Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

517 Dr. Zhang: I'm Not A Doctor At All, I've Said It Many Times!

"I just made sure that you guys must have misunderstood something. I'll say it again. I'm just an ordinary magician, not a doctor. Do you understand!?"

The Moyi World whose birth point was blocked by the little broken ball Zhang Qing stared at the little broken ball who brought the patient to see the doctor with black lines, and repeated his statement in a deep voice.

He is also a little depressed, why is he treated as a doctor to solve some difficult and miscellaneous diseases in Moyi's world, why is it like this in the misty space? Isn't it obvious that he is wearing a black robe!? Or everyone They are all colorblind and see black as white!?

The little broken ball didn't pay any attention to Zhang Qing's defense, it turned around and said to Mo La, "Well, we are very lucky, dr. .”

Mora was tempted to ask "Are you sure a magician can solve my problem!?"

However, seeing Mo Yi Zhang Qing's dark face, he didn't dare to ask these inner thoughts, and openly doubted the ability of the doctor who was likely to treat him later, and he might be tricked by the other party. People in any world should understand that if you think all doctors are magnanimous saints, you are sick in your head. After all, doctors are also human beings, who have joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, as well as selfishness.

So Mora simply didn't speak, just stood there. '

Moyi Zhang Qing was quite helpless when he saw Xiao Poqiu's reckless look like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, "Okay, come in with me, we'll talk inside, but let me explain in advance, I'm not a doctor, so I don't care about it." I can guarantee that any disease can be cured, and the 20 words are beyond the scope of my personal ability, so forgive me for being powerless."

Xiao Poqiu said indifferently, "If even you can't do it, let alone other people, don't worry, it really can't solve the problem, even if this kid is unlucky himself.


Moyi Zhang Qing:

The corners of Moyi Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, "Actually, there is no need to be so desperate. What we don't lack here is hope. Maybe a real genius doctor will come at some point, or a super powerful doctor will come, and there will always be a solution." way."

But the little broken ball continued to pour cold water on it as if he didn't want to make Mo La feel better, "I'm afraid I can't wait anymore, whoever wants this unlucky ghost to meet me in the first place, as the earth, how high is my personality? How high are you?" It’s not that I don’t know, if he leaves the mist space, there is a high probability that he will lose control.”

With an expression of "eating shit", Mo La looked at the little broken ball beside her that had never had a good word, wishing to poke the broken ball.

Moyi Zhang Qing was also a little speechless, "Out of control!? Another one like this!? What's wrong with the newcomers now, are they all so difficult to deal with!?"

As for who is unlucky or not, it depends on the situation. In fact, even if ordinary people get the panel of the small broken ball, it is nothing. As long as they learn to hide the seal, they will not have major problems when they return to the real world. Of course, it is not easy. Already, so the last thing is, don't gain too much power at first, come on time.

For seniors like Moyi Zhang Qing, they don't have this kind of trouble, or the problem is not big, because they have mastered a certain degree of power, and it is enough to adapt to the foggy space, like the world of dog blood Those of Zhang Qing are ordinary people, but they stayed in the misty space for a long time before they were able to return to their own world.

Otherwise, a bad control will lead to a big mistake, and it will be too late to regret, especially the highly dangerous omnipotent energy like Honkai energy, or the mass of a planet like a small broken ball, the world will be destroyed in minutes It's not impossible.

Fortunately, no matter how long the time in the foggy space is, the outside world is an instant, otherwise disappearing for such a long time will be a super big trouble.

At the beginning Zhang Qing and Luo Tianyi were also suffering from the sudden gain of too much power, which is why almost everyone agreed when they proposed not to give all the power to the newcomers at once.

Although the time between the foggy space and the outside world is not equal, so it doesn’t matter if you have been exercising in the foggy space, but it doesn’t mean that it’s okay. If you derail from the real world for too long, the discomfort after returning is very strong, and then There are more and more members in the foggy space. After mastering all the powers at once, it will take longer to run in. If you can train in the foggy space until you can master all the powers, it will take at least a hundred years. Will it be okay!?

I'm afraid that when I return to the real world, I'm quite unfamiliar with my former acquaintances.

So it is not unreasonable for Xiao Poqiu to say that Mora is unlucky, because Xiao Poqiu's personality is there, and the power of a planet is almost the ceiling of the physical level, which is not easily grasped by ordinary people.

Moreover, it is not the path that human beings should take. Naturally, it will be more difficult for them who were born as humans to master it.

