Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

571 Otto: I Am The Dog Of Archbishop Sirin, Woof~!

"Just now... what!? Is that Mei!?"

"Die, Lawrence!"


Qiyana was running on the complicated and unfamiliar road, and suddenly felt a little dazed, feeling as if she saw the very painful Raiden Mei stretching out her hand to her, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It's like an illusion.

Theresa, who was holding the huge cross Judas' oath aloft behind her, jumped up high with a ferocious face, and then held the cross with both hands and threw it fiercely at Qiyana who was distracted below.

The sense of crisis brought Qiyana back to her senses. After rolling over to avoid this powerful attack, Qiyana also had some palpitations, because she clearly felt that when a big oath hit the ground, Not only did the floor made of an unknown alloy make a big hole, but it also felt like the earth was shaking.

"When did Teresa become so fierce!?"

Gritting her teeth, Qiyana got up and continued to run in a certain direction. Although Teresa had short legs, but she was able to catch up with her so quickly, Qiyana always felt that this was very strange.

But she couldn't help thinking about it, and the army of mechs led by Siegfried behind him had already caught up.

Yu Zhe die die, fire one five

" Kiyana stared fiercely at Siegfried with tears in her eyes, and then sped up and ran wildly.

The voices of a certain Karen and Yae Sakura came from behind. Apparently, the few people who had been thrown away before also began to gather slowly, and had locked her position again.

"This way!" Suddenly a blond man appeared at the corner, and grabbed the hand of Qiyana who was fleeing for her life, and pulled her closer to a secret passage.

"You are... the guy who was slapped by Sister Karen!?" Qiyana was startled at first, and then she came back to her senses, seeing that the person who saved her was actually someone who had met once. People, the same should be someone from five hundred years ago.

"Hush!" Otto raised his index finger to his lips, motioning for Kiana to keep silent.

Kiyana closed her mouth and waited quietly. After listening to the footsteps and noise outside, she couldn't help but looked at Otto curiously, and asked, "You... and here .

Otto stretched out his palm to block Kiana, "Wait a minute, this is not a place to talk, come with me, I will explain the situation here to you on the way."

Kallen, who was watching the situation here in Yae Village in the upper space, saw Otto appearing, and couldn't hold back the imported tea, "Ahem cough... Oh, Otto!?"

Yae Sakura sighed, "So strong malice, from the moment this person appeared, I felt it..."

Karen smiled bitterly, "Otto has done too many wrong things these years. It's normal for that Herrscher to be full of malice towards him. Now that Otto suddenly appears here, I'm afraid there is some deep meaning behind it."

Thinking about the fact that she and others also appeared in the hunting team before, besides the bad taste, there must be some purpose. Karen doesn't think that the other party came here purely at random

"I know you have a lot of questions, so let me just say something briefly, this is the headquarters of Destiny, you should remember how you got here!?"

Otto led the way in front, avoiding various hidden cameras, and then instructed Qiyana how to go to reduce the risk of being discovered, and at the same time explained the situation here in a low voice.

Kiyana bit her lower lip and nodded, "It's the monitor, no, Fu Hua knocked her out..."

"You remember, that's good! She was ordered by the Archbishop of Destiny to bring you back to the headquarters. You should have seen the Archbishop of Destiny. "She looks exactly like you." Otto nodded and continued.

Kiyana was taken aback, "You mean...that guy with golden eyes...!?"

"Yes! It's her!" Otto nodded affirmatively, indicating that she is the girl with golden eyes you mentioned.

"No, wait, what's going on here, and Teresa and Daddy..." Qiyana felt her head was getting bigger and painful, and her thinking became more and more chaotic.

Otto shook his head and sighed, "You can't help it if you don't believe it, but in fact the Archbishop of Destiny is a lunatic, she is trying to create clones of all the famous great people in history to defeat the collapse, no, before that conquer the world."

"The Master Teresa you saw chasing and killing you are actually clones."

Seeing that Qiyana was stunned, Otto sighed again, "Actually, you were also a member of the clone army here, I think you also discovered this, yes, many years ago Zieg After Fei found out that his daughter had been taken away, he broke into the cloning laboratory and took away two little girls, one of whom was you."

"Qiana clenched her fists, "Am I really a fake..."

