Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

518 Ignorance Is Also A Kind Of Happiness!

"It is basically certain that [Protection] is a product of foreign objects. Since the information we have so far is not enough to reveal its true face, then we might as well deduce it in reverse and deduce a possibility from the result. Maybe it is right You will help..."

"First of all, I want to make the host stronger like a normal professional in the magic world of Western Fantasy, which means that it can make human cells stronger little by little. However, according to what you said, it is not caused by exercise, but by Go to fight with others, the more people you defeat, the stronger you become, it’s like raising Gu, um, it’s raising Gu, can you guess like this, when you defeat a person, something in him will Part of it was plundered!?"

"This part is the essence of protection, is it a parasite or a nano-robot!?"

"Well, I prefer nano-robots to parasites and bacteria, because if it is a parasite, it means that it will grow up one day, but you haven't found any big bugs out of the corpse for so many years, so Basically, this possibility can be ruled out. As for why I would prefer scientific means, it is actually very simple. The existence of your world [protection] itself will make it impossible for civilization to develop on the road of science and technology forever. .”

"If it is really a product of science and technology, it would be interesting. That is to say, the gods that your world church has always worshiped are all scientists at the end of the technological civilization of ancient times. Maybe it is like a collapsed world. In that way, before the end of the world, gather together to make the so-called [Protection] so that the race can continue."

"Of course, these are my personal conjectures. As for whether it is correct, you have to find the answer after you go back. However, my conjecture should be quite possible. This can be seen from your special [protection] It can be basically judged that if you don’t stop it, you will eventually become a robot-like existence, which means that all the cells in your body have been basically completely replaced by a nano-scale bio-robot.”

"So I have two treatment plans: one, find Sirin, obtain the dominion of the Houkai energy, fight poison with poison, and kill all foreign objects in the body. Second, for the same reason, find Shamate to obtain the slime's body , using slime's super digestive ability to digest all the foreign objects in the body.

"I suggest you choose the second option, because the increase brought by Shamate will not be too large, and you don't have to stay in the mist space for too long."


Recalling Zhang Qing's words in the world of Moyi in the foggy space, and returning to reality at this moment, Mora lying on her bed was a little lost, there was no concept of time, Mora didn't know how long she had been there, now After returning to reality, the sense of strangeness is very strong, and I think the time I stay here should not be short.

Immediately he smiled wryly, he was really unlucky as the other party said, otherwise he wouldn't be the first to hit the small broken ball, and his stride was too big, "It's really going to be messed up.

However, his efforts were not in vain. Just now, the moment he returned, after transforming into a slime body, he clearly felt that something had been digested by him. When he transformed back into a human body, he also found that the My own nightmare, that is, 【protection】has really disappeared.

He felt both funny and sad, which meant that Mo Yi Zhang Qing's conjecture was probably correct. All human beings in this world were born with invisible man-made objects, and maybe the atmosphere of the whole world was filled with This kind of nano-scale robot has become an element, and it can even be said to be magic itself.

Mo Yi Zhang Qing's treatment plan is to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. After transforming back into a human body, Mora clearly sensed that her [Protection] has slowly returned. As for whether she is still a [Changer] Then I don't know.

There is no way to do it, unless he is not a human being from now on, or wears a space suit like the Tianlong people, otherwise this situation cannot be changed at all.

However, it is unrealistic to clean up all the nano-robots in this world. At least there are only a few victims at present, and most of them are harmless. Once the [Protection] is lost, everyone in this world will be killed instantly. Become illiterate, and at the same time because of the loss of self-protection ability, in the face of invaders like the Demon King Army, they can only be slaughtered unilaterally.

You must know that according to the description of the myth, it is precisely because of the appearance of the demons that the gods have pity for the human beings on the ground, so they endowed [protection], which translates to, because of the invasion of the demons.

Human civilization in ancient times will come to an end, and the "protection" that makes all the people soldiers will be regarded as a means of saving the world.

Facts have also proved that the existence of [protection] has indeed allowed human beings to guard their last pure land, and even defeated the demon army once.

"Oh, what a fucking world... "." The more you know the truth, the more sad you feel. This may be the reason why those guys in the church are unwilling to reveal the truth to the public. All the powers in his body are fake, and the magic he releases is just the nano-robots releasing the energy in his body. The stronger he becomes, the less human he becomes, so maybe there will be big troubles.

One night passed, because of the misty light.

Meglia opened the door of Mora's house, and started cooking in the kitchen inside. After hearing the movement, Mora went downstairs and saw Meglia's figure busy, and she couldn't help being taken aback.

Then she slowly recalled that she had agreed to have breakfast together tomorrow, and then went to the hotel to have a look. For this reason, Meglia also applied for a day off from the Adventurer's Guild.

