Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

559 The Idiot Snack Who Remembers Eating But Not Hitting!

Perhaps because of the rabbit ornament with Roma's "Stone of Power", Lily Chuanhua's life and spiritual power has been absorbed a lot, so after parting with Zhang Qing and Yotsuya Miko, and Instead of going home immediately, I turned around and went to the nearby SHINOZAKI Bakery to buy a large bag of long bread.

However, Lily Chuanhua herself is very happy about this, because it means that she can have a good meal before dinner, and even taste all kinds of bread at once, which is a great choice for people with difficult choices. A good thing, not to mention that Lily Chuanhua, who doesn't have choice difficulties, just laments that her belly is not big enough.

However, because he had forgotten that Lily Chuanhua, whose life aura had shrunk, would feel extremely hungry, when Zhang Qing turned his head to Lily Chuanhua's house to wait, he also found that the snack hadn't come home yet.

It stands to reason that if she took the tram directly, she would get home faster than the two of them who could only take the bus slowly. For this reason, Zhang Qing was prepared to squat here for a long time, but the other party didn't go home at all. It made Zhang Qing come to nothing.

He wanted to make a phone call and ask if the other party had any accidents, but he was worried that doing so would reveal that he was looking for the other party on purpose, which seemed very abrupt and weird, so Zhang Qing thought about it and decided to go along the road first. Look in front of the tram stop.

It stands to reason that the other party cannot deviate too much.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After walking about 2 kilometers, Zhang Qing saw the other party's schoolbag on a small bridge. The schoolbag with two lambda rabbits hanging on it was too recognizable.

However, Zhang Qing was a little surprised that he didn't see Lily Chuanhua himself, and Zhang Qing was a little concerned about the middle school boy who was lying on the fence and looking down, because Lily Chuanhua's schoolbag fell at the other side's feet .

This gave 297 Zhang Qing a bad feeling.

It won't be the same as the last time I went into the cursed abandoned building to find the dog for the little boy, this time I jumped into the river!?

Feeling that his conjecture might come true, Zhang Qing hurried over there, and when he came to the small bridge, he saw Lily Chuanhua, who was fishing for something in the river with his whole body wet. People are more or less relieved.

But the mosaic with fluttering long hair in the river made Zhang Qing unable to relax.

No matter Yotsuya Miko or Lily Chuanhua, it seems that they are particularly attracted to these ghosts. Others, even Ermutang Yulia, do not have this kind of situation, and this pair of little sisters is really very consistent.

"You idiot, didn't I tell you everything, if you have difficulty finding the police or an adult, why do you have to do it yourself!?"

"Huh!? Ah Qing!?"

"Huh!? What!? Hurry up and take my hand, don't you see that the flow of the water has become turbulent!? Hurry up!"

"oh oh."

Because Lily Chuanhua had almost reached the center of the river at this time, Zhang Qing wanted to take her back, so naturally he had to walk into the river. Fortunately, the river is relatively shallow, and the deepest place is just below Lily Chuanhua. When it comes to Zhang Qing's shoulders, it's just below the chest and above the navel.

But even so, the two of them were already soaked when they went ashore, and Lily Chuanhua even showed her colorful underwear.

"Well, can you bring me my schoolbag? There are gym clothes I changed out of today..." Baihe Chuanhua asked Zhang Qing shyly, covering the bare spot with her hands.

"By the way, this amulet should also be handed over to the little brother (caai) above. I protected it well and it didn't get wet. It's really great."

Zhang Qing glanced at the idiot speechlessly, took the amulet handed over by the other party, and walked up. Seeing that Zhang Qing didn't speak, knowing that the other party was angry again, Lily Chuanhua smiled foolishly, and felt greatly moved Not good.

Soon Zhang Qing took Lily Chuanhua's schoolbag and replaced the rabbit ornaments.

"Hurry up and put it on, and then go home and take a hot shower, or you will catch a cold tomorrow, and don't look at me with a smile, I will definitely teach you a lesson when I send you home

Doing things so recklessly and recklessly every time..."

"Ala, ala, Ah Qing, don't be angry. I'm thinking that the river is very shallow at this time, so... well, well, I won't do it next time."

"no next time!"

"Yeah, there's no next time, but it's a good thing you're here, Ah Qing. Just now I suddenly felt very hungry and weak, and I almost didn't know what to do. Thank you."

"Don't hug it, or the gym suit will get wet, but there is no clothes for you to change!?"

"Stingy, what's the matter with hugging!?"

