Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

572 Siegfried: Just Think I Was A Fool When I Was Drinking! ?

In the real world, after Xilin accelerated a certain game into the second stage, she watched Teresa and the others land on the Hyperion with Mei Lei and planned to leave the headquarters of Destiny.

Sirin looked back at the archbishop's office in the headquarters of Destiny, snapped her fingers, and an archon's spear disappeared instantly behind her.

When it reappeared, it was already staring at a man with blond hair and green eyes.

"What a terrible lady..." Otto looked at the Archon Spear that pierced through his chest and pierced his heart, and he still had the heart to laugh.

"I obviously didn't even observe her directly, but I was still discovered. It's so perceptive. Or did she know that I wasn't dead from the beginning!?"

Otto stroked his chin and studied such a profound question. As for the fact that his breath of life was rapidly passing away, he didn't care at all. The reason why he was able to live until now

It is because he is no longer bound by a single body.

"This Herrscher is stronger than the one I've met, it's unreasonable..."

"Oh!? Why do you say that!?"

"You know that the overall level of civilization in this era is too low. Herrschers are born prematurely because of destiny. Isn't this our plan!? But the Second Herrscher at this moment is already stronger than expected .”

"Indeed, although it is said that she has mastered the five Herrscher cores, she is too strong. Did he strengthen her!?"

"Maybe, it seems that He has noticed your purpose, you have to be careful, or you might stumble. y

As the communication sound disappeared, Otto's body turned into a corpse again and fell down.

After Xilin 20 took back the Spear of Archon, she took a deep look at someone in Lutuo who had turned into a corpse again. She also knew that no one would notice her abnormality, but she was betting, betting on the foggy space Even the collapsed consciousness can't find it, otherwise, no matter how much she plans, it will be meaningless.

Because of this, she has always only used the power of this world, but her physical attributes are too high, which cannot be concealed at all. Fortunately, Sirin did not bring all the attributes to Kiyana's physical body, but even so, Some of the leaked power also made her a bit perverted at the moment.

This is the result of the best efforts, and it can be seen by the Honkai Consciousness, so Sirin didn't plan to completely copy the original plot, otherwise she will be devastated everywhere [Honkai Will will become drunk.

The reason why she has become stronger this time is that K-423 is also caused by Kiyana's special body. As long as it is not too strong, it should not arouse too much suspicion.

However, if she releases the water too obviously, then it is very likely that the collapse of consciousness will add drama. Sirin doesn't want any variables beyond the original script to appear, which will make all her plans come to naught.

But in fact, it doesn't matter even if it fails, it's just that it may be a bit difficult to pass the level in the end.

At least for now, the core of the Herrscher of Reason has been obtained.

Sirin, who continues to pretend to be temporarily absorbed by the black hole, is also trying her best to analyze the power of the Herrscher of Reason. She also needs time, so she is very satisfied to see Teresa and the others finally running away.

When I decided to abuse them later, I would hit them a little lighter.

Theresa returned to the Hyperion, looked at the Valkyries who were working diligently, and said apologetically, "Now we need to escape for a while, and we may die at any time, if anyone wants to leave If there are more people, you can leave now, this is the last chance, and there is not much time...."

The Valkyries looked at each other, then shook their heads, "We won't leave."

"You..." Teresa was a little moved, but she just tried to hold back her tears.

After sorting out her mood, Teresa said, "Then let's take off and leave the third port of the Destiny Headquarters as soon as possible. This operation is code-named [Delay Operation].

"Well, Principal Teresa, is our destination St. Freya Academy!?" After Teresa finished speaking, someone asked weakly.

Teresa was taken aback, then quickly shook her head, "No, no, no, of course we can't go back to St. Freya College. Where there are few people, we will go there. Our primary purpose is to delay time.

Let Destiny Headquarters or Anti-Entropy

be prepared……………"

"Headquarters of Destiny and Anti-Entropy..." A group of Valkyries suddenly looked weird. If they remember correctly, Anti-Entropy has always been their enemy!? And about Destiny Headquarters, didn't they just shout out The Counter-Offensive Rebel Flag E!?

Seeing everyone's appearance, Teresa turned her head away immediately, coughed, and said, "Of course this is because we have the same opponent now, so it's just a temporary reconciliation and cooperation. After that, what should we do?" how is it.

The cabbage head AI on the Hyperion said at this time, "That Teresa, just now the Second Herrscher launched a spatial positioning attack on a certain place in the headquarters of the Destiny, if my records are correct , that should be the office of the Archbishop of Destiny, that's right."

As she spoke, she also released a large map, marking a red dot there.

Teresa's mouth twitched, "You remember correctly."

Now Teresa can only pray that her grandpa is okay.

