Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

519 The Girl I Saw For The First Time!

A teenager was sitting on a waiting bench at a certain stop of the bus, his fingers were flying over his mobile phone, and he could clearly see white earphones in his ears, and there was also a line connected to the mobile phone.

The teenager who was addicted to mobile games didn't notice any signs of the wind getting stronger, and of course he didn't look away from the phone screen because of the sudden rain. He tapped the screen with his thumb very focused.

The bus did not arrive for a long time, and it even made people feel that it was because the young man was too involved, so he missed a bus, which made people worry.

When it rained for a while, a long-haired girl in the uniform of a nearby high school trotted over. Her body and hair were soaked by the rain, and she was a little embarrassed.

The girl glanced at the boy sitting on the bench, hesitated for a moment, and didn't go there. She just stood under the awning, not letting the rain knock her down, and began to check the cultural relics in his schoolbag. relieved.

It's just that the school uniform on my body is wet, and the socks are also wet from the rain. It's a bit embarrassing, a bit like taking off your shoes and taking off the wet socks, but when you look at the boy on the bench, you can't help but hesitate .

At any rate, he is already a high school student, and he is somewhat starting to care about other people's eyes.

She doesn't know if a girl's socks-wrapped feet are fragrant or not, but she herself feels that her feet are smelly, so it's impossible for her not to care.

After biting down, I decided to endure it, and it wouldn't take too long to get home anyway.

Just when the girl made up her mind, she raised her head to see when the bus would arrive, but she saw a very scary scene on the head.

Immediately, the whole person was stunned, and his body froze.

A woman who seemed to have been soaked in water for a long time, and her whole body was swollen and enlarged, came to her side at some point, staring at her with black eyes with no eyeballs and only empty eyes, And the place where the woman wears the apron, that is, the belly, there is a hole, and the intestines inside can be seen. Of course, this is not what scares the 370 people the most. Two horrific-looking babies were smiling at her with their big mouths full of fangs.

Perhaps because it was too sudden and horrified, the girl didn't scream, let alone make any other extreme reactions. Her body didn't even have the strength at this moment, and it was already a miracle that she was able to maintain the standing movement.

Seeing the girl staring at her, the weird and terrifying woman couldn't help but opened her big mouth full of sharp teeth and approached, lowered her head, almost pressed against the girl's face, and asked with a smile, "Can you see it?" !?"

However, after waiting for a long time, the girl did not respond. The woman tilted her head and continued to speak, "Hey! Can you see me!?"

However, the young girl remained indifferent, which made the woman a little unsure. She continued to ask, "Can you see it!?"

"Can you see it!?"

Repeating this sentence all the time, it seems that she can only say such a sentence, and at the same time, she dare not take a step forward, the empty eyes, if the girl observes carefully

You will find that the other party floats towards the boy sitting on the bench inside from time to time, and seems a little scared.

But this is the first time for the girl to see such a terrifying thing. She has the intention to stare at the other person's face. He knew that once he was found to be able to see the other party, something bad would happen.

"What to do!? What to do!? (cabh) Come up with a solution!?"

Perhaps because of the secretion of adrenal hormones, the girl found that her brain was very bright at the moment, and instantly thought of a way to break the situation, her pale face was immediately stained with a blush

Then make a hesitant and shy look.

Finally, stunned by the horrible woman, she turned around abruptly, came to the bench, and shouted at the boy who was concentrating on playing the game, "That... I, I, I have always been very I like you, can I date you!?"

The woman ghost was stunned:

After Yotsuya Jianzi finished yelling, her face turned even redder, which was caused by embarrassment, and the way the boy didn't raise her head made her even more embarrassed, and she suddenly regretted that she would do this.

"Ahhh, what should I do, I really want to die!? Are you an idiot!? How could you come up with such an unreliable method!?"

But now Yotsuya Miko didn't dare to turn around to confirm whether the woman had left, she gritted her teeth, and continued, "I really like you, I have always loved you." I like it very much, I hope you can give me a chance, I..."

Maybe it was because Yotsuya Miko blocked the light, or her voice really overshadowed the sound of the game, the young man who had been addicted to the game world finally looked up, and his eyes met immediately, so that Yotsuya Miko hadn't finished speaking yet. , by the way hold back.

His face was no longer simply flushed, it was even hot.

The boy looked at Miko Yoshitani in surprise, because the other person bent down, his face was very close to him, and suddenly his eyes met, the boy was also taken aback.

After calming down, he took off the earphones and asked, "What... what's the matter!? I didn't hear it just now."

He also recognized Yotsuya Miko, after all, he was a classmate in the same class, but because there was no interaction, he couldn't understand why the other party suddenly came to talk to him. You must know that he has always been a marginal figure in the class. A friend, this has something to do with his character and origin.