After sitting down on the seat here, Mo Yi Zhang Qing said to Mo La, "You can also take a seat, there are seats over there, now you can also talk about the problem, I will judge whether it depends on the situation Those who are in contact with you, I hope you understand that there are reasons why we set these rules."

Mora expressed understanding. In fact, when the little broken ball was gloating, she also told him some things. Mora really felt that it was difficult for him to control the terrifying power in his body. As soon as the mountains fell and the ground cracked, I still had a little understanding of what a terrifying humanoid monster Mora I was now.

To be honest, if Xiao Poqiu hadn't told him that how long he was in this foggy space would only be a matter of a moment, he might not be able to sit still, and would have been anxious long ago.

Moyi Zhang Qing nodded, "It's good that you understand, let's talk about it now, what is the loss of control that Xiao Poqiu just said!? You should be a living person!?"

Mo La looked at Mo Yi Zhang Qing helplessly, couldn't she tell if she was alive!? But she nodded and said, "Yes, I am a living person! My problem is related to the uniqueness of my world. It is related to a [protection] who is known as a gift of God, and the words of [protection] are..."

Mora began to explain to Moyi Zhang Qing everything he knew about [Protection], and finally added, "My protection is [Reformer], and I have a crazy obsession with change, and it can even be said The point of insanity."

Mo Yi Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows, "Protection!? It's almost the same as the sword master in "Life in a Different World from Zero" called [Protection], but the [Protection] in your world 】It is different, it is more like a division of occupations, what others have is a gifted ability...."

"It's very similar to the magic engraving in my world."

After hearing the term "magic engraving", Mo La looked at Moyi Zhang Qing suddenly, "So you are actually a magician in the Xingyue world, so the magician refers to this kind of magician."

"To be precise, I come from the world of the magical girl Illya." Magician Zhang Qing is not angry about being considered as the kind of magician who performs magic, because he has indeed done this kind of thing for a while. When he started learning magic, he needed money, not to mention pretending to be a magician. He had done everything, and practicing magic also needed the support of worldly money, not to mention that his family had long since fallen, and the family left A bunch of useless alchemy wealth.

Fortunately, he is very talented, otherwise, in the same situation as Matou Shinji, the Zhang family would probably have to be completely ended in his hands. It is useless to keep so much knowledge and wealth, and it is also not enough to fill the stomach! ?

"Magic, it's such a good world..." Moira couldn't help showing an envious smile. Although the water in the moon world is very deep and there are many darkness, the world of magic is a rare line of happiness.

It's not as good as you imagined. If I have a chance in the future, I will talk to you in detail. Now back to the topic, I probably understand your question, but now I have a question, oh, not for you, but Ask Little Poqiu, have you obtained 【Blessing】!?" Moyi Zhang Qing looked at Xiaopoqiu and asked.

This question is very important, and it can be regarded as a clever way to know the essence of the so-called [protection].

After the little broken ball put down the teacup pouring tea into its big cracked mouth, it said, "I know what you want to ask, but unfortunately, I didn't get any [blessing], which means [blessing] 】Bring any ability that does not belong to the individual.”

Mo Yi Zhang Qing raised his eyebrows, "So this is a foreign object!?"

Xiao Poqiu thought for a while and said, "It's very possible, but if it's a foreign object, it would be interesting.

Listening to this one-person-one-ball conversation, Mora was quite confused, and didn't understand what the two were talking about, but he understood one thing, that is, [Protection] is a foreign object, not his own awakened supernatural power. Ability exists.

For a moment, countless thoughts flickered in Mo La's heart.

Moyi Zhang Qing touched his chin and said, "If it's just a pure foreign object, then if you get the panel of the small broken ball, you should actually be higher than the opponent in terms of will, so losing control is not a problem, but …………”

When Mora heard that the other party said that there was no problem, she was in a better mood, but the other party directly added a "but" at the end, which made Mora's mood take a turn for the worse.

Moyi Zhang Qing smiled and said, "Of course there is, but because you know too little about [Protection], if we have a way to obtain [Protection] from you, maybe we can understand it more intuitively , but isn’t there no way to do it!? We Shenqian can only know based on some of the characteristics we have mastered before the foggy space [Protection is a foreign object.

"But we don't know what it is specifically, and since people in your world can use this kind of foreign object to become stronger and stronger, then I have to look at it to a higher place, maybe You think that once you have the willpower of a small ball, you will not be afraid of the opponent, but you will be controlled after a while, because you are bigger and more powerful, and this time you will completely lose control. This has to be guarded against, so Don't be too happy."

"Tell me, do you really only have that little understanding of [Protection]!?".

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