again, but didn't say anything. He didn't know that Lite couldn't find a reason to comfort him, so he smiled and said, but it's okay, I also plan to start a new life again, I don’t need to push myself for that kind of thing anymore, by the way, I plan to open a pharmacy here to live the life of ordinary people, and I will be able to raise enough funds in two months . "

Lite blinked and blinked, and slowly spit out a word, "Ha! Li?".

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