Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

575 On The Eve Of The Arrival Of The Natural Disaster Army!

Originally, Zhang Qing didn't want to enter the public beta so soon. After all, no matter what, Xia Country is also a country with a large population of Blue Star. It is impossible for a small village like Yuedong Village and the nearby large wasteland and barren mountains to form a Barony. Under such a large number of players.

The population of Xia Kingdom last census had already reached as much as 1.4 billion. Even if the modern society is aging and the birth rate is serious, after excluding the elderly, there will be about 700 million left. The number is also huge, and it is not All old people are not interested in games, especially "Dawn", which is known as the second world in today's era, I am afraid that some old people dare to be interested.

Among them, the number of minors is about 200-300 million, which means that the number of people who can play games is about 400 million.

Of course, it does not mean that these 400 million people will definitely play "Dawn". They are just potential users of a game. In fact, no matter which game, it is impossible for everyone to like it. No matter how famous it is, after a few years Oh, I still don't plan to play~ There are people at the National People's Congress.

So the upper limit is 400 million people, which also includes minors and some elderly people who come online during vacations.

After all, most of the young and middle-aged people work in the company's factories and other places. As the main source of income for the family, there are probably only about 200 million people who actually have the energy and interest to play games.

Similarly, due to the need for work, the concentrated time for going online will be at night.

Therefore, in general, the number of people online in "Dawn" during the day will not exceed 100 million. As for the tens of millions, it depends on the actual situation.

However, even with this estimate, the number of players that will eventually be carried is still astonishing. Think about it, is there any village or town in the world that can accommodate hundreds of millions of people, even if it is crowded with people?

So at the beginning Zhang Qing planned to gradually release the number of test places, to have a second test, a third test and even a fourth test.

This is also the best way to deal with it. However, if you do this, there will be no sense of experience for the subsequent players, because this is the real world with the skin of the game after all. After the previous players defeat the enemy, it is impossible for them to There is a comeback, not to say that these people are all dead or beaten.

But the place where the player passed was barren of grass, and for the latecomers, it was a desolation. This is definitely not a good thing, and it will expose the fact that this is not a game.

And no matter if it is the Demon Realm Army or the human kingdoms, it is impossible to let the existence of the players go. There will definitely be a three-way war. If the number of players is too small, they will be chased and hunted, and even implicated in the overwinter village residents here.

Therefore, it is best to simply put all the players in and form a three-legged situation.

However, there is still the problem, the Overwinter Village cannot accommodate so many players, so what should we do!?

After Zhang Qing thought about it for a while, he gave up. He is not the parents of the players. Why do he think so much about them? He simply used the leylines to throw the birth points of these players all over the world. As for what will happen to them after that, that is Things that players should consider.

As for whether he was attacked by wild beasts when he first came up, or was caught because of his identity as a black household, it is not related to Zhang Qing. This is something that players should consider. He is only responsible for providing game panels and systems.

Of course, black households are not black households, and there is no ID card in this other world, so they should not be arrested because of this, but with the player's ability to pinch faces and aesthetics, Zhang Qing is not surprised that if these guys were born on the territory of human nations, they would definitely They will be hunted down as monsters or demons.

But this is not what Zhang Qing should care about. He has marked "it is better to use a more normal game nickname", and also marked "recommended to use an image that conforms to the aesthetics of normal human beings". He also issued three warnings before entering the game. If you don’t listen, you have to choose who to blame for the start of Hell!?

In fact, although Zhang Qing has listed props worth 200 yuan to reshape the character's image in the game store, the reason why not all players choose to buy them is because first, there are no players in the novice village of Overwinter Village. After experiencing the inconvenience caused by the alien and everyone screaming, but after reshaping the character image, all the attributes and skills are all cleared and restarted, but it is no longer necessary to wait for a month. In fact, it is an alternative account deletion reconstruction.

This is unavoidable, because when the player pinches the character image, the refining array is already working, and it is formed at one time. After the shape is finalized, Zhang Qing needs to do the reprocessing himself. He didn’t eat too much How can I do it if I feel supportive? So just delete the account and let the player recreate the character. "The player's time is lost and the

Of course, if the player later uses glory points to transform or upgrade the body, they actually use another system, which is more advanced and not as cheap as forming a formation when rebuilding the character at the beginning, but in fact, it is actually a one-time account deletion. Rebuild the character, but the autonomy is much less, because everything on the old body needs to be preserved, it will cost a lot, so the glory points will be a lot.

It can be regarded as a reward for squeezing players in the early stage to become free workers.

As for whether it is earned or lost, it is a matter of opinion.