"Then what about the real Kiyana Kaslana!? Why is there no sign of her in my memory!? Didn't you say that the stinky dad took the two little girls from here!?"

"Don't you really know!? You should have guessed it." Otto didn't answer the question, but looked at Kiyana instead.

Dead!?" Kiyana uttered these two words with difficulty, feeling as if she had exhausted all her strength.

Otto looked at Kiyana in surprise, "Why do you think so, Kiyana Kaslana, but the highest crystallization born from the blood of two of the three founding families of Destiny, who would be willing to kill her!? She is destined to become the strongest fighter against Honkai, with such a powerful weapon, even a lunatic like the Archbishop of Destiny will not be so prodigal!"

"Of course I was caught again and came back!"

Kiyana glared at Otto, "Then why did you look so sad just now!?"

Otto rubbed his nose and said, "Don't worry about such small things, you must really want to know why the real Qiyana has already been captured back to the headquarters of Destiny, why did the archbishop bring you back! ?”

"Because she's a lunatic." Kiyana puffed up her cheeks.

Otto spread his hands, "The answer is only half right. The real reason is because you are the most successful clone. The process of cloning Kiyana Kaslana was very difficult. The highest crystallization of the blood of the two holy families of Destiny , it seems that it cannot be copied because it is an extreme accident, so except for you, all the other clones will not be born not long after

It collapsed and died because of the blood power of the two holy families. "

"So you are special too, and you can be proud of that!"

"Who would be proud of that!?" Kiyana sputtered..0

"Hehe, actually, I think it's okay for you to be a little proud, because someone special means that you are different from the moment you are born, and you are an extraordinary existence among all living beings.

"Okay, these words, it's enough for you to listen to them. The real reason to bring you back to the headquarters of Destiny is because you are the most suitable Herrscher container, because of your special "you are the most likely to rely on human beings A person whose will controls the power of the Herrscher."

Otto's green eyes looked at Qiyana seriously, with extreme malice hidden inside, but it was quickly concealed by the gentleness on the surface.

"Me!? How is it possible? How did I become the container of the Herrscher!?" Qiyana didn't believe the other party's nonsense, she had no memory of it at all.

"Why is it impossible? Try to think back. You have actually turned into a Herrscher several times. Haven't you ever wondered why Siegfried suddenly lost an arm!? And why did he suddenly lose his arm?" Did you leave!?"

"Smelly... Dad, he..." The anger on Qiyana's face gradually disappeared, she covered her head in disbelief, those memory fragments that flashed by chance turned out to be real, not her own fantasy.

"Then who are you, why do you know so much!?" Suddenly Qiyana seemed to have a flash of thought, followed Otto's forward steps, stopped, and then slowly backed away, bringing Be wary of asking this question-and-answer guy.

The green hair on the top of the opponent's head is also very funny and looks more acceptable. Yellow and green are too spicy for the eyes.

"Huh!?" Otto looked at Qiyana who suddenly doubted himself, turned around and said, "What's wrong with you, of course I'm just a small researcher at the headquarters of Destiny!? I should have Did you just say that!?"

absolutely not!

Kiyana took a few steps back and looked at the smiling Otto, "Who are you!? What are your intentions!? And those words just now, are they true!?"

Otto spread his hands, and seemed to be very distressed, and said to himself at 5.3, "Really, it's a short distance away, so why did you suddenly become smart, classmate K42!?"

Seeing Qiyana's surprised expression, Otto suddenly patted himself on the forehead, "Oh, it turned out to be just a small suspicion, did I just blow myself up just now!? At this time, should I curse in a low voice? One sentence, 'Damn' right!?"

Qiyana clenched her fists, becoming more and more wary of the suddenly nervous man in front of her.

"Who are you, where do you want to take me, and what is your purpose!?"

Otto rubbed his chin, "Well, how should I put it, I'll introduce it this way. I'm the one who killed Cecilia with my own hands, and I'm also the one who made Siegfried flee and hide

He was the one who ordered you to be created and brought you back, so did you guess it!?"


"So, what you said just now were all playing tricks on me!?" Qiyana looked at the other party angrily and asked.

"It doesn't count, in fact, some of them are true." Otto shrugged.

"Well, after satisfying your curiosity, my masterpiece, Ms. K-423, it's time for you to complete your mission. Come with me. This is the meaning of your birth."

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