"Sister, are you okay!?" At this moment, the middle school boy also ran down holding the bag of bread that Lily Chuanhua put down before, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm just a little hungry, thank you little brother, I want to have a good meal now." Lily Chuanhua took the bag of bread from the other party and said with a smile, then took out a piece of bread and handed it to him. To please the distended stomach with a dark face.

"Brother Ah Qing, don't be angry, come here, eat Shinozaki bread to make sure you feel good."

Zhang Qing supported his forehead, "I've convinced you, I really don't remember to eat but not beat."

"Ma Ma, people regard food as their heaven, isn't that what you said!?" Lily Chuanhua didn't mind Zhang Qing's slightly sarcastic words, instead she smiled and was a little proud.

"By the way, this is for you! Call this number when you are in trouble! You can do it anytime, so don't be overwhelmed, little brother."

After dealing with Zhang Qing, Lily Chuanhua once again looked at the little boy who had been silent all this time. Although the other party said before that he was not planning to commit suicide by throwing himself into the river, Lily Chuanhua still could tell that the other party was guilty. If it was really just If you are anxious because the amulet accidentally fell into the river, then at this time, you should not just look at it, or jump from the top without thinking, but find a way to get under the bridge, just like her .

After all, those who live nearby know that the river is not deep. Jumping from top to bottom, there is a high chance of hitting something and dying. Even if you are not a nearby person, you can actually tell it. After all, there is a scale over there.

Zhang Qing glanced at the note that Lily Chuanhua handed over. On it was a string of phone numbers, which were different from the mobile phone number or home landline number that he knew belonged to Lily Chuanhua.

And it looks familiar, by the way! Zhang Qing glanced at the phone number printed on the bag of bread that Lily Chuanhua was holding at the moment, isn't it exactly the same!?

Looking at the junior high school boy with a blushing face and a note of anticipation and excitement, Zhang Qing couldn't help but fell silent.

Does this snack food have such a witchy side!? Specially playing with young boys who are not experienced in the world!?

"It will definitely bring you strength! So when you encounter bad things, feel upset, or hesitate, just call the number above!"

The little boy held the note paper tightly in his hand, and said in a mosquito-like voice, "Well...Thank you, I will...."

After parting with the little boy, Zhang Qing asked curiously, "Why did you call the other party's Shinozaki Bakery!?"

"Ah, this, of course, is because I feel very happy after eating the bread from Shinozaki Bakery." Lily Chuanhua put her finger on her chin and thought for a while, then said with a smile that succeeded in mischief .

Obviously, what she said can only be trusted at most.

But it's good, and I also told the little boy who has no experience in the world a truth: the more beautiful the woman, the more unbelievable she is.

Seeing Zhang Qing's speechless look, Lily Chuanhua smiled even more flamboyantly, and then asked, "By the way, Ah Qing, why did you suddenly appear around here!?"

Zhang Qing sighed and made up nonsense, "I met a lost little guy who happened to live near here, so I sent him home directly. I was just about to go back when I met you and committed suicide by throwing myself into the river. "

When talking about committing suicide by throwing himself into the river, Zhang Qing gritted his voice.

If he hadn't just appeared, this guy would have been dragged away by the water ghost. I don't know if there is a saying in this world as a substitute, or if he is like other ghosts, "Tong Chun is used as rations.

But it's not a good thing.

Lily Chuanhua stuck out her tongue, "Ah, don't say any more, I really know I was wrong, I obviously gave you bread, shouldn't you stop talking about it!?"

"I never promised." Zhang Qing gave the other party a look, really worried, if there is such a younger sister, he will have to worry to death.


"It's useless to be coquettish. If there is a lesson to be learned, it must be said."

"Woo~~~~ Let's say a few words less then.

"No, you can't miss a single sentence. You still have to write some self-criticism papers, and I will read them." Zhang Qing said unmoved, every time he overestimated his own strength, Zhang Qing felt that the other party must have a Only a profound lesson will do.

You must never let the other party pretend to be pitiful and let you go.

Otherwise, there will definitely be another time for this dead girl.

"Ah, what's the matter, let's wait until after we take a bath." Lily Chuanhua decided to use the method of procrastination. It takes time for the two of them to take turns taking a bath, and it also takes time to wait for the dry cleaning soup to be ready. Maybe it will be delayed. The stomach just forgot.

Zhang Qing had a black line, "Be careful what you say, your words are very ambiguous."

Lily Chuanhua smiled like a little devil and said, "Oh!? Ah Qing, what did you think of? If you want to, it's not impossible to be together!?"

Zhang Qing slapped the other person on the head angrily, and complained, "Don't tease me all day, really, you're a girl, be careful."

Lily Chuanhua made a grimace, "It's obvious that you are wrong, and you blame me, Ah Qing, you are too shameless."

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