Of course, Zhang Qing would not have dared to do this if he had not obtained the power of the Herrscher of Reason. After all, he would not be able to provide upgrade and replacement services for hundreds of millions of people at one time. The body will definitely not continue to be cheap civil engineering rubbish, and even some rich players, after purchasing glory points, are likely to choose some high-end materials to make the puppet body, one or two is fine, thousands, or even hundreds of millions With people like this, Zhang Qing can't provide it at all.

However, the power of the Herrscher of Reason just solved such a problem.

The second is the local resources of the different world. It is in the backward medieval background of Western Europe. At most, it has more magic and the like. It will also eat, and at the same time, there will be construction and the like, which will greatly consume the limited resources of this different world.

Don't forget that this world is still not a real game world, and resources cannot be copied and regenerated with one click, but with the combination of the power of the Herrscher of Death + the power of the Herrscher of Reason, it is no problem to say that this different world is a game world , In addition to the fact that people are really dead after death, those mineral resources, fresh water resources, animal and plant resources, Zhang Qing also has the ability to make them never extinct.

However, it is one thing for him to have this kind of ability, but it does not mean that he will watch the players really outrageously destroy the ecology of this world, so he will try his best to guide the players' actions through the task system and other aspects, so that they will not have terrible effects.

"However, the number of players is still a bit too high..." In the middle of the night, Zhang Qing sat by the window, looking at the peaceful village outside, thinking about the massive entry of the fourth natural disaster.

0 looking for flowers......

It's rare that all the players were kicked offline by him tonight. Overwinter Village is really much quieter. At least at night, you won't see strange guys in twos and threes running wildly in the village, or playing around in the corner.

Originally, Zhang Qing planned to go to Blue Star, but after the guys in the company heard that there was an overtime pay and doubled, they patted their chests and promised to let them do it, so Zhang Qing was free. .

When people are free, they tend to think wildly, and Zhang Qing is the same.

He even thought about whether to throw too many players on an uninhabited planet in outer space and let them survive in the wilderness, but after thinking about it, he gave up. It was too cruel. Maybe he could do it later, but now, How much impact is not good.

The main reason is that it is too troublesome. It is too troublesome for Zhang Qing to manage it by himself. In essence, he still likes to be lazy and fish for fish, and it has never changed.

"Forget it, let's think about these things later, Wang first plans to build what kind of dungeon, so that those players who are too energetic will not be so idle, um...... No, a remake of Silent Hill!? Or a ghost of a baby angel!?”

Creating a large-scale hallucination is just to make players dream anyway, and some horror elements are also good. Fighting and killing all day is too boring. Presumably many players have already vomited from fighting monsters.

Zhang Qing thinks that he has built a large number of horror dungeons for the sake of the players, which will bring a lot of hardships to the players who are about to enter "Dawn" in the future. Of course, some people are dedicated to discovering this type of dungeons, and even recruited NPC partners. Adds a lot of "fun" to the world.


Just when Zhang Qing was surprised by his genius creativity, someone knocked on the door from outside.

Zhang Qing was stunned for a moment, and after perceiving it, he found that it was Marlene. After tidying up his image, he said, "Come in!"

"Good night, master." Marlene opened the door with a light and walked in, seeing Zhang Qing who was sitting by the window raised her skirt as a salute.

"What's the matter!?" Zhang Qing was a little surprised that Marlene hadn't fallen asleep at this time. You must know that this older and rigid maid grew up as a housekeeper, but she is a very strict person who lives and rests. He is strict with himself and treats others The same goes for the maid.

After Zhang Qing dismissed the need for a night watchman, she turned to going to bed early and getting up early. The so-called early going to bed actually means that the maids go back to the room to sleep after the lord falls asleep.

It really means asking to get up earlier than the lord.

In Marlene's view, if she can't serve her master with the best appearance, it's the biggest injustice.

Marlene shook her head and said, "I just woke up at night and saw that the light in Master's room was still on, so I came here to remind you to go to bed instead. Even if Master is a great magician, he should pay attention to his health."

Zhang Qing shook his head, "Okay, I will, you should hurry back too."

Marlene hesitated for a while and said, "Well, if you need my service, it's fine..."

Zhang Qing was stunned for a moment, and then noticed Marlene's red ears. She couldn't help but swallowed the words she wanted to refuse, and nodded instead, "Cough, yes."

【The author has something to say: It’s strange, it’s been a while since I clearly remembered it, how come it’s been more than two hundred chapters, who stole the time!? Or did the author miss it when marking the numbers!? I’m sure there’s something wrong. Spoon】.

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