When Yotsuya Miko looked up as a teenager, he also felt that the other person looked familiar. After recalling it, he found that this was the Xia Guo foreign student in his class who was not very gregarious and was recognized as a dead house. The other party seemed to be because of his parents' work. , I just came to Sakura Country to study.

She remembered that the other party's surname seemed to be Zhang, and his name was a single character with the word "love".

He is a nerd with glasses. Of course, more people think that he is short-sighted because he plays games with his head down. However, even if his grades are not the first, he is still good, so no one will say behind his back that he is a dead house disgusting or something.


I bumped into my classmate!? Yoshitani's face turned green immediately, and he wanted to die, but whether the evil spirit left or not, if he suddenly changed his mind at this time, would he be killed? She found something was wrong!?

Yotsuya Jianzi suddenly feels embarrassed, if it is a stranger, no matter whether he is rejected or accepted, he has a solution, but if he is an acquaintance, if he looks up and looks down, he can't transfer to another school, right!?

I'm really sad.

"That... that... classmate Zhang Qing, I, I..."

Zhang Qing looked at the other party in confusion, quite puzzled, what is this female classmate who has never spoken to him usually planning to do now!?

After staring at the other party for a while, he saw that the other party's clothes were dripping with water, and then realized that it was raining heavily outside at the moment, he was stunned for a moment as if thinking of something, stood up and said, do you want to sit, I'll let you.

"No, no, that..." Yoshitani Miko was taken aback by Zhang Qing's reaction, a little unresponsive, and blurted out the word "no". When he recovered, he suddenly cried out: What are you doing? Denying a bird!? Isn’t this a road to darkness!?

"No!?" Zhang Qing wondered, did he want to borrow his clothes, but he was wearing a shirt at the moment, and he was shirtless when he took it off, and he couldn't provide temperature!?

Seeing Zhang Qing's eyes getting more and more strange, and began to think in strange directions, Yoshitani saw that his head became hot, and he seemed to give up trying to survive, so he closed his eyes and said, "Well, I'm here to confess my love to Mr. Zhang Qing , that is, that, I like you very much and want to date you..."

3K: "........."

He opened his mouth wide when he heard the words, and even wanted to point to his nose and ask the other party if he was serious, how long has he been here to go to school, "Is ten useful!? How come some girls came to sue him !?

Don't you look handsome!?

Zhang Qing couldn't help thinking about this question. Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhang Qing didn't think he was particularly handsome, and he was thin and weak, and he wore myopia glasses. It can only be said to be a mortal with correct facial features.

That's why the girl came up to confess her with a blushing face!?

It can't be a prank show!?

Thinking of it this way, Zhang Qing couldn't help but want to look around, to see if there were other students in the class hiding in the side and secretly taking pictures. After he foolishly agreed, he would use this to laugh at his whimsy. It really works, so don't doubt it.

However, after looking around, he found that it was raining heavily, and it seemed that even if someone wanted to take a sneak shot, he would not be able to take a clear picture, and there was no place to hide in this place. Zhang Qing couldn't help but frowned, and looked at Yotsuya, who was pretty and could be regarded as a beautiful girl. Jianzi, do you really like yourself!?

Isn’t this a bit too child’s play!? They’ve only known each other for more than a month, or they haven’t even spoken to each other. What does the other party like about me!?

Although his heart is full of doubts, Zhang Qing also knows that if he doesn't say a word now, it will make the atmosphere even more awkward, but it's not good to agree or refuse.

He also didn't know what to do. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing. Sure enough, after living for a long time, anything can happen to him.

"Ahem...well, I think, we can contact each other first, get to know each other better, and then make plans, Mr. Yotsuya, what do you think!? I don't mean to reject you, but I I don't know you very well, so if I agreed rashly, wouldn't it feel a little too casual, you understand what I mean?"

Yotsugu Jianzi opened his eyes, looking at Zhang Qing who was seriously saying such words to himself, he was also a little surprised, and after a long time, he nodded dully and let out a "huh".

Then the two sat on the bench in embarrassment, neither of them spoke.

Although Yotsuya Miko also felt embarrassed, but seeing that the woman with a broken belly had disappeared, she couldn't help but feel relieved, and she finally survived the catastrophe.

That is, the only price is that she is a little overwhelmed by the addition of a prospective "boyfriend" who promises to get along well, and she can't cross the river and tear down the bridge at this time, hope, hope.

Hope it's not a bad thing!

[The author has a message: I have a headache, I forgot to set the timer last night, and the air conditioner was turned on one night and one morning, and the electricity bill was high again this month, and what was worse, I had a little fever. 】.

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