Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

560 Zhang Qing: What Wuji's Mother Said Is Absolutely Right, Beautiful Women Are Too Good At De

"You came!?"

"I am coming!"

"You're still here after all..."

"I'm still here after all."

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I'm here."

"What are you doing here!?"

After Zhang Qing answered a few words, he looked at Rom speechlessly, "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I just want to liven up the atmosphere..." At the foot of the OX mountain, Rom stood up and walked towards Zhang Qing with his hands open, but there was no apology on his face.

"By the way, did you bring that thing!?"

"Of course, but did you call for help!?" Zhang Qing glanced at the playful Roma with disgust. It's disgusting for an uncle to act cute. After rolling his eyes, he looked at the silent godmother over there , asked with a raised eyebrow.

Although he had only met once before, Zhang Qing was still impressed by Takeda Sanzhi, the owner of a divination shop who claimed to be a godmother and mother-in-law in a common area.

Afterwards, Zhang Qing also learned from Yotsuya Miko that this godmother can really see ghosts, and the prayer beads given by the other party are actually useful, but when they meet those more powerful ghosts, they will explode directly. This further shows that the other party has real talents.

If the other party hadn't closed the store and left since that time, Yotsuya Miko actually wanted to discuss with the other party about her [visible] and those [ghosts]. a "similar".

Rom shrugged, "After all, the godmother and mother-in-law are also one of the parties involved in the incident..."

In fact, Roma is somewhat regretful now. If he knew that the situation was different from what he had originally guessed, he would not send the photo to Takeda Saneda, and it would be better for the other party to wash his hands and spend the rest of his life in the countryside. As for the "mountain god", maybe he will be matched.

After all, Roma intends to sacrifice himself, if it is finally impossible. Now that Takeda Mitsue is here, he knows very well that his hard-talking and soft-hearted master is a man, and maybe he will snatch his position at that time, and change his life for another.

After heaving a long sigh in his heart, Rom looked at Zhang Qing with some sorrow: You are a psychic, so you should have said earlier if you could deal with ghosts!?

Takeda Sanzhi looked at Zhang Qing, but sighed, "You shouldn't come, you are still young, and your two little girlfriends are still waiting for you, it is enough for us old guys to leave these things Already......"

"I don't know what Roma said to you, but I can tell you that the shrine is very strange, and the things inside are also very powerful. My master, Oka Towako, was a famous psychic in Sakura Country back then. It is said to be the number one, but she is also a psychic who ranks high in strength, but she also died when the shrine appeared. All she can do is to make the shrine calm for so many years. You know what this means !?"

Roma didn't expect Takeda Mitsue to mention Oka Towako, but that name was a taboo for the two of them.

It is also a wound that has not healed for many years. Every time I recall it, there is only regret, hatred and powerlessness.

Zhang Qing didn't answer Takeda Sane's question, but turned his head to look behind him, and said with a wry smile, "Come out, you came here so late, I didn't tell you anything, why!?"

Takeda Saneda and Roma looked at the place where Zhang Qing was looking in surprise when they heard the words, and they saw a girl walking out with some anxiety. It was Miko Yotsuya, one of the parties involved in this incident.

Unexpectedly, Yotsuya Miko, who was originally at home, would come here suddenly.

Yotsuya Miko looked at Zhang Qing's slightly reproachful eyes, lowered her head and said, "Hua told me that you are a bit strange, and those guys from the shrine appeared in front of me not long ago...[

"I was wondering if you would be here too, so come and see...."

At this moment, Yotsuya Miko lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong and was bumped into by an adult, and her voice of explanation became smaller and smaller.

Zhang Qing looked helpless. He knew that Lily Chuanhua was the most deceitful woman, so why did he believe that she was a fool? He should think of a more reliable excuse instead of perfunctory.

After all, Hua could tell in an instant that the middle school boy was really planning to commit suicide by throwing himself into the river. Maybe it was because of this that she immediately went down to the river to help bring the amulet back.

It can only be blamed that the other party looks too deceptive, and it is easy for people to ignore the IQ of a student who has a middle grade or above and can sometimes be considered an excellent student.

After being given a meal by a harmless little white rabbit, Zhang Qing was a little speechless, but seeing Miko Yotsuya running out of her stomach at such a late hour, Zhang Qing was still a little bit annoyed helplessly.

"What should I say about you? It's a big night at this time. Do you think that the law and order of Sakura Country is so good that no one picks up things on the road, no thieves enter the house, and the little gangsters are good citizens who are willing to help others!?"

Yotsugu Jianzi raised his hand weakly, and said, "Well...Actually, I have learned Sanda, and Hua also..."

Zhang Qing dared to talk back when he saw the other party, and said angrily, "What's the matter, who do you think you can beat with your small arms and legs!?"