How do you feel that grandpa can attract more hatred than Leiden Mei, the third Herrscher with the gem of conquest!? At this moment, the opponent still doesn't forget to attack there

How hateful is this!?

"Sister Mei, are you alright..." Bronya, who brought the scarred Leiden Mei to the medical room for treatment, asked with concern.

Although Teresa and Fu Hua looked seriously injured, both of them refused to receive treatment at this time.

Therefore, the only people who came to the treatment room at this moment were Leiden Mei.

Leiden Mei lay down in the treatment cabin in a very depressed mood, shook her head, forced a smile and said, "I'm fine, Bronya, you also finished the operation not long ago, you should rest more now, don't specially accompany me of."

But Bronya didn't leave, she pulled a chair, moved to the side, and said, "Sister Mei doesn't need to be sad, we can definitely wake up Qiyana, although she is a fool, she is also a person who won't give up easily Stupid, I'm sure she won't admit defeat."

"Bronya, you... Yes, if I give up first, Qiyana will be very disappointed, thank you, Bronya, I will get better soon." Lei Dian Mei stared blankly at Bu Lonya, I didn't expect that Bronya, who had always been at odds with Kiyana, would be the one who believed in Kiyana the most at this time. Mei Lei smiled wryly in her heart, but she also felt that it was too wrong for her to give up so easily.

Seeing that Leiden Mei had regained some energy and was no longer lifeless, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief, and continued, "I don't think the Second Herrscher was acting just now, but that Kiyana really woke up for a moment. , so sister Mei, it’s not the worst outcome yet.”

Raiden Mei nodded, "Actually, I also think that is Kiyana, since you think so, Bronya, then it means that we should be able to wake up Kiyana, but she is now under the will of Herrscher. Suppressed."

"By the way, Mr. Yang should also belong to the Herrscher, what does he say!? Is there a way!?"

Bronya shook her head, "Teacher Yang, he was injured so badly that he was struggling to even speak. I dare not disturb him, because I was afraid that he would not come up in one breath. After Teacher Ji Zi came back, maybe


In the previous scene, as long as they were not blind, they could see that Wuliang Tajizi and Walter Yang had an unknown relationship. Even if Bronya wanted to ask questions, she didn't dare to disturb the other party's rest too much.

The heart has been punctured, and now he is still alive, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to be fine.

Lei Dian Mei sighed after hearing the words, "That's it, let's do this first..."

If it were another time, Raiden Mei would also like to gossip about the relationship between the two teachers, but now she just wants to know how to save Qiyana.

Although there is no need to start a war with the Tianming headquarters, the fact is that things are even worse.

As Kiyana hurts more and more people, even if Kiyana's consciousness returns to her physical body in the future, Raiden Mei also realizes that Kiyana's daily life may collapse accordingly, and she will never be able to go back to the past.

This is what Raiden Mei is most worried about, she is very afraid of where Kiyana will die.

Bronya actually understands this, but she has no better way. The only thing 177 can do is to attract Kiyana to the sky above the uninhabited sea, so that she can't continue to destroy wantonly, but Huo Bronya has no idea how long the Bolian can be delayed.

On the other side, Walter Yang, who was lying alone on the hospital bed, touched his bandaged chest, sighed and said, "If it is a little more off, the heart will be gone, really

However, after perceiving the core of the Herrscher that he had taken away, Walter Yang sighed again, "Sure enough, the other party didn't intend to merge!? What a pity...

Although it was expected that the other party would not fall into the same pit for the second time, Walter Yang still had some fluke mentality. After all, only by fusing the cores of other Herrschers can he gain more power. As an external device, the power obtained is too little.

It's a pity that the Second Herrscher seems to be very rational and sober, and she didn't lose her mind because of her desire for power. Perhaps this is also related to her becoming stronger after her resurrection this time.

I have to say that this new body is too good.

After all, Anti-Entropy and Siegfried are allies in a cooperative relationship. As the leader, Walter Yang certainly knows the real situation of Kiana. In fact, when Siegfried took away K423 and Zhen Qiyana, Anti-Entropy I also tried my best, but I didn't expect to save Machiana in the end.

Otherwise, there might not be such a situation now. After all, if K-423 does not exist as Kiyana, but is really Kiyana's younger sister, even if the truth emerges, the impact will definitely not be so great .

After all, Walter Yang was a little confused about what kind of mentality Siegfried had in giving K-423 the name Kiyana!?

"Perhaps, this is fate tricking people..."

"You don't have a good rest, why are you lamenting here!?" At this time, the woman with blond hair that was as messy as a chicken coop walked into the ward with her hands in her pockets, and looked at Walter Yang and complained

Walter Young:

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