When Meglia heard the movement behind her, she turned her head and found that Mo La looked at her very strangely, she couldn't help being taken aback, "Who are you confused!?"

Mo La scratched Ning's messy hair, "It's rare to have a good night's sleep."

Meglia gave Moura a weird look and said, "Hurry up and wash up, my side is getting better soon, really, how long have you not used the kitchen!?"

Mo La laughed and said, "Not long, not long, just a few years."

Meglia had a black hair, so she simply didn't bother to pay attention to this guy.

Mora sighed as she walked to the bathroom, and sure enough, [Protection] appeared again, this time it was not [Reformer], but [Assassin], it was considered an ordinary profession, so there was no need to worry about becoming a madman.

So Mora doesn't plan to format and clean up again for the time being, because she is afraid that the next [Protection] will be a scam.

"Forget it, let's live like this"

On the other side, after Mora left the foggy space, Xiao Poqiu approached Mo Yi Zhang Qing who was back online again, "Sure enough, it's almost the same as we guessed, as long as we manage properly, the newcomers will no longer be like before. It took a long time for one to come like that.”

Moyi Zhang Qing, leaning on the back of the swivel chair, turned in circles, "It makes sense, the messy situation before is really not so suitable for newcomers to come in, but this also proves that this foggy space is not Unconscious, or someone is actually managing it behind the scenes..."

"That's really scary..." Little Poqiu pretended to be scared.

"You should watch "Actor's Self-Adoption", it's too fake." Moyi Zhang Qing stopped and suggested after taking a sip of tea.

The little broken ball didn't take it seriously, "Do you think a ball needs such a thing!?"

"It's still necessary, otherwise how will you lie to those humans inside you in the future!? In this way, you little broken ball is probably thinking about the same thoughts as those gods in the world of Mora." Moyi Zhang Qing suddenly thought of it. What's so ordinary, he looked at Xiao Poqiu with a smile, "How is it, have you gained something!?"

"Of course, no more. This method of [protection] is too rough. I can learn from the ecology it brings, but copying it completely is self-destruction." Xiao Poqiu said while making a simulation on himself , Immediately, the red dots representing human beings on him became less and less, and finally became zero.

You see, this is the end of the protection. Unless I also create an enemy like the demons here, otherwise it can't be copied. It's better to let the human beings above continue to follow the technological route. Searching for resources while wandering. "

"That's right, it's really not suitable for you." MILF Zhang Qing rubbed his chin and said.

"Then take your time, or you'll be fine if you don't show up!?"

Hearing this, the little broken ball bounced on the ground twice and landed on Mo Yi Zhang Qing's table, "This is not acceptable, if we don't let them understand that the planet they live on is conscious, these people still don't know how to transform the earth, I can't stand it.

"You really have a lot of demands, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, just wait a little bit, maybe someone's world can be used as a reference, or you can just make a compromise and make do with it." Mo Yi Zhang Qing didn't even bother to answer. This little broken ball is broken, and I feel more sympathetic to the human beings on it. I really don’t know what will happen to the world if I let it mess around!?

"Don't forget that the universe you live in is not safe. If human beings don't have enough self-protection ability, the population will gradually decrease."

"This is what human beings need to consider, and I have not interfered with the current wandering route. What I have done is to give them a little foundation for survival. Of course, I also have selfish intentions. I can predict that they will definitely have a negative impact on the earth in the end." Let’s start with (Wang Haozhao) further transformation, so I can be regarded as self-help, of course, before I save myself, I may kill all human beings first." Xiao Poqiu said in a flat tone at this moment, it was very scary if.

Moyi Zhang Qing nodded, "If we really get to that point, this is the only way to go."

"Actually, spiritual energy recovery, spiritual recovery or super power awakening is not impossible, but in the absence of foreign enemies, the speed of human self-destruction is faster, so I have been wondering if there is a softer way that will not be too much. The plan that destroyed the original social structure too much.” The little broken ball expressed his thoughts, it does not want human civilization to go back, and it does not want them to continue fighting among themselves because of the loss of survival, and the file does not want to accept it because the current In this situation, human beings further transform the earth (destroy the earth).

So it's not that it asks too much, and it doesn't want to regret it in the future.

Especially the human beings who are still alive are basically heroes. As a former human being, Xiao Poqiu respects heroes, so he wants to be perfect.

"Sometimes it's better not to think so much than to think so much. It's not a good thing to worry too much." Mo Yizhang concluded with a smile.

"Ha, you will understand that day when a thought can control the life and death of all living beings." The little Poqiu was not angry, and looked at Moyi Zhang Qing with its eyes that didn't know where it was.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and we will talk about it later." Moyi Zhang Qing shrugged. .

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