Yotsuya Miko hesitated for a moment and said, "I used to beat down a few little bastards who blocked me, when I was in elementary school..."

Zhang Qing:

Mitsue Takeda:


Zhang Qing blushed immediately, and wanted to continue to blame the other party, but he didn't know what to say. This kind of guy who can knock down several adults with the appearance of a primary school student is now a high school student. Do you need to worry about its personal safety!?

I'm afraid that as long as you don't hold the wooden warehouse, others will be in danger.

So I was deceived by the weak performance of these two guys who are usually afraid of ghosts!?

After being silent for a while, Rom was a little thankful that he hadn't contacted these two high school girls rashly. Otherwise, if he was regarded as a suspicious guy, he might have broken a few bones, and he was still lying in the hospital at this time!

Psychics are not cultivators, their bodies are still similar to those of ordinary people, even if they are knocked out, they will also be injured, and they are likely to be beaten unilaterally, with no power to fight back.

So, aren't the little girls nowadays a bit scary!?

Rom didn't know whether to look at Zhang Qing with sympathy or admiration at this moment, but he heard that Zhang Qing had stepped on at least three boats, and he didn't know how long he could live!?

Sure enough, women will only affect his drawing of the sword. It is a clear decision not to have a girlfriend in this life.

Takeda Sanzhi looked at Zhang Qing and asked, "Why don't you go back today and come back another day!?"

Zhang Qing took Yotsuya Miko's hand, and gave up continuing the unnutritious lectures, fearing that he would be pissed off first. Hearing Takeda Mitsue's inquiry, Zhang Qing glanced at the hand that taught Roma just now to see if it was passed by him , the lambda rabbit pendant that has not yet been returned, sighed, "This old woman, do you also think that I am easily deceived!?"

0 for flowers...

"You want to send us away, and the idea of ​​going alone is engraved on your face, you should learn some "Actor's Self-cultivation".

Being deceived by Yotsuya Miko and Baihe Chuanhua was already the most embarrassing thing in Zhang Qing's life, mainly because he didn't expect that a high school girl with weak writing skills was just a female man.

Maybe this is why love makes people blind!

"Oh, I don't have a long time to live. You are different, so why don't you listen to persuasion..." Takeda Sanzhi shook his head, seeing that he couldn't persuade them to leave, he said, call me Grandma Sanzhi, I hope After entering the mountain, you can listen to me. "

Rom disapproved, "No, listen to me. Grandma Sanzhi, you are old, but I am in the period of youth and strength, and compared to you who stay in a small corner and work as a fortune teller, I have But for those who have been expelling spirits outside, I have more experience than you."

"Oh, how old are you, you dare to speak wild words!?" Takeda Sane cast a disdainful glance at Roma, she knew very well that Roma's talent was indeed much better than her in the profession of psychics, but She Takeda Saneda has been engaged in the psychic business for more than 50 years since she was a teenager, and now a middle-aged young man says that she has more experience than herself. Isn't this a joke!?



"Okay, okay, stop arguing, I think you should listen to me!" Zhang Qing looked at the two guys with black lines, and said that they were masters and apprentices, and they were probably enemies.

"Shut up and go!" Takeda Saneda and Roma ignored Zhang Qing at all, staring at each other, no one convinced the other.

Seeing this, Yoshitani was also a little speechless, and asked in a low voice, is it really all right!? Why do I feel a little unreliable!? "

"Wait a minute, if I'm not by your side, you can hide inside by yourself, don't come out, and don't worry about me, understand!?" Zhang Qing didn't answer the meaningless words, but warned instead.

Because Yoshitani Jianzi is similar to ordinary people except for being able to see, so it's not that she can't do drawing talismans and chanting mantras, but the loss is too great. The "Qi" on the body probably bottomed out before the paper was painted, and then it would have to lose its vitality, and it would be gone if it was done a few more times. The same is true for spells.

Only the formation can be arranged with the help of external objects, and when it is activated, its own "qi" is only an "introduction" function, and the formation is a complete closed loop, and the mobilized "qi" will return In Yotsuya Miko's body, there is almost no loss, maybe sometimes there will be more, after all, ghosts are also a kind of "Qi", if you use some kind of more advanced formation, it is not impossible to feed on ghosts to strengthen yourself possible.

However, even the authentic Xia people still find the formation method difficult to understand, not to mention Yotsugu Jianzi. Even with Zhang Qing's teaching, her learning progress is not fast, and so far she can barely arrange some relatively simple ones. Formation is just, and because of Zhang Qing's consideration, it is more inclined to defense, not to kill the enemy.

In fact, even if Yotsuya Jianzi can't fight by herself, those punks are no longer her opponents based on her formation skills alone. What Zhang Qing taught is not only for the opponent's ghosts, but it is also effective for ordinary people. Although it is not as good as cultivating immortals, it is a knife.

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